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The Other Sister
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
MoMo’s Book Diary highly recommends “The Other Sister” by Dianne Dixon as an exceptionally engaging 5 star read.

“The Other Sister” is an incredibly complex novel and a must read for book lovers. This was my first Dianne Dixon book and wishing I had found this awesome author earlier.

I was intrigued by the cover – an old brown suitcase on an old wooden chair – and the synopsis. I found the plot to be gripping and fast moving, at times confusing, but totally thrilling. The novel tells the story of twins, Ali and Morgan, and the bond they share through good and bad times. Once I started I couldn’t stop. I read throughout the night, finishing early this morning and just sat there thinking for so long afterwards… glad I am not a twin!

The author has created engaging unforgettable characters which had me hooked from the very beginning. There are so many twists and I rate it highly as a top suspense novel of 2016.

I would like to thank Dianne Dixon, Sourcebooks and NetGalley for the opportunity to read and review this novel.

This review is also published on my book blog, netgalley, goodreads and bookbridgr
Now I am normally not a big fan of "self help" books so I wasn't sure what to expect with this one. With that being said this is not the typical book you think of when you hear self help. The book is a combination fairy tale & self help book.
It tells the story of Morgan who has a complete break down in her faith of herself. That break down climaxes with her artist boyfriend tossing her designer duds out the window of their apartment onto a rain soaked street. This causes Morgan to take a step back and analyze the way she was presenting herself to the world.
The story of itself was okay. Morgan was an interesting character that had many layers to her. However, I found it fairly predictable which surprised me. I expected to enjoy the story more than the self help suggsestions at the end of each chapter, however I found myself more engrossed in them than the story itself.
This was an okay read. It put many interesting points out there for you to consider and look at in your own life. The writing left something to be desired however. If I took one thing from it, it is a renewed passion for journaling. I'd done it in the past but kind of let it fall by the wayside. This book makes me want to pull it back out & use it to help me sort through my own life.
A Fine & Private Place
A Fine & Private Place
Peter S. Beagle | 1988 | Fiction & Poetry, Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
imagery (1 more)
slow pacing (0 more)
Set in a the Yorkshire Cemetery in New York City A Fine and Private Place if doing it's job correctly; will make you think about both life and death. Michael Morgan is a man who doesn't want to be dead and will hold onto his lost mortality for all he is worth, Mr. Rebeck is an eccentric who lives in the cemetery forgotten about by the outside world, has food brought to him by a raven and converses with the recently dead. All three form an unusual friendship.
This book isn't in a hurry to get anywhere taking its time to get where it wants to go. The trip that you go on is beautifully described. There is a mystery behind the happening of Morgan's death, not hurried and at times easily forgotten.
It is a witty read and challenged me a great deal. I enjoyed the slow read so I could digest some of the concepts and think them over. A good read, if a slow one.
Stone Cold Dead
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
While Morgan is struggling to take over the family rock shop, she finds a dead body behind the store. But when she comes back for help, the body has vanished.

The plot in this one is a bit slow, although the characters were wonderful. I found myself caring about the sub-plots more than I thought I would because of the characters. And the mystery does reach a satisfying and logical end.

NOTE: I received an ARC of this book in exchange for my honest review.

Read my full review at <a href="">Carstairs Considers</a>.
Drop Dead Gorgeous (Return to Fear Street #3)
Drop Dead Gorgeous (Return to Fear Street #3)
R.L. Stine | 2019 | Horror, Young Adult (YA)
7.2 (5 Ratings)
Book Rating
Great pacing (1 more)
Interesting plot
Cheesy Characters (1 more)
Not enough backstory
Cheesy but an Alright Read
I grew up reading R.L. Stine books especially his Fear Street series. When I heard there was going to be a new Fear Street series, I knew I had to read it. I loved the first book in the series, You May Now Kill the Bride. I was not impressed with the second book in the series, The Wrong Girl. I thought the latest book in the series, Drop Dead Gorgeous, was just an alright read.

The plot for Drop Dead Gorgeous was fairly interesting. Morgan Marks is the new girl at Linden High. No one knows where she came from, and her answers to everything are vague. She has a magnetic pull over all of the males in and around Linden. When I found out that Morgan was a vampire (not a spoiler, don't worry), I rolled my eyes and thought I wouldn't like this book. I'm not a big fan of vampire books (or films) since they've over-saturated the market. However, Drop Dead Gorgeous turned out to be alright. Anyway, someone is killing off the residents of Linden and draining their blood. Is it Morgan or could be be someone else? The world building was written to be believable enough even if some of the characters weren't believable. There were a few plot twists. A couple of them I didn't see coming, but I did predict a major plot twist.

All of the males in Drop Dead Gorgeous were beyond annoying and immature. All they could talk about were hot girls it seemed. They were really one dimensional, and I found myself not caring about Liam, Winks, and Zane. They would all brag how great they were, especially Winks. I'm sure there are some people like this, but I felt like it was a bit over the top having all three males in the book being so vapid and conceited. The females in Drop Dead Gorgeous had a little more depth to them thankfully. I still didn't care much about Delia, Amber, or Julie because there was no back story, so it was hard to connect to them. Out of the three girls, Delia seemed to feel the most real. Morgan was a good character. I enjoyed her backstory even if it was short, but hey, at least she had some backstory. The dialogue between the characters was extremely corny in some places, and I know I haven't been a teenager in many years, but I've never heard any teenage conversations like the ones in Drop Dead Gorgeous.

I will say that the pacing was done fairly well for Drop Dead Gorgeous. The first few chapters are a bit slow, but the pacing definitely picks up not much longer after that. I found myself immersed in what was happening in Linden.

Trigger warnings for Drop Dead Gorgeous include violence, death, murder, some gore, older man and underage girl kissing, and underage drinking.

Overall, Drop Dead Gorgeous was just an alright read. It wasn't great, but it wasn't a bad read either. If you can look past the overly cheesy characters, this is a good read. I would definitely recommend Drop Dead Gorgeous by R.L. Stine to those aged 15+.
Kissed by Darkness (Sunwalker Saga #1)
Kissed by Darkness (Sunwalker Saga #1)
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I struggled with this.

I didn't quite understand the connection/attarction she had with Inigo--I didn't feel it anyway and kinda read their flirty scenes with a pinch of salt and an eye roll.

I think the bits I enjoyed the most were the bits with Jack in them, he was flirty and warm from the first meeting of them at the 30%-ish mark. And at all his appearances after that he just came across as a great guy.

As for the storyline...well I was kinda bored by it and skimmed over the last few flashbacks because i'd lost interest in it. I was just waiting for the big show down between Morgan and the bad guy.

I do have books 2 and 3 in the series and I'm sure I'll read them at some time but I'm in no hurry.
Dreamcatcher (2003)
Dreamcatcher (2003)
2003 | Drama, Horror, Mystery
A little bonkers
I’ve read the book, and I still found this film to be bonkers and completely crazy. So I really don’t know how anyone who hasn’t read the book can watch this film and have a clue what’s going on.

To be fair, even for Stephen King this story is a bit far fetched and a slightly confusing mix of genres. The film follows the basic plot from the book although obviously missing a lot of the more detailed aspects. It has a good and very decent cast, although sadly some like Timothy Olyphant and Jason Lee. And I’m really not entirely sure how I feel about Morgan Freeman being the bad guy, he definitely feels a little miscast. The effects in this are rather poor too, even when considering it was made in 2003!

Overall it’s not a bad film and watchable if you’ve read the book, but the crazy plot isn’t made any less sane and I really don’t think the boys friendship is highlighted as much as it should be like it has in some of King’s other films (IT and Stand By Me for example).
The Hunter&#039;s Moon (The Secret Warrior #1)
The Hunter's Moon (The Secret Warrior #1)
Beth Trissel | 2015 | Paranormal, Romance, Young Adult (YA)
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
The Hunter's Moon is a young adult paranormal romance that starts with Morgan and her brother, Jimmy, on the run from mobsters who are trying to kill them. They shouldn't have been found as they are in the Witness Protection Program, but hey, they were. The reasons for this become clear as the book progresses.

This is a smooth-flowing book where the seventeen-year-old main female is thrust into the world of the paranormal, not knowing a single thing about it. Her ten-year-old brother is a delight to read about and certainly deserves the nickname of Batboy. Her doubts and fears about what is to come are completely relevant, and not out of character. The supporting characters are mainly a quiet bunch, with the spotlight on Okema, Miriam and Hawthorne. That being said, this is a series with a whole bunch of potential and I can't wait to read more. Definitely recommended for all fans of YA/Paranormal.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Feb 5, 2016

ArecRain (8 KP) rated Fairy Tale in Books

Jan 18, 2018  
Fairy Tale
Cyn Balog | 2009
5.3 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
I actually did not have any expectations for this novel when I received this book. I was a bit reluctant to read it after the slew of horrible young adult novels I always seem to find. While it was not terrible, I was not impressed.

I like Balog's easy style. It did not leave anything to the imagination unless she wanted it to and I loved how she captured her character's personalities so vividly. That does not mean I necessarily liked her characters.

I was also annoyed by how easily Morgan seemed to drift away from Cam and towards Pip. It is not completely unheard of, but it just seemed..odd considering the circumstance.