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Farm Rescue
Farm Rescue
2019 | Memory
The Kids Table series from Purple Phoenix Games seeks to lightly explore games that are focused toward children and families. We will do our best to give some good insight, but not bog your down with the millions of rules…

Farm Rescue is a cute little memory game with pretty excellent components, especially for a kids game. Though the box says 4+ my 3 year old picked it up pretty quickly and is surprisingly good at it.

The game comes in a box with a really great insert where the components can really only go in one spot. This is so wonderful for parents of younger kids who enjoy setting up and tearing down games. So thank you for that consideration, Brain Games! Anyway, the idea behind the game is to setup a 5 x 5 grid of face-up farm animal squares inside the provided picket fence border tiles. Each player will roll the two dice (one is color and one is an animal) and flip over the corresponding tile – like green chicken or purple cow. If a purple cow is rolled again in the future you must remember which tile featured the purple cow and flip it back over. If correct, then the farmer mini is moved closer to catching the wolf mini. If incorrect, the wolf mini is moved closer to the fence entrance. The game ends when either all tiles are flipped to their backs, the farmer catches the wolf, or the wolf gets into the fence to gobble up the remaining animals.

This game is surprisingly good! When my son picked it out at our FLGS (as recommended by the attendant) I didn’t know what to expect. I honestly, and foolishly, don’t keep kids games on my radar. When we brought it home, and after his nap, we were able to get a play in right away with Gramps as our third player. Ultimately we allowed the wolf to gobble up the animals, but we had a great time rolling the dice and flipping the animals (no Midwest cow tipping jokes please). My son also showed us that young children have far better memory skills than middle-aged dads and slightly older (you’re welcome) grandfathers.

My son LOVES his new game and I am so sure we are going to be playing it often. He even invited the farmer and wolf minis to the dinner table with him. He also took the following action shots of the game (which he never really offers to do, so this is big for him). Farm Rescue is a hit with our family, and if you are looking for a memory game with some meat on the bones (I had to), then check it out for your family.

PS – I often make mention of games that rely on color recognition that also play well with colorblindness. Though nobody in my family is colorblind, each of the colors in Farm Rescue also has an associated graphic – red circles, blue stars, purple plus signs. This is very much appreciated, and another high-five to Brain Games for having more inclusive components. Good on you!
Blue Monday (Frieda Klein, #1)
Blue Monday (Frieda Klein, #1)
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
I probably would have given this book 5 stars if I would have read it first. I would recommend that anyone who is interested in reading these books would start here with Blue Monday. I read [b:Tuesday's Gone|13613568|Tuesday's Gone (Frieda Klein, #2)|Nicci French||19213552] first, so when I was reading this book, I just wanted to get to the end since I knew what was coming.
Freida Klein is a psychotherapist in London. Her main focus is to help her patients. She is also a very private person and letting people into her life is very difficult for her. She has a boyfriend who hasn't even been to her apartment.
When Freida agrees to take on Alan Dekker as a patient, he tells her about dreams and fantasies he has been having that are keeping him awake at night and affecting his relationship with his wife and work colleagues. The dream involves a small boy with bright red hair, that Alan is imagining as his son. He and his wife have been unable to have children, so this thought has consumed him. It gives him terrible anxiety as if the boy should be with them.
So, it becomes very strange a few days after Freida takes Alan on, that a boy matching the boy that Alan is describing goes missing. Freida feels inclined to take this information to the police. The discoveries that come from that inquiry will uncover a whole lot of things no one saw coming.
This book is really good. It will leave you on the edge of your seat. Can't wait for the next book in the series.
Picture of Innocence
Picture of Innocence
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
My name is Lydia. I’m 12 years old. I’m not an evil person, but I did something bad.
My name is Maddie. I’d never hurt my son. But can I be sure if I don’t remember?
With three children under ten, Maddie is struggling. On the outside, she’s a happy young mother, running a charity as well as a household. But inside, she’s exhausted. She knows she’s lucky to have to have a support network around her. Not just her loving husband, but her family and friends too.
But is Maddie putting her trust in the right people? Because when tragedy strikes, she is certain someone has hurt her child – and everyone is a suspect, including Maddie herself…
The women in this book are about to discover that looks can be deceiving… because anyone is capable of terrible things. Even the most innocent, even you.
This is the story of every mother’s worst fear. But it’s not a story you know… and nothing is what it seems.

Picture Of Innocence is a dark psychological thriller.
This novel had me utterly hooked!
The story follows the lives of two women: Maddie and Lydia, and the theme is nature versus nurture.
I really enjoyed the two stories of two women in two different periods of time and watching how those stories intertwined.
This is one devious thriller!
There are so many twists, turns and red herrings in this book; you will be guessing and open mouthed even down to the last page!
I won’t give any spoilers, suffice to say that it’s shocking and dreadful and heartbreaking all at the same time.
 I have to commend T. J. Stimson for a brilliant read!

Many Thanks to AVON Books, UK and NetGalley for a wonderful read
2015 | Card Game, Deduction, Party Game, Spies / Espionage, Word Game
Great party game for larger player counts, and isn't impacted greatly if people drop in and out (2 more)
Engages children and adults
Makes players think outside the box to convey their intentions
Can annoy people who may struggle to articulate themselves clearly, leading to them shying away from playing a lead role (0 more)
A brilliant party game
I play this game regularly with family and friends, the largest occasion being a New Years Eve party where we had approximately 20 people jumping in and out of the game at various stages. It was a great game to capture the minds of all in something that is fun, but also makes one think. The premise of the game is that two teams are pitted against each other to discover their corresponding teams words on a grid. The captain's have a grid, which their respective team members cannot see, telling them which spaces are for the red team, the blue team, neutral or black square (best analogy may be Minesweeper - you look to guess your team's colour, but if you guess a word that is the other teams or is neutral, then play passes to the other team. However, the black square is the mine-if this is selected, you lose and the other team automatically wins). Captains will look at the grid of words and use a one word clue and a number (denoting how many words on the grid they are referring to) for their team to guess their colour's a tricky game, as a clue may be interpreted by your team in many ways! Truly enjoyable experience and a game I will teach my son when he is older. This is worth buying if you enjoy word games, without individual pressure (such as in Articulate).
Wishmaster 4: The Prophecy Fulfilled (2002)
Wishmaster 4: The Prophecy Fulfilled (2002)
2002 | Horror
4.0 (1 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Honestly, watching the alarmingly sharp decline of the Wishmaster films in terms of quality, I was expecting this last entry to be nothing short of hot burning turd, but I actually found it to be pretty watchable!

Starting with the positives - Tara Spencer-Nairn is easily the most likable protagonist in the whole franchise. The dude who plays the Djinn in human form isn't Sean Connery's son. It low-key has one of the most hilariously unnecessary kills in cheap-horror history (of course it's the nice older lady being flat out beheaded by a massive sword), and not importantly, it tries to do something different plot wise! I mean, it's soooo fucking stupid (essentially revolving around the Djinn falling in love and getting laid) but it's way more entertaing than 2 and 3.

It's not all good though (surprising, I know). As mentioned, it's still cheap as hell. The movies subtitle suggests that finally were going to get to see some form of Djinn fronted apocalypse, but the closest we get is the Djinn and the aformentioned old lady decapitation dude having a Power Rangers style sword fight near some shrubbery.
Also, the gore effects are silly - there's one point where a guys nose gets cut off, but when the shot flicks back to his face, it's clear that his nose is still there, just covered in red make up. The same thing happens to someone's hand later on.

This whole series has been a chore to be quite honest, but I can safely say, that this is the best film I've ever seen that involves a bar tender becoming a zit on a strippers butt cheek (that we don't even get to see boooooo).
With one final push, Wishmaster finally ascends from bottom of the barrel tripe, to so-bad-it's-kinda-good.
Scarlet's Escape (The Sanctum Series #2)
Scarlet's Escape (The Sanctum Series #2)
Katrina Cope | 2014 | Science Fiction/Fantasy, Thriller, Young Adult (YA)
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I really enjoyed reading Jayden and the Mysterious Mountain, the first book in the Sanctum series (see review posted here) so was very much looking forward to reading the sequel. This task was made much harder by my 9 year old son demanding to read it first, then him re-reading Jayden and then Scarlet's Escape again.

When I finally got hold of the book I was not disappointed. It was only when I started to read this that I realised exactly what these books are - they are techno thrillers for younger readers. Tom Clancy for pre teens if you will. You do need to suspend belief - but no more than in any other techno thriller.

After the excitement of the last book, things have settled down in the Sanctum with Jayden and his friends Eva, Robert and Aaron forming a formidable infiltration and hacking team, using 'surrogates' and virtual reality to thwart terrorist activity. However the Santum's super computer Scarlet is behaving a little oddly, and missions have started going badly wrong. Are these linked and what can the friends do?

Meanwhile in Ernest College, Liam and friends stumble upon a secret (with a lot of help from their friend Brendan, who is in reality a surrogate controlled by Aaron in the Sanctum). What does it mean and which side is the College on?

The writing in the second book is tauter and crisper, helped by not having to explain every detail of the Sanctum, and also that although Jayden is still the primary narrative focus his friends get to do more than just follow his lead. Swapping between the Sanctum and the college, progressing each story a little from the very start also keeps the tension high as one or other group is always facing some sort of dilemma or decision. Cope has also been freed from the constraint of making this a stand alone book - there are plenty of loose ends to tie up at the end promising more great adventures to come. There are also plenty of red herrings and false trails to keep the reader guessing about who - or what - is responsible.

As in the first book there are plenty of positive role models and life lessons for the young reader. The episode with the chillies is an absolute hoot but there are serious issues dealt with too - bullying and guilt from a failed mission in particular.

Very much a recommended book for those still a little too young for 'young adult' fiction but who have grown out of books such as the Famous Five but still have a taste for adventure with a technological twist and a strong moral center. Overall another excellent book from Katrina Cope, very much looking forward to the next one (as is my son)

Emma @ The Movies (1786 KP) rated Red Joan (2018) in Movies

Jun 22, 2019 (Updated Sep 25, 2019)  
Red Joan (2018)
Red Joan (2018)
2018 | Drama, Thriller
There are some films that just stop me in my tracks, not because they're good or bad, but because they're so mediocre. I watched this two weeks ago and I've sat down to try and write this review about 8 times, each time I've ended up barely writing a sentence before giving up.

The film is split between present and past, this means that there's very little Dench despite what we're led to believe in the trailer. Old Joan doesn't get much of a chance to do anything other than be old, when she does get the chance to do something else it is effective but far too rare.

When the whole story relies so heavily on stories from the past I was surprised that they didn't use more of a storytelling idea. You don't see any of the evidence that they have in the modern case, we're just propelled back into Joan's memories. This made for a very easy leap from the interview room to the past. Joan was there telling her story so the fact they didn't use this opportunity to have her telling a story that spills over into the flashbacks as a voiceover seems like a rather large missed opportunity. It also might have helped form a bigger connection between the two versions of the main character and allowed us a better connection with her.

Dench was definitely not used to the best effect. I'd expect Joan in her old age to still have some of the pep from her youth about her, but there seemed to be few similarities between the two incarnations. I think I enjoyed Sophie Cookson as young Joan, but again, it wasn't something I was wowed about.

The whole production erred too much on the side of relationships rather than the espionage. I certainly think it could have stood up to having something a bit grittier in it. As it was it felt very much like a TV movie, and I possibly would have been more interested in it had it been a TV movie rather than a general release. Now I said that I feel it's completely mad that I have different expectations from the two areas for film releases.

Red Joan had very little that stood out for me, there were only two moments that shone. Tom Hughes as Leo giving his speech before meeting Joan, the reaction of the crowd to him was tremendous and overall the scene worked well. Then there's Ben Miles as Joan's son, Nick. He isn't bad in any of his scenes but right at the end of the film when he stands with his mother I was actually moved. The first of these scenes made me think there was hope for the film, the second sadly came too late to make a difference to the whole thing.

Everything about Red Joan was just okay in the end. When someone asked me about it my response was a shrug and the comment "it was a film". Coming from me that generally means the film will be forgotten very quickly.

I wish there was more to say about it. Ultimately I think I would have had more enjoyment out of researching the story this was loosely based on.

What you should do

This isn't one I'd recommend, the moments that are interesting and satisfying to watch do not outweigh the mediocre. Red Joan is something I would say is more interesting as non-fiction than fiction.

Movie thing you wish you could take home

One thing from the movie that I feel we should all take as a top life tip is that men are easily scared by sanitary products, a very handy thing to remember.
The Woman in the Window
The Woman in the Window
A.J. Finn | 2018 | Thriller
8.0 (42 Ratings)
Book Rating
Did that really happen?
Dr. Anna Fox has been in her house for the past ten months. After an accident involving her husband, daughter and herself, she became agoraphobic. She now spends her days staring out of her windows, spying on her neighbors and keeping up with all the comings and goings of the neighborhood. When a new family moves in across the park from her, she is immediately drawn to the mother and the son, a single child family like her own. They come over to introduce themselves and she feels an instant connection. But then Anna thinks she sees a crime being committed at the neighbors house. Did she really see something or is the combination of medications and alcohol blurring the lines of reality and fantasy? Will the authorities believe her or will they believe the family and the rest of the neighborhood that Dr. Fox is just a crazy, drunk, cooped up lady.

So many people I know have read and enjoyed this book. I loved it, it was so hard to put down. I was totally shocked by the twists and turns that this book dished out.

At first I was rooting for Anna. This poor lady devastated by the accident and her family leaving her because of it. I wanted her to be able to leave her house and live her life and have the opportunity to be with her husband and daughter again. Instead, she spends her days chatting with other agoraphobes and providing council to them, playing chess online and drinking lots of red wine while watching old movies.

When Anna's secrets are revealed I'm not sure if I felt sorry for her or was upset with myself for being on her side. I think this is a book all thriller fans will enjoy. If you haven't read this book, I highly recommend it.
The Man Of Steel
The Man Of Steel
Brian Michael Bendis | 2018 | Comics & Graphic Novels
8.0 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
If you know me, you know that I have a strong dislike for the writing by Brian Michael Bendis. His last few years before his journey to DC Comics, the work he did on the X-titles, as well as GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY, it was just rubbish! It was the end result of someone who clearly needed a change of scenery and a more focused editor! After reading this, I feel confident that what I just wrote, as well as feeling, is pretty close to the truth, as this, his first work for DC, was frikkin' A-MAZ-ING!

While I have a great love of Marvel (preferrably older stuff, as the new stuff is starting to stink like yesterday's diapers!), I also have a great love of DC (the comics, not the nation's capital, which stinks as well, but of ignorance, racism, and misogyny), especially Superman, a hero who has never been more needed than he is needed now! It is very apparent that BMB has a great love/admiration of the Big 'S'!

His Clark Kent is written different from Superman, making the <i>illusion</i> that much easier to swallow once the glasses and suit goes on over his costume. The character does not appear as "mild mannered" as he was originally conceived, but he also is not mean or off-putting. He is still an alien, but he embraced our customs, and the end result is quite pleasing, especially with the toxicity that exists with the US at this point in time!

Equally well written is BMB's handling of Lois Lane and Jon, her and Kal-El's son. Lois is both a successful, highly competent writer, but she is also a mother. Not an overbear, bitchy mom, but someone who cares for her son, as much as she cares for her husband. The boy, Jon, is written like a normal boy his age, but without that precociousness that seems to be given to young'uns his age on TV!

As I am so prone to do in my other reviews, I want to give credit to the art side of this tale. The artists (yes, artists, Plural.) on board is quite a top shelf gathering. Jim Lee handles the first issue, while Ivan Reis (BLACKEST NIGHT), Steve Rude (NEXUS), Jay Fabok (New 52 JUSTICE LEAGUE), and even Ryan Sook! What a heckuva good way to start your beginnings with DC!

While some are apt to disagree, Superman needs the red shorts! And, that, my friends, was Bendis' first order of business on taking on the Man of Steel! I look forward to seeing where he goes with Superman, as the character is one that many love, and many will expect something good! If this is the beginning, I can't wait to see where the rest of this ride takes us!

JT (287 KP) rated Child's Play (2019) in Movies

Mar 10, 2020  
Child&#039;s Play (2019)
Child's Play (2019)
2019 | Horror
Re-imagining of classic horror films can go either way. They can stick close to the original while giving it a fresh injection of gore to satisfy the bloodthirsty millennials. Or deviate it from the storyline altogether to put its own spin on the narrative.

In the Child’s Play remake the original ‘Good Guy’ dolls have been replaced by 21st-century technology in the form of ‘Buddi’ dolls which, have been produced by Kaslan Industries. And instead of a psychotic serial killer transferring his soul to the body of a doll, Buddi has all of his safety features disabled by a disgruntled Kaslan employee. The change from possession to A.I. fits perfectly within the modern world where people rely heavily on their phones and various voice-activated gadgets.

The gore levels should more than satisfy horror fans with death scenes ranging from tillers, saws and self-driving cars

Best friends, Chucky and Andy (Gabriel Bateman) share a moment
Chucky, as he will inevitably call himself, makes his way to Chicago and into the home of the Barclay’s, where mum Karen (Aubrey Plaza) gets her hands on the defective doll as an early birthday present for son Andy (Gabriel Bateman). After a few small glitches (eyes turning red) Andy and Chucky start to form a close bond. But the bond takes a sinister turn when Chucky starts to act differently in his pursuit of the ultimate friendship.

One of the highlights of the film is the brilliant casting of Mark Hamill as the voice of the murderous doll. Hamill (outside of Star Wars) is well known as a talented voice actor, having provided the voice of the Joker in the animated series. Hamill uses his full range of softly spoken innocence and demented rage to portray a character who is influenced by everything around him (there are blatant references to E.T.) and then uses it to the best of his ability in killing off people in a range of horrific (and comical) ways.

The gore levels should more than satisfy horror fans with death scenes ranging from tillers, saws and self-driving cars. It’s not without its faults but this satirical take on the slasher genre is certainly B-movie levels at best.