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Part of Her Plan (Cupid's Cafe #5)
Part of Her Plan (Cupid's Cafe #5)
Catherine Peace | 2021 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Romance
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
not an easy read, but a bloody good one!
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

I have no idea what I expected from this book, but it certainly wasn't this!

Jenny and Lydia have real life problems. Both are recovering from their respective addictions (or not, as the case may be) and this book focuses on that, more than the romance, and I really LOVED that. All too often these topics get brushed under the carpet and here, they are front and centre.

Lydia has a plan, to get her own apartment, and then be on her own. Meeting with Jenny again should not waver her from her plan. She's doing well, and is committed to get to the end. Jenny, on the other hand, isn't doing so well and the place in the sober living house SHOULD be her ticket to get to be with her brother again. But Jenny's recovery isn't going to plan, and one single mistake might ruin them both.

At one point, I wasn't sure I wanted to read this book. I started it, and it took a downward turn (I thought) and I contemplated leaving it. But something made me carry on and I am so bloody glad I did!

Yes, it's not an easy read. it certainly isn't a fluffy romance that you can breeze through, but it IS a bloody good book! It shows the struggles, the real life struggles that people face. How people spiral downwards, how they hit the bottom and try to get back up. How the deal with their addiction (in this case drugs and alcohol) and what they do when faced with what might possibly be their last chance.

Jenny and Lydia are not perfect, but they are perfect for each other, and other than the issues with their addictions, the romance side of things moves along slow, at first, but then speeds up, and slows down again. I loved that it wasn't explicit. There is steam and passion a-plenty, but the detailed sex scenes are not here, and I truly think had they been, I would not have liked this book as much!

I've not read anything by this author before, nor any of the previous books in this series, I don't think you need to, to enjoy this one. I might go back and read them!

But please, be aware of the subject matter: drug abuse and alcohol abuse mostly. Some people might not be able to read this because of triggers.

4 stars

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**
Guns Akimbo (2019)
Guns Akimbo (2019)
2019 | Action, Comedy
Contains spoilers, click to show
I'll start by saying that 'Guns Akimbo' is not for everyone. It's an ultra-violent, stupid, no brain action/comedy movie, and it doesn't pretended to be anything else. If you've seen the picture/meme of Daniel Radcliffe standing in a street in a dressing gown and bear-feet slippers waving two guns around then you've seen a publicity shot (and in some cases the DVD/Blu-ray cover) for' Guns Akimbo'.

The films premise is simple(ish), Miles (Daniel 'Harry Potter' Radcliffe) is a programmer for a mobile games company who's main outlet it getting inappropriate videos taken down and confronting internet Trolls. One day he comes across a site for 'Skizm', a real life, ultra violent game. Skizm don't take kindly to some of Miles's comments and break into his home and drug him. When Miles wakes up he has a gun bolted to both of his hands and is told that he has to kill Nix, the current top Skizm player or she will kill him.

'Guns Akimbo' does not hold back on anything, the film is filled with violence and drug use (including comparing the use of an asthma inhaler to taking cocaine), the humour is often immature (see Miles trying to work out how to go to the loo with guns bolted to his hands) and the sound track is fast and thumping. The film is made to feel like a real life computer game almost in the same way as 'Scott Pilgrim vs the World' and, in some ways comparing Guns Akimbo to Scott Pilgrim isn't wrong, Guns Akimbo is a lot more violent but, if Scot Pilgrim is a fighting game (such as Mortal Combat) then Guns Akimbo is a Doom Style shoot 'em Up. Guns Akimbo even has Scot Pilgrim style graphics occasionally interspersed through out.

The main problem I had with 'Guns Akimbo' is that it hasn't got a U.K. release, it's been released almost everywhere else but not here and, with no information as to why or when I can only assume that it's because our all powerful BBFC won't rate it or, at the very least want too many cuts to make it 15.

So, if you want an over the top violent film that you don't need to think about and you don't mind drug use, blood and daft humour then give 'Guns Akimbo' a go. Oddly there is no sex, I think this must be because it would get in the way of the violence.
The Tin Can Crucible
The Tin Can Crucible
Christopher Davenport | 2020 | Philosophy, Psychology & Social Sciences, Travel
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
It’s thanks to The Pigeonhole that I read this book - it’s not something that I would have normally considered. I’ll be honest, it was the cover that attracted me. The photo of the mountain with the tops of the trees peeking through the cloud: it’s a beautiful picture. And the tag line across the front of the front: ‘A firsthand account of modern day sorcery violence’. Well. I had to know what this was about. It had immediately intrigued me. I had had the impression that the Peace Corps was a religious organisation, and this book put that little piece of misinformation to rights (it’s not).

Even with all the detailed descriptions, I still felt it was difficult to imagine what life must have been like, living in one of these villages. It’s so far beyond my own experiences, that even with Christophers detailed explanations of village life, I couldn’t comprehend how these people lived. Huts with dirt on the floor, men and women aged before their time, no running water or, I assume, sewage systems. I’m a bit of a details person, and I’ve come to believe over the last 40 years or so, that toilets and running water are up there in my list of top priorities.

The real crux of this novel though, is the death of the elder - a man that Christopher gets along with very well, and had spoken to frequently. Then he dies. Whilst Christopher is sleeping, two women are imprisoned and accused of killing the elder using witchcraft. They are shut away together until one or the other turns the other woman in. If they don’t, then they both die. This was clearly a situation where someone was going to lose out. And by ‘lose out’, I mean ‘die’. Christopher is understandably upset by this - who can blame him? But at the same time, there’s nothing he can do. He’s in another country where this kind of behaviour, whilst not frequent, is accepted. You can feel his disappointment in his foster family radiating off the page, and also his helplessness. I couldn’t understand how he could stay with them though.

I think the real lesson for both the author and the reader, was that these were not people who could be changed. They were firmly entrenched in their own culture and beliefs.

Many thanks to The Pigeonhole and Christopher Davenport for serialising this informative and emotional memoir. This is what reading is about: learning something new, completely out of your own sphere of knowledge. This book certainly delivers on that.

Eleanor Luhar (47 KP) rated Butter in Books

Jun 24, 2019  
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
I remember my friend talking about this book a while ago, but I didn't know anything about it. But then I saw it on Goodreads and decided to check it out of my library.

'Butter' is big. Like, 423 pounds big. He has no friends, unless you count Doc Bean or the Professor.

Despite spending many summers at FitFab - a summer camp for the slightly -ahem- larger population of kids - he just can't seem to shed the excess weight. In fact, all he ever seems to do is gain more.

Butter also has a crush. But he knows he doesn't have a shot with the gorgeously skinny Anna, so he talks to her anonymously via the internet. Under the handle "SaxMan" and with the alias of JP, Butter promises Anna that they'll get to meet each other on New Year's Eve. Little does she know, Butter has a more deadly plan ready for the last day of the year.

After launching, Butter is swamped with new friends, asking what's on the menu for Butter's last night on earth. The popular kids are suddenly inviting him to parties every weekend, and even Anna is talking to him in real life.

But as the deadline draws closer, Butter can't decide whether to go through with his plan or not. Is he really ready to leave this life behind? Is he really willing to stay?

This novel is written in a very accurate teenage voice. As an incredibly obese teenager, Butter suffers in the social department. A lot of his problems are relatable to those of us who aren't quite society's idea of perfect. I can't say I know much about this, but I'm sure there are lost of people who could also relate to his weight and dieting issues.

Butter's real name isn't revealed until the last page, which I thought was a great touch. I didn't even notice at first; he was just Butter. But it makes a big point about how he decides to shed his old identity and move on, making a positive change to his lifestyle.

This could be a bit triggering to some people, with mentions of weight problems, dieting, eating disorders, and suicide. I did find it a bit hard to read at times because of these aspects, but none of it was talked about too much.

I raced through this, reading half of it just this morning. It's a really good read, and although it hasn't quite made its way into my favourites, I think Butter deserves 4.5 stars.

Roe v. Wade (2021)
Roe v. Wade (2021)
2021 | Drama, History
5.0 (1 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Tough subject matter taken head on (1 more)
'Old-pros' Voight, Davi and Guttenberg turn up
The script is clunky and unconvincing (1 more)
Some of the supporting acting roles are ropey
A controversial look at the Supreme Court legalisation of abortion in 1973
Roe v Wade was a controversial vote by the US Supreme Court in 1973 over whether abortion should be legalized across the US, following its earlier legalization in New York state.

Following an early personal tragedy, Dr. Bernard Nathanson (Nick Loeb) is a leading abortion advocate, making a tidy living by performing abortions in New York. Together with writer and journalist Larry Lader (Jamie Kennedy) the pair lobby for the "Right to Choose": to legalize abortion across the country. They 'recruit' Norma McCorvey (Summer Joy Campbell), under the pseudonym of Jane Roe, to headline their case.

Against them are the 'Pro-Life' lobby headed by Dr. Mildred Jefferson (Stacey Nash) with Henry Wade (James DuMont), the district attorney for Dallas County, being the opposing plaintiff.

- It's a brave team that put a movie together about such an emotionally charged subject, and Nick Loeb and crew should be congratulated for being brave enough to do so.
- As in "The Trial of the Chicago 7", this was subject matter from the era from the US 1960/1970's that I was completely unaware of, so I didn't know where the movie might go (no spoilers here).
- The movie plays its cards pretty close to its chest for most of the running time as regards whose 'side' it is on: pro-Life or pro-Choice. You see each team working their own corner, and the facts for and against are provided to the viewer (which Nick Loeb asserts have been thoroughly fact checked).
- The film comes to life most in some of the legal debates between Professor Robert Byrn (Joey Lawrence) and his students. These were the scenes which I enjoyed most, and Lawrence delivers one of the better acting performances in the movie.
- There's fun in seeing a lot of 'old pros' appearing in cameos as the supreme court judges: Jon Voight ("Mission Impossible"); Bond villain Robert Davi ("Licence to Kill"); Corbin Bernsen ("LA Law") and Steve Guttenberg ("3 Men and a Baby").

- There's no polite way to say this, but as a relatively low-budget movie, some of the supporting performances are on the decidedly ropy side.
- I wanted to see more of the legal debate between the members of the Supreme court.... but I suspect the shooting time available with these 'big name' actors was limited. That's a shame.
- This is not a "Trial of the Chicago 7", and the script is NOT by Aaron Sorkin. It generally lacks polish. And there is way too much "Oh, hello <<Insert full title and name of character here>>" which is distractingly unnatural (just use sub-titles!).
- Those familiar with my blog will know of my UTTER HATRED of voiceovers in movies! This is deployed throughout (by Nick Loeb) and irritated me enormously. More "Show".... less "Tell"!
- The movie doesn't know when to quit. There is a natural and dramatic "end point" to the story. But the movie tacks on multiple 'epilogue' scenes. Some of these are interesting and informative, showing broadcasts of the 'real-life' participants. Others are superfluous, and lessen the overall impact of the message. IMHO, it would have been better to end at the natural end-point of the story, then 'do a "Sully"' by dropping the real life photos and interviews as insets into the end-titles.

I'll sometimes put 'warnings' for sensitive viewers into my reviews. As the subject matter is abortion, then this may naturally self-deselect certain viewers. But to be clear, the movie does 'go there' in two short, almost subliminal, scenes that will almost certainly upset any parents that have been through any form of pre-natal loss. Watcher beware.

(For my full graphical review, please check out One Mann's Movies review here - Thanks.)

Beckie Shelton (40 KP) rated Copycat in Books

Oct 6, 2017  
Alex Lake | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry, Philosophy, Psychology & Social Sciences, Thriller
8.0 (7 Ratings)
Book Rating
OMG!!!! I bloody loved Copycat By Alex Lake. It was one of those books that when you pick it up it's practically impossible to put back down.
And this is what actually happened to me, I decided to read the first couple chapters at midnight to get a feel for it and Wham!!! that was it, I finished in the early hours of the morning, couldn't put it down, it was such addictive reading. a real page-turner.
So the story is about Sarah Havenant a doctor married to Ben, British and a lawyer living in Maine with their three adorable children, the picture-perfect life.
So Sarah gets a friend request from a girl she used to go to school with and she asks Sarah which is her real facebook profile.
Transpires there is another Sarah Havenant using pictures of her children, her husband and from her own house seriously weird and scary.
As events escalate it turns out this is only the start as Sarah's whole world implodes, people around her including her husband start to doubt her sanity.
Sarah and Ben's marriage buckle's under the strain and poor Sarah has no idea who to trust and where to turn when even her own husband is doubting her.
So this is the sort of Psychological mindtwist I adore and Copycat kept me guessing throughout.
I had absolutely no idea who was stalking Sarah and only just guessed right before the shocking reveal.
And to say I was gobsmacked is an understatement, what a conclusion.
sorry for the vagueness I'm trying to keep this spoiler-free.
I would definitely recommend this to my fellow psychological thriller lovers, this one is super fast, its excellently written and the story just flows brilliantly, with never a dull minute to be had here.
Thank you to Netgalley, the publisher and the author for providing me with an arc of Copycat By Alex Lake, this is my own honest unbiased opinion.