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When I originally got this book from the library, I returned it because it wasn't grabbing my attention. The second time, I figured I should just power through it.
The aim of this book was to do a rehabilitation of Evelyn Nesbit's reputation. The author honestly downplays how famous she was, and spent a lot of time setting up the reputations of the men around her, rather than her. Nesbit was who inspired THE GIBSON GIRL, and her image is used all of the time.
Do I believe she was raped by this skeezy Standford White? I was doubting it towards the end, since she kept up contact with him, as a mistress. However, stepping back from it, it seems like she was groomed by White, and didn't realize the drugging/raping wasn't normal until after the fact.
I actually think the author did a disservice to Nesbit, downplaying her success and pumping up the men in her life. No one knows who these crusty dudes are now, but her image is iconic.
Disclaimer: I received a copy from the author in exchange for an honest review.

I will start off by saying this is definitely not "light reading" by any definition of the phrase. However, I would encourage pretty much anyone to pick it up, whether they are an actual survivor or not. It is not only a benefit to those who have endured such atrocities, but it also provides insight for those who haven't (thankfully) but more than likely know (or will come to know) someone who has.

I taught a rehabilitation course for those convicted of domestic violence (often with sexual attacks involved), and I met a couple of the survivors on occasion. Had I known about this book then, I certainly would have offered it to them, as I think it would have helped them understand that they were not alone in the world and there were people out there who could, and would, do anything they could to help.

Bottom line: Everyone should read this, but keep a box of tissues handy. You're gonna need it.

5 stars