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Prophecy Revealed
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Daniel has work up and we find out where he is. He looking for safety for a while. He rests up he meet some of the Tene’breon. He needs to fine some allies so he can help defect the Emperor. He want to save his home town. Will he be able to do so.

What is the cost that Daniel will do to save his hometown. There a secret that will be reveal at the end of the book. A man that became governor has been doing some horrifying and his tied to Daniel. We learn more about his allies Tene’breon and some more about Daniel.

Daniel had crossed the Burning sea. What going on with resistance. There are twist and turns and more surprises then at ever page is turned. I would advise that your child or children be a bit mature for there are lots of deaths and killing. I would advise that is be for 13+ for those that are reading this book. Parents I would be sure it something want them reading. There is no swearing or minimal swearing in the book. It just has lots of deaths.
The Nightingale
The Nightingale
Kristin Hannah | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry
8.9 (61 Ratings)
Book Rating
I honestly thought this was going to be a run of the mill WW2 story, but I was so wrong! These two sisters, one young, vivacious and spirited, the other older, settled and inclined to play it safe are so different, yet where it really counts each are as brave as the other.
Isabelle, the younger, is wild and impetuous. When Nazis invade their home town, she immediately wants to fight, regardless of the consequences. Taking an active part in the resistance she belies her years.
Older sister Vianne is more conservative. Married since she was 16, living in the family home that has been theirs for generations she is settled, keeps her head down and doesnt want to draw attention to herself.
Appearances can be deceptive. Even with Nazi officers billeted at her home, she proves that a mother is willing to do anything to protect her children, especially with her husband interned in a POW camp.
The stories these women have to tell are extraordinary, each of the finding in themselves a bravery they didn't know they had until they had to find it. Beautifully written, heart breaking. Extraordinary.
Lord of the Last Heartbeat (The Sacred Dark #1)
Lord of the Last Heartbeat (The Sacred Dark #1)
May Peterson | 2019 | Romance, Science Fiction/Fantasy
7.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
LORD OF THE LAST HEARTBEAT is the first book in the Sacred Dark series, and we focus on Mio and Rhodry. Both of these have secrets and 'powers' that have an effect on their lives. Mio no longer wants to 'help' his mother, but can't see a way out. Rhodry is intrigued by the younger man, but fears trying anything due to the curse he is living under.

What a fantastical world Ms Peterson has invented, with a hint of American Civil War era, coupled with the English Victorian period, this was a great combination of worlds. And yes, I realise I may have the time periods wrong, but that is what it reminded me of!

I loved how the story for both Rhodry and Mio came out slowly, the reader learning bits and pieces of it until it all fell together. Their relationship was the same way, a slow burner with temptation and resistance.

This was an intriguing tale, with plenty of mystery and misdirection thrown in. An amazing cast of characters helps to move the story along.

A wonderful start to the series, and I can't wait to see what happens next. Absolutely recommended by me.
The Silence Before Dawn (WW2 Resistance Series Book 1) [Audiobook]
The Silence Before Dawn (WW2 Resistance Series Book 1) [Audiobook]
Amanda Lees | 2022 | History & Politics
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I really enjoyed listening to this audiobook which, although a work of fiction, is based on the true stories of women secret agents during World War II.

As you can imagine, there is an abundance of tension as the Resistance and SOE (Special Operations Executive) undertake their dangerous missions with the ever present threat of being discovered by the Gestapo.

The main character of Marianne is excellent and such a strong character as, in fact, are the rest of the cast. What I particularly liked is that the central focus is on the female protagonists and it depicted their bravery, commitment and sense of duty excellently.

The story, as you can imagine given the subject matter, is intense but riveting and compelling and I cannot praise the narrator enough - what an excellent job Sofia Zervudachi has done; there are quite a lot of characters, both male and female, and she made each one unique.

This is the first in a series and I very much look forward to finding out what happens next and I must give my thanks to Bookouture Audio and NetGalley for enabling me to listen to and share my thoughts of The Silence Before Dawn.
Aeromancist: The Beginning (7 Forbidden Arts #2)
Aeromancist: The Beginning (7 Forbidden Arts #2)
Charmaine Pauls | 2015 | Paranormal, Romance
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
The Beginning tells us the start (obviously) of Lann and Katherine's relationship - oops, sorry, I mean a 30-day contract. I'm not sure who Lann is trying to convince when he says it will only be for this amount of time, but I didn't believe him!

The relationship between Kat and Lann was instantly hot, but I loved that Kat was a strong female from the start, and wasn't just going to give in without at least a token resistance! There is plenty of steam within these pages, so be prepared for some heat.

This is only a novella, that just details the 30 days, however, it was absolutely brilliant and I loved every word. It gives a detailed account of the attraction between these two, how they are with each other, pushing boundaries whilst respecting the same.

Can't wait to read the continuation of their story. Highly recommended.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Jan 23, 2016

Hazel (2934 KP) rated The Nine in Books

Jul 4, 2021  
The Nine
The Nine
Gwen Strauss | 2021 | Education, History & Politics
9.0 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
Gosh, that was powerful.

This is the true story about nine young women brought together under the most heinous of situations but who, together, show the power of friendship amongst the shadow of human depravity and the light of the kindness of strangers.

The book follows each of the nine before, during and after the WWII and whilst this ensured a complete picture was formed it did jump a bit between different times, people and different places which made it difficult to follow and, I think, detracted from the flow somewhat. Despite this, I got a real sense of the personalities and characters of each of the women and it was really interesting to read about the plight of political prisoners and captured resistance fighters during this time period.

By the very nature of this book and it's subject matter, it is not an easy read however the resilience, bravery and courage of these young women deserves to be told and should be told. I also feel that, done sensitively, this could work well on the big screen which would bring this amazing story to the masses.

Thank you to Bonnier Books UK / Manilla Press and NetGalley for my copy in return for an unbiased and unedited review.
The Silent Unseen
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Title: The Silent Unseen: A Novel of World War Two
Author: Amanda McCrina
320 Pages
Published on April 5th 2022
Genre: Historical fiction

This book takes place in Poland in July of 1944 during World War Two. The main character Maria is on her way home after labor she was forced into in Nazi Germany only to find her parents deceased and village gone from the war. When her brother Tomek commander of the local Resistance unit disappears Maria is determined to find him.

This book had a slow start but I love Historical fiction especially World War Two novels so I decided to continue. I loved the plot of the story it's very interesting and felt so real. I love what you can learn from historical fiction novels too. It shows us how emotional and hard it was for the people living during this time. I will be honest that some parts were hard to follow listening to the audiobook though so if you plan to read this book I reccomend getting the physical copy. It didn't take away from the storyline though I still loved it. Finally, I would definitely reccomend reading this emotional book if you love Historical fiction and love novels about World War Two.
Road to Winter (Fae’s Captive #2)
Road to Winter (Fae’s Captive #2)
Lily Archer | 2021 | Romance, Science Fiction/Fantasy
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
180 of 250
Road to Winter ( Fae’s Captive book 2)
By Lily Archer

Once read a review will be written via Smashbomb and link posted in comments

The fae king is growing on me. Every touch, look, and night spent in his arms is slowly melting my resistance. When his feral side takes over, something inside me wants to let go and give him everything. With each passing day, the pull is getting harder to deny. But the road to the winter realm is full of danger, and I need to concentrate on finding my way home, not on the promises of pleasure Leander whispers in my ear at night. Even so, how long can I resist the intoxicating kiss of winter?

These books are so bloody frustrating! I’d love to give it 4 or even 5 stars but as soon as you get into the story the book ends! Also ends on a little cliffhanger and yes I could go straight to the next book but I have a huge tbr pile to get through and have ocd about reading in a certain order. I’ll say what I said in the book 1 review it shows so much promise! They also read as novellas rather than a full book.
The Resistance Girl
The Resistance Girl
Mandy Robotham | 2022 | History & Politics, Thriller
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
The first book I have read or listened to by this author and if her others are anything like this one, it won't be the last.

Following the lives of a small group of people in Norway during WWII, this is a compelling story of their bravery as part of the resistance movement.

With exceptionally strong characters and a powerful story, this is an important part of history that I was not familiar with and although this is historical fiction, it does weave actual events into the story which gives it a sense of realism and shows you what lengths 'normal' people will go to to protect freedom and whilst they have a strong regard for the danger they are putting themselves and, potentially, others in, the bigger picture is far more important. A poignant read given the current events in Ukraine.

The narrator told the story with ease and kept me engaged and enthralled from beginning to end; her voice was perfect.

Recommended for anyone who enjoys a great story of bravery, love and the importance of family, friends and freedom.

Thank you to HarperCollins UK Audio and NetGalley for my copy in return for an honest, unbiased and unedited review.

Darren (1599 KP) rated Akira (1988) in Movies

Jun 20, 2019  
Akira (1988)
Akira (1988)
1988 | Action, Animation, Sci-Fi
8.5 (17 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Story: In the aftermath of World War III in 1988 Tokyo has had to build again and 31 years later in the 2019 New-Tokyo is on the edge of the next war. We follow Kaneda and school student the leader of a biker gang including Tetsuo and Kei. When Tetsuo ends up involved in an accident after getting distracted by Takashi a young boy with certain abilities he gets taken by the government.

When Colonel Shikishima is running an operation to find Akira the cause of the previous World War the three children Takashi, Kiyoko and Masaru must prevent this happening while Tetsuo ends up becoming power and a threat to the whole city. Kaneda teams up with the resistance against the government through Kei and we follow as every side comes to a battle that will need to stop a future war.

Akira reaches levels most action films could never imagine with the number of character in the overall battle each having their own motives behind being involved. The look at what a future could have been all looks great and coming from a graphic novel everything works for what the film is trying to achieve. The violence is unlike anything you would have seen in an animated film which helps shows the world we will be entering.

Character Review

Kaneda: Kaneda is the leader of the school aged biker gang who drives the iconic red bike, when one of his gang is kidnapped by the government he joins the resistance against the government movement. Once we see what happens with his friend Tetsuo he must fight his old friend to stop the next World War happen. Kaneda is a great leading character that even after nearly 30 years is still one of the most iconic in all of animated film history.kaneda

Tetsuo: Tetsuo is a member of Kaneda’s biker gang but after he has an accident the government takes his away to use in their latest experiments. What happens to Tetsuo leads him to become a threat to the city as he searches for Akira a threat not just to Neo-Tokyo but the world. Tetsuo starts of as just a member of the gang wanting to become more and once he has the powers he learns he isn’t ready to have the leadership when he ends up turning on the people he once considered friends, a great villainous character without being a true villain.tetsuo

Kei: Kei is a member of the resistance that Kaneda rescues from the police before joining forces Kaneda to stop the government and rescue Tetsuo from bring Akira back from the dead. Kei is the potential romantic angle for Kaneda who is also as tough as they come, she also has a connection to the children with the abilities.kei

Support Characters: Akira has a large amount of supporting characters which include Kaneda’s gang who all stick with him when he needs to fight. We also have the resistance who help Kei and Kaneda achieve the battle. We have the three kids who have to abilities in their own right that together making the deadly but also fighting for the right thing. We also have one last group and that is the government who want to bring the Akira power back as a weapon.

Director Review: Katsuhiro Otomo – Katsuhiro brings us his own graphic novel to the bring screen which offers one of the most entertain and well developed characters in recent film.

Action: Akira has action from start to finish, we have a motorbike chase to open the film, constant chases to either reach someone or escape from them and the final fight oh my god what a brilliant conclusion.

Animation: Akira has simply brilliant looking animation that help bring the action to life and once more I refer to the final scene which is just breathtaking visual moment.

Sci-Fi: Akira brings us into a future world where the world has been through another World War and had to rebuild in a new future with the Neo-Tokyo.

Settings: Akira creates a futuristic looking world that helps us identify just how far into the future we have gone with the story.

Suggestion: Akira is one for all the animated fans to see because it really is a visual treat with a stunning story that will stick with you. (Animated Fans Watch)

Best Part: The final battle which will leave your jaw dropped with how amazing it looks.

Worst Part: I would say this is going to be too violent for certain animated fans.

Action Scene Of The Film: The final battle is easily the best scene in the whole film and could easily be the best one in action animated films.

Believability: No

Chances of Tears: No

Chances of Sequel: No

Post Credits Scene: No

Oscar Chances: No

Runtime: 2 Hours 4 Minutes

Tagline: Signal Traced to Tokyo!

Trivia: The movie takes place in 2019 and depicts Neo-Tokyo creating a new Olympic stadium. Coincidentally, Tokyo is scheduled to host the 2020 Summer Olympics.

Overall: Akira really is one of the best animated film that ever got made that will still be talked about for years to come.