Cycles, Sequels, Spin-Offs, Remakes, and Reboots: Multiplicities in Film and Television
R. Barton Palmer and Amanda Ann Klein
With sequels, prequels, remakes, spin-offs, or copies of successful films or franchises dominating...

Rebooting India: Realizing a Billion Aspirations
Nandan Nilekani and Viral Shah
A timely call to reshape government through technology, from Nandan Nilekani and Viral Shah, two...

Customer Experience Management Rebooted: Are You an Experience Brand or an Efficiency Brand?: 2016
Walden shows why most customer experience management fails to improve the customer's real experience...

Remake Television: Reboot, Re-Use, Recycle
Remakes are pervasive in today's popular culture, whether they take the form of reboots,...