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Awix (3310 KP) rated The Three Musketeers (2011) in Movies

Feb 11, 2018 (Updated Feb 11, 2018)  
The Three Musketeers (2011)
The Three Musketeers (2011)
2011 | Action, Romance
4.9 (9 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Dumb and Dumas
Paul W.S. Anderson, the man behind the Resident Evil and Alien Vs Predator franchises, shows us what real creativity looks like as he gives us his take on a piece of classic literature, adding all those crucial things that Alexandre Dumas inexplicably forgot to include in the original version of The Three Musketeers: aqualungs, flamethrowers, airship battles, Orlando Bloom in a pompadour hairstyle, and Milla Jovovich doing somersaults in a basque.

Pretty much wholly ghastly from start to finish, almost to the point where banning Anderson from reading books seems like a reasonable precaution, just to be on the safe side. About as thrilling as watching your laptop install an update, with all the comic charm of an outbreak of venereal disease. The special effects are technically competent but that really is the best you can say about it.

Otway93 (567 KP) rated the PlayStation version of Resident Evil in Video Games

Oct 21, 2019  
Resident Evil
Resident Evil
1996 | Action/Adventure, Horror
Tension (1 more)
Camera Angles (1 more)
Terrifying, tricky, and ever so slightly awkward.
Resident Evil is undoubtedly a horror gaming classic that has sparked 6 successful sequels and a huge number of just as successful spin-offs.

The stress and anxiety caused by this game is off the charts, with the classic soundtrack (little to no music), fixed camera angles and difficult to master controls.

The fixed camera angles make the game frightening, as you never literally never know what's around the next corner, or in some cases right in front of you.

The controls are difficult to master, very typical, but a nightmare when it comes to corners and turning, as it's very much, turn and then move unlike modern games. Plus, due to the camera angles, some of the controls tend to reverse and make it difficult to control.
Resident Evil Volume I: The Umbrella Conspiracy
Resident Evil Volume I: The Umbrella Conspiracy
S.D. Perry | 2012 | Horror
6.3 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
True to canon (2 more)
Narration (0 more)
An excellent novelisation of a classic game.
I thoroughly enjoyed S.D. Perry's 1st volume of her seven book Resident Evil series.

The book not only stayed true to the original game, and managed to not miss a single detail, but somehow goes into more detail without inventing her own non-canonical parts of the story.

The book brings a great sense of nostalgia, a throwback to the day you first played the game, and the most nostalgic part is Barry's famous "Jill sandwich" line, that Perry keeps intact.

My only criticism is the narration, the way the reader actually reads the book. Sometimes characters appear to be breaking the fourth wall, answering to the author, distracting you from the tension the author has just created.

All in all a good read!
Monster Hunter (2020)
Monster Hunter (2020)
2020 | Action, Adventure, Fantasy
If you mention bad video-game adaptations, there's usually one director that comes to mind (Paul WS Anderson), and one actor (Milla Jovovich).

This being, at the time of writing, their latest.

Based on the video game series by Capcom (yes, the same people who did the Resident Evil games) which - I have to admit - I've never actually played, it's very easy to spot the influences of said game on the film, which (in the film) sees Jovovich's US Ranger Lt Artemis and her men transported to an alien environment infested by, you guessed it!, various icky monsters. It's also extremely easy to spot the influences of other, far far better, 'creature features': think Starship Troopers, Tremors or even Aliens to name but three!

Perhaps, as a non-player of the game, I'm just not the target audience ...?

Dean (6921 KP) rated Nintendo Wii in Tech

Feb 27, 2019  
Nintendo Wii
Nintendo Wii
Games Consoles > Games Consoles
7.9 (26 Ratings)
Tech Rating
Motion based games (3 more)
Simple gameplay
Cheaper than other consoles
Can play GameCube games!
Limited number of games (0 more)
A console for everyone
When the Wii was first released it seemed a bit of a gimmick using motion based controllers to play games. However it was very popular with games like Wii Sports that was included with the console and Mario Kart making it successful. Some of the games were easily playable no matter your age and one all the family can play. It also has some good light-gun games, @The House of the Dead: Overkill is probably the best. Despite not having the technical power of the other main consoles at the time it could still produce amazing graphics. I was so glad that I could play the GameCube remake of Resident Evil through the Wii.
Overall a very good console for casual gamers and for the family to play together. It also has some good titles for more serious gamers as well.

Dean (6921 KP) rated the Xbox version of The Suffering in Video Games

Aug 26, 2018  
The Suffering
The Suffering
2004 | Action, Horror
Original ideas (1 more)
Cool enemy design
Great Survival Horror
Until I played this game the only survival Horror games I had played were some of the early Resident Evil games. This was actually a very good and very creepy game. One of the first that used a flashlight mode I think? A lot of the game had you wondering what was going to be around the next corner.
Set in a prison after being found guilty of killing his family. You have to try and escape as some creatures have taken over the prison. Along the way you can help others or not... The decisions affected flashbacks towards the events that happened. You could also use your anger to turn into a a mini Hulk rage type creature yourself. It was a big game taking a long time to complete as well.
For the time a lot of the ideas were quite new and original.