There are Two Sexes: Essays in Feminology
Catherine Porter, Antoinette Fouque and Sylvina Boissonnas
Antoinette Fouque cofounded the Mouvement de Liberation des Femmes (MLF) in France in 1968 and...

How to Teach Meditation to Children: A Practical Guide to Techniques and Tips for Children Aged 5-18
David Fontana and Ingrid Slack
This is a new edition of the classic guide to teaching meditation to children - one of the first and...

Self-Esteem For Dummies
Consumer Dummies, S. Renee Smith and Vivian Harte
Boost your self-esteem and truly believe that you are perfectly awesome Looking to get your hands on...

The Divine Name: Invoke the Sacred Sound That Can Heal and Transform
What if there was a technique for sounding the personal name of God that could change the world?...

Affective Circuits: African Migrations to Europe and the Pursuit of Social Regeneration
Jennifer Cole and Christian Groes
The influx of African migrants into Europe in recent years has raised important issues about...

An Utterly Impartial History of Britain: (or 2000 Years of Upper Class Idiots in Charge)
Many of us were put off history by the dry and dreary way it was taught at school. Back then 'The...

Anti-Semitism and the Holocaust: Language, Rhetoric and the Traditions of Hatred
Anti-Semitism and the Holocaust surveys the history of the Holocaust whilst demonstrating the...
Aural Architecture in Byzantium: Music, Acoustics, and Ritual
Aural architecture identifies those features of a building that can be perceived by the act of...

Huxley's Church and Maxwell's Demon: From Theistic Science to Naturalistic Science
During the Victorian period, the practice of science shifted from a religious context to a...