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The Bipolar Addict
The Bipolar Addict
Conor Bezane | 2019 | Education, Fiction & Poetry, Reference
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Very informative!
Rating: ☆☆☆☆.5

I received a copy to read and review from Smith Publicity for my honest opinion.

TRIGGER WARNINGS: Drug abuse, alcohol abuse, suicide attempts, bullying, sexual abuse.

The Bipolar Addict is broken up into three parts: Part 1 - Conor's Story, Part 2 - Interviews of others who battle with Manic Depression and Bipolar disorder, and Part 3 - Talking of Recovery, getting help, and that sober is the new cool.

Part 1 follows the hardships Conor endured growing up. Bullying which eventually lead to alcohol abuse and then later drug abuse as he grew older. During this time, he also attempted suicide a few times. Conor was then diagnosed with Bipolar disorder, manic depression, and anxiety. Mix all that with alcohol and drug abuse and his body was struggling.

As I read, I was enthralled in the world of what Bipolar disorder really is. I was also blown away with the writing style. The Bipolar Addict is a debut novel by Conor Bezane and he definitely has a way of grabbing your attention and holding it instantly. A first time author, Conor has taken his life and spun it into a tale of struggles, sacrifice, and recovery that will tear the readers heart out, rip it into pieces, and then piece it back together, little by little.

Part 2 was just as interesting as part 1. You learn about a few others who used and through some rough patches like Conor. Part 3 was more informative compared to parts 1 and 2, talking about sober being the new cool and that it's healthy. The book ends with links and information on different helpful groups in the chance that you need to seek help for yourself.

"We are punks. We are poets. Musicians and artists. Professionals and intellectuals. We are drunk. High. Manic. Depressed. We almost died. And now we are stable and sober."

Reasons why I rated it 4.5 stars:
1. The plot:
There really wasn't much of a plot as this was a memoir/ self-help book. But the way Conor wrote, captivated my attention through and through.

2. My enjoyment:
I surprisingly was really interested in the entirety of this book. I couldn't put it down as Conor captivated me, not only in his writing but also the way he was able to take his life and spin it into a tale that read like he was a friend having a conversation.

3. Character and story development:
Again, this was a memoir/ self-help book, so there wasn't much development as it wasn't needed.

4. Grammar and spelling:
I did notice a few grammatical and spelling errors but for this being a debut, I really didn't mind.

5. The overall story:
The way that Conor wrote, you could feel the pain, loss, and loneliness. The lows of depression and the highs of mania. It was all otherworldly and from someone who has balanced depression and anxiety the majority of my life, I felt the painful and roller coaster of a life that Conor lived. This was definitely worth the read and was highly informative.

"Keep coming back."
Kisscut (Grant County, #2)
Kisscut (Grant County, #2)
Karin Slaughter | 2002 | Crime, Fiction & Poetry, Thriller
7.6 (5 Ratings)
Book Rating
A disturbingly good thriller
The second in the Grant County series this book continues with the high shock value of the crimes involved. Seriously if you are squeamish or don’t want to be reading about rape, genital mutilation, paedophilia, child abuse, and/or suicide then you should probably avoid.

In this outing medical examiner Sara Linton and her on / off partner police chief Jeffery Tolliver investigate a tragic teenage argument that leads to the uncovering of a series of very dark secrets in the town. But with those around the victim closing ranks it’s tough to get to the bottom of who is responsible for some pretty disturbing stuff.

We get to see a bit more of the Sara and Jeffrey relationship dynamic; but more interesting in this book is the ongoing recovery of Detective Lena Adams. The horrendous experiences that were covered in the previous book in the series “Blindsighted” are taking their toll on Lena. I would recommend reading this series in order to fully get the back story to this.

Despite the uncomfortable nature of some of the subject matter this is another well written thriller from Slaughter.
Part of Her Plan (Cupid's Cafe #5)
Part of Her Plan (Cupid's Cafe #5)
Catherine Peace | 2021 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Romance
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
not an easy read, but a bloody good one!
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

I have no idea what I expected from this book, but it certainly wasn't this!

Jenny and Lydia have real life problems. Both are recovering from their respective addictions (or not, as the case may be) and this book focuses on that, more than the romance, and I really LOVED that. All too often these topics get brushed under the carpet and here, they are front and centre.

Lydia has a plan, to get her own apartment, and then be on her own. Meeting with Jenny again should not waver her from her plan. She's doing well, and is committed to get to the end. Jenny, on the other hand, isn't doing so well and the place in the sober living house SHOULD be her ticket to get to be with her brother again. But Jenny's recovery isn't going to plan, and one single mistake might ruin them both.

At one point, I wasn't sure I wanted to read this book. I started it, and it took a downward turn (I thought) and I contemplated leaving it. But something made me carry on and I am so bloody glad I did!

Yes, it's not an easy read. it certainly isn't a fluffy romance that you can breeze through, but it IS a bloody good book! It shows the struggles, the real life struggles that people face. How people spiral downwards, how they hit the bottom and try to get back up. How the deal with their addiction (in this case drugs and alcohol) and what they do when faced with what might possibly be their last chance.

Jenny and Lydia are not perfect, but they are perfect for each other, and other than the issues with their addictions, the romance side of things moves along slow, at first, but then speeds up, and slows down again. I loved that it wasn't explicit. There is steam and passion a-plenty, but the detailed sex scenes are not here, and I truly think had they been, I would not have liked this book as much!

I've not read anything by this author before, nor any of the previous books in this series, I don't think you need to, to enjoy this one. I might go back and read them!

But please, be aware of the subject matter: drug abuse and alcohol abuse mostly. Some people might not be able to read this because of triggers.

4 stars

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**
A Gift to Cherish (Road to Refuge #2)
A Gift to Cherish (Road to Refuge #2)
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Love the colors used in this cover! They really caught my eye. I do want to let you know that this book is the second book in a series. It can be read as a stand-alone though, as the characters from the previous book are just mentioned in passing.
  I read Victoria Bylin’s first book back when it released and loved her edgy writing style. Victoria Bylin tells real-life stories and she does not shy away from the facts. The main characters in this book were easy to follow and get invested in. I loved their teasing (Flirting) back and forth, it was very sweet. Daisy shows remarkable strength in picking herself up after all that has happened to her and she keeps a very positive outlook on life. Plus, she is brave and ends up learning to trust God fully with the changes that life unexpectedly brings. Rafe is also a character of great strength, and someone I’d like to meet in person. Rafe has a good sense of humor and is honest with himself and others about his struggles. The optima of a tough cookie, Rafe may be tough on the outside but inside he is sweet.
The storyline kind of has a dual timeline in it, vague flashbacks to a different era that was quite interesting. The flashbacks I think, taught some valuable life lessons and were very enhancing to the overall story. Victoria Bylin worked in quite a few realities of life into this book, things like physical abuse, alcohol recovery, loneliness, and dealing with life when things do not go your way. Through it, all Victoria Bylin brought everything back how God is always there for us always no matter what situation we may find ourselves in. I truly appreciated how Victoria Bylin shared the gospel in this book.
I give this book 5 out of 5 stars for the vivid portrayal of everyday life, the great characters, and the theme of God overcoming all. I recommend picking this book up!
*I volunteered to read this book in return for my honest feedback. The thoughts and opinions expressed within are my own.
Changed (Gold Hockey #19)
Changed (Gold Hockey #19)
Elise Faber | 2023 | Contemporary, Romance
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
CHANGED is part of the Gold Hockey series and we finally get Mads and Lucas' story. Mads is Ben's sister, and we have met her in previous stories, where we found out she was a drug addict, and then a recovering addict. Now, she is fighting hard to make amends to those she has hurt in the past. Most people accept her recovery and help her make amends. Not Lucas though. Oh, no! He's been a hard-ass from the beginning but we find out why. Lucas has been on the receiving end of addicts who say they are quitting but don't. THAT is why his trust in Mads is non-existent. He is constantly doubting her word and waiting for her to mess up. When he makes the realisation that Mads is trying, and he has been a jerk, he will do anything he can to make up for his past behaviour.

This was an emotional story, with plenty here about how the actions of family can have an effect on a child/young adult/whatever, especially when drugs and abuse are in the mix. Lucas is self-aware enough to realise he is letting his own past affect his current views and tries to amend that.

Along with Mads and Lucas, there is a whole side story going on with Brit and Stefan, although they don't overshadow the main story. And then there is a final moment with Rome that I did not see coming! I knew he was being mentioned but simply thought it was because his was the next book in this series.

This was a great addition to the series, full of emotions and feelings, where life doesn't always run smoothly or as expected, but where family can be found to either make up for the one you have or to enhance the one you already have.

A fantastic read that I definitely recommend.

** same worded review will appear elsewhere **

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book; the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Aug 28, 2023
Songs of Red Current Wine (Colors of Love #6)
Songs of Red Current Wine (Colors of Love #6)
V.L. Locey | 2021 | LGBTQ+, Romance
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Because of Carl, this becomes a much darker read than the others, but Ms Locey nails it here.
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

This is book 6 in the Colors Of Love series (you have NO idea, how many times I typed the spelling of Colors!) But you do not have to read the others. Books one and 4 were 5 star reads, from me, and 2 and 3 were 4 stars. I missed book 5!

This is, I thought, a much darker read than all the others, and I read this book in one sitting, 200 odd pages before 8am!

As with the other books, only one of the two main characters have a say, and Carl's voice is powerful. Damaged and broken, but powerful nonetheless. His strong, but often depressive voice makes up for the lack that Tigh doesn't have a say.

Going home for his best friend's funeral would have caused many pain, but for Carl it pushes him over the edge, and into a faster path of self destruction. Only Tigh's strength and help helps Carl pull himself out of that pit of despair, along with a couple of surprising people who I didn't think would help him.

Tigh is Carl's best friend's younger brother, a LOT younger than Carl, but it's not thrown about too much. I liked that it pops up at key points, but only really when it's needed.

Carl's self destruction is painful reading, it really is. You can see it happening right in front of you, and you can't stop it. He was already on a downward spiral when we meet him, but Mike's death was the straw, really.

Because of Carl, this becomes a much darker read than the others, but Ms Locey nails it here. It's very difficult reading, but also, you get sucked in so bad because you want to see how Carl pulls out of it, you NEED to see how this plays out with Tigh and before you know it, you've ran out of tears, of cheers and of pages.

And Arn pops up, I love him! Love the little digs he makes about his clients, who are the subjects of the previous books. That made me laugh. But Arn is sad, and I don't want him to be. Will he get a book?? I hope so.

Trigger warnings for alcohol abuse (Carl) and PTSD recovery (Tigh)

5 amazing stars

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**