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    Riding Home

    Tim Hayes

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    Throughout history, people have loved, owned and ridden horses. They fascinate us, and we are drawn...


Young Jean Lee recommended Contempt (1963) in Movies (curated)

Contempt (1963)
Contempt (1963)
1963 | Drama, Romance
(0 Ratings)
Movie Favorite

"This is my favorite film. By all accounts, the making of Godard’s first commercial movie was a nightmare for him, and you can see his own contempt written all over it. First he tells us that what we are about to see is fake, and then he proceeds to mock the commercial film industry for the rest of the movie. Some moments in the dialogue seem intentionally ludicrous, like when Paul describes his relationship with Camille through a heavy-handed interpretation of the Odysseus/Penelope myth. The stream of visual absurdities (Prokosch’s tiny book, Paul typing with two fingers, even the final car crash) discourages us from ever taking anything too seriously. Yet because Godard never tries to make us buy into a bunch of psychological hoopty-hoo, this film is devastating and feels realer as a depiction of a crumbling relationship than anything else I’ve ever seen. We’ve all known this couple: after the first flush of romance, the woman finds herself financially dependent on some self-centered, brutish mediocrity with a roving eye. We watch Camille vacillate between the horns of her dilemma in a totally believable way before making the decision to leave Paul and go back to being a typist. As the only non-cartoon character, with her convincing mix of youthful insecurity and defiant self-regard, Camille becomes the whole world of the film. The cinematography and score are perfect, and the final shot of the Mediterranean destroys me every time."

Dark Veil (The Society #2)
Dark Veil (The Society #2)
Mason Sabre | 2016 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
101 of 250
Dark Veil ( Society book 2)
By Mason Sabre

Once read a review will be written via Smashbomb and link posted in comments

For the past two years, Cade MacDonald and Gemma Davies have been forced to hide their illicit affair from the Other world, where mating with a species different to your own defies every law and mandate of Society. Considered an indefensible act, it is punishable by banishment from their community, or even worse, by death. However, Cade and Gemma experience a bond few ever do, wolf and tiger connecting deeply and irrevocably. Against all odds, their relationship flourishes and solidifies despite the difficulties.

Yet now, they suddenly find themselves faced with obstacles and danger they could never have imagined. Not only is their relationship and place in Society at stake, but their lives—as well as those close to them—are at risk. Their enemies are many, and the battles they need to overcome seemingly insurmountable. Will they be able to defeat their adversaries, and more importantly, will their love manage to prevail above all else?

This was definitely an improvement from book 1! I mar first I thought really a baby? But it worked and it was better written and paced out really well. Humans really are an awful species! Without giving much away I’m really hoping they can get away! Also loving the new characters and the introduction of witches!
All She Wrote (Holmes & Moriarity, #2)
All She Wrote (Holmes & Moriarity, #2)
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
4.5 stars.

I enjoyed this one more than the first, though I think that can be put down to the progression in the relationship between Kit and J.X.
At the start my warm and fuzzies over how the last one ended quickly dissolved as this started with them decided to take a break. I was like WTF?! And then Kit was off across the country to go and see his mentor after her fall down some icy stairs meaning she couldn't run her Writer's Workshop. Of course, it wasn't as straight forward as that and we were thrown into yet another murder mystery.
I have to say I was kinda disheartened when J.X. wasn't in the first third (or so) of the story as I really liked him and Kit as a couple but he reappeared and the warm and fuzzies returned. The progression of their relationship in this one was so sweet. J.X. is willing to anything to keep Kit in his life and I find that lovely.
As for the murder mystery, I was once again stumped until the 90% mark when someone wasn't quite upset enough and it clicked (about the same time as Kit figured it out, too).
I love Josh Lanyon books like this and can't wait to read more from him! I also can't wait for the next Holmes and Moriarity book!
    Der große Mondkalender

    Der große Mondkalender

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