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Umu (0 KP) rated Ragdoll in Books

Dec 23, 2018  
Daniel Cole | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry
8.5 (6 Ratings)
Book Rating
Plot (3 more)
Writing style
Blown Away
Ragdoll by Daniel Cole had me griped from the very beginning, if this was a series I would have binge watched from the pilot.

Cole has created two fantastic protagonist characters, with a realistic working and personal relationship. I was actually interested in what they were doing and indeed finding out more if their back stories. Which come delves into quite well.

The main story was cleverly set out, lots of twists to keep the reader guessing and the description of the details were astounding. I am eagerly awaiting the follow up book by Cole.
The Upside (2019)
The Upside (2019)
2019 | Comedy, Drama
Bryan Cranston Kevin Hart (0 more)
A delightful little film
I wasnt overly keen on watching this to start with because of Kevin Hart and his constant million miles per running of his mouth but after this my opinion on him has changed a little.

This was a delightful little film (I've never seen the original) that showed the relationship between an ex convict (Hart) who becomes the carer for a quadriplegic (cranston).Hart held his own in this and really should take on more roles like this in the future,cranston and nicole kidman were excellent also.
Raven's Shadow (Raven, #1)
Raven's Shadow (Raven, #1)
Patricia Briggs | 2004 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Characters (0 more)
Tier and Seraph are older and have grown/growing children. When Tier disappears and the worst is assumed it is up to her and her sons to hold the family together and discover the truth behind Tier's disappearance. And in the process finding a much greater danger.
An amazing book, I love the relationship between Tier and Seraph. I enjoyed that it was a group effort to deal with the threats that not only effect their family but maybe even the rest of the empire.
Once you finish you'll be reaching for the next book.
Existenz (1999)
Existenz (1999)
1999 | Action, Sci-Fi
Contains spoilers, click to show
David Cronenberg’s take on the future of video games is a highly unique and original piece of storytelling and could in some ways be a companion piece to his earlier ‘Videodrome’ tackling similar themes of the body and its relationship with technology. Cronenberg’s script frequently pulls the rug out from under you as he blurs the lines between reality and game. The use of technology born out of reality such as the bone gun and bio ports also means even 20 years later the film hasn’t really dated. A thoroughly entertaining slice of cerebral sci-fi from the master of weird.‬
Long Shot (2019)
Long Shot (2019)
2019 | Comedy
The type of film that succumbs to the typical and expected Seth Rogen formula, but I absolutely fell for it hook, line, and sinker. Funny, charming, and entertaining. Its raunchiness plays into its believabililty factor, which is relatable for any normal or everyday guy who feels like he's involved with the most beautiful, intelligent, and hardest working woman in the world. And, let's face it, if you're not in that kind of relationship then you're doing it wrong. Long Shot is that fantasy come to life and it makes you feel way better than it should.
The Incredible Hulk (2008)
The Incredible Hulk (2008)
2008 | Action, Sci-Fi
Hulk (3 more)
Cinematic production (0 more)
Hulk is my favourite marvel superhero
The Incredible Hulk is so understated in my opinion. I love the whole idea of science experiment gone wrong. The story and emotions are quite complex which makes it interesting.

I just genuinely think the power to smash things is super cool.

I think the cinematic value is low and would have been better in more recent times. I am excited and hopeful that Hulk is developed further once more marvel content is released. I feel his relationship with Natasha could be developed to make him a more useable hero.