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Asiza Tait (139 KP) rated Child 44 in Books

Feb 1, 2018  
Child 44
Child 44
Tom Rob Smith | 2014 | Fiction & Poetry
8.7 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
We all agreed that it was a very intense book and for those of us who weren’t fully aware of what it was like to live in Stalinist Russia during that time our eyes were surely opened!

This book takes you through the transformation of Leo Demidov from a complete ‘company man’ of the Russian State to a real person listening to his own sense of right and wrong. We meet him as a no nonsense officer of the MGB willing and able to follow through on his orders and completely committed to succeeding. We also get glimpses of his insecurity because no one is safe under the scrutiny of the State. He is very aware of this and the long running jealousy of Vasily is a constant reminder of how much someone hates him and desperately wishes and works towards his downfall. From the beginning the life of Leo is shown for the stark reality it is. There is no happy family man here, or even a happy career man, it is purely survival in a very structured and dangerous place.

The relationship between Leo and his wife Raisa is another that is deep, raw and completely honest. Their relationship ebbs and flows according to the State plan, but the book takes a serious turn when Leo is faced with the decision of denouncing his wife. Seeing into their marriage is like facing a needed surgery, the inevitable pain is necessary to start the way to healing. Raisa is the stronger character in my view, never losing her sense of humanity but knowing how to hide herself in order to survive.

Leo’s decision starts a chain of events that leads to him discovering that murders are occurring the breadth of Russia, and since there is no crime in Russia he is the only one trying to convince anyone of the scary reality that a serial child killer/s is on the loose. His commitment to this brings further scrutiny on him and he feels the full force of the authorities and experiences a complete reversal of circumstances. Where he was the one arresting people and transporting them to the most notorious prison Lubyanka, he is now the one in the prisoners' seat.

There are twists and turns in this book that will knock the breath out of you. A seriously brilliant book.

On a personal note I found this book hit too close to home in regards to my own upbringing in the Jehovah’s Witnesses. Where Leo is hitting his head against a stone wall in trying to convince people of the danger they are ignoring, it reminded me very strongly of how difficult it is to convince or motivate the Governing Body of Jehovah’s Witnesses and the Congregation Elders that the right thing to do when an accusation of child abuse comes to them is to immediately call the authorities. They instead stick to their own procedures in the face of irrefutable evidence and demonstrated experience that their procedures are dead wrong and need to be changed, they still refuse to listen and insist that their way of doing things is right and everyone else must be wrong. They desperately work to keep their image clean just like the Russian Government insists that the State is always right. Thankfully there is an army of people worldwide working incredibly hard to expose there hurtful practices and in so doing protect the public from being sucked into this so called religion.
Escape from Eden
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
(This review can be found on my blog <a href="">The (Mis)Adventures of a Twenty-Something Year Old Girl</a>).

I've always been drawn to books that deal with cults, so when Escape from Eden by Elisa Nader came up for review, I was overjoyed! Luckily, I wasn't disappointed.

I love the synopsis of the book, and I think it's spot on, so I won't bore you with the blurb in my own words.

The title definitely suits the book as Gabriel and Mia are actually trying to escape. It's definitely an intriguing title and one that caught my attention.

I wasn't sold on the cover to begin with, but after awhile, it grew on me. I like the photo of Mia peeking out behind some kind of bush. It definitely sets the tone of the story.

The world building, overall, was really fantastically written, and I found myself instantly drawn into the book. However, I did wonder how Mia, a girl whose been in a compound since the age of 10 with no links to the outside world, knew about sex. Maybe she picked it up from other members, I don't know, but that question kept gnawing at me.

The pacing of this book did start out a bit slow for my liking, and I was wondering if this book would end up on my DNF (did not finish) pile. Luckily, after the first few chapters, the pacing picks up immensely, and it becomes hard to put this book down.

I loved the plot! Although plots about people trying to escape a cult aren't new, Nader did an excellent job at keeping the plot original. There aren't any major plot twists, but it doesn't matter. This book doesn't need them because it is just that good! The author also does a fantastic job of incorporating a bit of romance without it overshadowing the major plot point. Since I'm a Christian, I must admit that I was a little worried this book would belittle religion and/or God, but after reviewing the book, I didn't find anything offensive in it which was a relief.

I felt as if the characters were written really well. I loved Mia, and although I didn't connect with her right at first, I began to slowly love and care for her. I admired her courage even when she was vulnerable. I also loved Gabriel and the dry humor he brought to the story. I couldn't help but love him! Even mean girl Bridgette was written fantastically!

The dialogue was fantastic and flowed smoothly with the exception of the little bit of some info dump at the beginning of the book. The character interactions never felt forced or weak. There are a few swear words in this book though, so be forewarned if you''re not a fan of swearing.

Overall, Escape from Eden is a fantastic read once you get past the first few chapters. I loved how fantastic the characters were and how great the story line was written!

I'd recommend this book to those aged 16+ who want to read about strong characters and a fascinating plot that will leave you breathless.

(I received a free hardback copy of this title from the author in exchange for a fair and honest review).
My Scientology Movie (2015)
My Scientology Movie (2015)
2015 | Documentary
Revelations from former cult members. (0 more)
No balance - no current members participated (0 more)
Frustrating but still unashamedly Louis
Now this is a good one:
• Scientology fascinates/horrifies me in equal measure
• I love Louis Theroux’s work over the years, from pornstars to neo-nazis

So, if you add together one of the most unassuming yet tenacious investigative journalists and one of the most misunderstood religions and there’s bound to be sparks flying, right?

Well almost. I recall some comments about a Louis documentary where he kinda lost his usual cool and got wound up/ deterred by his would-be interviewees. Perhaps this could be the one.
Even if this is not the film in question, it’s certainly a little more subdued than his usual material. Because the church told him to sod off.
I guess his view that he wants to offer an unbiased and impartial view on their religion is not one shared by David Whatshisface. This is a shame as I’d loved to have seen LT probe the chief scientist with his softly, softly good cop/nicer cop style of interviewing.

It could well have been a titanic battle of intellect and wills. Almost on a parallel with Westley & Vizzini in the Princess Bride. But now we’ll never know.

Seriously, it’s sort of hobbled the film from the start if we don’t get to speak to anyone from the church, as all we are going to here from therefore are people who don’t know about what really happens or do know but have now come out from the protective umbrella of Scientology and are (quite reasonably) regarded as “embittered”.

Even Louis is being asked a lot to conjure something truly worthwhile with his only evidence coming from potentially biased sources.

It’s only at the hour mark that we even hear of the charitable causes the church supports, from drug abuse to disaster relief. And not long before that we even see a very limited glimpse of the drills, or ‘tech’ that forms part of the Scientologist’s belief system.
What makes me laugh, disappointedly, is that Louis is complaining that the lawyers are accusing him of dwelling on those embittered “squirrels”.... when that’s exactly what he has been doing, out of necessity as he has no other material.

I’m happy to give the benefit of the doubt to LT whenever possible but I think he dropped a bollock there.

I also wonder if the reason we are only given such a brief example of the dianetics system is that the Church’s powerful tentacles reach all the way to the Beeb? I’ve always though that Jeremy Paxman had a steely determination that came from more than just political vigour...

Or maybe it’s because Louis didn’t think it was important enough? Hardly. Maybe because Marty Rathbun got upset and stopped doing it (incidentally he is a crap teacher! Getting visibly disappointed when the student doesn’t immediately see/feel/get what you intend is not the way to help relax and convince someone).

It was slightly disappointing to not see Isaac Hayes who left South Park in a strop because they were planning an episode on Scientology - when he had no problem participating in storylines concerning paedophilia, terrorism, Satan & Saddam Hussein having sex etc..

I jest, of course. And that’s obviously a mistake as it’s abundantly clear that Scientologists have no sense of humour whatsoever. I’m going to be constantly scanning my rear view mirror for a large, clumsily driven Toyota 4x4 now. That won’t stand out at all in the small towns of rural Buckinghamshire will it?
Where It All Began (Manx Cat Guardians Prequel)
JP Sayle | 2018 | Paranormal
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
best book of the three!
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

I am incredibly frustrated about this book! Not WITH the book, ABOUT this book. Let me try to explain.

Reading books one and two, I was left with questions. Lots and lots of questions, mostly about how the Manx Cat Guardians came to be. I had high hopes that THIS book would answer those questions.


While there IS a brief mention of why they were created ( The King of the Otherworld created them to counteract the rise of the new religion, Christianity, and it's belief that same sex couples were against nature and therefore abhorrent) the book is more about Maximillian, the big white cat who arrived on the island, along with Aadan, to help Stuart and Joe. And how Maximillian became the bearer of not one soul, but two.

So the questions I had were mostly NOT answered. And I'm still left with questions. This is where I get frustrated. Because I KNOW my mind is not happy, and that it still has questions, but I also know that I can't figure out what those questions are!! And if I don't know what those questions are, how is an author supposed to answer them, hmm??? So, once I got over my spit-your-dummy-out, throw-your-toys-out-the-pram and I'll-scream-and-scream-and-scream-until-I'm-sick kind of tantrum, here's what I thought about this book.

I found THIS book, is, in my opinion, the best of the three! Viking Olafr (I've been pronouncing this Olfa) has feelings for Magnus, a lowly servant. He knows he shouldn't but he cannot fight them any longer and for one glorious night, Magnus is his. What follows is extremely painful reading. Not because of the writing but because you feel Olafr's pain. You feel every single heart wrenching torment, his decision, and what he has to do. It's exceptional writing, when you can feel so much pain. I cried for Olafr and Magnus I really did. I'm being vague, I know but I work hard NOT to give spoilers!

Olafr and Maximillian have the majority voice, along with a young Aadan, when he was a child. Magnus does not have a say though. I did want him to, but when THAT happened, I'm so glad he didn't. That would have been too much, on top of Olafr's pain, I think.

It gives you a little bit more about when Aadan and Maximillian landed on the island, and what the cat felt at finally coming home. It gives me an unhealthy need for book three! At least I hope there is book three, about Aadan and Greg, who appears in book two. Because, given the way I read that bit, and the way my mind ran away with itself, I have a feeling that book ( I beg, PLEEEEEEEEEEEEZE let there be another book!) will be a far emotional and heart wrenching than the other two, and they weren't a picnic in the park either!

The author's skill at her craft is growing, and it shows!

So, even though I had a hissy fit, even though my (unvoiced) questions were not answered, and even though this is a MIGHTY painful read . . .

5 stars.

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**
1920 London (2016)
1920 London (2016)
2016 | Horror
7.0 (2 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Story: 1920 London starts as we meet the Prince Veer (Karwel) and Princess Shivangi (Chopra) living in London, they soon become the latest victim of an evil spirit which takes over Veer’s body, Shivangi must go into her past to find her former lover Jai Singh Gujjar (Joshi) a man that was left banished because of their affair, who has an ability to tackle unwanted spirits.

With the past being placed in the past, Jai comes to figure out how to save Veer and giving Shivangi a peaceful life, only the evil spirit isn’t going to let that happen.


Thoughts on 1920 London


Characters – Shivangi the princess who has just gotten married, she sees her husband become possessed, which forces her to return to her family for help, with her ex-lover being the only one that could save her husband. Jai Singh is the exorcist that was once the lover of Shivangi, but not being from the royal family means he was once banished for their love. Now he must help her fight an evil spirit, he speciality. Veer is the husband that gets stricken down by the evil spirit that has taken over his body.

Performances – We focus mostly on just the two stars of the movie, Meera Chopra and Sharman Joshi who are both great through the film dealing with the horror, the personal status they are facing and love they both feel.

Story – The story here follows a possession, this is a story I have seen many times, but the different is, I have only ever seen Christian or Jewish religions deal with the spirits, this time we get to see how Hindus treat unwanted spirits. The story does follow the traditional scares, but then here is a twist in the story which explains the possession, one about honour, love and revenge, which does make the story feel fresher, I learnt that this is part of a series of film, but I am confident there isn’t a connection between the previous ones. Most of this is by the books and that is al we want from a horror film.

Horror/Mystery – There are good scare moments in this film, nothing overly original, but they will give the jumps required, the mystery comes from just what the motivation of the evil spirit is to be doing the possessing.

Settings – The film takes the action to London, which I guess is new to the franchise, this is fine even though we spend most of the time in the mansions with no landmarks in the background, with the landmark scenes including the bridges only.

Special Effects – The effects are used well to create the horror moments, like most films the practical is good, but the CGI comes off weak.

Scene of the Movie – The final battle.

That Moment That Annoyed Me – While I understand this is a Bollywood film, the songs lose moments of tension in the film.

Final Thoughts – This is a horror that works for the exorcism genre well, it shows how a different religion reads evil spirits and does battle against them, which is interesting to see and does give us good moments of horror.


Overall: Good horror.

Hazel (1853 KP) rated Saint Death in Books

Dec 17, 2018  
Saint Death
2.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
<i>This ARC was provided by the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review </i>

What must life be like living in a poor neighbourhood? Every night your sleep is disturbed by gunshots, the people you know slowly disappear each time a gang raids the town, you live in fear for your own life. This is the concept international award-winning author Marcus Sedgwick explores in his latest Young Adult novel. Set in Anapra, one of the poorest communities in Mexico, Sedgwick delivers a story of poverty, gang crime and greed.

A young man – presumably still in his teens – named Arturo is living in a falling down shack, surviving on the small amount he earns at the local garage. Having kept to himself for the past year in order to remain safe, he experiences mixed emotions when his long lost friend turns up on his door stop – if you can call it that – and asks him to win $1000 by gambling at cards to appease a brutal gang leader.

What follows is an intense game against dangerous criminals with only prayers to Santa Muerte – Saint Death – to help Arturo get by. However, in the same way that the gang leaders are obsessed with wealth, Arturo begins to be overcome with greed, putting both himself and his friend in mortal danger.

<i>Saint Death</i> is not a book to be <i>liked</i>, after all, who would be fond of death, pain and violence? Instead it is a story that introduces an alternative culture to the readers – presuming that most will be from the more typical western world. Sedgwick throws us right into the slums of Mexico where religion, superstition, law and safety have an entirely different meaning. We learn that life in these areas is mostly a war between power and poverty, with the wealthy naturally championing over the rest.

Unfortunately <i>Saint Death</i> is a difficult book to read. For a start, it is a little bit boring. Whilst the events may be realistic there is no thrill or enjoyment garnered from reading about them. Understandably, Sedgwick is trying to bring a sense of culture into his work, however there is barely anything that a Young Adult reader can relate to. We are never told Arturo’s age and only assume he his in his teens, however he acts like a much older adult. It is difficult to imagine and comprehend the poverty, gangs and violence when we have not been witness to it ourselves. Whilst attempting to shock, Sedgwick lacks on description making it a challenge to picture the scene in our heads.

Prior to this book, I had only read Sedgwick’s <i>My Sword Hand is Singing</i> (2006), therefore I was unsure what to expect with his latest novel. It was my understanding that he tends to write horror or paranormal novels, whereas <i>Saint Death</i> was a complete change of genre. Of course authors experiment with their writing style all the time; some are successful, others less so. In this instance I personally think Sedgwick fell short of his goal, trying too hard to copy other writers that had influenced him to make this conversion. Whether Sedgwick decides to continue along this theme or revert back to what he has already been successful with remains to be seen, but I am hoping for the latter.
S. Darko: A Donnie Darko Tale (2009)
S. Darko: A Donnie Darko Tale (2009)
2009 | Drama, Mystery, Sci-Fi
3.8 (4 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Samantha Darko, or Sam as she goes by, just wants to feel like a normal person. Back where she's from, Virginia, she feels like everyone knows everything about her yet that she's invisible at the same time. She'd change places with somebody if she could. Somehow start all over. Nothing has been the same for her since her brother, Donnie, died seven years ago and she is consumed with the same outlandish visions Donnie had. She decides to go on a road trip with her friend, Corey, to California in hopes of working for Corey's dad. Their car breaks down along the way and they wind up in a small town called Conejo Springs. This is where the world will end in four days, seventeen hours, twenty six minutes, and thirty one seconds.

s. Darko wasn't nearly as bad as I thought it would be, but that still isn't saying much. I love Donnie Darko as it seems to be a film that gets better with each viewing. When news that a sequel to the film was being made, the question that plagued me and every other person who was a fan of the first film was, "Why?" Did the original really leave much room for a sequel? Not in my eyes. The sequel does little to add to the story established in the first film. It pretty much treads the same ground. The world is going to end again. An element that is different in the film is that more than one person is having the visions this time around. While it makes sense that Sam is having these visions, it doesn't really add up why these other people are having them as well. The movie does a lot of back tracking. A lot of things are explained only to rewind and have it play out differently, which makes full use of the time travel element of the film but kind of leaves the viewer wondering if the film was nothing more than a waste of time once the ending rolls around. The film just seems to recycle most of the ingredients of the first film (time travel, Frank the Bunny...even though he's not Frank this time around, religion playing a roll in the film, black holes, etc) and is unable to establish itself as a decent sequel, let alone its own film.

The scene in Donnie Darko that has "Head Over Heels" by Tears For Fears playing in the background while we see Donnie arrive at school and the "Mad World" scene are really the first scenes that come to mind when I think of the original film. The soundtrack played a pivotal role in the film. In s. Darko, there isn't really a scene like that and the soundtrack is forgettable, which really only hurt the film in the long run.

s. Darko walks a thin line between paying homage to the original film and complete bastardization. Its plot tries to string the viewer along this intelligent and thought provoking story, but executes doing so in clumsy fashion. It resembles a circus seal waiting for its reward after playing that ensemble with its nose on the horns currently residing in front of it. It'll really only be accessible to people who were fans of the first film, which is ironic since the film will probably just wind up irritating those fans. If you can ignore the first film entirely and have no expectations for this, then you may find yourself with a direct to video release that is...pretty much just that.
The Girl Behind the Red Rope
The Girl Behind the Red Rope
Ted Dekker, Rachelle Dekker | 2019 | Mind, Body & Spiritual, Religion, Science Fiction/Fantasy
5.3 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
I'm a fan of dystopian novels, so when I heard about The Girl Behind the Red Rope by Ted Dekker and Rachelle Dekker, I knew it was a book that I just had to read sooner rather than later. Everything about the synopsis was calling out my name. Luckily, this book lived up to the hype.

As I stated previously, the synopsis of The Girl Behind the Red Rope definitely left me intrigued. Grace has seen what not following her religious community's strict rules can bring. However, when a young boy makes his way into their tight community, Grace begins to question everything she's been taught which puts her in extreme danger.

Everything flowed so smoothly including the pacing which never let me down. I was constantly finding excuses to finish reading The Girl Behind the Red Rope since I had to know what would happen next. While I felt the plot was predictable more often than not, I still really enjoyed this book. I felt like their were no cliff hangers, and all of my questions were answered by the ending.

As for the Christian aspect of this book, it didn't read like a Christian novel most of the way through. I'd say it was probably around the last quarter of the book where Christianity came into play. I didn't think it was overly preachy although I think that those who aren't very spiritual or who are agnostic or are atheist may feel it's a tad on the preachy side. I would say The Girl Behind the Red Rope is more anti-religion and pro-Christianity overall. That's what I took from it anyway. It does have a really good message regarding love though which I found really nice to read about.

I very much enjoyed how every character in The Girl Behind the Red Rope was written. I felt like I was actually part of their world, stuck in the same community with them. Grace is a very likable character. I loved how the characters made her feel like a real person by giving her the conflicting thoughts as to who was to be believed throughout the novel. I enjoyed Grace's thought process about everything throughout the book. While I knew who and what she should choose, it was easy to see why she was so torn. Bobbie and Sylous were both very intriguing characters. I never trusted Sylous from the start, but Bobbie was one character that I wasn't sure if she actually had Grace's best interest at heart or if she had ulterior motives. There were times I despised Rose, not because she wasn't written poorly, in fact, she was written perfectly, but because of how much trust she put into Sylous and how overly judgmental she could be sometimes. I know that Rose was only going on what she thought to be true, but there were just so many times I wanted Rose to disappear! My favorite character was Eli. I loved his innocence and how happy go lucky he was.

Trigger warnings for The Girl Behind the Red Rope include cult mentality, violence, and murder.

All in all, The Girl Behind the Red Rope is such a fantastic read with such a powerful message. The characters are written beautifully, and the plot is done superbly. I would definitely recommend The Girl Behind the Red Rope by Ted Dekker and Rachelle Dekker to those aged 15+. Christians will definitely enjoy this book, but I think even non-Christians will probably love it as well.

Natari (73 KP) rated The Bees in Books

Jul 19, 2019  
The Bees
The Bees
Laline Paull | 2015 | Fiction & Poetry
8.4 (7 Ratings)
Book Rating
WHEN golden banded honeybees, so often likened to summer and honey sweetness, become the metaphor of a dystopian version of British Government and the Monarchy, what is one left to think?

Established British playwright Laline Paull’s debut novel, The Bees, represents just that. I may just be reading too much into the buzz, but the Oxford alumni who has had two plays performed at the Royal National Theatre must have some of the country in her subconscious as she writes.

The novel follows the life of worker honeybee Flora 717, born of the lowest class of bee society. In a world where mutation and difference is destroyed on sight, the larger-than-average Flora is saved from destruction by opportunities born from austerity in the hive, where ‘the season is deformed by rain, and the flowers shun’ the bees, so they need every available worker.

The life of the honeybee turns out to be symmetrical of Plato’s Republic and his utopia, where children are told what role they will have in life based on their ‘blood’. Plato divided the bronze craftsman, silver guardians and golden philosophers, and Paull divides bees in their ‘kin’ groups, named after flowers, and are priestesses to police, foragers who can fly outside the hive to the sanitation Flora, the lowest, and are given ‘no flower’. ‘A Flora may not make Wax for she is unclean, nor Propolis for she is clumsy, nor ever may she forage for she has no taste, but only may she serve her hive by cleaning,’ but the talented Flora 717 wants more.

Throughout the novel, Paull shows the same attachment to characters as George R R Martin, author of the Game of Thrones novels; the frequent loss deepens the heartbreak Flora must overcome as she fights to defy her set fate and claim the most illegal of desires. No reader will escape the anguish that concludes each new adventure.

The hive is akin to a cult, with leaders keeping their inferiors in check, with fear, intoxication and just a little hypnosis. The cult is complete with its own religion, mantra and even a parody of the Lord’s Prayer, ‘Hallowed be thy womb’, arguably my favourite part. This made the story really exciting, being on the ‘outside looking in’ as the reader, I wanted to encourage Flora to defy, but felt the fear of going against her sisters (this isn’t a cult bond word, they are all blood sisters, for only ‘the queen may breed’).

Paull’s scriptwriting has nurtured the ability to make the reader visualise her words exactly how she writes them, and that is clear within The Bees. I can see the wax panels that Flora 717 scuttles across as she travels around her hive, I can imagine the wax cribs in the nursery and know the deadly yellow and fine lines of the enemy wasp. In the ‘glass cage’ when Flora discovers the Venus Fly Trap, Paull never mentions the plant by name, but speaks only of their ‘red mouths’ with ‘white filaments’ on each ‘inner lip’, they ‘bore no pollen, the only nectar a viscous slick at the join of the petals’. But for all her beautiful imagery seeping off the pages, The Bees was not a book I have felt submerged in.

Full review on <a href=""></a>;
The Court of the Air (Jackelian, #1)
The Court of the Air (Jackelian, #1)
7.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
The land of Jackals is under threat. Ancient foes are threatening its people and its borders. Who can save the land?

Molly Templar is an orphan scratching a living in a poor house. But someone wants her very badly - badly enough to kill anyone who gets in the way. But who would want a poor orphan girl and why?

Oliver Brooks is an outcast. He was lost for two years in the feymist when he was younger. He must have been changed but shows no signs, he appears to be completely normal. But he still needs to report to the authorities regularly and lives in virtual house arrest with his uncle. Until his uncle is killed and Oliver barely escapes.

So begins The Court Of The Air, a stupendous rolling epic set in the strange land of Jackals, a place which is sort of like Victorian England but is also completely different. There are guns and airships, bombs and politicians aplenty. There is also magic and gods stalk the shadows of the world. Sentient steam driven robots have their own country and their own religion.

This is one of those immersive novels. Nothing is explained as it is seen from the viewpoint of the main characters, and they don't need to explain their own world to themselves. This might deter some readers because although there are some familiar concepts many are new or reworked in subtly different ways so that assumptions are dangerous. Personally I enjoy being thrown into the deep end and having to work at understanding the world of the author. I was definitely in my element.

Hunt has an amazing imagination. He is like the curator of a museum of wonders, allowing quick glimpses at the shiny trinkets before twitching aside the curtain to the rather more sinister exhibits he keeps in the basement. He also has a prose style that is frequently poetic and full of brilliant metaphor and simile. One of my favourites was describing a camera as having its nose pointing sadly downwards. And the writing is dense, very dense. I took my time over this book because it was worth it to extract every nuance and vibe conveyed by the words on the page.

The plot is sprawling and convoluted. Oliver and Molly are the main characters but there are others on all sides of the conflict and very little is as it seems or black and white. The first half of the book concerns Molly and Oliver being separately pursued as various aspects of Jackals' geography and politics are revealed (and the political systems are a hoot). Once we find out what is going on the pursued then must try to confront and thwart the danger, not only to them but to their country and the world.

The threads finally come together in a cataclysmic ending. The plot does unravel a little as everything happens at once and there are plenty of clever twists. There is a certain about of deus ex machina in the ending but I would rather that than a tedious few pages of exposition. The good guys win. The bad guys are vanquished. And it's all very entertaining.

Now I do accept that it is a challenging read and some people will not take to it so I can't recommend it without saying, read an excerpt first. If you like reading it (even if you don't as yet understand what half of it means) then read all of it. You will not be disappointed.

Rated: Some violence