The Bloomsbury Reader in Religion and Childhood
Anna Strhan, Stephen G. Parker and Susan Ridgely
From recent sex abuse scandals in the Roman Catholic Church, to arguments about faith schools and...

Reading (for Papers 1 and 2): AQA GCSE English Language
Exam Board: AQA Level & Subject: GCSE English Language First teaching: September 2015 First exams:...

The Routledge intermediate Turkish reader
Aimed at intermediate and advanced learners. The collection of modern texts presented here have been...

New Readings of Silvina Ocampo: Beyond Fantasy
Patricia Nisbet Klingenberg and Fernanda Zullo-Ruiz
The critical essays in this volume are dedicated to the works of Argentine writer Silvina Ocampo...

Reading D H Lawrence: Selected Short Stories
Little Lits are short, sharp introductions to classic works of literature. This book provides a...

Office Assistant by Elinasoft-PDF & Office Reader
Productivity and Utilities
Office Assistant is an All-Powerful productivity suite specially designed for you to deal with the...

Free QR Code Reader & Barcode Scanner for iPhone
Utilities and Productivity
$4.99--->FREE! Download Now to Save $4.99! Scans all QR code & barcodes! Very simple & easy to use!...

Ladybird: I’m Ready for Phonics with Captain Comet
Education and Reference
**PRICE PROMOTION FOR A LIMITED TIME ONLY** Give your child a head start in reading with Ladybird's...