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The Reviled ( The Dark Fey Trilogy book 1)
The Reviled ( The Dark Fey Trilogy book 1)
Cynthia A. Morgan | 2021 | Fiction & Poetry
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
197 of 250
The Reviled ( Dark Fey Book 1)
By Cynthia A. Morgan

Once read a review will be written via Smashbomb and link posted in comments

From a young age, Ayla has learned about the mortal enemy of all Fey of the Light: The cruel Reviled Fey. Gairynzvl is a Fey of the Light who was abducted by the Reviled when he was young. Now, he is one of them. Lurking in the shadows, he lingers near Ayla and secretly whispers to her. The mystery he presents is irresistible, although she knows the Reviled Fey are menacing and devious. Learning what he wants is only the beginning. Should she trust him? Or will he tear her world apart?

It was all a bit meh I’m sorry I just couldn’t find anything that gripped me! I’m hoping it’s just a world builder starter book. We will see! The characters lacked any ooomph.

Sarah (7798 KP) rated Disjointed Lives in Books

Jul 20, 2018  
Disjointed Lives
Disjointed Lives
Morgan Sheppard | 2018 | Contemporary
9.0 (5 Ratings)
Book Rating
An unexpected gem
I won a copy of this in a Smashbomb giveaway (thank you @Smashbomb!) and am now giving my entirely honest and unbiased review.

This is the first time ive read any of Morgan Sheppard’s work, and I can safely say that I will be doing again going forwards. I read this in its entirety on a very long and tedious train journey for work, and I can honestly say it really brightened up my commute!

This is only a short story, but it is very well written with a surprisingly simple premise. On the surface the premise seems almost too basic, but it really works. It’s surprising how effective and interesting a story about someone reciting their past can be. The two main characters are likeable and relatable and I’m sure most readers would recognise parts of themselves in this. The situation and story itself has a lot of relevance to relationships and today’s society.

I do have a couple of criticisms but these are pretty minor. One issue is some of the dialogue comes across as a little stilted and awkward and doesn’t flow quite as well as a normal real life conversation would. My other criticism actually has a massive compliment wrapped up in it - this story is far too short! I enjoyed reading this very much and wasn’t happy when it ended as I wanted more and would happily have read more. I feel like this could have been made into a much longer and more detailed story and it still could’ve been just as good. There’s a lot of potential here!
Her Last Goodbye
Her Last Goodbye
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Contains spoilers, click to show
As with any mystery, it is amazing to have that suspense with a tad bit of danger. After all, the excitement is in the wondering who did what and what may have caused an event to happen. However, Her Last Goodbye is more than just that. It allows the reader to see into some of the worries and dangers it is to be a parent, how romance can lead to vulnerable states of mind (which we all know can lead to some acts of intimacy), as well as how some people have some complicated views on how a relationship should work. It was even more shocking and terrifyingly real than the first book in the Morgan Dane series. I found myself ridden with anxiety, fear, and concern through out the book. Having so many difficult situations to have to sort through and ideas, I found this book hard to put down, even when it got too intense to keep reading at the moment.

First of all, Morgan having three children is always nice to see. With her concern about her children's livelihood always about her, it wasn't hard for her to connect with the missing woman, Chelsea, who was a mother of 2 small children, and how she wasn't likely to leave her children that she adored so much. It was, however, rough for her to try to come up with clues and facts to prove that the woman just didn't run away from her family. To see Morgan struggle through that idea and then to end up having her own children threatened on multiple occasions by a variety of men, only made things worse. I found those parts exceptionally hard to read. Having a child myself, I don't think I would have been as rational or as brave as she was. Just the thought of the things she went through and the ideas of a mother just abandoning her children, has me shaken. Even though, as stated in the book, mothers sometimes do strange things like that, it still isn't easy to process or understand. Then to watch a mother go into Mama Bear mode to protect her own, kept my own mind whirling. I like to think I would do anything to protect my daughter, but my own problem with conflict would have been enough to make sure I got out of whatever situation that would put me in that rough spot. It had fuel Morgan even more though. She pushed harder to find and get rid of the person behind her own children's danger. This only makes her even more loveable. It is actually inspiring to have such a strong woman character, who would do anything to protect her loved ones. I can't help but feel more drawn to her in this book, and I feel that my admiration and love for her will grow in the future. Even so, I still found a lot of other disturbing things within the story.

We all know that there are people out there who believe women should be completely submissive to men, but it was still really hard to read and stomach a character who had this belief. To kidnap, condition, and even train another person seems extremely harsh, yet a they existed. I found it harder to read how they would torture another human being to break their mind and their spirit, just to train a woman to think and be something they weren't. Especially when said person was supposedly in love with their prey. I did find it inspiring on how, even being tortured, a woman can overcome it and try to escape and get back to her family. In fact, the thought of her family propelled her and kept her trying to get back home. It really made me happy to see that family was her motivation. Though, it was rough to get through, it made me wonder how many women could go through what she had and still find the courage and strength to keep trying to figure out a way to escape and get home. Even though, it was clear she was traumatized, it was clear she was more concerned with getting home to her children than how she could be caught and tortured and punished for trying. I found this to be a pleasant idea to have about someone who was captured. After all, wouldn't you end up within just a few days of being hurt over and over, give up and just conform to whoever was trying to condition you was ways? I probably would have. But this woman character definitely shed some light how nothing else mattered where your family is concern.

I found how strong feelings for someone and their family can really change how you view things to be a nice delight. I hadn't expected Lance to end up falling for Morgan's children the way he did to happen. It had been hinted that he loved and wanted a relationship with Morgan, but to see him fall in love with her girls and want to protect them as much as Morgan did, was really a pleasant sight. I know there are men out there like that, but its still rare and to see how his love for Morgan ends up extending to her children was just the right about of sentiment and love the book need to keeps things from going overboard. I enjoyed how he tried his best to make sure her girls were safe and even let them into his house to keep them protected, to be exhilarating and touching. It is always nice to have some wholesome love and concern to help break up some of the tension in a storyline and Leigh's way of adding this to Lance's character was a nice call. It helped keep the danger presented while showing a parental side to Lance and offering up how your friends and potential lover's can easily adore your children as much as you do.

Overall, I would rate Melinda Leigh's Her Last Goodbye 5 stars out of 5 stars for how well written and emotional filled the book was. It could stand alone as it gives refreshers on what happened in the last book, as well as had its own storyline. Though, the character developments increased and they continued to grow through out the story, the reader wouldn't feel like they missed a whole lot by reading this book first. I have to say that has to be something that is delightful. After all, wouldn't is just bite if you had to read the first book to even think about picking up the second. Sometimes you don't always realize what you are grabbing and having a series that has books that could stand alone if they needed to, makes it so much easier to start by whatever book you happen to pick up first. I definitely recommend this book to all our thrill seekers. Its not for the faint of heart, but is still extremely excellent to read.
Bought: A Ripples in the Status Quo Story
R. Phoenix | 2018 | Erotica, LGBTQ+
7.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Bought (The Fate Of The Fallen Series Book 1) by R. Phoenix is a short, 68 page dark paranormal fiction. In this dystopian world where supernaturals are at the top of the food chain and humans are second class citizens at best, the status quo is not to be messed with. There are those supes though who help the band of human Rebellion gain their rights back. Or at least try to survive another day while living in poverty.

Jace, A werewolf, takes the fall for his pack leader’s attempts to help the Rebellion. His thoughts were that he would end up being executed in a gladiator type fight to the death with his own death being expected. Instead, he was put in chains geared to restrain even the most powerful werewolves and sold on the slave market.
Enter Elias Ivers. A witch from a powerful family. Jace gets bought by Elias and subjected to the witch’s depraved games. Jace tries desperately to withhold out and handle anything his new master can dish out. That is until he realizes his own pride has no place in his life and succumbs to the life he now lives as a witch’s pet.

Classified as a dark paranormal fiction, Bought is a book that I quickly and eagerly picked up to read. Even more so because it was written by R. Phoenix. Having already read Spoiled by her and her co-author Morgan Noel, I was glad to have been given the opportunity to read Bought. I found myself wanting to beat Ivers upside the head while protecting Jace. My only problem is that I wanted more. I wasn’t ready for this story to be over as soon as it was. I guess that really isn’t much of a problem though given it drew me in so thoroughly that I was lost until I finished it.

A must read for everyone who loves dark paranormal and puppy play
If you’re reading this review, chances are you’re either a) a true crime buff or b) curious as to what the source material of Netflix’s latest original series, Mindhunters, is based on. That title, Mindhunter: Inside the FBI’s Elite Serial Crime Unit by John Douglas is actually a fascinating read that details a division of the FBI that, had it not been created, would leave us without shows like Criminal Minds, where the Behavioral Science Unit profiles killers and races the clock to save victims that may still be alive. (Also, we wouldn’t have our Shemar Moore and wouldn’t that be a crying shame? We need our Morgan and Baby Girl.)

Reading more like Douglas is sitting in the room beside you and recounting his past, Mindhunter, as expected, delves into some pretty deep material. For a while, I had to put it down because the ATKID murders dug beneath my skin. Despite the sometimes gory details Douglas provides readers with, I feel this is an important title for any true crime fan. After all, it is Douglas that a certain character from Silence of the Lambs is based on.

<a href=""; target="_new">Read more at <i>The Ghastly Grimoire</i>.</a>
How To Be A Complete And Utter Blunt
How To Be A Complete And Utter Blunt
James Blunt | 2020 | Humor & Comedy
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I think this is the shortest book I’ve ever read (I finished it within half an hour) but that doesn’t stop it from being entertaining.
I have seen some of James Blunt’s tweets before, but having some of them compiled into a book is even more entertaining than reading them when I come across them.
James has a dry and sarcastic sense of humour, and when it comes to being insulted by members of the public, he seems to know exactly what to say to both make it seem like he’s not bothered and get one over on the person tweeting. No one is safe, he even insults Piers Morgan when he’s having an argument with someone else.
I actually think he could have included more tweets and made a longer book and it would have just got better and better. I love the self deprecating sense of humour that he has over his music, and the fact that he doesn’t take himself too seriously. The only thing that let this book down was how short it was, I think there could have been so many more tweets in it.
Fingers crossed that James Blunt decides to make another compilation of his tweets in the future, I would definitely be buying that book after having read this one!
Art Something
Art Something
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Art Something (Strange Art #1) by Devon Layne is the first instalment of the Strange Art series, in which the main protagonist, a teenager called Arthur Étrange, lives in his own world where he expresses himself through his art. This causes most of his school mates to think him a little odd, hence his need to escape from the social side of life and immerse himself in his art.

His older sister, Morgan, not only loves and truly understands Art, but guides and protects him through the teenage trial and tribulations of life. So when she is due to go back to college Morgan worries how he’ll cope without her. Her answer? She decides to introduce Art to her friend, Annette, in the hope they’ll hit it off together. They do!

Although it’s not high on action, there is conflict in the form of issues teenagers can relate to. For example, Art’s lack of self-confidence and insecurities are exposed to the reader via his innermost thoughts and feelings. The threesome also provides that key support system to help Art overcome these obstacles with the love and understanding of two girls who have his best interests at heart.

This coming of age story is also my first ‘taboo’ book which explores a very loving and highly erotic, consensual polyamory relationship between brother, sister and their friend. Admittedly, this is not something I’d usually read, having said that, Devon Layne is a talented writer and this is a beautiful and sensual story encompassing a controversial subject. I’m looking forward to seeing how this series develops.
The Faerie Prince (Creepy Hollow, #2)
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
<b><i>I received this book for free from Author in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.</i></b>
<b>It's weird to get back into a series after over an entire year.</b> Everything that happened back in the <a title="Read Sophia's review of The Faerie Guardian" href=""; target="_blank" rel="noopener">first <i>Creepy Hollow</i> book</a> has either been entirely forgotten or stored away and wouldn't be recovered unless Rachel Morgan refreshed me in the sequel.

I suppose the memorable ones – the ones I'm extremely passionate or enraged about are the ones that are remembered. Someone do an experiment on this. I digress.

<b>The second book in the <i>Creepy Hollow</i> series brings us back to Creepy Hollow (of course)</b>, shortly after Violet was handed over to the Unseelie Court by Nate, a half human and half faerie she fell in love with. Violet and Ryn decide to forget their ugly past and become friends, and Violet gets her final assignment as a trainee before becoming a guardian and finding out whether or not she gets the top prize of her graduating class.

<i>The Faerie Prince</i> <b>isn't exactly as action-packed</b> this time, mainly focusing on Violet's final assignment as a trainee before graduation – definitely <b>the slowest out of all three books in this first arc of the series</b> (I just hope Morgan doesn't pull off a Cassandra Clare/Erin Hunter). It's more of an observation, lose the magic, and walk home – in midst of <b>developing the overall plot of the first arc and Violet's relationship with Ryn.</b>

Reading <i>The Faerie Prince</i> probably <b>opened up my eyes on quite a few things about the series</b> that I probably wouldn't have noticed while reading the first book, and had I actually read the first book again this year, I may not have rated it as high as I did. However, <b>the series definitely has the majority of everything I would want in a book:</b>

<b>A fantastic main character – Violet is just like any other ordinary teenager</b>, even if she's not a human. She has her moments and her quirks. She's extremely determined, wanting to do things on her own if at all possible without any help. She also <b>kicks butt and she has an attitude filled with sass and the occasional sarcasm that makes the book more entertaining</b>. It certainly made the second book entertaining. I suppose part of that sarcasm is to be blamed on Ryn.

<b>The writing</b> – It's fantastic. The way Morgan writes, <b>you can almost <i>feel</i> Violet's emotions</b> – her anxiety, fear, nervousness, happiness, joy, etc.
<blockquote>Oh dear Seelie Queen I'm going to trip in these heels and land on my butt and my dress will tear right down the middle and everyone will see my ridiculous enchanted underwear and –</blockquote>
<b>A world I want to live in</b> – I would love to live in Creepy Hollow. It might just be the faeries and other cool creatures (like Filigree, who I want as a pet), but <b>I imagine the world to be absolutely magical and fantastical</b>. I even want a story from another guild, so long as the traditions are different. Maybe from another creature? (I repeat: I seriously don't want a bunch of spin-offs, but that topic will be discussed another day.)

<b>The ending of <i>The Faerie Prince</i>, however, felt a little abrupt. It also felt appropriate for some unknown reason</b>, but with the slowness of the book, the fast ending just felt skewed and a little out of place. <b>Everything seems to be going well and peachy for Violet, but all of a sudden, everything just falls apart and the book ends.</b>

I'm not too sure how I feel about that.

<a href=""; target="_blank">This review was originally posted on Bookwyrming Thoughts</a>
What a Latte Books
What a Latte Books
Morgan Sheppard | 2019 | Contemporary, Romance, Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
sweet and cute, a lovely read!
I had the enormous honour to beta read this book.

Laura opens her dream business, a book/coffee shop. A book she doesn't remember ordering pulls her attention and draws her into a wonderful story of love. But Laura doesn't expect to ever find the kind of love she reads in the book. Then, she meets Simon and Laura begins to wonder, what is real and what is not.

I thoroughly enjoyed this delightful tale of a a book shop owner falling in love, not only in the pages of this mysterious book, but in real life too. when the connection between the book and Laura's friends becomes clear, a LOT of things begin to make more sense. I'm not saying they didn't before then, but it's like a light bulb moment, and the penny drops and all the little hints and clues come together and you can see the bigger picture.

Its on the sweet side, with just some kissing, but I liked that (which Ms Morgan found kinda funny, considering what I usually like to read) The book does NOT need the explicitness, because it is sweet, and cute and all kinds of warm and fuzzies that makes you glow inside after reading it!

The love between Laura and Simon grows, steadily thoughout the book, and I liked that it wasn't rushed. There were powerful feelings, from the very begininng, from Laura and between her and Simon, but it takes time for those feelings to become clear for her.

Only Laura has a say though, and I think if he had, I would have enjoyed this just that little bit more.

Still a delightful tale, of finding love wherever you find can.

4 stars

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**
The Shawshank Redemption (1994)
The Shawshank Redemption (1994)
1994 | Drama
The story is amazing showing how prison life is for some of the inmates from Shawshank and Andy dealing with it. (3 more)
The characters like Andy, Red, Samuel, and Byron are memorable. Andy is a character we want to see succeed as well as Red with his charm. While Samuel the warden and Byron the guard are ruthless.
The acting from Tim Robbins, Morgan Freeman, Bob Gunton, Clancy Brown, and James Whitmore do an amazing job with their acting and making the characters memorable
The production design from the Shawshank Prison is rally great and the music is amazing.
Nothing I can think of. (0 more)
Shawshank Redemption
The film has a great story, memorable characters, incredible acting, and impressive production design as well as amazing music. This is one of the best films I have ever seen and I watch it whenever it comes on and I also have the DVD. If you’re a fan of Stephen King this movie will make you satisfied as well as non Stephen King fans who never read his books like me.