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Serenade (The Dark Nocturne #1)
Serenade (The Dark Nocturne #1)
Morgan Shamy | 2022 | Paranormal, Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I don't normally read young adult books anymore, but when I read the synopsis for Serenade by Morgan Shamy, I was intrigued. I decided to get the eBook, and I am happy I did because I ended up loving Serenade!

I felt as if the plot of Serenade by Morgan Shamy was very original. Yes, it does have some of the other elements of paranormal fantasy that others of the same genre have such as the evil supernatural and paranormal creatures, but Shamy uses all of that and changes it all around to form a very different narrative. Her background in music and dance really shines through throughout Serenade. Whilst reading this novel, I was kept on the edge of my seat waiting to see what would happen next to November and her school. I also enjoyed how Morgan Shamy is not afraid of killing off any character whether they are minor or major. It made the book that much more suspenseful. There was one major plot twist that I didn't see coming. Although Serenade is a series, there's no major cliff hanger which was a plus.

I loved each and every character in Serenade. Each was well fleshed out, and I felt as if I was reading about actual people instead of characters in a book. November was an awesome main character! While there were a few times, I felt as if she made the wrong decision, I could easily see why she chose to do/act the way she did. It was interesting to see her hatch her plan to take on the baddies of the book as well as how she would stand up for her cousin. There was something very endearing about April, and I think she was my favorite character. There was something so innocent and sweet about her. I wanted a friend like April. In fact, I think I kind of was like April in high school - low self-esteem and never quite fitting in. I never liked Cam, not because he wasn't written well, but I hated how assured of himself he was. I was always drawn to Vincent even if he was moody and broody a lot of the time. My favorite creatures in Serenade were definitely the sylphs. I loved how they could go from being beautiful and alluring to deadly quite suddenly.

Trigger warnings for Serenade include violence, death, and murder.

Overall, Serenade is an original take on the whole paranormal fantasy genre that's full of relatable characters and a plot that sucks you in from the very first page. Once you start reading this novel, you will struggle to put it down. It will have that affect on you. I would definitely recommend Serenade by Morgan Shamy to those aged 14+ who are after a book with a fresh new plot full of action, adventure, and some really cool monsters. I have already started reading Etude, the next book in The Dark Nocturne series by Morgan Shamy!
The Doll House
The Doll House
Phoebe Morgan | 2017 | Mystery, Thriller
7.3 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
Slowly but surely, I’m getting caught up on my NetGalley reviews. (I’m waaaay behind.) This time around, I finished reading The Doll House by Phoebe Morgan. It’s a slow simmer with a bit of predictability and a lot of unnecessary information, but in the end, Morgan manages to redeem the book through fast-paced, constant action.

The plot is a bit all over the place for the majority of the book, but, like The Roanoke Girls, this seems to be a technique used to drive the story forward. That said, the chapters end with a bit of suspense before the jump to another character. (Also, it should be mentioned that I HATE how Morgan switches between first and third person.) Unfortunately, the first 80% of the book feel like a drag. There’s little to no action, with the most exciting parts being an apparent flashback to the antagonist’s past. The last little bit of the book picks up drastically, which was a nice relief from what came before.

I said earlier that it’s a slow burn, and The Doll House really is. Morgan leaves enough clues throughout the book that a reader can pick up on something awful culminating at the end, but its done in a manner that is simply alright. For instance, the conflict between Ashley and her husband is unnecessary. The title, The Doll House, is a bit of a misnomer because aside from a few parts of the house showing up and a few references to it, the dollhouse is very rarely mentioned. (Also, let’s take a moment here to point out that the dollhouse on the cover of the book is white and it’s made extremely clear that the actual dollhouse is pink. That would have been a simple photoshop fix.)

Now, the characters in The Doll House are really something else. Personally, my favorite is Ashley, the self-conscious, overweight mom of three whom I feel is quite realistically depicted. Corinne is more skittish than my Dad’s dog, which is pretty impressive. Which… it amazes me that she keeps her job with how much she calls out in the book alone. The male characters are alright, albeit apparently quite handsome. Andy is a pig, but you’d have to read the book to see why.

Overall, I didn’t hate or love this book to death. It’s a pretty solid three out of five, which is better than some of the other stuff I’ve read lately. I’d like to thank NetGalley and the publisher for providing me with a copy of this book free of charge in exchange for an unbiased review.
Red (Dead World, #1)
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
After being utterly disappointed by the Servant Series written by L.L. Foster, I was so hesitant to this series that I completely forgot about it until I was recently cleaning out my shelves. It was a spur of the moment decision to read it instead of just giving it away: I couldn’t put the book down.

At first, I cringed when it came off as another paranormal romance where the lead female, Red, is strong and independent to the point of annoyance. I was pleasantly surprised that this was not the case. The beginning does show her to be quite capable of taking care of herself, but Summers does not make her a one woman army. Summers also gives Red very human female emotions. Red does not close herself off from the world and her emotions, she gets scared, angry, sexually frustrated, all without fighting said emotions. It was so refreshing, I almost cried.

Not only that but Morgan, the lead male protagonist, was not so overbearingly male that it hurt. Yes, he did try to take control of investigation, only so Red would not figure his big secret out. That was completely believable, as was his alpha male attitude that did not completely run his life. I liked that Summers did not make Morgan the be all the end all male that most male protagonists usually are. She made his cousin Kane, more attractive, but Red still feel for Morgan, another scenario so rare to paranormal romance.

The only issue I had with this novel is that it is placed in the near future with great advancements in technology. While I enjoyed the world that Summers created, it was sometime hard to follow or understand the technology and government. I gathered enough that it did not hinder the enjoyment of the story.
Lone Star Trail (Texas Trails, #1)
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
What happens when two families, who have experienced tragedy and loss, and are from very different backgrounds are thrown together?

  It is 1845, the Morgans are Texans through and through. They raise the famous Morgan Horses on their ranch, the Running M Ranch and have fought hard and sacrificed much to be the successful ranchers that they are. The Fleischer family have traveled from Germany and just arrived in Texas. This foreign land has taken much from them in the short time they have been here. Jud Morgan carries bitterness and distrust for the Germans who have begun to overtake "his" Texas. But his eyes are opened to the Lord's love for all people when he accepts the friendship of the Fleischers. Especially when the eldest daughter, Wande, catches his eye. It becomes apparent that the Lord brought these two families together. To work and live side by side to survive the untamed land of the "Lone Star State".


I couldn't put this book down! Depending on the personal events of our family, it usually takes me a little while to complete a book, no matter how interesting it is. But with this book, I couldn't help it. The dishes piled up, the laundry went unwashed and I read every second I could. Darlene Franklin captured my attention from the start. I always enjoy reading about this particular time era, when families are venturing into unknown land to build a new life. And Lone Star Trail did not disappoint. I look forward to reading the rest of the Texas Trails series and continuing the Morgan family adventure!

As part of their Blogger Review program I received a free copy of Lone Star Trail from Moody Publishers. All opinions expressed are mine alone.
In an effort to learn more about local rocks and minerals, Morgan has been taking a class from the local college. While one a class field trip, she gets separated from everyone else and finds a mountain man guarding a skeleton. The discovery reopens an unsolved disappearance in this small Colorado town. But what happened all those years ago?

It had been a while since I read the first book in this series, but it didn’t take long before I was back on board with the characters again. They are wonderful, and I enjoyed seeing the growth in them. The book had too many sub-plots, which crowded out the mystery a little at the beginning, but as the book when on the mystery took over and came to a very strong climax that kept me turning the pages.

NOTE: I was sent a copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.

Read my full review at <a href="">Carstairs Considers</a>.

Charlotte (184 KP) rated Hiraeth in Books

May 7, 2021  
Morgan Sheppard | 2021 | Contemporary, Romance, Science Fiction/Fantasy
9.3 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
Morgan Sheppard has once again created a place in which I'd love to exist.

    Hiraeth has everything I need in the genre......dragons, books, gorgeous landscapes and a love interest 😉

I love that this is a 'clean' read, no uncomfortable descriptions of sex or violence. Well written as always, with history and legends woven all the way through......the kind that inspires your imagination.

For the second time I've been left wanting to work in or own my own book shop.....maybe one day.
    The description of Wales, its beauty, traditions and lovely people really makes me want to go there and experience the country for myself.

Character wise, there's just the right amount of character depth, not so much that you drown in it but not so little that you can't imagine their personalities.
    Hiraeth is for anyone who has a love of dragons, the outdoors and a belief in finding a place to belong. I would highly recommend for an afternoon read with a picnic and cheeky tipple 😉.
Big Lies in a Small Town
Big Lies in a Small Town
Diane Chamberlain | 2020 | Fiction & Poetry, Mystery
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Morgan Christopher is shocked when she's plucked from prison and told she will be released early, as long as she perform a certain task: restore an old mural from the 1940s. Morgan, an art school dropout, has no restoration skills, but she is desperate to leave prison, where she is imprisoned for a crime she didn't commit. Once released, she finds herself captivated by the mural and what she finds underneath the layers of grime. Meanwhile, in 1940, young Anna Dale, an artist from New Jersey wins a contest to paint a mural for the post office in Edenton, North Carolina. She travels there to learn more about the town that she needs to capture. But once there, Anna is confronted both by kindness and deep-set prejudice.

I've never read a book by Diane Chamberlain before, and I really enjoyed this one. It's oddly captivating for centering on a painting from the 1940s. The point-of-view switches between Morgan and Anna and each are compelling narrators in their own right. This was one of those books where I found myself desperately wishing I could read faster, as I wanted to find out what happened to Anna (we're told early on she "went crazy").

I applaud Chamberlain for her original plot. It's odd, but not in a bad way, as it had me interested the entire time. She does a wonderful job of creating two completely different worlds: Anna's in the 40s and Morgan's in near present-day. She deftly weaves in art aspects; Morgan's drunk driving conviction and her past in prison; Anna's possible mental illness; and Morgan's benefactor, so to speak, Lisa, who springs her out of prison to fulfill the wishes of her late father, Jesse, a famous artist.

While this novel is mainly fiction, there are some great twists and turns, especially as we learn what happened to Anna. Chamberlain delves into race relations, as Anna confronts the prejudices of the south in the 1940s. Her writing style is easy, making you want to keep reading, and overall, I quite enjoyed this one. 4 stars.

Sarah (7798 KP) rated The Talisman in Books

Mar 27, 2019  
The Talisman
The Talisman
Stephen King, Peter Straub | 1984 | Horror, Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.3 (30 Ratings)
Book Rating
A great read
Whenever I pick up a door stop of a Stephen King novel, I always expect great things as most of his epic novels are fantastically good. And for the most part, The Talisman definitely meets expectations.

It's a great fantasy story filled with all manner of concepts including alternate worlds, werewolves, wizards etc and it does well to blend all of these together into a cohesive story without becoming too convoluted. Jack is an endearing main character and develops well over the course of the story, and all of the other characters too are in their own ways intriguing, even Morgan Sloat as the bad guy. This story really reminds me of The Dark Tower series, which isn't a bad thing as it had a similar quest type theme. My only criticisms are that it seems to drag a little towards the very end, which isn't good for a 700 page book. And also I've never read any Peter Straub, but I could tell reading this the parts that weren't all King, and I think the story might have been worse off for it. When you've read as many of King's books as i have, you can tell his narrative apart and whilst it's still a very good book, I would've been interested to see how this book would've turned out if it had been written by him alone.

That said, I feel like I need to read the sequel now in the hope it's just as good!