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Anil Kapoor recommended The Gold Rush (1925) in Movies (curated)

The Gold Rush (1925)
The Gold Rush (1925)
1925 | Classics, Comedy

"The films that really changed my life were all the films made by Charlie Chaplin. Films like The Gold Rush. They were silent films, they were black and white. As a kid, I would just completely get mesmerized with every aspect of cinema. That kind of magic I’d never yet seen, the magic Charlie Chaplin created on screen — in terms of performances, in terms of technique, in terms of innocence, in terms of purity. I would wonder, “Is there anyone in the world who can match this?” I would see other films, and I’d think, “No, this guy is a real genius.” He makes me smile. And sometimes he moves me."

Central Station (1998)
Central Station (1998)
1998 | Drama
(0 Ratings)
Movie Favorite

"I saw that film and I don’t like to cry in movies — I don’t think anybody does — just because it’s embarrassing, but I was sobbing in that film. It was such a beautiful story. It was this little film that spoke volumes and emotions were just so real and it just moved me. And honestly, I saw it at a time where I’d grown up loving movies and there was a period where suddenly it seemed like everything coming out was the same and I started getting annoyed and then I saw Central Station and Life is Beautiful within months (of each other) and it restored my faith in film-making."

Assassination Nation (2018)
Assassination Nation (2018)
2018 | Thriller
A bit of an odd film. It's not as cool, edgy or shocking as it thinks it is. A small town called Salem goes all Purge crazy after hackers release everyone's phone and intertnet data. The first half is pretty slow but once the town is in meltdown it becomes more interesting. A bit of social commentary on how people behave and act online in comparison to real life underlies the film. Didn't quite reach the high levels in getting it across to make it particularly memorable. You might like it if you liked the Purge but it's not as good as the first Purge film.