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Relentless Habit (O-Town, #1)
Relentless Habit (O-Town, #1)
Karen Renee | 2020 | Contemporary, Romance
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Relentless Habit is the first book in the O-Town series, which is a spin-off from the Riot MC series. In this, we meet Cecilia who is a recovering addict. She sees a man with some serious dance moves but takes no action. After the third night of seeing him, he makes a move and Cecilia learns about the force of nature that is Brock.

I enjoyed this novel as Cecilia and Brock dance around each other. Brock was a bit of an ass when Cecilia tried to tell him something and he steamrollered over her. Then! gets upset when he finds out later what it was. Saying that, though, once he got his head out of his ass, he proved to Cecilia that he was there for her and refused to let her push him away when the going got tough.

I thought their romance was hot and steamy, full of banter, support, and maybe just a few too many nicknames and endearments, but that's just me. A couple of situations seemed a bit O.T.T. to me but, once again, that's just my opinion.

All in all, this was a great read that I thoroughly enjoyed. I will be on the lookout for more books by Karen Renee now. Absolutely recommended.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Sep 29, 2020

Whatchareadin (174 KP) rated Copycat in Books

May 10, 2018  
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Traci Calloway Cole is about to release her 3rd book called <u>Copycat</u>, when she meets Simone Phillips. Simone is an aspiring writer herself and she loves Traci's books. After Traci agrees to read a few chapters of Simone's book and introduce her to a few people that could help get it published, Simone becomes obsessed. She wants to be just like Traci, but how far will her obsession grow?

This was a quick read for me. I have read a few books by Kimberla Lawson Roby and I have enjoyed them all. She is a great Christian Fiction author.

There are a few people in this world that I look up to and aspire to be, but I don't think would go to the same extremes that Simone goes through. She has quite the troubled past and has never truly discovered who she is as an individual. She already has so many positive things going on in her life. She has a decent job, a fiance and according to Traci, her book is going to be a hit. So why would she need to resort to the antics she pulls throughout this book? It makes her look weak and needy. Will she be able to see the error of her ways and turn things around before it's too late and everything she has worked for blows up in her face?

There are times where I felt sorry for Simone and other times I wanted to smack her and say, can't you see what you are doing is ridiculous and makes you look insane. Unfortunately the one person who told her this, she refused to listen to.
When She Woke
Hillary Jordan | 2011 | Fiction & Poetry
7.4 (5 Ratings)
Book Rating
Let the Color fit the Crime. Imagine a world where the people among you wear their crimes all over their bodies. People whose skin has been changed a different color to fit the crimes that they have committed.
Hannah Payne was one of those Chromes. Her whole body was now Red. Her crime? She had an abortion and had refused to name the father of her baby as well as the person responsible for its death. She has been shunned by her own mother and is a disgrace to her entire family. It's hard enough for Chromes to walk around everyday let alone get a job.
Hannah's father decides to help the best way that he can by putting her in a "christian" home so that she can repent her sins and begin on the path to righteousness. But this place is anything but that, there has to be a better way.
She finds a way to get out of the home, but the consequences of her actions, make it for a difficult road to get to a place of freedom.
Will she ever name the father of her baby, or the abortionist? Will there be a way for her to live as a chrome and have a slightly normal life? Will the people she meets along the way help her or hurt her?

When She Woke is an interesting novel that makes you think about what you would do if you new the person riding on the subway next to you was a murderer, or a theif, or a child molester. Just by the color of their skin.
The Radium Girls: The Dark Story of America&#039;s Shining Women
The Radium Girls: The Dark Story of America's Shining Women
Kate Moore | 2017 | Biography, History & Politics
8.8 (5 Ratings)
Book Rating
Kate Moore writes a compelling and heart wrenching story about a group of women from New Jersey and Illinois whose job it was to use radium paint to paint watch dials so they would illuminate at night. Little did they know, that every time they would put their brush in their mouth to get the point just right to paint the dial precisely, they were killing themselves. They were told that the paint was perfectly safe and there was no way that the paint could be causing all of their medical problems. But the companies knew that the radium was dangerous. Scientists and others in the radium plant used gloves and had lead aprons on, but the dial painters were not given that luxury.

Slowly the effects of the paint began to show on their bodies. Women who were in the prime of their life were losing their teeth, their jaw bones were falling out, it was difficult for them to walk, and no one could explain it. They went to several doctors and no one could find the reason they were getting sick. The radium companies refused to admit that they were at fault. For years and years, they fought for justice. Justice for women who were dying in their 20s. This book made your heart ache for these women.

While I thoroughly enjoyed this book, it was quite a slow read for me. I wanted to know if justice was going to be served, but it took a while to get to that point. This is quite an interesting story and this was the first that I had ever heard of it.
The Watcher in the Woods (1981)
1981 | Horror, Mystery, Sci-Fi
7.5 (2 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Contains spoilers, click to show
Disney had a dark period they were not making money horror films and sci fi films were all the rage so Disney decided that they needed to try to get away from the animated film and musicals to scary and sci fi films. This was one of the films. It had problems from the get go the watcher when showed to the preview audiences was not finished and people thought it wasn't scary which caused Disney to get scared and pulled the movie to refinish the movie with a new ending. If you get a dvd copy in the special features you will see the two different cut scenes with the watcher there are other scenes that anchor bay the distribution company wanted to put on a laser disc and a dvd but Disney refused to corporate so we may never see the deleted opening. That being said Jan and her family move into a family manor where the mrs. Elwood played by the great bette Davis lives in the cottage next to her old house. Jan finds out that mrs. Elwoods daughter disappeared in the woods during an eclipse and spooky things start happening to Jan and her sister Ellie could the watcher have something to do with this and could Jan or Ellie be the watchers next victim! The movie has some flaws and is a little cheesy but it is one of my favorite Disney forgotten films! Enjoyable but not what it could of been and defiantly better than the lifetime remake which changed everything that was good about this movie
Your House Will Pay
Your House Will Pay
Steph Cha | 2019 | Crime, Mystery, Thriller
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Your House Will Pay is about racial tensions in LA, and it follows two families - one Korean-American, the other African-American - and the shooting of a black girl in the 1990’s. Shaun Matthews sister, Ava, was that teenaged girl, and the killing of another black teenager and the subsequent rallies and demonstrations bring back bad memories of that time. His family is trying hard to keep on the straight and narrow, especially after his cousin Ray is released from prison.

Grace Parks is a pharmacist in a Korean pharmacy and lives with her parents. She has a strained relationship with her sister who left home and refused to speak to her mother thereafter. She won’t, however, tell Grace why she won’t talk to their mother.

When a terrible crime happens, Grace is confronted with another crime that happened 30 years before, and the Parks family are forced to face the Matthews family.

I really loved this book - the build up and the slow reveal was really well done, I thought. It looked at a part of American life that I, as a white British female, would have little personal knowledge of - other than what I’ve read. It was so thought provoking. This isn’t an escapist read, and I could feel the tension coming off the page, but it was a page turner that I didn’t want to put down. I read this on The Pigeonhole, so due to the fact that they released a stave a day for 10 days, I HAD to wait 24 hours for each instalment!

Many thanks to The Pigeonhole for choosing such a great book for us to read!