Guardians or Demons
Meet Samantha, a 16-year-old girl who knows all too well what it is like to feel alienated, and the...

On Hinduism
In this magisterial volume of essays, Wendy Doniger enhances our understanding of the ancient and...
The SAGE Encyclopedia of Alcohol: Social, Cultural, and Historical Perspectives
The SAGE Encyclopedia of Alcohol: Social, Cultural, and Historical Perspectives examines the history...

Educational Journeys, Struggles and Ethnic Identity: The Impact of State Schooling on Muslim Hui in Rural China
This book examines how state schooling in China has economically, culturally, and ideologically had...

The Devil and Other Stories
Leo Tolstoy and Richard F. Gustafson
'It is impossible to explain why Yevgeny chose Liza Annenskaya, as it is always impossible to...

The Island of Doctor Moreau and Other Stories
With an Introduction and Notes by Dr Emily Alder, Lecturer in Literature and Culture at Edinburgh...

The Lying Down Room
At night Armand lay in bed with a sadness in his heart that ballooned until there was room for...

Rum: A Global History
What did Charles Dickens savour in punch, Thomas Jefferson eat in omelettes, Queen Victoria sip in...
Dalit Women of Nepal: Strategies of Resistance
This book examines the strategies of resistance among the Dalit women of Nepal in their struggle...
Gender and Patriarchy in Muslim Cinema: A Filmographic Study of 21st Century Features from Eight Countries
There are 49 Muslim majority countries in the world and Islam, the religion which Muslims follow, is...