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Sarah (7799 KP) rated Chernobyl in TV

Jul 6, 2019  
2019 | Action, Drama, History
Incredibly haunting
I won’t be the only one to admit that I know little about the real detail behind the incident at Chernobyl, so for me this series was a true eye opener and not a particularly pleasant one. Whilst I don’t doubt that some of this may have been embellished a little like most tv productions, I really think that most of this is the real truth behind Chernobyl.

This definitely isn’t a nice watch. Right from the first episode it’s harrowing and frankly frustrating and maddening to see how people initially reacted to the incident, and it doesn’t get any easier as the episodes go on. I just cannot believe the denial and actions (or lack of) of those I’m charge. By the end of the final episode with the clips and video of the real events and people, I was virtually in tears it was just so haunting. For me I’ve learnt so much watching this about the true events, and it was good to get the updates on the real life situation and people, with even some good news thrown in amongst the somber. My only criticism is that whilst the cast is fantastic and there’s a lot of recognisable faces that pop up in this even briefly, is that I don’t understand what’s with all of the English accents? It got a tad irritating after a while and surely some attempt at a Ukrainian accent would have been better?

That said, this is a truly harrowing yet informative show and I think everyone should watch this and learn a think or two. I definitely have, and I’ll now have a whole new understanding and appreciation of the true magnitude of the situation when I visit Chernobyl in October.
A Gift to Cherish (Road to Refuge #2)
A Gift to Cherish (Road to Refuge #2)
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Love the colors used in this cover! They really caught my eye. I do want to let you know that this book is the second book in a series. It can be read as a stand-alone though, as the characters from the previous book are just mentioned in passing.
  I read Victoria Bylin’s first book back when it released and loved her edgy writing style. Victoria Bylin tells real-life stories and she does not shy away from the facts. The main characters in this book were easy to follow and get invested in. I loved their teasing (Flirting) back and forth, it was very sweet. Daisy shows remarkable strength in picking herself up after all that has happened to her and she keeps a very positive outlook on life. Plus, she is brave and ends up learning to trust God fully with the changes that life unexpectedly brings. Rafe is also a character of great strength, and someone I’d like to meet in person. Rafe has a good sense of humor and is honest with himself and others about his struggles. The optima of a tough cookie, Rafe may be tough on the outside but inside he is sweet.
The storyline kind of has a dual timeline in it, vague flashbacks to a different era that was quite interesting. The flashbacks I think, taught some valuable life lessons and were very enhancing to the overall story. Victoria Bylin worked in quite a few realities of life into this book, things like physical abuse, alcohol recovery, loneliness, and dealing with life when things do not go your way. Through it, all Victoria Bylin brought everything back how God is always there for us always no matter what situation we may find ourselves in. I truly appreciated how Victoria Bylin shared the gospel in this book.
I give this book 5 out of 5 stars for the vivid portrayal of everyday life, the great characters, and the theme of God overcoming all. I recommend picking this book up!
*I volunteered to read this book in return for my honest feedback. The thoughts and opinions expressed within are my own.
Into The Abyss (2011)
Into The Abyss (2011)
2011 | Crime, Documentary, Drama
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Every now and again I like to leave the fictional world of film and take a trip into reality. I did so with Into the Abyss. A film by Werner Herzog (Rescue Dawn) it looks at the always controversial capital punishment, and focuses on one particular triple murder in the state of Texas.

Using actual footage of the crime scenes which is disturbing enough, Herzog also draws on the real life interviews of those involved and how it has affected their lives. It also explains to us what causes a person to commit murder, and if taking a life for a life really is worth it in the long run.

What is the most shocking with this film is the complete lack of remorse both inmates have. Michael Perry the condemned, man is courteous and polite in his responses as he sits looking through the perspex glass that separates him from Herzog.

As Herzog states at their first meeting he doesn’t particularly like him but he has respect for him, more than likely due in part to the honestly of his answers and how he’s dealing with certain death. The other is Jason Burkett, sentenced to life for his part in the crime, he won’t get out until much past sixty-five, a terrifying prospect when you’re only in your twenties.

Burkett still tries to command a normal life, married to someone on the outside who he rarely gets to touch physically they have a child on the way, although the conception is kept a closely guarded secret, despite advances to find out by Herzog. Both men have always blamed the other and both claimed their innocence.

The film is broken down into chapters, opening with a somber account of life and death from The Reverend Richard Lopez, the man that holds the hand of those sent to death, for their final walk into the unknown. It then quickly moves to an in-depth look at the murders, the how, the why and the where? This all makes for an impactul watch.