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Erika (17788 KP) rated X-Men: Dark Phoenix (2019) in Movies

Jun 8, 2019 (Updated Jun 8, 2019)  
X-Men: Dark Phoenix (2019)
X-Men: Dark Phoenix (2019)
2019 | Action, Adventure, Sci-Fi
Jessica Chastain (0 more)
Better than Last Stand
Last Stand didn't exactly set a high bar for the Dark Phoenix story line, and luckily, this film surpassed it. To be honest, the only reason they got my butt in a seat was for Michael Fassbender and James McAvoy.
The story goes the way you expect it to go. I'm not completely convinced Sophie Turner is a good actress. I'm also glad that they killed Raven (not a spoiler, it's common knowledge), though it wasn't quick enough in my opinion.
I'm unsure as to why Jessica Chastain was cast (or why she's ever cast in ANYTHING); her 'villain' was completely useless. The movie didn't even need that subplot, they would have had a better movie without it and her. Pro-tip: don't introduce new characters in the last film of a saga because no one will care enough about them. Seriously, I felt like my time was wasted having to watch her.
I will say, this film FINALLY gave us good scenes with the X-Men kicking some ass, all using their unique powers. They really gave Nicholas Hoult something to do, and he was great!
Finally, the reason I was there, McFassy. This was one of McAvoy's best Professor X performances, he wasn't black or white, he was more gray and it really worked. They didn't give Magneto much to do, but I loved that they introduced Genosha. This will be below the 'see more' line, so, the best flexing his power scene was when he lifted the subway through the concrete, it was almost on par with the submarine being lifted out of the sea in First Class, and pulling up the Auschwitz gate in Apocalypse.
The last scene shows the entire new saga go first circle. Of course, it's very Dark Knight Rises, but it was perfect. I'm only rating it a 6 because of that.
X-Men: Dark Phoenix (2019)
X-Men: Dark Phoenix (2019)
2019 | Action, Adventure, Sci-Fi
Decent acting (0 more)
Dull plot (3 more)
Contrived tropes
Extremely poor ending to the franchise
Villains aren't threatening in the slightest
Blame Game: The Movie
Contains spoilers, click to show
I've just come back from watching Dark Phoenix, and boy, was I let down! This certainly wasn't the way X-Men should end!

After the brilliant Days of Future Past and Apocalypse, Dark Phoenix falls very short of the mark in terms of plot, character development, and action.

The plot revolves around the X-Men going to space to rescue some astronauts, and Jean Grey getting caught in what we are led to believe is a solar flare, giving her unimaginable power. What follows is basically a gigantic blame game, where Jean blames Charles Xavier for hiding her past, Beast blaming Charles for Raven's death (due to Jean losing control, accidently killing Raven, who blames herself for it,) Magneto blaming Jean for the same thing, etc etc, all the while, Jean gets angry sometimes and destroys stuff.

Then some random aliens (the D'Bari) show up who want to use Jean for her powers, and these guys are supposed to be the villains of the film, however, they are the least threatening villains to come out in a long time, and there's no big finale to their demise at the end, they are literally disintegrated by Jean/Phoenix.

The biggest problem with Dark Phoenix is that there really isn't much in the way of story here, and it certainly doesn't add to the X-Men universe much at all. Even after Jean 'dies' no one grieves or mourns for her, we simply see Charles and Magneto playing chess, then the film ends.

The only positives I can really give are that the acting was decent enough, especially from James McAvoy, and there were a couple of good action scenes, but overall, this will end up being another highly forgettable film, and a very disappointing end to the X-Men franchise.
Ravens: A Sons of Olympia Reverse Harem Romance
Ravens: A Sons of Olympia Reverse Harem Romance
Helen J. Perry | 2018 | Erotica, Romance
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
hot hot HOT!!!
I was asked to read this by Ms Perry, that I write a review was not required.

But I gotta! OOOEEEE I gotta!!

I've had a run for male/male books to read, and I so desperately needed a down and dirty male/female book and this did not disappoint, three males!

Brenna dreams about 3 raven-haired brothers, who all want to mate with her! By day, her life is plagued by real ravens so she just assumes that the dreams are to counter-act her day, right??

Wrong! Brenna is able to travel to parallel plains, where the brothers are princes and Brenna somehow managed to create a mating bond between them by saving one of them! Waldrom brings Brenna to his home, and they perform a ceremony with Victor and Corbin but Brenna doesn't fully comprehend what she has done, and runs.

I get WHY she runs, though. She did not know what she was agreeing to, hell she would have sold her soul to get the sexy dark haired man to just hurry it up already! A girl's got needs, right?? But she is so miserable after, and the brothers are miserable too. They just have to talk. Lots of sexy time too, but TALK! Sexy time is well written, and well delivered. Hot hot HOT!!!

I love the take on shifters too, with the sci-fi/paranormal hints. Made for an enjoyable read! Very enjoyable! So much so, I stayed up til nearly 2am reading this! And that was after a 14 hour shift at work! I'll probably read book two straight through too!

Loved the other ladies who Brenna meets, Lauren and Jade. Those two know far more about the woods and what it contains than they let on!

Very different from Ms Perry's usual work, but I thank her kindly for writing this! I NEEDED this book!

Thank you!

5 full stars!

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**
Marissa Meyer | 2017 | Children
8.3 (33 Ratings)
Book Rating
I had such high hopes for this book, everything about it called to me. A re-take on an aspect of the crazy that is Alice in Wonderland that had a fantasy premise, I wanted to like, even love this book. My mind and heart are smashed into smithereens and I don't even feel that I can express my true feelings in this review or else I will spoil for others. There are no spoilers so please forgive any vague statements.

What I like about this book were the two lead characters Jest and Cath. Cath started as a disillusioned young woman, entitled in the true sense but longing to be ordinary and follow her love of baking. Cath evolved into a spirited but whiney woman but towards the end became unrecognisable and I can't even say there was a journey to the change in her. Cath become a bomb.

Jest was absolutely wonderful in every way. He was mysterious but loyal and he fell in love with Cath. I loved his character, his quirkiness, his tricks, his hat. Many of the side characters were enchanting: Cheshire, Raven and Hatter really stick out.

This book was difficult to read and slow in pace until 60% but I powered on. At 60% it got pretty exciting and the pace picked up. Then a bomb was dropped and my investment in this world and book fell apart. Words cannot express my heartache and I am disillusioned with how the author dealt with the events that occurred. The characters had intangible behaviour towards the end and the lack of story once the events occurred was truly disappointing. I could have coped with the events if they were supported by good writing and depth, they were not. I feel let down as a reader and I can't see myself returning to this author again.

A copy of this book was provided by the publisher in return for an honest review.

David McK (3233 KP) rated Lancelot in Books

Jan 30, 2019  
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I read Giles Kristian's Raven: Blood Eye series of books a few year back.

They were enjoyable, I felt, but not the greatest such novels I'd ever read (I enjoyed the first one the most)

I also, relatively recently, read the first in his 'Rise of Sigurd' prequel novels and felt that one, at times, to be a bit of a chore to get through.

As such, I'd never really gone out of my way to look for any other book by Giles Kristian

However, being the optimist that I (sometimes) am, with loads of adverts extolling its virtue on a popular social-media networking site and with a intriguing premise, I thought I would give this one a go.

And I'm glad I did: it's in (I felt) a completely different league that any of his previous.

This is, effectively, a semi-historical re-telling of the Arthurian myth unique, however, in that it is told from the point of view of Lancelot himself: one third of, perhaps, the most well known love-triangle in the English language but of whom has always been given short shrift, dropping in and out of the Arthurian myth.

This, however, turns that on it's head, with Arthur only appearing roughly about half-way through this book, and with Lancelot having previous history with Guinevere before she is even Arthur's wife. This work follows him right from his boyhood, through his rescue and upbringing by Lady Nimue (Arthurian myth name drop? Check), his first meetings with Merlin (another check) and with Arthur (major check), the reimagined Excalibur (check) and the Lady of the Lake ("listen, just 'cos some watery tart threw a sword at you …"), Mordred (yet another check), his love affair with Guinevere, his exile and even Mordred's betrayal of Arthur.

I have to say, I really enjoyed this: a strong contender for the best book I've read so far this year.
Greenwich Park
Greenwich Park
Katherine Faulkner | 2021 | Contemporary, Crime, Fiction & Poetry, Mystery, Thriller
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
This seemed to be the book that everyone was reading a few weeks ago, and just as I was building myself up to preorder it, it popped up on The Pigeonhole - and I’m so glad that it did.
This has some of my favourite ingredients in a thriller:
📚Unlikeable characters
📚I’m not quite sure what’s going on
📚Characters who who don’t know what’s going on either
📚Multiple (3) viewpoints, including one that’s decidedly dodgy
📚A big secret that the reader can see coming - but what is it?!
📚A heart stopping moment of revelation!!
I felt sorry for Helen - she has a high risk pregnancy, is stuck at home on a building site, and makes friends with a woman (Rachel) who won’t leave her alone! Rachel befriends Helen at her antenatal class, when Helen’s brother Rory, and his wife Serena fail to turn up. Rachel is pregnant, yet drinks, smokes, drinks caffeine and eats all the food you’re told not to eat. Helen is very insecure, lacks in self-confidence and can’t tell Rachel that she doesn’t want to see her.

In fact as the story progresses, Helen’s fears and confusion are really well described. I could feel the dreamlike quality of Helen’s consciousness towards the middle and end of the book - she became more confused.

On the other hand, her brother Rory and his wife Serena, who are also expecting their first baby, seem very laid back. Helen reads far more into the friendship with Serena than Serena does. Serena is dismissive and quite cold.

I didn’t see the end coming, and I loved the slow burn leading up to the big reveal. It gave me enough time to properly despise a number of the characters, realise that Helen’s friend KAte was one of the best people in this circle, and that money can’t always buy you what you want.

This is a book that deserved the hype - it’s well worth a read!
Many thanks to The Pigeonhole and to Bloomsbury/ Raven Books
Stolen (Saving Setora #1)
Stolen (Saving Setora #1)
Raven Dark, Petra J. Knox | 2020 | Dystopia, Romance, Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
180 of 200
Stolen ( saving setora book 1)
By Raven Dark and Petra J. Knox

It all began when the road warriors found me outside Hell's Burning, lost and dehydrated. When the bikers took me into The Compound, I thought I was saved.

Especially when, as a Violet - a rare genetic anomaly prized above all - I'm taken in and raised by one of the wealthiest men in the world. Educated and groomed by the best teachers money could buy, I mistakenly thought he had a great future planned for me, one in which I'd be cared for and cherished.

I was wrong.

For centuries, women have been sold as slaves. In my 18th year, my benefactor reveals a truth that shatters my world. I'm to be put on display before the wealthiest of society at one of the biggest auctions this world has ever seen... as a slave.

But that night at the auction, something goes wrong. I am stolen by members of the infamous Dark Legion, a road warrior crew feared the world over. Torn from the only world I have ever known, now I have not one master, but four.

I shouldn't want these dangerous, deadly men with their leather cuts and their growling bikes, but the deeper my captors draw me into their dark and twisted world, the more I crave what they do to me. They stole me from a powerful man who'll stop at nothing to get me back. If I don't find a way to escape soon, my new masters might just steal my heart.

* trigger warning for this book *

Not quite sure where I stand on this book! It definitely needs a trigger warning for several reasons! I was searching somewhere through for one of these “men” to redeem yea Hawk isn’t as bad as the others. I did enjoy the writing style I’m just still not sure of where it’s going I like a bit of dark but is this too dark?
Sedition ( Saving Setora book 3)
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
144 of 230
Sedition ( Saving Setora book 3)
By Raven Dark and Petra J. Knox

It all began when the road warriors found me outside Hell's Burning, lost and dehydrated. When the bikers took me into The Compound, I thought I was saved.

Especially when, as a Violet - a rare genetic anomaly prized above all - I'm taken in and raised by one of the wealthiest men in the world. Educated and groomed by the best teachers money could buy, I mistakenly thought he had a great future planned for me, one in which I'd be cared for and cherished.

I was wrong.

For centuries, women have been sold as slaves. In my 18th year, my benefactor reveals a truth that shatters my world. I'm to be put on display before the wealthiest of society at one of the biggest auctions this world has ever seen... as a slave.

But that night at the auction, something goes wrong. I am stolen by members of the infamous Dark Legion, a road warrior crew feared the world over. Torn from the only world I have ever known, now I have not one master, but four.

I shouldn't want these dangerous, deadly men with their leather cuts and their growling bikes, but the deeper my captors draw me into their dark and twisted world, the more I crave what they do to me. They stole me from a powerful man who'll stop at nothing to get me back. If I don't find a way to escape soon, my new masters might just steal my heart.

Well that’s so much better! I’ve had a few ups and downs so far with this series but I really enjoyed this one. Setora is just a really good character and despite her circumstances she just keeps fighting. I’m onboard with her men although Sheriff still needs shaking really hard!!! The epilogue in this book has me on edge I need to know what happens with Steel! Really enjoyed it.

Merissa (11779 KP) rated Clusterf*@k (Life Sucks #4) in Books

Aug 12, 2021 (Updated Jul 17, 2023)  
Clusterf*@k (Life Sucks #4)
Clusterf*@k (Life Sucks #4)
Elise Faber | 2021 | Contemporary, Romance
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
CLUSTERF*@K is the fourth book in the Life Sucks series and is another winner from Elise Faber.

Misty is feeling lonesome and, maybe, just a tad jealous at seeing her brother and sister-in-law so happy. Although she has lots to be grateful for, a relationship isn't one of them. So when she reverses into Chance's car and he states his interest in front of everyone, Misty's world is about to turn upside-down.

You know, if you are lucky enough, you will happen along an author that just ticks every box. Elise Faber is one of those for me. I found Ms Faber through her Phoenix series, a superb paranormal romance set, but since then, every book I've read I have thoroughly enjoyed. I don't usually 'do' contemporary romance. MM Contemporary? Yep. Romantic Suspense? Absolutely. But for some reason, 'normal' contemporary romance doesn't seem to work UNLESS I'm reading a Faber book. There is something about her writing style, how the story is character-driven, that draws me in and certainly doesn't leave me wanting.

Misty and Chance have their disagreements, and yes, Chance messed up to begin with, but both of these are straight shooters. They don't play games, they don't act coy. What they want, they let you know about. This made their story worth reading. And not only that, but I now need to know the stories for Raven, Frankie, and Maggie! (Psst, Maggie is the next one!)

Full of humour, steam, family moments, and a warmth that seeped through my Kindle, Clusterf*@k was a fantastic read that I have no hesitation in recommending. Absolutely brilliant.

** same worded review will appear elsewhere **

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Aug 12, 2021
Apollo's Raven (Curse of Clansmen and Kings #1)
Apollo's Raven (Curse of Clansmen and Kings #1)
Linnea Tanner | 2020 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
APOLLO'S RAVEN is the first book in the Curse of Clansmen and Kings series and prepare yourself! You are about to enter a book full of twisted tales and layers of intrigue. I mean, come on! Curses, Romans, and Celts - what more could I ask for?

This is a long book, giving you ample time to lose yourself in Ancient Britannia, where Catrin sees Romans come to land through her raven's eyes. This event sets off a chain that will see her fall in love and come into her powers and many other things. Marcellus is there at his father's command, basically seeing if the timing for an invasion is good or not.

There is an instant connection between the two that could just be the infatuation between two young teens. However, as the story goes, it is true love and they are bound together forever. This, I found a little hard to believe as they know nothing about each other past their attraction, and constantly doubt each other, believing them to be betraying them, etc. I hope their relationship develops and matures as the books progress as both of them acted childishly at times.

I enjoyed the story but found some parts a bit difficult to digest. For instance, there was a whole lot more to druids than just being sorcerers or priests but none of that is mentioned. I was confused by the term 'druid powers' as that could encompass a whole manner of things.

Bear in mind it is the first book, so there are lots of things left unanswered. I am hopeful for more information in the following books. This was an enjoyable story and I look forward to reading more in this series.

** same worded review will appear elsewhere **

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Jun 2, 2022