Trophies of Victory: Public Building in Periklean Athens
The Greek military victories at Marathon, Salamis, and Plataia during the Persian Wars profoundly...

Sanctioning Modernism: Architecture and the Making of Postwar Identities
Vladimir Kuli, Timothy Parker, Monica Penick and Frederick Steiner
In the decades following World War II, modern architecture spread around the globe alongside...
Pindar's Eyes: Visual and Material Culture in Epinician Poetry
Pindar's Eyes is a ground-breaking interdisciplinary exploration of the interactions between Greek...

The Art of RF (Riba-Free) Islamic Banking and Finance: Tools and Techniques for Community-Based Banking
Updated and expanded insights into Islamic banking and finance From Yahia Abdul-Rahman-the father of...

The Market as God
The Market has deified itself, according to Harvey Cox's brilliant exegesis. And all of the world's...

Yearning to Labor: Youth, Unemployment, and Social Destiny in Urban France
In the first decade of the twenty-first century, France underwent a particularly turbulent period...
Designing Schools in Sub-Saharan Africa
Focusing on West and Southern Africa, this book provides a comprehensive historical analysis of...

Light in the Heavens: Sayings of the Prophet Muhammad
Al-Qudai Al-Qadi and Tahera Qutbuddin
The words of Muhammad (d. 11 H/632 AD), God's messenger and prophet of Islam, have a special place...

Representing War and Violence, 1250-1600
Joanna Bellis and Laura Slater
War and violence took many forms in medieval and early modern Europe, from political and territorial...

Shakespeare's Common Prayers: The Book of Common Prayer and the Elizabethan Age
Shakespeare's Common Prayers revolves around Shakespeare's great overlooked source: the Book of...