Dances With Wolves (1990)
Movie Watch
A Civil War soldier develops a relationship with a band of Lakota Indians. Attracted by the...

Blaze (1989)
Movie Watch
This bawdy comedy is loosely based on the real-life relationship between Earl Long (Paul Newman),...

Good Morning, Vietnam (1987)
Movie Watch
Radio funny man Adrian Cronauer (Robin Williams) is sent to Vietnam to bring a little comedy back...

Sophie's Choice (1982)
Movie Watch
Stingo (Peter MacNicol), a young writer, moves to Brooklyn in 1947 to begin work on his first novel....

Omen III: The Final Conflict (1981)
Movie Watch
In this second sequel to "The Omen," Antichrist Damien Thorn (Sam Neill) is now a successful...

On Golden Pond (1981)
Movie Watch
Cantankerous retiree Norman Thayer (Henry Fonda) and his conciliatory wife, Ethel (Katharine...

New York, New York (1977)
Movie Watch
Jimmy Doyle (Robert De Niro), an aspiring saxophone player, meets established USO band singer...
Gender, Violence, Refugees
Susanne Buckley-Zistel and Ulrike Krause
Providing nuanced accounts of how the social identities of men and women, the context of...

Wonder Woman Psychology: Lassoing the Truth
A fascinating analysis of the psychology behind Wonder Woman For 75 years, Wonder Woman has served...

AJaneClark (3975 KP) rated Playing For Keeps (Hot Jocks #1) in Books
Feb 20, 2021
This book made me chuckle aloud. It had heart warming, sometimes eye rolling moments and love.
As Elise's brothers best friend, and team mate, Elise is very much off limits to Justin, but their mutual attraction and long harboured crushes might just be worth the risk. A drunken night leads to a secret relationship with the potential to change everything.
This light hearted, steamy read is an instant page turner. The characters are likeable, the dialogue is far from cheesy and the hot moments are HOT!
As a sports romance lover, I would recommend to anyone with similar reading tastes.