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Weapon X: Days Of Future Now
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Recommended to me by a friend, and sadly, I don't feel like I can review this fairly. While the book itself is solid X-Men stuff and good art abounds, it's very much a coda in the Weapon X saga. A wrap up to a VERY long, VERY involved story arc... of which I have no knowledge or information. I come to the Xverse from the 90s cartoon, the movies and a handful of TPB stories like Age of Apocalypse and God Loves, Man Kills. I just don't have a frame of reference to go on with this story. I'm sure some of the events (and deaths) are meant to be epic OMG moments, but I wasn't there for all the set up, so they were left empty.
Living with a Serial Killer
Living with a Serial Killer
Delia Balmer | 2017 | Biography
5.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
True story (0 more)
Slow moving (2 more)
Not what you would expect at all
Found it difficult to like the main character
The title is the most exciting bit!
Contains spoilers, click to show
Well, I was very excited to read this book, and was quickly disappointed... I did finish it (with maybe scan reading towards the end). This book is about a weak woman being with a very controlling and dominating partner, there is no reference to him being a killer until the very end.
I am not sure I would even forward this book onto a Charity Shop for someone else to waste their time reading it. The title is very misleading and it was sure will for the book to get better that pushed me through to the end (p.s. it doesn't... get better that is!)
Ya'll I cannot express my love for RL Mathewson - nor this series - I've probably read the entire series twice and the first few books about 5 times, I just recently listened to this audiobook and I just, I need more - RL just keeps stealing my money and it should make me sad but truly, it doesnt - and her interaction with fans is impeccable. Jason will always be my favourite Bradford and the epilogue was probably my favourite part of the book - mostly, and the use of YOU BASTARD just was undeniable in this book.. seriously, obsessed - also I think there's a reference to hollywood hearts book 1 in there - which even after I read this book multiple times I just now noticed, I clearly need help - read this series .. do it NOW
The Greatest Showman (2017)
The Greatest Showman (2017)
2017 | Drama, Musical
It was amazing
The movie was absolutely astonishing. Not only was Hugh Jackman included but the songs were great and so catchy and it’s a family friendly film that everyone can enjoy.
However, although it is a great movie, it in a way celebrates P.T Barnum as someone who empowered people when in reality he exploited them for his own benefit.
For instance, one of his earliest “hits” was Joice Heth, a blind, partially paralysed slave. Barnum claimed she was 161 years old (even though she was half that) and when she died, he held a public autopsy and charged people to watch. Obviously we wouldn’t see Jackman do that.
However, without any reference to what Barnum was actually like, I love this film so much and would definitely watch it again.
Joker (2019)
Joker (2019)
2019 | Crime, Drama
Joaquin Phoenix's Performance (1 more)
Nostalgic Feel
Batman References (0 more)
This falls just short of a true masterpiece. I felt there was no need to reference bruce wayne in the film at all or show the death of his parents as most avid fans will already know the deal but i can see why this may have been done for a new audience. There were a few things that I love about this show this to someone who has never heard or seen it and you could believe it was a film made 20 even 30 years ago. The other is that even if you don't like comic book movies, you could still enjoy this as a film about a struggling man in society. Saw it twice and was just as mesmerising the 2nd time.
Photo & Video, Social Networking
8.7 (242 Ratings)
App Rating
The perfect website/app for your inner hoarder. I have always been one to clip things out of magazines and keep them for future reference, or bookmark ALL THE THINGS on my computer, resulting in a massive system of intricately organized files where you could get lost for days. When Pinterest came along it was like finding home - finally a place where I could keep all the things that caught my eye without me actually having to KEEP them. I will say that due to "improvements" they've made it isn't as good as it once was, I believe that their algorithms really limit what you're shown, while before it was really a smorgasbord. That being said, if you have a search term in mind it is easy to lose hours at a time - proceed with caution.
God's Book of Proverbs is the book of Proverbs arranged topically all in one little book which allows the reader quick access to look up and apply the knowledge and insights of the scripture.

There is also an article "Connecting Wisdom to Jesus" by Trevin Wax explaining how Jesus is the source where our wisdom comes from. The reader will also find an article on how to read the Proverbs.

The scriptures in God's Book of Proverbs is in the Christian Standard text (CSB); which is easy to read and understandable, and stays as literal as possible to the Bible's original meaning. This is my preferred translation.

This book would be very useful for those sharing God's word, for writing messages, for Bible study and personal reference. Small and light enough to carry with you where ever you go.
Peppermint (2018)
Peppermint (2018)
2018 | Action, Drama, Thriller
Strong Woman Lead (0 more)
Depth of story not associated with Bad Ass-ness (1 more)
Only one reference to peppermint, doesn't warrant the name of the movie as a whole
Solid Suburban Mom Vigilante Bad Ass Movie.
This was a good time. It's like Boondock Saints (minus the style) meets Shooter and Alias. Everyone loves it when untouchable bad guys get their comeuppance. We all like watching the take down of corruption. That said I could've used a little more depth of story. It was mostly by the numbers as far as action films go. I went into this one not knowing the basic premise, my wife picked it and I said ok. Had I known the premise I would've seen most of this movie coming. That's not to say it's less enjoyable, just that it's slightly less awesome. (hence the 7)
The Eagle in the Sand (Eagle, #7)
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Last book (so far) in Simon Scarrows Macro and Cato series to include the use of the word 'Eagle' in the title - before the series as a whole was rebranded - and the first book to be set in the Eastern provinces (unlike the earlier novels, set in and around Europe).

The events of this one, instead, take place in Judea, mainly centring around a small fort on the outpost of the Roman Empire. While its not essential to have read the earlier novels, it may help, with the occassional passing reference to earlier events.

I also have to say that it could be easy to take offence at the way certain famous historical personages - one in particular - are portrayed, but at the end of the day, this is only a work of fiction and doesn't purport to be anything but.
Bedwrecker (Men Of Laguna, #2)
Bedwrecker (Men Of Laguna, #2)
Kim Karr | 2016
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I liked this. I think I expected the bedwrecker thing to actually happen not just be a reference to a song but the sex scenes were certainly abundant and rather scorching.

It was rather romantic, too.

I thought it was pretty obvious they were going to get together in the end, they just went a really long and complicated journey on what could have happened in five minutes if they both weren't so stubborn and just admitted their feelings for each other.

As for the end bit, that was fun, and super cute! Keen--bit of an unusual name there, and he was taking the mick out of people with normal names!--had me grinning like a loon. SUPER CUTE!

If the next book is Brooklyn's I may just have to read it so see who catches his eye.