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The newlyweds window
The newlyweds window
Unknown | 2022 | Fiction & Poetry
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Will be writing a review for the couple story's I enjoyed in this book:

Gasping for Air
Author: Ogechukwu Emmanuel Samuel

"Humans! They are the worst thing to have happened to Earth since the beginning" I agree with this 100% humans have ruined the earth with their greed.
I liked this story was very interesting. It was scary but caught my attention. The ending was super confusing.

Border Control
Author: Aldine Jojo Elhassan

This story was sad due to this girl's traumatic delivery and mistreatment from the nurses. Scary to read to being pregnant currently it gave me anxiety and almost had me crying.

The Newlyweds' Window
Author: Husnah Mad-hy

"But her fate was like the rest of the unmarried women; marry young, give the husband and their families some children (at least one boy), and subdue her dreams to the more practical and 'real life' expectations of Swahili women- cooking, cleaning, raising, tending to her husband, attending weddings and funerals, and the likes." This is ok if you want this in life but every girl should not be forced into it.

"She watched and could sometimes hear as they made love every night for six months straight." This is majorly creepy.

This story was creepy and confusing the main character gave off stalker vibes and needs to mind their own business and give the people some privacy.

Black Pawpaw
Author: Obinna Ezeodili
This ones really sad how they have to beg for help and than the abuse the main character receives. Also Binye seeing her as mama instead of his mom is sad. The mom should be around more. The sexual assault is sad and screwed up too and very triggering. And the Aunt died from self defense this girl shouldn't have to be punished for it she was defending herself during sexual assault.
Amends (Diana Hawthorne Supernatural Mystery #2)
Amends (Diana Hawthorne Supernatural Mystery #2)
Carissa Andrews | 2021 | Mystery, Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
AMENDS is the second book in the Diana Hawthorne Supernatural Mystery series and we continue where book one left off, so I recommend you read that one first.

Diana doesn't want to be the Oracle of Delphi any longer. After all, she has her own life now. Apollo tries to make her see things his way but she resists him all the way. The interaction between these two was hilarious and I loved every word.

Along with Blake and Ren, we are introduced to Kyros. Think crazy grand-dad who only wants what's best for Diana. Diana and crew help a young boy who manages to bring them all together, including Demetri who is still being off with Diana because of the whole Violet Flame debacle.

It didn't take me long to read this book as I was hooked from the outset. I can't wait to see more of Apollo and Diana. And Ren, well, let me just say I love reading about him, but I think he would drive me crazy if I knew him in real life!

The big bad has now been named and I can't wait to see the impact on future stories. Plus, knowing how Diana and co will sort things out. I may be wrong but it looks like there might be a crossover from Diana Hawthorne to the Windhaven Witches in book three, which is something to look forward to.

For a witty, fast-paced supernatural mystery, I can definitely recommend Amends and I can't wait for Immortals.

** same worded review will appear elsewhere **

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Jul 29, 2021
12 of 235
Magical Midlife Invasion ( Levelling up #3)
By K.F. Breene

Jessie is well on her way to learning her new life and settling in. The tough alpha, Austin, has joined her team, and she has painstakingly learned to fly. At the moment, life couldn’t get any better.

But it can get a whole lot…more irritating.

Her parents have decided to visit. They don’t know anything about magic, about Jessie’s new digs, or about the crazy crew living in and around Jessie’s house. She must do everything in her power to keep the truth away from them.

Which would be much easier without the unfelt presence lurking within Ivy House’s borders. It seems an enemy has figured out a way to magically bypass Ivy House’s defenses. Jessie is completely exposed.

The real battle, however, won’t be with the incoming force. It will be between Mr. Tom and Jessie’s mom, each intent on being the most helpful. Mr. Tom might have met his match, and he is not pleased.

Just when things were finally settling down, Jessie is in the thick of it again, and this time, the turmoil is all around her.

This series is so good! It’s so funny and quirky and a joy to read. The characters are you unique and funny you get so invested in what’s happening with them. Jessie and Austin need their head banging together really hard!! The only thing is that bloody room of killer dolls and the house finding it funny letting them put. I will now have nightmares of little killer dolls carrying knives and climbing trees 😂😂😂. Definitely a series to lighten up your reading load.
Chance Match (Perfect Match Agency #2)
Chance Match (Perfect Match Agency #2)
Wendy Rathbone | 2023 | LGBTQ+, Paranormal, Romance
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
CHANCE MATCH is the second book in the Perfect Match Agency series and each book can be read as a standalone. I haven't read either of the other books and this did not affect my enjoyment of this one.

Because enjoy it I did! Kace and Storm are just so squishable together. Yes, Storm is grumpy and Kace is so sweet he'll give you a toothache, but together they're still so squishable!!!

I actually loved the premise of this - an omega who isn't bothered about sex and has had painful heats, searching for love because he doesn't want to be on medication for the rest of his life. And an alpha who doesn't trust omegas and yet can't resist the cinnamon scent!

There is no unnecessary angst here, and I loved that! In fact, there aren't even any characters that give angst, not even a little bit. Such a refreshing change. I really hope Morgan gets his story though as he is a sweetie with a heart of gold and (unfortunately, it seems) a bank balance to match.

If I had any complaint, it would be that I wanted more. The majority of the book is about Kace's heat and I would have liked to have seen them more in 'real' life rather than just in the bedroom. I did like the glimpse at the end which is partly why I'm saying it.

All in all, a hot, sweet, and sexy read that I thoroughly enjoyed and definitely recommend.

** same worded review will appear elsewhere **

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book; the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Jun 14, 2023
The Problem with Forever
7.8 (5 Ratings)
Book Rating

<i>This ARC was provided by the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review </i>

Jennifer L. Armentrout is an American author best known for her young adult novel<i> Obsidian</i>. Although her previous books have contained fantasy elements, <i>The Problem With Forever</i> tackles a contemporary, realistic situation. It is a story of two teenage abuse survivors, and the ways they try to break free from their past.

Mallory has spent four years in therapy since being adopted/rescued by a couple of doctors, Carl and Rosa. Struggling with selective mutism as a result of her past, she has been unable to live a “normal” life. However, Mallory has ambitions to go to college, but in order to do this she must be able to cope being around and speaking to other people. So she takes what feels like the biggest step of her life and enrolls in high school for her senior year.

Of course high school was going to be a life changing experience for Mallory but she got even more than she bargained for. On her very first day she meets Rider, or rather is reunited; the boy she was in a foster home with. Neither believed they would ever see each other again and are delighted about being able to rekindle their strong friendship; except there are many obstacles in the way of their ‘happy ever after.’ A jealous girlfriend, over-protective parents, contrasting social circumstances, and, perhaps most importantly, the effects their challenging past has had on the pair.

The horror of Mallory and Rider’s past makes The Problem With Forever a heart-wrenching tale. It is shocking to think that children in real life have gone through, or are going through, similar experiences. Readers will want a happy ending for both characters, yet will undergo a foreboding sense that something will go wrong.

<i>The Problem With Forever</i> is also a love story – however this is where I think the novel falls down. The romance that blooms between Mallory and Rider seems to happen far too quickly, especially as they have only recently been reunited. That is not the only problem: Mallory and Rider grew up like foster siblings, which makes their new relationship feel somewhat wrong. The overall story could have been just as good without love coming into play.

Overall, I am sure readers will agree, Armentrout’s latest novel is a heart-wrenching story that comes with a strong message about letting go of the past and becoming someone new, someone better. You may have had a bad past, but you will have new experiences if you let yourself. You will not feel this way forever. Full of powerful statements, <i>The Problem With Forever</i> is likely to move many to tears – so be prepared!
My Life with Bob
My Life with Bob
Pamela Paul | 2017 | Biography, Essays
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I need to read more books about books, because the few that I've read, I've really enjoyed! Earlier this year I read Tolstoy and the Purple Chair, and loved it. I have holds on Voracious: A Hungry Reader Cooks Her Way Through Great Books and The World Between Two Covers: Reading the Globe. (I also have a hold on The Man Who Loved Books Too Much, but I'm not sure that quite counts.) And, in looking up the links for those books, I just put holds on three more books about reading, since this is a genre I apparently enjoy!

My Life with Bob is about the author's reading life. Bob is a notebook she uses to keep track of what she's read. Just title and author, and whether or not she's finished it. Very simple. But in looking back through what she's read, she recalls where she was, and what she was doing or going through at the time. So the real story is how her reading choices fit into her life, and how being a bookworm affected her life.

I enjoyed the book, with the slight irritation (in the latter part of the book) of her insistence on calling Young Adult literature, Children's Lit. Children's books are picture books and books for young readers, not The Fault in Our Stars and The Hunger Games. Those are Young Adult, and there's a pretty big difference in my opinion. Maybe not in the professional world; she is the editor of The New York Times Book Review. But it's frustrating to hear her talk about Kid Lit and lump Harry Potter in with a 36-page autobiography of a teddy bear written for kids under 10.

I was also a little shocked to learn (in the book!) she wrote a book about how porn is destroying the American family, and testified before Congress about it, sponsored by Senators Orrin Hatch and Sam Brownback. I normally don't have a problem reading Republican authors - I often don't know the exact political leanings of authors - but I'm reading about her reading choices, and suddenly they are all suspect. (She disliked Ayn Rand, at least, so that's something.) The book was published in May of last year, so after the last presidential election. Anyone who acknowledges working with the GOP at this point, and isn't embarrassed by it, immediately gets a black mark in my book.

So ultimately I'm torn on this book. I liked reading it. I dislike the author. (I will never even try to be non-political on this blog. Sorry-not-sorry.)

You can find all my reviews at