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Light My Pyre (Everwood Falls #1)
Light My Pyre (Everwood Falls #1)
Kat Kinney | 2023 | Mystery, Paranormal, Romance
8.7 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
I did not see who was doing it, or why, because THAT little titbit was kept from us and that point was very well played
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

This is a new series by Kinney, I read a couple of the Blood Moon books, but they didn't quite work for me.

This one, however, was a much better read, I thought!

I liked the build up, the development of the relationship between Asher and Gywn. I liked that it takes time for both their back stories to be fully told. What happened to Gywn when she was injured, and by who. What happened to Asher in that fateful fire that drove him to Evewood Falls.

I especially liked that the physical aspect of their relationship is very much OFFpage. There is steam here (dragons and Asher's power notwithstanding!) but the story focus is very much on their relationship and who might be setting these fires in town.

Which, when it all comes out, very much surprised me, how intertwined recent events were for Asher and Gywn. I did not see who was doing it, or why, because THAT little titbit was kept from us and that point was very well played, Ms Kinney. Had certain things been made common knowledge, I think I might have put the pieces together sooner, but it wasn't and I didnt! So yeah, well played on that point.

As this is a new series, in a new place, there are a host of quirks that Everwood has, along with a huge supporting cast. Very interesting people (of the paranormal world) all with interesting stories to tell. Some hints of their pasts are revealed here, just enough to hook you in!

So, yeah, a thoroughly enjoyable wander into Everwood and I really wanna return SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOON

4 stars

*same worded review will appear elsewhere
After Always
After Always
Barbara J. Hancock | 2018 | Horror, Paranormal, Young Adult (YA)
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Interesting Plot (3 more)
Beautiful Prose
Likable Characters
Held my Attention Throughout
Pacing all over the place (2 more)
Ending was too easy
Needed more character background story info
A Decent Spooky Read
There was something about the synopsis about After Always by Barbara J. Hancock that caught my attention, so when the opportunity came about to review it, I jumped at the chance. I'm glad I did.

I felt like the pacing was a little all over the place in After Always. There were some places where the pacing dragged, and in other places, the pacing sped up too quickly where I was lost about what was going on. However, there were also some places where the pacing was perfect. Regardless, After Always held my attention throughout.

I enjoyed the plot. Lydia gets sent to an old inn for music lessons after her boyfriend dies in a tragic accident in the hopes she will start to heal. Lydia had been to the inn before with her mother when she was three. However, there is something sinister afoot at the inn. Lydia, alone with the intriguing Michael, must figure out what it is before it claims them both as well as the inn. Along the way, we learn more about Lydia's relationship with Tristan which isn't exactly what it appeared to be. I didn't feel that there were any major plot twists. Perhaps there are a few minor ones. This doesn't make the plot any less enjoyable though. I had many questions, but they were all answered towards the end of the book. I did feel like the ending was a bit too easy. I won't elaborate because I don't want to give any spoilers away.

The world building was written very well. The author, Barbara J. Hancock, is a master with words. I enjoyed reading about the world Miss Hancock had created for her characters. It was easy to imagine myself as a character in After Always. I could easily imagine the inn where all the action takes place.

I liked the characters in After Always. However, I would have enjoyed reading more about the background of Lydia. I would have liked to see how she was right before her relationship with Tristan. I would have also liked to read more about her relationship with Tristan. Lydia does speak about their relationship, but I found myself craving more information about it. I would have also liked to read more about Octavia's and Jericho's relationship a bit more. It would have been interesting to read more about the courting days between them as well as how their marriage was at the beginning. We do get a glimpse at Michael's family history which was nice. My favorite character in After Always was Hannah. I just felt like I could relate to her the most even if she isn't mentioned as much throughout the book.

Trigger warnings include dating abuse, death, violence, ghostly possession, and very mild swearing in a few places throughout the book.

Overall, After Always is a decent spooky read. It is written beautifully and has an interesting plot as well as likable characters. I would recommend After Always by Barbara J. Hancock to those aged 15+
(Thank you to Netgalley for providing me with an eBook of After Always by Barbara J. Hancock in exchange for an honest and unbiased review.)
All the Ugly and Wonderful Things
All the Ugly and Wonderful Things
Bryn Greenwood | 2016 | Fiction & Poetry
9.4 (7 Ratings)
Book Rating
Firstly, I'd like to thank Netgalley and St Martin's Press for the opportunity to read this book in exchange for an honest review.


Full review here too:

<i><b>”Right up until that moment it was sweet and funny. Odd couple that they were, they had a real connection. Then he tugged her boot off and kissed the bottom of her bare foot. I could see him doing that kind of thing to his own kid, but she wasn’t. She was somebody else’s little girl.”</i></b>

I am an <b>emotional wreck.</b> How has this book set my moral compass so askew? How could I have possibly been crying over a relationship between a grown man and a minor? I was distraught kinda crying, not a horrified or disgusted kinda crying either! I know I’m being a sheep when I say this but <b>wow, this is amazing!</b> I was so worried I'd dislike this book because it was so hyped up but it did not disappoint, not even a little bit.

You’ll be amazed at how well Greenwood has reinvented the adult-male-child-female relationship that we see all too often in novels and films. She’s managed to completely turn the disgusting, abusive image on its head. The love between Kellen and Wavy is the truest and realist love I've seen in a book for a seriously long time. There is absolutely <i>no</i> comparison between Kellen and Wavy with Humbert and Lolita, it’s not that sort of book. There are some people who, undoubtedly, are not going to like this book or the message it’s putting across, but you have to know that there is nothing evil in this age gap relationship as you would first guess there to be.

I can almost understand why Kellen and Wavy fall in love so quickly and so passionately. Wavy has had such a horrible existence, with her abusive, drug addicted father and her horrible mother who doesn’t care for anyone but herself. Wavy is her own person, even from the beginning of this story, she may only be 8 years old but she’s already a woman, she’s had to live her life looking after herself and her baby brother, she already knows what it is to be an adult, so it’s no surprise she springs into adulthood at such a full force. And then there is Kellen, he’s lonely and undesirable <i>(apparently)</i> and he’s also bullied by the people around him he calls “friends”. So when Wavy comes along and looks at him and treats him like he’s the most wonderful person in the world, it’s not really a surprise that a strong bond grows between them almost instantly.

I believe that at the beginning of their relationship there is no sexual desire, I honestly think their relationship is one of friendship and love in a more uncle and niece kind of way, but soon enough these feelings become something more. Kellen, although he does desire sexual gratification, knows his feelings are misplaced and so there is nothing dark and evil about his feeling towards Wavy, and for me, this makes him one of the best male character I’ve read about in a long time, no matter if he’s a paedophile or not. He's an incredible man and I absolutely loved him.

This book is a serious roller coaster of emotions and had me blubbering like a baby for the last 10%, or more, of the book. I am in love with this book, so thank you <i>very</i> much Bryn Greenwood for this amazing novel and giving me the chance to read it before publication! I’ve already recommended this to friends and family and I can’t wait to read more of Greenwood’s writing.

<spoiler>I am over the moon with how this ended, I was rooting for their relationship to last throughout the whole thing, as sick as that makes me sound. Thank you Greenwood for the happy ending!</spoiler>
With or Without You
With or Without You
Caroline Leavitt | 2020 | Fiction & Poetry, Medical & Veterinary
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Stella and Simon have been together nearly twenty years. Simon, a rock musician, has spent most of those waiting for his one big break. He thinks he's found it now, but right before he and Stella are set to leave for California for the show that could change his life, she falls into a coma. Now Simon faces a choice: get on the plane with his band, or remain behind with his love. As for Stella, she's aware of the world around her while in the coma, and when she emerges, she's different, with a newfound artistic talent. Together, Simon and Stella must reexamine their relationship and figure out the path forward.

What a beautiful and striking novel. I discovered Caroline Leavitt through the power of ARCs in 2016, falling in love with her work through Cruel Beautiful World. She gives us another book filled with compelling characters here. I so enjoyed reading a book with a different plot, especially knowing that the coma story was somewhat based on Leavitt's own life. She's a remarkable writer in so many ways.

With or Without You is incredibly well-written--almost poetic at times. It's told from both Simon and Stella's perspectives, including while Stella's in her coma, and some of those moments are quite profound and touching. Both Stella's realizations as she struggles to realize where she is, and Simon's, as he tries to grapple with the idea of his partner being ill, as well as the awareness that he may be losing his last chance at fame and fortune as his band moves on without him.

"It's a kind of blankness. She's been erased for a while and then redrawn. When she comes back, she always feels a little bit better..."

Even worse for both Simon and Stella is the fact that they fought shortly before she fell into the coma. What kind of relationship, each wonders, would they come back into should Stella awake? In this way, Leavitt gives a beautiful character study: an in-depth observation into a flawed relationship. It just happens to be a relationship where a woman enters and exits a coma. It's an amazing look into love, loyalty, and loss. The novel makes you think, drawing you into the characters. What would you do in Simon's situation, you think? Or Stella's?

"Mostly she thought of all the things that she herself wanted, and like Simon's dreams, they had an expiration date she couldn't ignore."

Overall, I quite enjoyed this novel. It's so well-done and such a different and intriguing look at two people trying to find happiness. I love Leavitt's way with words. 4 stars.
The Heist (Fox and O'Hare, #1)
6.6 (7 Ratings)
Book Rating
Kate O'Hare is a former Navy Seal turned FBI Agent. Her main target at the moment is Nick Fox. The world's biggest conman. He works every angle to his advantage in order to get exactly what he wants. When she finally catches him, it is an accomplishment that she is most proud of, so when she finds out that he has escaped and she is taken off the case, she is steadfast in finding him and putting him back behind bars. What she finds instead is quite shocking and will change the course of their "relationship" forever.

I'm determined to read every book written by Janet Evanovich. I quest I started last year. I wanted to finish the Plum series before diving into something new, but that has proven to be more difficult than I thought it would be. Kate and Nick have a love/hate relationship. She hates him and he loves that she hates him. He knows exactly what to do to push her buttons and knows exactly which ones to push to send her over the edge. This book was exciting to listen to. It provided lots of entertainment for me. Janet Evanovich knows how to make characters that you can enjoy and grow to love. Kate and Nick were no exception. Their banter and chemistry made this book flow quickly.
Reflected in You (Crossfire, #2)
Reflected in You (Crossfire, #2)
Sylvia Day | 2012 | Fiction & Poetry
8.1 (18 Ratings)
Book Rating
The story of Eva and Gideon continues. Now, this book didn't make me think of 50 Shades at all, thank goodness. Eva and Gideon are now going to therapy together and trying to work on their issues and the crazy relationship that they have.
Gideon is trying to understand why it is so hard for Eva to trust him and Eva just wants Gideon to let her in.
In this book, their relationship is such a roller coaster ride, I got motion sickness. So many things happen in this book, that just astounded me.
<spoiler>Eva meets up with an old flame, who still has a little sizzle left, he actually wrote a song about her. Cary, the roommate is attacked, but why, no one knows. Nathan, the evil step-brother that molested and raped her as a child is found dead, and Eva didn't even know he was keeping tabs on her. Gideon stops communicating with her after an amazing weekend away. Her parents come face to face with each other for the first time in years. Gideon finally tells Eva, what she wants to hear, in more ways than one.</spoiler>
I'm interested to know what is going to happen next for these too.
One great thing about this book compared to Bared To You, she doesn't use the C-word nearly as much!!!

Rachel King (13 KP) rated Shadow Kiss in Books

Feb 11, 2019  
Shadow Kiss
Shadow Kiss
Richelle Mead | 2008 | Fiction & Poetry
8.9 (31 Ratings)
Book Rating
This book took a much more central focus of the relationship between Rose and Dimitri, as well as Rose's own unique abilities, thanks to her bond with Lissa. This book delved more into what harnessing the elements could do in practical terms, which I have been very curious about. In some ways, I feel like Mead is holding back in terms of telling the reader all the ways that Spirit can be used, but that is writer's privilege. My favorite part of the books is always Rose's relationship with Dimitri, so much so that I feel everything that she feels, laugh when she laughs, etc. Without spoiling the ending, I can definitely say I felt just as much as she did at the end.
It is interesting to see the effect that Rose and Lissa are collectively having on the political and social structures of this world that Mead has constructed. Unwritten rules that previously were unquestioned are now being broken repeatedly - and not just by Rose. Other Moroi are trying to wield compulsion, male Dhampirs are refusing to become guardians, Moroi are learning to wield their abilities offensively and train under guardians, and so on. Lissa falls under many exceptions, being the only Dragomir, which ironically puts Rose even more in the spotlight of society and allows her to be a catalyst for change.
The Secretary
The Secretary
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Day after day, year after year, Christine has been there, invisible—watching, listening, absorbing all the secrets floating around her. Keeping them safe.
Christine is trusted. But those years of loyalty and discretion come with a high price. And eventually Christina will pay.
Yet, it would be a mistake to underestimate such a steadfast woman. Because as everyone is about to discover, there’s a dangerous line between obedience and obsession...

"The Secretary" is Renee Knight's second novel. This story has an explosive plot and a very surprising twist at the end.
This story revolves and explores the relationship between the employer and the employee. The author has done a fabulous job of exploring the loyalty of an employee to her employer. The story is completely gripping and I was glued to it.
The characters are completely and utterly convincing and I developed a love/hate relationship with them.
The underlying tension is apparent from the start and it just adds to the suspense going forward.
Some may call this a slow burn but I felt the pace of the story is just perfect. This is an intelligent, twisted, psychological thriller.
Very believable characters and brilliant plot! Perfect story in my opinion.
Highly Recommend!

My thanks to NetGalley and Penguin Random House UK for a copy of this novel in exchange for a fair review.
Captivated by You (Crossfire, #4)
Captivated by You (Crossfire, #4)
Sylvia Day | 2014 | Erotica, Fiction & Poetry
7.6 (14 Ratings)
Book Rating
The story of Gideon Cross and Eva Tramell continues in #4 of the Crossfire series, Captivated By You. In this edition, we find that Eva and Gideon have married, but keeping it a secret from most of the people in their lives. They both still have a lot of issues going on in their lives and they continue to fight over the same issue. Gideon desperately wants to protect Eva, no matter what and Eva wants to be able to be her own person as well as being the most important in Gideon's life. Will they both be able to make the compromises and sacrifices necessary to make their relationship work.

This book was a quick read (2 days). Sylvia Day always provides an interesting story to keep the reader from putting the book down. The scenes in this book are enough to get you hot and bothered. I'm not sure if there are going to be anymore Crossfire books, but I do want to know what is going to happen with Eva and Gideon. Will they be able to make their relationship work and have the future they both want to have with each other. Or will they continue to get in their own way and ruin what they want more than anything; each other.