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Men Explain Things to Me: And Other Essays
Men Explain Things to Me: And Other Essays
Rebecca Solnit | 2016 | Essays
5.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Some decent ideas with good intentions (0 more)
Poorly written (2 more)
Not intersectional
Lack of sources in the physical version
Mediocre essays, I wish I could've liked this more
Disappointment and shallow is probably the most apt descriptions I can think of when describing this book which is really sad because I usually enjoy feminist essays.

The titular essay, Men Explain Things to Me, discusses the author’s experiences with men explaining things with the assumption that she couldn’t possibly know due to her gender. While I was nodding my head that yes, I have experienced this as well, there was not much else. There was little to no research into the history of why this might be or any additional insight into the topic which was really a let down, I didn’t feel like I got much out of it. I should have known that the rest of the essays in this collection would be the same but I was optimistic.

One of the better essays was In Praise of the Threat: What Marriage Equality Really Means which discussed how the fight for marriage equality, or same-sex marriage, has been redefining the traditional gendered views of marriage and I thought that this was really great. However in a later essay Solnit goes on to claim that gay marriage would never have been possible if it weren’t for feminists redefining marriage as a union between equals, which is a statement I found both bold and mildly insulting.

I also need to address a specific statement that became the basis the essay, The Longest War, which was the following:

“Violence doesn’t have a race, a class, a religion,
or a nationality, but it does have a gender.”

It is very apparent that Solnit doesn’t know a thing about intersectionality because any minority can tell you that the statement above is laughably false. Is it true, statistically, that more reported violent crimes are perpetrated by men? Yes. Do people in many societies have an issue with toxic masculinity? Yes. Does this mean, then, that violence has a gender, that it is purely a male problem? No. To say that it doesn’t have a specific race, class, religion, or nationality despite evidence to the contrary throughout history is naïve.

Solnit continues on to rant about how men are the almost exclusive source of violence and assault and how everyone should acknowledge this so we can go about finding solutions. She doesn’t go into much more depth than that or offer up much in the way of solutions herself. A large portion of the essay is just her fluffing up the piece with a literal list of vague examples which might not mean much to folks less knowledgeable about violent crimes. There are also quite a few statistics thrown in with absolutely no sources to back up the claims.

Not that I doubt the information provided, but in times where people cherry pick the news to fit their own narrative books like this become questionable. After flipping through the back of the book I eventually found a note in the acknowledgements section that Solnit chose to edit out her sources for the book version, but that they could be found on the online versions of her essays. It’s careless and lazy for an author that wants to be taken seriously.

Solnit also postulates at several points that because she has published several books that she is an authority and I found that sort of attitude to be self defeating. She talks about another author that she argued with about Virginia Woolfe and claims that she had “won” which just makes the author sound childish, and I wondered what the point of the essay was to begin with. It felt out of place for the rest of the collection and any connections she attempted to make were shaky at best.

I think that Solnit had some good ideas but the execution was extremely poor. Because she spends so much time listing examples and being over dramatic in her descriptions the actual point of discussion in her essays becomes muddled and unclear. There are far better essays out there that address the exact same topics. Men Explain Things to Me just wasn’t worth the time.
The Good Luck of Right Now
The Good Luck of Right Now
Matthew Quick | 2015 | Fiction & Poetry
7.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Foul language (0 more)
This eBook was provided by the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review

From the New York Times bestselling author of The Silver Linings Play Book comes an inspirational tale about a thirty nine year old man who has lived with his mother his whole life. The Good Luck of Right Now is about how Bartholomew Neil copes with life after the death of his mother. Bartholomew is a very awkward man who has no idea how to cope on his own and so is assigned a grief counselor, Wendy, to help him come to terms with his new situation. Due to his mother’s movie obsessions, this story is told through pretend letters written to famous Hollywood actor, Richard Gere, who is also someone Bartholomew admires greatly.

Matthew Quick’s novel entertains the reader through the mishmash of characters from a cat-obsessed man who is convinced aliens exist, to Bartholomew’s obscure friendship with a bipolar priest. As well as being entertaining this novel explores the rhythm of the universe leaving the reader questioning the credibility of fate and wondering about religion and philosophy.

The way in which Bartholomew views the world and his reasons for writing unsent letters to Richard Gere during this difficult period of his life suggest that he his somewhere on the autism scale. Quick explores mental health issues as well as this beginning with the priest with bipolar and again later in the book when Bartholomew becomes friends with a pair of siblings, Max and Elizabeth.

At times humorous and at others thoughtful, The Good Luck of Right Now is a really interesting novel to read. It is easy to understand Bartholomew’s thought processes and he is a very lovable character. One part of the story I personally did not like, however, was the amount of swearing the character Max does. Although this emphasizes Max’s mental state and is not intended to be an insult, it did get a bit tiresome reading a swear word within every sentence he spoke.

Overall this book is definitely worth the read, especially if you enjoyed The Silver Linings Play Book. In fact, The Good Luck of Right Now may even be the better book!
Widows (2018)
Widows (2018)
2018 | Crime, Drama, Thriller
#widows is this years biggest surprise. Just like a punch to the gut its full of #pain, suffering an overload of #emotion & shock. My goodness what an exceptional & #stunning piece of work this is. As soon as the film opened is was hanging off my seat, with an opening which not only sets the stage for what's to come but showcases just how talented #stevemcqueen is as a director. This calm before the storm style of directing works so well that it constantly lulls you into a false sense of security (by using #beautiful/unique camera work, a powerful score, subbtle #humour, interesting characters & deep character connections) to pull you in which are then followed instantly by incredibly tense action or scenes of #brutal #violence or shocking emotional breakdowns which hit you hard like a slap across the face. Long but never once #boring this is such a heavy, bleak & #depressing film not only about grief, loss, #broken trust & #survival but also about #racism, corruption, power abuse & the using of money & #religion as a control tool. I dont want to spoil to much because its best to go in blind here to feel the full impact of the #film & its twists. #Widowsmovie is so powerful & full of so much depth I felt like id been hit by a train walking out. Everything flows together so perfectly here from its pacing to its plot & its cinematography right down to its sound & set design. Theres also stellar acting all across the board here & i mean seriously impressive preformances by a good chunk of the cast which makes sure each & every characters pain, grief & struggle through #life is felt deeply, making it at times increadibly #heartbreaking & tuff to watch. This film overall was such an engaging/draining & absorbing thrill ride full of intelligent & current themes that I cant wait to see it again & delve deeper into its layers. Absolutely mind blowing & one of the most tense & well constructed #heist films ive seen in a long long time. #odeon #odeonlimitless #filmbuff #filmcritic #thursdaythoughts #violadavis #collinfarrell #liamnesson #danielkaluuya #love
Mission: Impossible - Fallout (2018)
Mission: Impossible - Fallout (2018)
2018 | Action, Adventure, Thriller
Next level
#missionimpossiblefallout is an insane #summer #blockbuster thats an extremely well made & a breathtakingly #fun adrenaline shot to the #heart. #Fallout proudly takes its place as the best #Mi film with its #darker tone, higher stakes, well fleshed out characters & bigger set pieces. #mi6 is shot so beautiful & #smooth with everything feeling so polished & well crafted. We are frequently treated to #gorgeous establishing shots, slick tracking shots & extremely tight #action camerawork throughout. Sets, locations & real stunt work also constantly impress scale wise & visually too. #Fight choreography is very impressive & every fight scene feels fast, weighty, exhausting & brutal & its refreshing to be able to follow the action smoothly in a blockbuster for a change without the need for constant jump cuts. #Comedy is still here but its greatly toned down in favour for a much more bleaker tone here. Story wise there's a lot more at stake this time & the films darker tone & constant twists established not only great tension but ensure your frequently left breathless & on edge. There's an underlining theme of #religion being used as a tool of power here & how one mans vision of to start again is reminiscent of a god first destroying everything to recreate better. Sacrifice is also a recurring theme too & we learn so much more about Ethan's character & #Mi6 because of this, are the choices he/they make all for good? or are they actually making things worse & creating more deaths/problems for the world. #Villains are all intimidating, have an unnerving presence & great motives. Solomon & Ethans #relationship is very interesting with great depth as it seems #Ethan fears #Solomon be it him being scared of becoming like him or knowing that he's the only person capable of taking away everything he cares about without giving him a choice. Acting is flawless #henrycavill, #seanharris, #vingrhames all shine but its #tomcruise & the sheer commitment/dedication to his work on show here thats truly breath taking. Please see this film, we need more blockbusters this well made/with this much depth. Simply #fantastic. #odeon #filmbuff #filmcritic #missionimpossible #wednesdaywisdom
A Darker Shade of Magic
A Darker Shade of Magic
V.E. Schwab, Victoria Schwab | 2015 | Fiction & Poetry
9.2 (19 Ratings)
Book Rating
The first book set up the idea of the different Londons: magic-less grey London, vibrant red London, starving and desperate white London, and decimated, dead black London. Each built upon a foundation of London but developed in completely different fashions. Their cultures, religion, speech, manner and being is so unique in each world.

It was a really intriguing way to build the world and immediately fascinated me. Good world building is so important to books because it is immersive, it pulls you in and makes you forget that it’s not real. You are living the story with the characters. She even created languages that were utilized by characters from different places, from the magic language of the Antari to the flowing words or harsh tones of the neighboring lands. It shows a passion for authenticity and true love of what she has created.

I love the characters. Rhy with his charm always brightens the room (or a scene). Lila is cunning, ruthless, ambitious and a thief. She doesn't need anyone and she would never admit to needing anything. She takes or does what she wants, no matter the cost with no regrets. She is tough as nails and her grit is inspiring. Her first instinct is to protect herself above all.

Many people may not agree with me, but Lila was probably my least favourite of our main characters. She was smart and tough, but a little too ruthless for my taste. Kell was the character that I liked/related to the most, even though he was a powerful magic user he seemed the most down to earth.

Not only does she introduce us to unique main characters, but she brilliantly gives depths to those in the background. There are some supporting characters that at times I liked even more than some of our leads.

Overall the story is more of a slow-burn/build rather than quick action packed scenes. I think that it worked really well for this story and have no complaints. Highly recommended to young adult/teen readers who enjoy fantasy or magic books with characters that have very diverse personalities/outlooks on life and great world-building.

Dana (24 KP) rated Burned (Burned, #1) in Books

Mar 23, 2018  
Burned (Burned, #1)
Burned (Burned, #1)
Ellen Hopkins | 2006 | Fiction & Poetry
8.3 (7 Ratings)
Book Rating
I honestly didn't know how I would feel about this book. I haven't been having the best week or so, so I didn't necessarily want to read something too heavy. While this book did have a lot of heavy themes, it wasn't too dark for me, which I was glad about.

The rest of this review will have some spoilers, so read at your own peril.

I didn't really know much about this book as I was going into it. My roommate gave it to me on a recommendation, so I read it the next day and I really enjoyed it. I know it came out ages ago, but I don't think I was really emotionally mature enough to really appreciate the story. Overall, I am glad I waited until I was a bit older.

Even though it is close to 550 pages, it doesn't feel that long because of the way it is set up. The poetry gives it a fresh perspective and a very interesting storytelling perspective. I absolutely loved the formatting, especially the shapes of the poems.

This book talks a lot about religion, abuse (specially religious and familial abuse), independence, sex, and relationships in a very mature, yet approachable way.

This book supports the idea that you should get help from someone when you need it-even if it is not the authorities.

It was interesting to see Pattyn's development throughout the book, as heartbreaking as it was. She starts off as such a timid, rule-abiding girl, and then turns into someone with her own thoughts and morals. I feel like that as she was able to experience more, she grew into her own person to an extent.

I love Aunt Jeanette-she just wants what is best for Pattyn.

The ending crushed me. I just wanted Pattyn to be happy with Ethan, but no. It just had to come to a horrible end, didn't it?

Sorry this review is pretty short. I can't really find all the right ways to say what I'm thinking about this book.

Overall, I enjoyed the book and I think I will check out more of Ellen Hopkins's books.
Rooftops of Tehran
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
<a href="">Full Review</a>
I received, Rooftops of Tehran by Mahbod Seraji, for free in exchange for a review. The synopsis of the book immediately caught my attention. From the beginning I was excited to read this novel. The story takes place in Iran. The story shows how American involvement affects everyone and not always in a good way. The characters are well developed. The story has twists, that I never expected but kept the story going.
Pasha, Ahmed, Zari and Faheemah are the main characters. Pasha and Ahmed spend many hours on his rooftop talking, joking, dreaming of the love of their lives and contemplating life. Pasha fantasized being with Zari but she was to married off to a childhood friend. While Ahmed wanted to be with Faheemah and ended up dating with the approval of her parents. Pasha and his friends live in Iran in the 1970's where they are skeptical of religion, arrange marriage and the government of their country. The US is viewed as a place of opportunity but as a place that causes problems.
By reading this book I was able to gain insight to middle class life in Iran during the 1970's until the rule of the Shah. This is a coming of age book that appears simple in the beginning but as the story progresses life gets complicated due to arranged marriage customs, and modern ideas from western culture. School is a place that is run by petty tyrants and when rules are not obeyed punishment is what follows. At the core, is the fundamentalism of Iran's future.
The SAVAK is present everywhere and people of all ages feel their impact. SAVAK have an impact on Iranian culture and not in a good way. They cause confusion, heartbreak and even death.
This story is written in a fast paced narrative perspective. The author has developed the characters well. At the end of the story I felt like I was sitting on the rooftop with Pasha experiencing his life, the twists, the secrets and all that effected his life with him.
The Heart&#039;s Invisible Furies
The Heart's Invisible Furies
John Boyne | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry
9.3 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
*I received a copy of this book from Netgalley and the publisher in exchange for an honest review*

As always I do things back to front, John Boyne is famously known for writing ‘The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas’,I have not got round to reading this book but have watched the film adaptation and found it heart-breaking. Anyway on to his newest book on the market. This book is delightful, laugh out loud hilarious, an emotional rollercoaster and you will no doubt fall in love with Cyril Avery.

The story is told from our protagonist Cyril Avery, the story starts off when he is still in the womb and how he came to be put up for adoption and then every 7 years thereafter. The whole book follows Cyril throughout his whole life and the struggles he comes across living in Dublin in the 1950’s and coming to terms with his identity and sexuality.

I thoroughly enjoyed this book and I adored Cyril Avery, he had this awkwardness about him, and seemed to get in some truly awful situations. For him growing up was anything but ordinary, he was adopted by ‘The Avery’s’ but was continuously told that he wasn’t a real Avery and never would be. With his strange adoptive parents, Cyril takes everything in his stride until he meets Julian Woodbead and realises that he might just be attracted to boys.

John Boyne’s writing was breath-taking and I was enchanted from the start – I slowly read this book as I didn’t want it to end. The characters in this book were great and all had amazing personalities. It also shows how homophobic the country was back in the 1950’s and how people were scared to ‘come out’ for fear of being attacked and disowned by family members.

This book does delve in to Irish politics and was something that I had not read before but due to my lack of knowledge was not something that interested me.

This story told by Cyril Avery is about Love, Relationships, Politics, Religion, Violence and Identity.

I rated this 4.25 out of 5 stars
The Black Witch
The Black Witch
Laurie Forest | 2017 | Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
9.6 (7 Ratings)
Book Rating
Wow! This story, these characters... just wow. Seriously got me right in the feels. There's quite a bit of controversy surrounding this book and i think it's for the wrong reasons. This book isn't racist or any of the other things it's been called, not in and of itself. Does it contain racism, misogyny, homophobia, xenophobia? in spades! Religious zealots, oppression, and just plain ignorant prejudice and discrimination? Oh, absolutely! At times heartbreaking and difficult to read? Definitely! But at its core this is a book about hope. It's about moving past preconceived notions of others based on any of the labels used to divide and coming together. It's about looking beyond outward appearance and seeing the person inside. There are obvious parallels between the book and reality because the author was trying to make a point, not that she or her story are racist or condone these behaviors but the exact opposite, that it is wrong and that we could do amazing things if we quit using labels that divide us, whether it's race, religion, gender, sexuality, occupation, ability, class, country of origin, political affiliation, etc. Those are only labels, they don't define any of us nor should they.

This book is beautifully written, with very well developed characters that u come to love and plenty u despise, in a world very similar to our own in different ways. It's emotional. It's wonderful. It has an important message. I am so glad that I read it for myself instead of just going on the negative reviews and jumping on the hate bandwagon. Thinking for yourself instead of believing what you're told about something is a pretty strong message in the story as well. I absolutely loved it and was disappointed when I got to the end. I implore everyone to please take the time to read it yourself and see how it makes you feel instead of avoiding it on some misguided principle after reading a bad review written by someone who either didn't get the obvious messages within The Black Witch or was already prejudiced against it themselves. Seriously, it's worth it.