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ClareR (5577 KP) rated Atalanta in Books

Jun 5, 2023  
Jennifer Saint | 2023 | Fiction & Poetry, Science Fiction/Fantasy
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
It looks as though my Greek mythology bender is still going strong - and it’s not difficult when there are fabulous stories like Atalanta being retold.

And what an amazing heroine Atalanta is - the only woman amongst the Argonauts on their quest for the Golden Fleece, she can run faster than the men, beat the best at wrestling, shoot arrows more accurately and hunt wild animals. All activities completely unexpected for women of the time. But Atalanta was raised by a bear from when she was abandoned as an infant, and then nurtured by Artemis and her nymphs in Artemis’ own forest.

When Atalanta leaves the safety of Artemis’ forest to go on her adventures, Artemis warns her that she must remain a virgin - if she doesn’t and she consequently marries, it will be her undoing.

So you just know what’s going to happen!

I loved this book, I loved Atalanta, I love thatGreek mythology is having something of a renaissance in the last few years (but has it ever not been popular in one way or another?), and I love these Retellings where the women are front and centre.

This is just perfect - more please!!
Renaissance Men by The Wildhearts
Renaissance Men by The Wildhearts
2019 | Indie
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Album Rating
Loud, heavy and exciting (3 more)
Stuffed with catchy hooks and singalong choruses
First new album in 10 years
Diagnosis could be the best song they've ever written
Best Wildhearts Album In Years
The wildhearts are the best British band you've never heard of. Their story is one of survival against the odds, as various members have struggled with loss, addiction, mental health and freak brushes with death. And despite all this the music they make still sounds like an allmighty shout of joy, even when lyrically it is crammed with righteous anger.
The easiest way to describe them is to imagine Metallica crossed with cheap trick or the beatles. The crushing heaviness and aggression is there, but always tempered with sunny pop sensibilities. It sounds mental but it's a style that will change your life for the better.
This new album finds the band in renewed vigour, having reclaimed original bassist Danny mccormack and recorded their first new album in a decade. They come out of the gates like a band half their age, seemingly out to prove they're still the best of their generation with the songs and chops to match.
Standout tracks include, Let Em Go, Fine Art Of Description, Diagnosis, Renaissance Men, Pilo Erection
The Medici Boy
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
**NOTE: I was generously provided with a free copy of this book in exchange for an honest review**

After reading the title, The Medici Boy, I expected this to mainly be a novel about the Medicis. While they do play a part, the story focuses on Donatello and his infatuation with the young model/prostitute Agnolo (the titular "Medici Boy"), who poses for his bronze "David and Goliath". The whole thing is told to us in the form of a final written memoir by Luca Mattei, one of Donatello's assistants, as he nears the end of his days imprisoned for a murder that he committed out of love for his friend Donatello.

I have mixed feelings about this book. I had a hard time relating to most of the characters in this story, and the lack of action caused the book to feel somewhat slow at times, but it is very well written. The descriptions of Florence and her history, and the detailed references to Donatello's artistic processes were interesting and seem to have been very well researched.

Students of art history and those who have an interest in the Renaissance or Italian history in general should really enjoy this book.

LoganCrews (2861 KP) rated In Fear (2014) in Movies

Apr 7, 2021 (Updated Jul 4, 2021)  
In Fear (2014)
In Fear (2014)
2014 | Mystery
Nerve-frying. A top-rate, crackling white-knuckle thriller - I realize I'm probably alone in this but afterwards I was left literally trembling, breathless, and in tears of sheer anxiety. By the time the end credits had rolled my fist had gradually clenched so much so that I'd actually dug into the skin with my fingernails without realizing it. Paranoia sets in as early as the very first frames and doesn't let go for the entire not-a-minute-wasted runtime - carried so well by these three galactic performances. I'm impressed with how self-assured this type of sincerely unique filmmaking is a solid year before we'd have that 'horror renaissance' everyone talks about: those uncomfortable shots, nervous editing, and sickly color palette all add into something to behold - a truly wired, uneasy experience unlike many I've ever seen. And then on top of all of that it's just good ole' unpretentious fun - never for a second knew where it was headed and revels in such an animalistic sense of seeing how much mental sadism they can put these people through. Took me some time to fully grasp its vision, but once I did I was all in - may need to sit on this one for a while.

Adam Lambert recommended track Aquarius by The Cast of Hair in Hair OST by The Cast of Hair in Music (curated)

Hair OST by The Cast of Hair
Hair OST by The Cast of Hair
1970 | Soundtrack
8.5 (2 Ratings)
Album Favorite

Aquarius by The Cast of Hair

(0 Ratings)


"Hair is a really cool musical. It's about the late 60s’ hippie movement in America - tribal love, peace 'n' love 'n' rock 'n' roll, people tripping on LSD and expanding their consciousness, all of these concepts that came about in the late 60s’. It's one of my favourite periods in music and in the arts, it was sort of our American renaissance right around then and lot of incredible music came from that time. “I'm an Aquarius; that's my zodiac sign. I think the song is talking about the Age of Aquarius, which was starting around that time, which was said to be a time of enlightenment. It's such a cool song, it has a great melody and I've always loved it. “I ended up doing a production of Hair out in Germany when I was about 22. Personally, it was such an eye opener, I was pretty green when I went out there, but not so green when I left. I was doing a lot of things for the first time and experiencing a lot of things for the first time. “It was a bit of an awakening for me - artistically and personally - with fashion and with sexuality and with all these different things. It was a big transformative moment for me and this song always reminds me of that time.”"


Julia Holter recommended Turiya Sings by Alice Coltrane in Music (curated)

Turiya Sings by Alice Coltrane
Turiya Sings by Alice Coltrane
1982 | Vocal
(0 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"I'm still learning about Alice Coltrane; I can't really claim to know a lot about her. I've heard a lot of music from her - she did a lot of different things - but this is the first of hers that I really listened to. The first time I heard her, I was performing on this all-night radio show in LA and it took place in a church. After I'd performed, I lay down on this pew to sleep and the DJ played this record and I woke up and it just really hit me. It was the track 'Yamuna Tira Vihari' and I was like, ""Oh my god"". It was so immersive and a flood of light, and so ecstatic. I can hardly explain. I was delirious, almost. There were all these strings and an organ, I think, and then her voice chanting and it's so insane. I listen to it a lot. It's spiritual, I think - and I don't know anything about that aspect of it - but I listen to a lot of music in that way. I listen to a lot of early music and Renaissance music, a lot of choral stuff. You know that this is a spiritual record and you almost don't need to know about that aspect of it. It just gets you. But I think that's okay, I think you can do that."

Small Town Ecstasy (2002)
Small Town Ecstasy (2002)
2002 | Documentary
(0 Ratings)
Movie Favorite

"In the ’90s and 2000s, HBO Docs and HBO Films were making some of the most incredible documentaries ever. Even while these weren’t being released in theaters, docs were having this crazy renaissance. I have no idea who was in charge or what was happening, but every month there would be some insane, amazing documentary coming out. This one is disturbing. They’re all disturbing, but in a way I find interesting. Maybe because that can make you feel better… I don’t know, but I am interested in this. I really like the backdrop, which is mid- to late-’90s small-town rave culture. This dad has an 18-year-old son and a 16-year-old daughter who are in the rave scene. He’s a preacher, a normal guy, married, has two kids. One day, for whatever reason, he’s like, “Fuck the life I built, I am going to go to the rave with my kids.” He takes ecstasy and becomes their peer: a gnarly, insane raver. He leaves his wife, he gets an apartment with his son, he’s taking ecstasy every night. It’s also funny and obviously more fucked up because it’s real. What I love about documentaries is that Hollywood would take that movie and turn it into a broad comedy and it would be, “Dad parties with his kids!” But to me it’s a drama, it gets into the complexities of what drives someone to do this, how it feels for their kids and for their ex-wife, what experiences led him to break."

Rambo: Last Blood (2019)
Rambo: Last Blood (2019)
2019 | Action, Adventure, Drama
If you asked anyone to name actor Sylvester Stallone's two most famous roles, they would probably give you (in order):

1: Rocky Balboa
2: John Rambo.

While the Rocky films have been having something of a renaissance of sorts ever since 2006's Rocky Balboa (and the Creed films), Rambo has been left on the sidelines somewhat - perhaps as a result of the increasingly cartoony (and violent) films ever since the 1982 original.

I haven't seen all the Rocky films - I gave up partway through Rocky III, before having to force myself to sit through Rocky Balboa and the first Creed film - but I have seen all the Rambo films.

There's still no doubt that the original Rambo film is far and away the best: indeed, I would strugglt to remember much of the plots of part II (other than there's a fight scene heavily ripped off in Charlie Sheen's 'Hot Shots: Part Deux'), or even part III (starting with Rambo helping to build a temple in Vietnam) or 2008's 'Rambo' (which ends with Rambo coming home as the credits roll)

This one picks up from the end of that film, with Rambo now running the horse ranch that belonged to his family, and with the plot kicking into drive when the daughter of a friend runs away to Mexico in search of her absentee father, and is promptly kidnapped by a Mexican drug cartel.

Cue an extraordinarily violent last act when, for reasons, members of that cartel decide to attack Rambo on his home turf ...
Assassin's Creed: Renaissance
Assassin's Creed: Renaissance
Oliver Bowden | 2009 | Fiction & Poetry, History & Politics
7.0 (6 Ratings)
Book Rating
The Assassin's Creed video-games, for anyone who has been living in a cave for the last (roughly) decade or so, are Ubisoft's free-roaming murder-em-up games, detailing the ongoing secretive war between the order of the Assassins, and that of the Templars.

To date, I've played pretty much all of those games (or, atl least, those released for the PS3 and PS4), with the exception of Assassin's Creed: Unity. I'm also a heacvy reader, and have also seen to so-so Assassin's Creed movie (starring Michael Fassbender) that made the - in my eyes, wise, - decision to introduce a new character and historical period.

As such, I think it's fair to say I know enough about the series itself.

Of that series, the most enjoyable game (IMO) have been those set in the Renaissance period; those starring Ezio Auditore - the protaganist of this novel. Unfortunatley, however, this is a virtual retreading of the plot of the game, complete with passages where Ezio learns how to blend in (C'mon! It makes sense in the game, but not exactly an exciting narrative) or has to race hios accomplices from points A to point B (again, gives the player something to do in the game, but not exaclt exciting to read about).

It also doesn't help that this liberally mixes modern-day English and expressions with Italian phrases throughout (that require constant look-up to the glossary), nor that the author seemingly manages to make an entertaining game and compelling central character(s) into a bit of a chore to read through. On the plus side, it does away with all the modern-day Desmond sections from the game ...

Overall, however, I'm not impressed (sadly).
The King's Concubine
The King's Concubine
Anne O'Brien | 2012 | Fiction & Poetry
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
This is the second novel by Anne O'Brien that I have read recently, and I have enjoyed them both. Although both novels were written in the first person, a narrative technique that I usually don't like as it is difficult for authors to pull off, I have found O'Brien's writing convincing and applaud her for this.

The protagonist of this particular novel is Alice Perrers, best known as mistress to Edward III. Not an awful lot, it seems, is really known about Alice, at least before her time at court. O'Brien has used known facts and woven her story about these, filling in the gaps with imagination and probability. Historically, Alice Perrers has never come across as a particularly nice person, seeming to be greedy, grasping and manipulative. O'Brien doesn't do a total whitewash job on her, but she does give a more sympathetic portrayal. Her Alice is still keen to acquire land holdings, but seen as a woman who has come from practically nothing and can see what her future might be without royal patronage, it is difficult to really blame her. History has always tended to be written by the victors and by men, and in medieval times they would not have liked a woman stepping out of her 'place' so it is quite understandable that Alice Perrers should have been so vilified.

Overall, I thought this was a good read. I read Vannora Bennett's The People's Queen a while back, which is also about Alice Perrers (she seems to be enjoying something of a renaissance!) but I preferred O'Brien's book. The cover gives O'Brien a plaudit of being 'better than Philippa Gregory'. Well, I can't argue with that as I haven't cared much for either of the books by Gregory that I have read, so I will wholeheartedly agree that O'Brien is much more worth reading! I look forward to her book on Eleanor of Aquitaine.