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Cinema Paradiso (1988)
Cinema Paradiso (1988)
1988 | Drama

"My dad introduced me to cinema when I was a kid, to watch old films and foreign films, and so I think I was just touched by the idea of a young kid getting to know the projectionist in a village and falling in love with the world of cinema. I kind of related to that. And then I related to the idea of a kid’s passion for movies and eventually getting out and making movies himself. I like the idea of that. And the pacing of the film, and the beauty of the cinematography, and the relationship between the boy and the projectionist is very, very sweet and very touching."

Straight Boy (Straight Guys #0.5)
Straight Boy (Straight Guys #0.5)
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I actually kinda l liked this...a lot.

I wasn't sure what to expect from this. Things to do with prison put me off a bit put this was written in a way so that we only really saw how it affected our boys' relationship.

That bit when he was talking about when he got out and Xavier kissed him hard, I was all sad like, and it was obvious to me then that emotions had become involved over the year.

I'm happy our boys got together in the end and I wouldn't mind reading more of this series at some point in the future.
Raw (RAW Family, #1)
Raw (RAW Family, #1)
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I'm not sure about this story. Half the time I didn't understand their relationship and the other half I was swooning. It was a little strange.

One minute I liked Twitch, the next not so much. And then it would be repeated. I just found it all a little odd but at the same time I couldn't stop reading it. Hence the three star rating.

That ending had me in tears! And then that extra little bit has made me need to read the next one. WTF? You can't make me sad and then surprise me like that, it isn't a good look on me lol.
I was expecting for their to be more time spent in Paris--what with the title and all--but it lasted from 49% to 61% which isn't that long and then they were back in the States and their relationship was full steam ahead.

It's a fairly long book and though something seems to be happening all the time I found myself a little...dare I say it, bored? in some places.

I did enjoy it though and the characters were interesting. I'm dying to find out what happens with the other two couples too so I think I'll be buying the next two books when they're available.
Broken Wings (Dark Legacy, #1)
Broken Wings (Dark Legacy, #1)
Jaymin Eve | 2019
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Huh...another one that I'm completely torn by. I stayed up half the night reading the first 52% in one sitting.

The plot of having 5 families working under one company that pretty much runs half the world was a little far fetched for me. I'm sure stuff like that happens in the world but at the same time, it's too ridiculous for me to take seriously.

>On the other hand, I loved the relationship between Beck and Riley and let's not forget the rest of the gang and their strong bond.

I'm undecided as of yet whether I'm going to finish the series after that, in my opinion, strange ending.

Emma Watson recommended Hunger in Books (curated)

Roxane Gay | 2017 | Biography
9.7 (3 Ratings)
Book Favorite

"Roxane Gay describes her book Hunger as a ‘memoir about my body’. It traverses many of the issues surrounding our human bodies, the sexual experiences we have, our relationship with food, how we feel about our own bodies and the difference gender has to play on a body…While parts of the book are difficult to read, it highlights the very real damage done by sexual violence and puts you in the mind and body of someone that has to move through the world in a different way. A small insight or perspective I feel grateful for now having and understanding a little bit better."


Alice Rohrwacher recommended Stromboli (1950) in Movies (curated)

Stromboli (1950)
Stromboli (1950)
1950 | Drama
(0 Ratings)
Movie Favorite

"Rossellini is a big master for me. Normally, he’s put in the box of neorealism, but I don’t think he can stay in a box. Even though his movies had incredible scripts and very incredible actors, they were so alive and happening. You always have the feeling that there is something surprising the director, like you can feel him opening up toward life. Stromboli has always been an important film for me because of how it investigates the relationship between man and nature. There is a very tight, traditional structure, but at the same time there are gaps and openings that allow the mystery to come in."

Playing for Keeps (Unshakable, #1)
Playing for Keeps (Unshakable, #1)
Lexi Ander | 2013
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I like to read a menage book every so often, be it m/m/m or m/m/f, but I find it sometimes very confusing to keep up with who's who and who's doing what with all the names the author's have to use so you can picture it.

Despite that, I did like all of these guys individually and I liked the commitment they all had to each other. They were in love with each other and you could tell.

I must admit, though, that I like to read the relationship happen and I didn't get to do that in this, but oh well.
The Girl's Got Secrets (Forbidden Men, #7)
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
4.5 stats

Asher has grown on me so much over the last couple of books and I enjoyed reading this. It was so cute, the relationship that popped up between Asher and Sticks/Remy. Proper guys chat and stuff. I also quite liked the Elisa thing, too, though it added an extra level of crap to lies she was telling. BUT I wanted them to get together so badly, I didn't care. I've even just staying d up till gone 1am so I can find out what happens with these two and I'm a happy bunny. They got there in the end.

Off to start the next book in the series!!