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Clash of the Titans (2010)
Clash of the Titans (2010)
2010 | Action, Drama, Sci-Fi
6.3 (17 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Remake/reimagining of the 1981 original, I remember the big thing about this at the time as the special effects. Or, rather, the post-production 3D effects added released, as this was, only a few short years after James Cameras na exceptional 'Avatar'. Whereas 'Avatar', however, was filmed specifically in and for 3D, this film owes more of a debt to the older 1980s 3D films: watching this in 2D it's quite obvious to see what scenes were added specifically for the effects (I'm thinking mainly of the attack of the giant scorpions, or the Kraken at the end),

Starring Sam Worthingon - whatever happened to him? - as Perseus, the plot of this obviously takes inspiration from Greek myths, even down to having Liam Neeson playing the part of Zeus himself, and of the Pegasus.
Dumbo (2019)
Dumbo (2019)
2019 | Animation, Family, Fantasy
Dumbo (2019) has a surprisingly metatextual moral for the House of Mouse
In seeking to carve out something new for this reimagining, Director Tim Burton – and screenwriter Ehren Kruger – find themselves leaning too heavily on the original version early on, racing through its main plot points in a brisk half-hour blighted by too many things which happen because they happened in the original story. It’s all a little bit inorganic, feeling rushed and forced in order to get us to the point where we’re telling a new story. A plethora of supporting characters are introduced but then barely used and while this version broadly switches the focus of the story away from the animals and on to the humans, those humans remain as crudely drawn and superficial as the forgettable background characters of the 1941 animation...

The Mummy (2017)
The Mummy (2017)
2017 | Action, Adventure
Before my week off I managed to squeeze in a screening of The Mummy before whizzing home. I was a little bit on the come down from stress, but I don't think it massively changed my mind that I was confused by this movie. I really wish everyone had left off with the "it's a reboot" thing. Say it's a reimagining of the mummy monster movie, but saying it's a reboot really makes you want to compare to the original, and quite frankly, every mummy movie is a bad knock off of the original. I liked some of it... That's as enthusiastic as I can get about it. The ending for me was too bizarre. And afterwards when I looked into it leading in to the Dark Universe... well, I wept a little for classic monster movies.

David McK (3505 KP) rated The Italian Job (2003) in Movies

May 2, 2021 (Updated Aug 4, 2024)  
The Italian Job (2003)
The Italian Job (2003)
2003 | Action, Drama
All i can really remember about the 1969 original is that it is a crime caper, starring Michael Caine, and that it involves Mini Coopers.

As such, I'm not sure whether to class this as a remake, a reimagining or something else entirely!

This version stars Mark Wahoberg, Cherlize Theron, Donald Sutherland, Jason Staham and Oz-from-Buffy (Seth Green) and starts with a heist in Venice: a successful heist, with the perpetrators then betrayed by Ed Norton's 'Steve', who leaves them all for dead.

The rest of the film - mainly set in the States - then follows the remainder of the crew and their quest to get even against Steve, in a plot that yes, once again, involves the use of Mini Coopers!

It would hardly be The Italian Job without said cars, after all ....