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After Life (Wandafaru Raifu) (1998)
After Life (Wandafaru Raifu) (1998)
1998 | Comedy, Drama, Fantasy
7.5 (4 Ratings)
Movie Favorite

"Then, my last one is going to be — this might be slightly more obscure, though it really shouldn’t be. I fell in love with this film when I first saw it and I don’t think I’ve ever seen a film as beautiful, as contemplative. The film After Life by Hirokazu Koreeda. I remember when I first saw it, just being totally blown away by every single frame of it. The honesty of it, the fact that it celebrated life, the fact that it was so unbelievably profound and spoke volumes about living life to the fullest and cherishing every moment. I don’t think there’s been a more beautiful film about life itself. It’s so understated in the way he tells his story. It’s obviously a collection of vignettes and a collection of talking heads, but woven into this narrative. Again, I might be wrong, but I seem to remember that the number of the people who contributed to the experiences of life are real people — it’s almost like documentary-styled elements to the film itself. So you got these really personal memories that are very private. Sometimes they’re nostalgic, sometimes they are beautiful, sometimes they’re funny and amusing. That, for me, is the ultimate win. When the Blu-rays of that came out in Japan, straight away I was like, “I’m buying this film! I need this film in HD.”"


Alison Pink (7 KP) rated Hidden in Books

Jan 15, 2018  
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
This book was a giveaway win with an interesting story... Amazon shipped the wrong book initially so I ended up with 2 books with the same title. Lola Fortunately the real book was worth the wait (even though the correction to the shipping issue didn't take too long.)
This book follows 2 separate families in 2 different towns both named Springfield. Tish & Jeff work for the same company but live in different Springfields. They have a chance encounter at a company retreat where their spouses are also with them. This leads to a blossoming friendship & eventually deeper feelings. They both have difficult marriages. Then 1 day tragedy strikes as Jeff is walking home. This tragedy leads to all kinds of soul searching & secrets coming to light.
Each chapter is told from the perspective of 1 of the characters involved in the real life drama. This puts a nice spin on the narrative as holes are gradually filled in through each characters stories. The end was not entirely unexpected, but it was fitting. It leaves the reading questioning whether or not you really know what's going on in your life.
Small Soldiers (1998)
Small Soldiers (1998)
1998 | Action, Comedy, Family
Lots of fun
I remember watching this as a child at the cinema when it was first released (I was 11), and absolutely loved it. And to be honest watching it again now, i still think it's a huge amount of fun.

This is like the antidote to Toy Story. Yes there are good toys in this, but the stars of this film are the rather nasty Commando Elite led by Chip Hazard, voiced perfectly by the wonderful Tommy Lee Jones. The idea of toys playing out real life war games against other toys (and humans) makes for such a fun and entertaining film. It's not scary but not entirely child friendly either, and is really quite funny at times. And unusually for a kids film made in the 90s, the script isn't completely terrible or cheesy. The special effects are for the most part fairly decent and the cast too (both voice and real life) are all very good. Considering this is made by Joe Dante who brought us both Gremlins films, it's no surprise really it's such a fun film and yet strangely underrated.
Hallie Rubenhold's foray into the world of historical fiction brings us to Henrietta Lightfoot and the first volume of her memoirs. I confess that I didn't realise that this was the first book in a planned series and felt a bit frustrated at the end of the book as there were many unresolved questions I was dying to know the answer to!

Books written in the first person can sometimes feel a bit contrived, but that wasn't a problem here at all. An older Henrietta relates the 'true' story of her life, evidently in answer to some untruths put about by a character we have yet to properly meet in this first volume; I'm sure all will become apparent later on!

Many of the characters who weave their way through Rubenhold's tale are actually real, historical figures. Even her fictional characters owe something to the real life experiences of other Georgian inhabitants. This certainly isn't prettified historical fiction; we follow the initially very naive Henrietta through her ups and downs. The main action of the novel takes place over the space of about a year, when Henrietta is still only 17. I look forward to the next instalment!
GP Gottlieb | 2023 | Mystery
5.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Will Alene Get Charred During the Pandemic’s Early Days?
This book opens in May 2020 and finds Alene Baron trying to keep her café in Chicago opened with a reduced staff and takeout or delivery only. Things are complicated when her long lost uncle returns to town and wants to connect with his brother, Alene’s father. Oh, and there are bodies turning up in burned out buildings owned by Alene’s best friend’s husband.

Since this is the third book in the series, I like the characters. That helped me get on board with the story that is truly the main story in the book, not the mystery that you’d expect in a culinary cozy. While I enjoyed the real main story, that backwards emphasis bothered me, especially how the story of the burned out buildings was resolved. I’m not sure I was ready to read a book set during the pandemic, but the book does a good job of capturing how everyone was feeling about life then. However, it introduces the riots before the event that triggered them happened in real life. The end result was only average.