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Phil Rosenthal recommended The Lady Eve (1941) in Movies (curated)

The Lady Eve (1941)
The Lady Eve (1941)
1941 | Classics, Comedy, Romance
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Movie Favorite

"Preston Sturges at his best. This was the first of his films I ever saw, in a revival at the Regency in New York, and it was a revelation. You’ve never heard dialogue so funny or move so fast. Barbara Stanwyck and Henry Fonda are hysterical, and it has maybe my favorite line ever in a movie—Fonda asks a fancy old society lady at a dinner party if he’s missed anything. She says, “The fish was a poem.”"

The Viking's Touch appears to be a sequel to an earlier book by the same author, but it can be read as a standalone novel - I know because I hadn't read the previous story!

My usual historical romances tend to tend to be set mainly in the Regency period, so this was a bit of a change for me. It took a little while to get into, but overall I thought it was a good story with strongly drawn characters. A bit more violent and bloodthirsty than your average Regency, I have to admit, but as a change I did enjoy it.

The protagonists, Anwyn and Wulfgar were both sympathetic characters, but carrying a great deal of emotional baggage from their pasts. Ignvar is maybe a character who is a bit too black to be real as he doesn't appear to have a single redeeming feature, but on the bright side you do feel like cheering when he finally gets his comeuppance, and this sort of book is really about making you feel good, so I guess that van't be a bad thing!
I am new to Ms. Miller's work but I will tell you now, I will not be missing any more of her work! She is fabulous! I came into this series on this second book, but I wasn't confused in anyway and I loved Charlotte and the Duke so very much. I am a big fan of the regency era when I read historical books so this book is going on my keeper shelf for sure. 

Charlotte's character really gripped me. I loved how Ms. Miller portrayed her and her unsuredness in having to choose who to marry if there aren't feelings there. I really felt for her so much through this story. And the Duke!! Oh my heavens, yes please! I loved his character possibly more than I loved Charlotte's! He's a Godly character and I loved that in him, as it's often times you see the women in stories as the more Godly ones. These characters truly came together in a wonderful way and I was so excited to feel a part of the regency era, watching them come to light in the faith and feelings! 

I definitely recommend this book to all historical romance lovers. It's the perfect blend of hope, longing, faith and God's timing, and love. The characters will quickly become a part of you and you will get lost in a society of regency. This is 5 star worthy in my opinion and I can't wait to go back and read book one, as well as anxious for the next faith-filled novel from this talented author. <a href=""; target="_blank">This review was originally posted on Cafinated Reads</a>
Sweet Bea (Sir Arthur&#039;s Legacy, #1)
Sweet Bea (Sir Arthur's Legacy, #1)
4.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
*I only read this as part of a reading list on Booklikes*

DNF @ 32%.

This was a bit too historical for my liking, set in the time of jousting and the like--or so it feels--and I prefer my historical fiction/romances to be set in the time of balls and chaperones and poofy dresses, aka Regency.

I didn't really like the plotline too much with this either. I got really confused at the beginning and this didn't help me later on. I quickly lost interest until I finally decided to give it up as a DNF.
A Lady’s Guide To Fortune Hunting
A Lady’s Guide To Fortune Hunting
Sophie Irwin | 2022 | Fiction & Poetry
8.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
This is a fun, enjoyable read, set in Regency England.

Kitty decides the only way to save herself and her siblings from ruin now that they’re orphans, is to marry into wealth. And nothing will stop her - certainly nothing as inconsequential as social class or money (and these things REALLY mattered then!).

Kitty has four months, the duration of the season, to bag herself a man - and she’s determined.

This is a lovely read. There are some interesting historical details, mainly about rich, snobbish people, and a great, fun character in Kitty.

It’s a light, easy read, and just what I needed!
A beautiful setting and a heart touching tale of forgiveness and redemption. A very sweet story that had me falling in love with Gloucestershire and Beagle puppies! The Elusive Miss Ellison is Carolyn Miller's debut novel and I applaud her creativity and gift for story! The descriptions of the settings, homes, and gowns were so detailed that I can still see the images in my mind.

Miss Ellison and Lord Hawkesbury have so many challenges to overcome. In their personal lives as well as with their relationship with their families and each other. Learning to lay down their pride and lean on God for truth and guidance was a very encouraging thing to witness.

I did enjoy this story and I am very excited to continue the series. However, the flow of the story and some inconsistency in the characters had me confused on multiple occasions. Hence my rating. That being said, the words and language was elegant and soothing. I found it very fun to read terms used in Regency times that I had to look up. This aspect added an extra level of depth to the story. There are several acknowledgements to Pride & Prejudice, which is always a delight to find in books. I am eagerly looking forward to following the author's growth and progress in her books to come. If you enjoy Regency stories with romance and redemption, I suggest you give this one a try!

I received a complimentary copy of The Elusive Miss Ellison from Kregel Publications through NetGalley. I was not required to write a positive review. All opinions expressed are mine alone.
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
The first thing I said to my hubby after I started reading this book was, "It has been WAY too long since I have read a Kristi Ann Hunter book." I absolutely LOVE her style and voice. The humor infused with the stark realities of life. The faith combined with growth. And the adventures...OH, the adventures these characters have is of epic proportions.

The first thing that stood out to me in this story is the completely new-to-me setting and theme. Although set in Regency England, we spend most of our time outside of London in a forgotten manor. Our leading lady is one who has been scorned by society and lives to protect those who would also be outcasts. I love Kit's passion and heart. She learns so much along her journey and in the end, becomes even more beautiful because of the trust she puts in God. Lord Wharton is swoony on all accounts. His love for the children and for Kit produce such tingling sensations as to set my heart ablaze with admiration.

If you are a fan of Regency books and haven't read a Kristi Ann Hinter book...WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR? If you HAVE read her books...You NEED to get this one in your yesterday. A Defense of Honor is my favorite KAH story to date and I can't wait to see what she has in store for us next!

I received a complimentary copy of A Defense of Honor through NetGalley. I was not required to write a positive review. All opinions expressed are mine alone.
The Viscount Who Loved Me (Bridgertons, #2)
The Viscount Who Loved Me (Bridgertons, #2)
Julia Quinn | 2006 | Fiction & Poetry, History & Politics, Humor & Comedy, Romance
7.9 (7 Ratings)
Book Rating
It's a vicious cycle, I watched Bridgerton, I needed more Anthony Bridgerton in my life so I read this book, now I need season two because I need more Anthony Bridgerton in my life.

I relate to Kate Sheffield in two ways
1. I also am the slightly less desirable older sister
2. I am in love with Anthony Bridgerton against my better judgement

If you told me that my first read of the year was going to be a regency romance I would have laughed in your face but the jokes on me I guess because I was so pleasantly surprised by this book and just how well it was written. Maybe all the old ladies who bought all the mass-market paperbacks from the charity shop I worked in had some points.
This was the first regency romance book I've read in over a year where I've been focusing on the fantasy genre.

I'm very glad I read this book and it was filled with plenty of action, a thrilling tale of revenge and a Scottish accent to die for.

The writing and story had an easy-going flow to it that made the book finish quicker than I would have liked. Each character was written with a specific role in mind and there were no filler characters which was great.

Each character had their own individual flaws which were written to perfection and there wasn't anything that needed changing with the characters in this book. Sometimes characters are written too perfect and they have no faults of their own which makes it unbelievable even for fiction.

Overall, a good story with a solid plot and solid characters.

B (62 KP) rated Pride and Prejudice in Books

Sep 30, 2018  
Pride and Prejudice
Pride and Prejudice
Jane Austen, Donald Gray, Mary A. Favret | 2016 | Fiction & Poetry
8.0 (94 Ratings)
Book Rating
I am so grateful to Jane Austen because this book changed my life and the way that I view the world. I simply do not have the words to explain what this novel means to me and to try to say as much would not do it justice. I feel like my life over the last 10 years has become centered around reading and rereading the Austen works and their adaptations as well as watching the films. Austen's witty and often sarcastic portrayal of the elegance and complex sinplicity of Regency England never fails to put a big stupid smile on my face. I feel like I have found kindred spirits in the foolish mistakes of Elizabeth Bennet and unsociable demeanor of Fitzwilliam Darcy. While I know this novel may not be everyone's cup of tea, I still highly recommend giving it a try.