Cycles, Sequels, Spin-Offs, Remakes, and Reboots: Multiplicities in Film and Television
R. Barton Palmer and Amanda Ann Klein
With sequels, prequels, remakes, spin-offs, or copies of successful films or franchises dominating...

Evil Forces - Lego Ninjago Rebooted Version
Games and Entertainment
Test your skills in the ultimate stunt school as your favourite hero! Advance trough different...

Rebooting India: Realizing a Billion Aspirations
Nandan Nilekani and Viral Shah
A timely call to reshape government through technology, from Nandan Nilekani and Viral Shah, two...

Creed (2015)
Movie Watch
Filmmaker Ryan Coogler’s Creed reunites Coogler with his Fruitvale Station star Michael B. Jordan...

Halloween (2018)
Movie Watch
Laurie Strode comes to her final confrontation with Michael Myers, the masked figure who has haunted...

Batman Begins (2005)
Movie Watch
A young Bruce Wayne (Christian Bale) travels to the Far East, where he's trained in the martial arts...

Spider-Man: Homecoming (2017)
Movie Watch
Under the watchful eye of Tony Stark and facing a villain known as the Vulture, young Peter Parker...
Marvel MCU Spider-Man Spiderman