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Kevin Wilson (179 KP) rated The Nightmare Before Christmas (1993) in Movies

Jul 13, 2018 (Updated Jul 13, 2018)  
The Nightmare Before Christmas (1993)
The Nightmare Before Christmas (1993)
1993 | Animation, Family, Sci-Fi
Fantastic animation style (3 more)
Great music
Great acting
A unique story
My favourite movie of all time
This is by far my favourite movie of all time.

Created my Tim Burton who is also my favourite director (yes I know he didn't direct this)

The style he uses in incredible. It's all stop motion which basically means he builds real life models, takes a picture of it in a pose and then takes another in a slightly different pose then and another and another until the pictures come together to look like a moving model. It's incredible and if you watch the behind the scenes you can see the effort they put into this movie and it shows.

The character designs are so good as well as the locations.

The plot is pretty much halloweentown finds Christmas for the first time. It's fun, funny, emotional, even creepy and it's just a good time all the way through.

The music is fantastic. Every song is unique and catchy and you will find the soundtrack on my phone. Actors are incredible and at perfect for the roles they play.

People tend to ask if it's a Halloween or Christmas movie but I watch it anytime of the year.
Next Time - Single by BLESSED
Next Time - Single by BLESSED
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Album Rating
BLESSED is a Sydney-based rapper, producer, and songwriter from Accra, Ghana. Not too long ago, he released a music video for his “Next Time” single.

“With no control, I’m living life. I’m outta mind, I’m outta sight. I’ve been rollin’ every night. All alone, that’s every night. Tears, they fall like moonlight rain. Shadows on my window paint, now. In the end, they’re all the same. In the end, you’re all the same.” – lyrics

The self-directed black-and-white confessional audiovisual finds BLESSED performing bare-chested. Also, his performance draws inspiration from icons of ‘90s rock ‘n’ roll and hip-hop music.

‘Next Time’ is the first string of singles and videos which BLESSED will be releasing throughout the year, ending in an EP which is slated for late 2019.

The likable tune contains a dreamy storyline, harmonious rap vocals, and chill instrumentation flavored with alternative, hip-hop, and indie-rock elements.

BLESSED moved to Australia as a child, where he was aptly named a blessing by his family.

This project marks the first time he is using his real name instead of a moniker. Also, he is fresh from a national tour supporting Matt Corby.
Dauntless (The Lost Fleet, #1)
Dauntless (The Lost Fleet, #1)
Jack Campbell | 2006 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.0 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
While I doubt this novel is going to win any awards for literature, I have to say that it is a good enough read: not brilliant, but not terrible either.

Written by a ex-navy man, it's easy to see the influnece of his career in the pages: this is 'real' science-fiction, not science-fantasy, with the space battles obeying the laws of physics as we know them. The plot outline is also somewhat remniscient of the new series of BattleStar Galactica, with a smaller rag-tag force being chased by a numerically superior foe. Ironically, this book was first released at around the same time as that series came on TV, with (in this edition) the author claiming that that WAS NOT an inspiration (in the interview at the end), as if he'd been thinking of BSG it woud've been the older series.

With the way the book opens I must also admit that, at first, I thought I'd missed something: the best corollary I can think of is as if the film Aliens (that's the one with the 'S') had started without the whole prologue of them finding Ripleys life pod: you'd be able to infer what had happened, but would be feeling a bit lost at first.

Eilidh G Clark (177 KP) rated Chocky in Books

Jul 2, 2019  
John Wyndham | 2009 | Fiction & Poetry, Science Fiction/Fantasy
7.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
The story is weirdly good and disturbing (0 more)
Sometime a bit dated in style (0 more)
Weird and a bit dated
Contains spoilers, click to show
I picked this book up at work a few days ago and had never heard of it. Seeing as I was looking for filler fiction while I work on university assignments I am delighted I found it. It is well written from the first person perspective of Mathews father. Matthew is an eleven year old boy with an imaginary friend. When his adopted parent become concerned as to the irregularities of Mathews interests and in the way he talks they seek help. As it turns out Chocky is real. An intelligent life form sent to earth to explore the planet to see if it worthy of habitation. Okay, this might sound like a, been there, done that kind of novel but Chocky delves into parental worries about psychological issues. In addition, the character of Chocky looks at Earth from an outsiders point of view and what he/she finds is interesting and worth thinking about. It sheds a light on the way we consume power, on the way we pollute the environment and on greed and corruption. Very cleverly done and nicely concluded.

Erika (17789 KP) rated Once Upon a Time in Hollywood (2019) in Movies

Jul 27, 2019 (Updated Jul 27, 2019)  
Once Upon a Time in Hollywood (2019)
Once Upon a Time in Hollywood (2019)
2019 | Crime, Drama, Thriller
This has been the only film I've seen in theaters this July (too many kids movies), and it was completely worth it.

The only gripe I have, to start out with, was the length. QT definitely took his time to develop the characters, and to enjoy the overall nostalgia of Hollywood in 1969. I'm not really a Brad Pitt (Cliff) fan, but his chemistry with Leo was a joy to watch, and highly amusing. I really loved Leo in this, aside from his persistent Calvin Candie accent.
I really enjoyed Moh's Bruce Lee, and the scene with Cliff was one of my favorites. Another of my favorites was the ultra-creepiness of the Spahn Ranch with the Manson family.
The entire movie, I was waiting for the signature violence, and while there was a little at Spahn Ranch, the end was amazing. The last scenes had me laughing so hard, I was crying, I loved it. QT really let us know how he feels about the Manson family.

Of course, this is a fairy-tale, so the end result was different than what happened in real life. I'm for sure going to try to catch this flick again tomorrow.

Also- RIP Luke Perry, he got very little screen time, but it was great screen time.

Andy K (10823 KP) Jul 27, 2019

Can't wait to watch this!

A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood (2019)
A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood (2019)
2019 | Drama
First of all, for an unpopular opinion, Tom Hanks does not, "look exactly like Fred Rogers". I was so sick of hearing that before the movie came out. He looks like Tom Hanks, playing Fred Rogers, wearing Mister Rogers' outfits. I didn't need him to look exactly like Fred Rogers. Tom Hanks is an actor, and it's a movie. I did enjoy watching the movie. Not that I can say I enjoyed the story in a happy way, since it touched on some very real, very dark adult emotions that had been hidden away for the majority of the main character's life. The way that Lloyd was woven into an episode of Mister Rogers for effect was trippy at times. Since they started out that way, it felt strange, as if the story's execution was wrong at the beginning. But the story does make sense. I just think that the beginning was a little uncomfortable. It was an interesting story, overall, though. Mister Rogers was an amazing man. I'm glad that they found a way to make a story about him that was more focused on an adult issue. It gave the magic and love of Mister Rogers yet another dimension.

Dean (6927 KP) rated The Invisible Man (2020) in Movies

Mar 5, 2020 (Updated Mar 5, 2020)  
The Invisible Man (2020)
The Invisible Man (2020)
2020 | Horror, Sci-Fi
Great acting (1 more)
Fresh twist on a classic
Defies the law of physics (0 more)
The invisible enemy
The first thing I thought of when I saw the trailer for this was it reminded me of @Sleeping with the Enemy (1991) To be honest it has more in common with that classic thriller than other invisible man films. The opening sequence is very similar and I assume inspired by it. The acting is very good as our victim of domestic violence goes through an entire range of emotions with many thinking she is crazy. The SFX scenes are pretty good and look believable. I only noticed after this is billed as a Horror. There are a couple of jump scares and some bloody scenes but it definitely fits a Thriller more closely.
The only down side is some of the science in some scenes just wouldn't make sense in real life, rain hitting a solid object etc.
Must add the score really added to the intensity of many scenes and created a sense of being on a knife edge.
Overall a good enjoyable film. If you like a mix of thriller, with a Sci-fi angle and especially a fan of sleeping with the Enemy, you'll find this a nice surprise.
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