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Darren (1599 KP) rated Alien 3 (1992) in Movies

Jun 20, 2019  
Alien 3 (1992)
Alien 3 (1992)
1992 | Horror, Sci-Fi
Story: How do you follow up two of the best sci-fi films or all time? This struggles to keep up with the atmosphere created in the first two. It offers nothing new to the series either. As a stand-alone film this would struggle to be a good sci-fi thriller. It’s only positive I can think of were a couple of surprise deaths. (5/10)


Actor Review: Sigourney Weaver – Ripley back to kick the alien’s arse. Sigourney has created one of the biggest icons in female cinema, but this is not the chapter anyone would be remembering. (6/10)


Actor Review: Charles S. Dutton – Dillon leader of the religious movement on in the prison. One of the good guys who protects Ripley from the bad prisoners. He does an ok job but doesn’t have enough to work with. (6/10)


Actor Review: Charles Dance – Medical officer with a dark past on the road to recovery. Good supporting role is used well to create a good connection between Ripley and the prisoners. (6/10)


Director Review: David Fincher – The great director disowned this film after it got changed post production and I don’t blame him. (4/10)


Action: Slow moving action throughout. (6/10)

Sci-Fi: Take out the Alien it offers very little in the world of sci-fi. (5/10)

Thriller: Not very thrilling compared to previous offering. (5/10)

Special Effects: Poor special effects too. (5/10)

Chances of Tears: No (0/10)

Settings: A prison on a planet with nowhere to run creating a great isolation setting for this sci-fi horror. (9/10)


Suggestion: I only say try because it makes the first two look even better and it is nice to see how the characters you grew to love, well their next chapter. (Try It)


Best Part: Lead scene.

Worst Part: Loses suspense element.

Action Scene of the Film: Final scene.

Kill Of The Film: Clemens

Oscar Chances: Nominated for one Oscar for visual effects

Chances of Sequel: Did get a sequel.


Overall: Poor addition to the franchise.
The Door (Seventh Dimenson #1)
The Door (Seventh Dimenson #1)
Lorilyn Roberts | 2012 | Fiction & Poetry, History & Politics, Religion
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Shale Snyder is a troubled teenager. Her father left her mother when she was little, she has alienated almost all of the other children around her and has problems at school. Following yet another incident she is suspended and feels totally cast adrift. At this point she finds a door and hears a voice calling her to enter...

There is quite a clever concept at the heart of this book; that the Holy Land at the time of Jesus is a sort of dimensional nexus where those who are called can travel and gain spiritual help for themselves as well as the other travellers. It is a fine blending of both science fiction and Christian concepts.

There is also much of The Pilgrim's Progress about this, with Shale's journey and the characters she meets. And although she is living near Nazareth and does encounter Jesus (and other people mentioned in the bible) the religious side is not forced but comes naturally from the narrative. There is also a fair smattering of The Wizard of Oz, as the dimensional copy of the Holy Land from 2000 years ago also contains versions of people that Shale knows from home.

The result is a book that shows how even a little faith by someone as lost as Shale can give her the will to turn her life around and make herself and those around her better people. It is a very positive message, though not gained without significant trials.

There are a couple of negatives. Sometimes the narrative thread can be a little confusing, a side-effect of the dimension-hopping aspect of the story. Also some of the characters appear to serve little purpose, but perhaps as this is the first of a series they will come into play in later books. There is also one comment from her friend Daniel (another traveller from modern-day Israel) that did concern me, I hope this is due to his personal experience rather than a theme of future books.

Overall this is an engrossing read, managing to deliver a positive Christian message without labouring the point and providing a good story arc for Shale to keep the reader invested in the story
Exodus: Gods and Kings (2014)
Exodus: Gods and Kings (2014)
2014 | Classics, Drama
5.3 (6 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Exodus: Gods and Kings is a new movie directed by Ridley Scott.

With other great films under his belt such as Alien, Gladiator, GI Jane, and many many more, I had high hopes for this film.

The cast includes Christian Bale as Moses, Ben Kingsley as Nun, Joel Edgerton as Ramses, John Turturro as Seti, Sigourney Weaver as Tuya, and Aaron Paul as Joshua.

At 2 hours and 22 minutes long, I actually FELT the movie dragging in places, and yet I was less than thrilled with the ending.

The 3D didn’t add anything to the movie. During scenes where the 3D should have been a major asset to the film, enhancing the viewing experience, and drawing the audience into the story, it really didn’t add anything to the story, nor did it seem to add any “wow factor”.

Being completely non-religious myself, I cannot speak to many of the other seemingly negative comments regarding the films lack of “following the true story”, but I can say that the story presented was rather…. Lackluster.

In previews it seemed as if the whole movie would be set on a grand grand scale, and that it was worth paying to see on the big screen.

In actuality, while the movie does seem to be set on a grand scale, it just didn’t grab me in enough, didn’t capture my feelings and make me root for one side or the other, didn’t make me CARE enough about the characters or the story to want to bother to see it again, on the big screen or even on the tv.

I wouldn’t go so far as to call it “horrible”‘ or even “bad”, but I couldn’t tell someone “this is a movie you simply MUST SEE on the big screen”, either.

If I’d have paid to see it, I’d have been annoyed.

The best summation that I might be able to give this movie is…. “Meh”.

I’d give this movie a reluctant 2 out of 5 stars, and only as many as 2 to give Ridley Scott the benefit of the doubt.
    Predynastic Egypt

    Predynastic Egypt

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