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This One Sky Day
This One Sky Day
Leone Ross | 2021 | Contemporary, Fiction & Poetry, LGBTQ+, Science Fiction/Fantasy
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
This One Sky Day is packed full of magical realism and beautiful descriptions of what appears on the surface to be a tropical paradise.
Popisho is a magical land where everyone is born with a special gift or ‘cors’ Some are healers, some have speed or strength, and some, namely Xavier Redchoose, has the gift of cooking the perfect meal for everyone. He is the macaenus of his generation. He has the ability at his fingertips to make food taste delicious, and to cook just what his guest loves and needs the most. All cors are given by the gods.

It’s a story that tells you to use your gifts to make you happy, it talks about politics and how they can be twisted to serve the needs of those who are supposed to who are supposed to serve others, and it’s a story that shows that change is inevitable.

I’m not so sure that I understood everything, but it’s a beautifully written, entertaining story. I never knew what was going to happen next, in a world where literally anything could happen!

I WILL say that I’ve read enough about pum-pums to last me a lifetime. I may even be a little bit traumatised! 🤭

I think the best word to describe this book is “gleeful”. Whilst I was reading it, it felt like the author had enjoyed writing it (whether that’s true or not, I have no idea!), and it was a book that just made me feel happy! 🤷🏼‍♀️

So, whether I’ve managed to grasp the finer details of this novel is immaterial to me - I just really very much enjoyed reading it.

Many thanks to The Pigeonhole for another great serialisation.

ClareR (5686 KP) rated The Betrayals in Books

Dec 14, 2020  
The Betrayals
The Betrayals
Bridget Collins | 2020 | Dystopia, Fiction & Poetry, Mystery, Science Fiction/Fantasy
10.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Firstly, I should say that The Betrayals is a phenomenal book. It opens up a whole new world to the reader. It brought to mind the type of society that I imagine we would have had under National Socialism: men in charge and better educated than women, women expected to know their place, only state sanctioned religion permitted, and those of other religions or schools of thought are ‘disappeared’. I really would have liked to have read more about this outside world, but I don’t feel short changed at only having read about what happens within the confines of Montverre. It is strange actually, that such a major part of Montverre, the grand jeu, is never explicitly talked about. We get the impression as a reader that it’s a performance consisting of maths, music, philosophy and state sanctioned religion. It’s held in extremely high regard: studying it is a sure fire open door to a position of power afterwards.

So what IS The Betrayals about? Well, betrayal, actually. Everyone is backstabbing and lying to everyone else in this book, and they’re lucky if they live to regret it. It’s the cloistered version of Dallas (with less sex)! I loved it. This was a hard book to put down, and one I steamed through far too quickly. This ticks a lot of boxes for me: historical fantasy (double whammy straight away), a mystery to solve, dystopian and a smattering of magical realism. I’m glad it looks like a book that could have a sequel - even if it never as one. It leaves the reader able to make up their own next moves (yes, I do that).

Huge thanks to the publisher for providing me with a NetGalley copy of this book - it was one of my reading highlights of 2020.

ClareR (5686 KP) rated Limberlost in Books

Oct 22, 2023  
Robbie Arnott | 2022 | Contemporary, Fiction & Poetry
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Limberlost is yet another beautiful novel from Robbie Arnott. There’s less of the magical realism in this, yet there’s still the beauty and magic of the natural world.

Limberlost is a place. It’s the orchard belonging to Ned West’s family; but all Ned can think about is sailing in a boat of his own, far from life in Limberlost.

The story moves back and forth between Ned’s childhood and his adulthood. Ned’s older brothers go away to fight in WW2, and he lives with his father and older sister. Their lives revolve around worry for the brothers and the apple crop. Ned is struggling as the brother left behind, so he decides to trap rabbits and sell their fur in order to buy his own boat. When he accidentally traps a quoll, only he and Callie (who lives on the next farm and is his best friend Jackbirds sister) know. He decides to nurse it back to health.

Ned’s childhood is seen through three significant moments: the capture of the quoll, the rebuilding of a Huon pine boat, and years before when his father borrowed a boat and took his children out to look at the whales.

Many years later, Ned still remembers these moments.

It was interesting (and sobering) to read about mans, and Neds, impact on the land: how his crop spraying may have been the cause of his wife’s cancer, and how colonisation was the reason why the orchard was his and not the native people’s anymore.

This is such a gentle, gorgeously written novel, and utterly devastating in parts. Even the description of Ned sanding his boat was told with such tenderness - the reader is there, inhaling the scent of pine.

This is yet another utterly entrancing novel from Robbie Arnott. I’m most definitely a fan.
Gran Torino (2009)
Gran Torino (2009)
2009 | Drama
A racist Korean War veteran has to deal with his own prejudice when a Hmong teenager tries to steal his car.

Acting: 8
Clint Eastwood comes out of the gates swinging in playing racist Walt Kowalski. I thought it was a daring role seeing as, even though the character had a strong prejudices, you were still supposed to somehow like and respect him. Clint walks that line finely and pulls the role off with that smooth ease I've seen in a number of his previous roles.

Special love to a strong supporting role from Chee Thao who plays the angry Grandma of the Hmong family. She hates Clint as much as he hates her and their chemistry makes for some hilarious scenes. She captures the role perfectly.

Beginning: 1

Characters: 10
Gran Torino features a rich array of characters with meaning and depth. Walt is a man set in his ways after the war hardened him, but you find his walls slowly tearing down as the movie progresses. He reluctantly lets in the people that he wouldn't normally and finds himself becoming closer to them than his own family. While his heart may have changed, I appreciated the fact that his mouth didn't. Walt, with his brutal honesty, always spoke what was on his mind at all times which was funny and refreshing at the same time.

Thao (Bee Vang) has his own internal struggle as he deals with getting his education while trying to take care of his family and still fit in with the men in his family. He wants to be different than his thug cousins but he's too much of a softy to stand up for himself. Thao and Walt end up on a collision course towards each other surrounded by a number of characters that have their own stories worth paying attention to.

Cinematography/Visuals: 10
A lot of scenes stuck out in my head when considering Gran Torino. From family dinners to one-off scenes with Walt and Thao, the film provides believable insight into Walt becoming closer to his "enemies" than his own family. The dinners were shot in a claustrophobic type of way. Thao's house was littered with people and you find a surrounded Walt trying to navigate his way through while steering clear of being social. The film as a whole was shot in a dark style indicative of looming danger. It's unnerving in a way, but effective at the same time.

Conflict: 10

Genre: 7

Memorability: 10
The hard dramatic shift in the film is like a gut punch, both jarring and unexpected. I appreciate when a film can change tones and still be effective. I also appreciate when films show racism from both sides of the fence. There's a refreshing sense of realism you get with Gran Torino that may be sacrificed in other films for the sake of getting a point across. In Torino, no one is innocent. No one is exempt.

I can't even count the number of one-liners that Walt provides throughout the span of the movie. My personal favorite: "Good day, puss cake." I have often considered how hilarious it would be to randomly say that to someone. There's still time...

Pace: 6
Definitely could have been improvement in the pacing department. The beginning starts off extremely slow before moving at a shaky pace. It finally levels out at about the half hour mark, but the damage had already been done for me at this point.

Plot: 10
Solid storyline from beginning to end that is both intriguing and unique. We are provided with an insight into a different culture in an endearing way that makes you smile.

Resolution: 5

Overall: 77
Gran Torino is an original film that succeeds with gritty realism and strong characters. A few tweaks, particularly a stronger ending, would have put the movie into a higher tier for me. Still a solid watch.
The Ethereal Squadron (The Sorcerers of Verdun)
The Ethereal Squadron (The Sorcerers of Verdun)
Shami Stovall | 2018 | History & Politics, Science Fiction/Fantasy
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
The Ethereal Squadron (The Sorcerers of Verdun) by Shami Stovall
The Ethereal Squadron is part of The Sorcerers of Verdun series, and it starts off with a bang! To put it very simply - sorcerers exist, and they are fighting in WWI. Now, if you're a history buff, just be prepared for this story to be different to the books you may have read prior to this. This is, after all, a fiction book. Saying that though, the realism that is portrayed by this author is second to none. From situations to characters, they all have the ring of truth going on, which just kept on improving my satisfaction of this story.

I won't go into the story, you don't need me to do that. What I will tell you is this story is exceptional in EVERY way. From the research done into battles, guns, chains-of-command, to how characters react in situations. When these characters fall from a great height, they are worried about how much it's going to hurt! They don't just blithely jump, not fearing consequences. The character development is outstanding. All of the characters change during this book, in a way consistent with them. No one suddenly become Superman after being Clark Kent for 99% of the book!

I thoroughly enjoyed this story, and definitely want to read more. One of the things I enjoyed most was the 'time'. All too often, stories are set in the second World War. This made the story individual, and coupled with the rest of the elements in here, I would even go so far as to say unique.

A long book without a single wasted word. Absolutely recommended by me, and I can't wait to read more - both about these Sorcerers, and also from this amazing author.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books