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Hazel (1853 KP) rated The Hazel Wood in Books

Nov 12, 2017  
The Hazel Wood
The Hazel Wood
Melissa Albert | 2017 | Mystery, Paranormal, Science Fiction/Fantasy
7.4 (33 Ratings)
Book Rating
MARVEL-ous, apparently
I received this ARC for free from the Penguin Platform Team.

“Imagine Marvel did fairy tales …” Well, I cannot because I have never seen a Marvel film but I understand the sentiment. The Hazel Wood by Melissa Albert is a book where fairy tales and reality collide. However, these are not stories full of glamour and grandeur, they are the sort originally told by the Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm during the 19th Century. What begins as a fairly realistic tale rapidly spirals into chaos when characters from a book start appearing in New York, something that should be impossible.

For seventeen years, Alice and her mother, Ella, have been travelling on the roads, barely stopping in places for more than a few months. It would be nice to have a home and settle down, however, they are always chased by bad luck, causing them to flee at any moment. Alice is not sure of the cause of their misfortune but suspects it may have something to do with her reclusive grandmother who lives alone on her estate titled the Hazel Wood. Alice’s grandmother wrote Tales From the Hinterland, a book of pitch-dark fairy tales, many years ago and it has become a rare piece of literature – a collector’s item; not even Alice has read it. But when her mother goes missing under suspicious circumstances, Alice wishes she had.

Homeless without her mother, Alice seeks help from a school acquaintance, Ellery Finch, whom she knows is a fan of her grandmother’s work. Yet, before they can formulate a plan to locate her mother, the cause of her bad luck reveals itself in the form of impossible, murderous fairy-tale characters. As Alice learns more about the Hinterland, she discovers that she has been receiving glimpses of the characters all her life.

Alice is in danger, as is Ellery, but she will stop at nothing to retrieve her mother, even venturing into the Hazel Wood – a place she has been forbidden to enter. With Ellery using his father’s wealth and connections, the two make a long journey to the place they believe her mother is being held, but what Alice finds there is more dangerous and shocking than she could ever imagine.

Retellings of fairy tales have become a popular genre in recent years, particularly amongst young adult literature. The Hazel Wood, however, is only loosely based upon ideas featuring in ancient folktales; the stories themselves have been thought up by Melissa Albert with unique characters such as Twice-Killed-Catherine and Three-Times-Alice. Although it is often fun to analyse the comparisons and differences between old tales and new, it is refreshing to come across brand new fairy tales.

Initially, the book comes across as a thriller and mystery set in the real world, however, fantasy elements quickly creep in. Two-thirds of the way into the story, the setting and genre change direction, introducing a fictional world where rules of nature have gone out of the window. At this point, it becomes slightly confusing to fully visualize the situation, and the storyline begins to get darker and darker.

Children’s fairy tales always have a happy-ever-after, however, the traditional ones rarely did, therefore, it is impossible to guess how The Hazel Wood will end. This, along with humour and enchanting action, hooks the reader and, according to other reviewers, has resulted in many hours slipping away without notice.

The Hazel Wood is a unique story on the cusp of young adult and adult fiction. It is not only a good work of fiction; it is clever and well thought out, too. Melissa Albert is certainly an author to look out for, especially if you like dark mysteries and thrillers.

Kyera (8 KP) rated Hunted in Books

Jan 31, 2018  
Meagan Spooner | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry
7.0 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
This is both a very unique and fairly faithful retelling of the classic Beauty and the Beast fairytale. Hunted takes place in Russia and our main character Yeva (Beauty) is a huntress. She is headstrong, kind, caring, has a bit of a temper and can be vengeful - but overall I quite liked her character.

Like the classic tale, Beauty is the youngest of three sisters and daughter of a merchant. In some versions, she also has three brothers and her sisters are unkind - but that is not the case in this retelling. They live in a nice house until a shipping gamble costs them everything. They are forced to move to their father's old hunting cabin, which is a three-day walk from their current home. Her father used to be a hunter, but his wife believed that it was too dangerous and asked him to stop. Despite that, as a child Beauty was allowed to go hunting with her father and learned to love it. Unfortunately, as she grew her father decided that it was not the way a lady should purport herself and no longer allowed her to hunt.

After the loss of their fortune, Yeva and her family must learn to make due with less. Her father takes up hunting again and goes off to catch game for them to store for the winter. Unfortunately, when he returns he is distraught and swears that the Beast he saw when he was younger is stalking him. When he doesn't return from his second trip, Yeva sets out to find him and this is where the story adopts some significantly different elements from the original tale.

In the original, the father enters a castle and accepts his host's hospitality, but upon leaving takes a single rose for his daughter Beauty and is told he has a choice. He shall either be condemned to death for it or he must stay in the castle. While these are not the events that lead to Yeva's time in the castle, nevertheless she ends up imprisoned there. Over time, she and the Beast grow to know one another - but her treatment isn't as kind overall as the original.

I really enjoyed the tales that Yeva told while she was in captivity because they built the lore of the world and gave us a look into what the characters had grown up listening to. Although Yeva spent most of her time as the castle, I do wish that we were able to get to know the other characters like her sisters a little better. They seem very kind, but relatively one-dimensional. As a result of the Beast's curse, I don't feel like we got to know him as well as we could have. I would have loved to watch him grow and connect with him as Yeva does so that I could feel that </i>yes, they could fall in love.</i> I liked Yeva, but her dog Doe-Eyes was probably my favourite character. The dog was so cheerful and loyal that you couldn't help but love her.

The world that Yeva knows is not one we get to see very often in young adult literature. It is a melding of Russia, with its unique environment and folklore, with a more fantastical world. Yeva tells tales of the Firebird, sees a creature that is half dragon and half woman, and learns to listen to the music of that other world. The world itself reminds me a lot of the Grisha trilogy, although the plots and characters are nothing alike. I would love to experience more of the lore that built this enchanted world in the form of novellas.

I would highly recommend this to young adult/teen readers who enjoy fairytales and retellings, especially ones with a unique take on the tale that includes a lot of culture and lore.
Princess of Thorns
Stacey Jay | 2014
6.7 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
Princess of Thorns is a not-so-classic retelling of the Sleeping Beauty story. The main character is actually the daughter of the cursed princess, who awoke from a kiss. Her name is Aurora, like the Disney movie's princess and her mother's name is Rose. In the french version of the tale, Sleeping Beauty's daughter is named Aurore. I believe that her mother's is the shortened form of Briar Rose, like German version of her tale by the Brother's Grimm. If you are familiar with the Grimm and Perrault versions of the tale, not only the Disney one, then you will notice many similarities. In a few versions of the tale, there is an evil step-mother or mother-in-law who attempts to eat the leading lady's children.

The author makes use of these characters and plots in her novel. She chooses to include the ill-fated mother, brother and sister, as well as the villainous step-mother. Although that familial tie is not explicitly stated, the King was the children's father and he married the ogre. Thus, she would be their step-mother. And you thought you had a dysfunctional family?

In true fairytale fashion, there are ogres, witches, fairies, and ruffians. Not all are portrayed as you would expect. The ogres have evolved, or perhaps devolved depending upon who you ask. In the early years, the ogres were monstrous creatures that devoured souls whole. They did not control themselves, but feasted on the entire soul leaving nothing behind. As time went on, they were forced to change and limit how much they took. After a time, the ogres began to become smaller and take on much more human-like appearances. Their food source never changed and they prided themselves upon each soul they took, marking their bare skulls.

The Fae seem human, although they possess extra-human traits and magic. One may not think of fairies and immediately imagine a human-like creature with great dexterity, skill in battle, and a lack of guilt -but the Fair Folk are shown this way in the novel. A fairy can bestow a gift upon a human child, like beauty, courage, eloquence, obedience, or strength. But each blessing comes with a curse, as the magic always finds a way to turn the gift into a burden. There are untold consequences to the blessings that cannot be avoided. As such, the fairies stopped giving their gifts to human children.

As with most fairytales, there is an element of romance. The love story blossoms under unusual circumstances and not without its share of problems. The two characters get to know each other throughout the journey, but their are many secrets left untold. As they are discovered, the relationship is altered for good or bad. And in the end, a choice must be made.

Most importantly, the novel isn't entirely predictable (although the budding romance was expected). Generally, you expect good to triumph over evil in most modern retellings of the story - unlike their Grimm counterparts. The plot's climax was frankly a little anti-climactic, but enjoyable non-the-less.

I think the author showed an average amount of character development, although I usually think more would be incredibly beneficial. Certain aspects of the world were explained, but not vividly enough. The "show-don't-tell" method could have been employed here to create a richer, more immersive world. Overall, I was pleased with the author's lexicon, grammar, and spelling - which happens much less often than should reasonably be expected.

I would certainly read another novel by this author as I love stories based upon fairytales. If you read Alex Flinn, I would highly recommend this novel to you just keep in mind it is slightly darker. Readers of fantasy, romance, and the like will enjoy this book and should give it a chance. It seems to target the female demographic, but males should enjoy it as well.

Hazel (1853 KP) rated The Hazel Wood in Books

Dec 7, 2018  
The Hazel Wood
The Hazel Wood
Melissa Albert | 2017 | Mystery, Paranormal, Science Fiction/Fantasy
7.4 (33 Ratings)
Book Rating
<i>I received this ARC for free from the Penguin Platform Team.</i>

“Imagine <i>Marvel</i> did fairy tales …” Well, I cannot because I have never seen a <i>Marvel</i> film but I understand the sentiment. <i>The Hazel Wood</i> by Melissa Albert is a book where fairy tales and reality collide. However, these are not stories full of glamour and grandeur, they are the sort originally told by the Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm during the 19th Century. What begins as a fairly realistic tale rapidly spirals into chaos when characters from a book start appearing in New York, something that should be impossible.

For seventeen years, Alice and her mother, Ella, have been travelling on the roads, barely stopping in places for more than a few months. It would be nice to have a home and settle down, however, they are always chased by bad luck, causing them to flee at any moment. Alice is not sure of the cause of their misfortune but suspects it may have something to do with her reclusive grandmother who lives alone on her estate titled the Hazel Wood. Alice’s grandmother wrote <i>Tales From the Hinterland</i>, a book of pitch-dark fairy tales, many years ago and it has become a rare piece of literature – a collector’s item; not even Alice has read it. But when her mother goes missing under suspicious circumstances, Alice wishes she had.

Homeless without her mother, Alice seeks help from a school acquaintance, Ellery Finch, whom she knows is a fan of her grandmother’s work. Yet, before they can formulate a plan to locate her mother, the cause of her bad luck reveals itself in the form of impossible, murderous fairy-tale characters. As Alice learns more about the <i>Hinterland</i>, she discovers that she has been receiving glimpses of the characters all her life.

Alice is in danger, as is Ellery, but she will stop at nothing to retrieve her mother, even venturing into the Hazel Wood – a place she has been forbidden to enter. With Ellery using his father’s wealth and connections, the two make a long journey to the place they believe her mother is being held, but what Alice finds there is more dangerous and shocking than she could ever imagine.

Retellings of fairy tales have become a popular genre in recent years, particularly amongst young adult literature. <i>The Hazel Wood</i>, however, is only loosely based upon ideas featuring in ancient folktales; the stories themselves have been thought up by Melissa Albert with unique characters such as Twice-Killed-Catherine and Three-Times-Alice. Although it is often fun to analyse the comparisons and differences between old tales and new, it is refreshing to come across brand new fairy tales.

Initially, the book comes across as a thriller and mystery set in the real world, however, fantasy elements quickly creep in. Two-thirds of the way into the story, the setting and genre change direction, introducing a fictional world where rules of nature have gone out of the window. At this point, it becomes slightly confusing to fully visualize the situation, and the storyline begins to get darker and darker.

Children’s fairy tales always have a happy-ever-after, however, the traditional ones rarely did, therefore, it is impossible to guess how The Hazel Wood will end. This, along with humour and enchanting action, hooks the reader and, according to other reviewers, has resulted in many hours slipping away without notice.

<i>The Hazel Wood</i> is a unique story on the cusp of young adult and adult fiction. It is not only a good work of fiction; it is clever and well thought out, too. Melissa Albert is certainly an author to look out for, especially if you like dark mysteries and thrillers.
Beast: A Tale of Love and Revenge
Beast: A Tale of Love and Revenge
Lisa Jensen | 2018 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
3.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Almost ruined my childhood favorite
One of my favorite books while I was growing up was the Beauty and the Beast. I usually love retellings,as they show me a different side of the story that might be, that I have never considered before. This book, however, almost ruined it all for me. The only reason it didn't was because I wouldn't let one bad retelling to ruin my childhood favorite!

The story is about Lucie, who is a servant in Jean Leup's palace. Through Lucie's story, we see Jean Leup as a horrible person who only cares about money and the respect he received from his aristocratic community. He treats the servants badly and doesn't even bother to look at them.
Lucie likes the thought of him. He is a very handsome man, and all she dreams about is for him to notice her. And one day, he does. And something really bad happens. Jean Leup does something horrible to Lucie.


He rapes her. And not only that this scene was very disturbing, it was also three pages long, with broad descriptions and it made be cringe badly. It made me hate everything and this was the part where I almost quit on reading this book.


After this big spoiler scene, the first reaction Lucie has is to kill herself. I am aware that this was a huge trauma for her, and people react differently, but if the author gives me this as a solution to her problem, do I want to continue reading? Is this really the lesson she learns?

With a bit of help of magic and wisdom words, she decides that now she wants for Jean Leup to suffer, and she wants to be able to see this happen. Suddenly, wish becomes a reality and the next thing we know, she is a candle that can't move, and Jean Leup has turned into a Beast.
Do you get the Beauty and the Beast reference now? We see the story from the candle's point of view, who is Lucie.

Well - not really!

Because here's the twist - the Beast doesn't remember what happened before. He doesn't know he was Jean Leup. He doesn't know he was bad in the past. The Beast is good by default, and a bit sad that he's alone in a big castle. So I have to ask again - Where is the lesson? Where is the punishment? If he can't remember he was bad, he'll never learn why he is a Beast.

To continue and shorten the story - Lucie (the candle) can talk to the Beast through her mind. The Beauty (Rose) comes to the castle and the story goes on. Lucie decides that she is in love with the Beast, and I won't reveal the rest, in case you want to read the book and see for yourself.

Now - I know that the author's point wasn't the lesson that the Beast learns as in the original story. Her point was to tell the story of the Beast, and Lucie, and how this tale can have a different plot, and ending, and back story. But I really believe that this was the wrong way of saying it, and it didn't leave a clear message.

The writing was poor, and it went from one moment to another, leaving me there in the middle, wondering what happened. One scene begins, and another starts before anything is finished. It was disorientated, and I felt lost in the first 40 pages.

This is a no from me, and I will give it 2 stars because I managed to finish it.

Thanks to Candlewick Press for providing me with an ARC e-copy via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.
The lost girl
The lost girl
Chanda Hahn | 2016 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
9.0 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
Contains spoilers, click to show
Neverwood Chronicles Book 1
328 pages
Fantasy / Young Adult / Retelling

Wendy doesn't remember anything about Neverland—or the experiments done to her there as a child. Seven years later, all she wants is a normal life, but shape-shifting shadows plague her dreams and turn her life into a waking nightmare. When the shadows attack at a football game and a boy disappears right in front of her, she realizes these wraith-like shadows are real. They’re not just haunting—they’re hunting.

A mysterious boy named Peter, his foul-mouthed sidekick, and a band of misfit boys intervene before Wendy faces a similar fate. But can they trust Wendy enough to take her to Neverwood Academy and reveal all of their hidden secrets when she's hiding a secret of her own, or will the dreaded Red Skulls find her and drag her back to Neverland?

Main characters:
Wendy Darling
Peter Pan
Red Skulls

Main events:
Neverland is a place where these orphans live. There they are experimented on and given powers by the Doctors who are ordered by the Red Skulls. When the Doctors no longer want to be apart of the experiments they decided they need to help save as many children as they can, including a girl called Wendy. But Wendy drowns in the process of escaping.

Ten years later Wendy is alive and well, except she sees shadows and thinks they are after her. Which her adoptive parents believe that she may be mad, they plan on taking her back to the mental hospital, where she was before, called Wonderland.

After she meets the Lost Boys. they take her under their wing because if the shadows are out there looking for her, then she is in danger. The only place now safe for her is with them. But danger is on its way in the form of the Red Skulls and their leader Hook, because he is after Wendy.

Most exciting part:
Probably when you see inside Neverwood Academy and meet the Lost Boys.

My favourite part:
I don’t really know my favourite part, but I liked reading about Peter Pan and the other characters from the original story in a different way.

My summary:
This book is about Wendy and Neverland, but not the Neverland we all know and love. This Neverland is a place where orphan children live. A place where children are experimented on, a place where they are given powers. Wendy feels that she is going crazy and her parents think this too. Because she can see shadows and not the kind we all see. She see’s them all gather around her and she is scared.

At a football game at her school, she there meets Peter Pan and realises that seeing the shadows is normal. Well normal for them at least.
Peter tells her a bit about Neverland and the Red Skulls. But not too much, as Wendy isn’t a Lost 'Girl' like Peter and the Lost Boys. Because Wendy died and Peter saw her die, he doesn't believe that Wendy is the same girl as the one he knew before. So Wendy is an outsider, who happens to see shadows. The Lost Boys are in hiding from the Red Skulls because they all escaped from Neverland. However, they are more interested now in Wendy.

My Review:
I really liked the idea of this book, I love fairytale retellings and Peter Pan. I loved the idea of the story and the characters within the book and Chanda Hahn did a great job at not changing the personalities of the characters so Tink who is Tinkerbell didn't suddenly become a sweet dark haired tall girl, she had the same sarcastic sassy personality

But the ending for me was a bit of a letdown. The ending basically brings the whole book round into a big circle, so in a way, nothing needed to happen.
I really loved Chanda Hahn’s ‘Unfortunate Fairytale Series’ and I still do. But I honestly thought this book would have been better.


I loved the idea of this story, but there was definitely something about it I didn’t like. I've bought the next book ‘Lost Boy’ so I’m hoping I get a better feeling from this one.

Love, Christina ?
Cress (The Lunar Chronicles, #3)
Cress (The Lunar Chronicles, #3)
Marissa Meyer | 2014 | Fiction & Poetry
8.8 (29 Ratings)
Book Rating
There's going to be spoilers in the review, so be warned.

Marissa Meyer did it again! I have to say this series is a lot better than I had expected it to be. Since it is a book of fairy tale retellings, I expected it to be, not gonna lie, cliche as hell, but it isn't. Though it ties in aspects of the original fairy tales, they are still such separate things that I don't see it as a retelling as much.

Now, the introduction of the new characters, particularly Cress, Jacin, and Winter, was amazing. I love each of them in their own ways because they are not what one would expect them to be.

Cress is just a little ball of happy. I would not have expected her to be so lovely, especially after being mistreated for so much of her life! The little scenarios she makes up in order to get through each situation are just precious and super smart, if I am being completely honest! Cress is strong despite what she looks like. She has the capability of hacking anything she wishes, but even more that that, she is thrown (literally) to Earth after spending seven years basically in isolation and has to learn how to survive and keep another person (who she has a major crush on) alive as well. That's a lot to ask of a girl, but she does it with a smile on her face. If that isn't strength, then I don't know what is.

Then we go onto Jacin Clay. Now this boy is an enigma that I just can't quite figure out yet, but I have a feeling that I will in the next book. So he is a shell in the employ of Sybil, and therefore the queen, but kind of wants to rebel against them because he is in love with the princess, Winter. It gets confusing because Cinder thinks he is a supporter of Selene (her) instead of thinking of the more obvious choice. Jacin seems like he's going to be a pretty okay character, but we haven't gotten enough interaction with him for me to sort him out. There was that last scene in the book where he says he was on the Queen's side the whole time, but I don't think he's telling the truth. There's just something about him that seems trustworthy, and maybe that's myself being too naive, but I want to like him.

Finally, for the new characters, we get to Winter. She seems like a sweet girl, although going a bit mad, but understandably so. She, too, is a captive to the queen, and though it may seem that she has it better because she gets to be on Luna, that also means she is under constant scrutiny. We only get to see her really in one scene, so I can't wait to see what will come of her in the next book!

I loved getting to see all of the old characters again. Thorne is such a romantic loser, I love him so much. He just wants to act all tough, but he's got a major soft spot for Cress and Cinder. Speaking of, Cinder is getting more badass, which I appreciate. She's got some good plans too, so I want to see how that all pans out. Scarlet needs to be rescued ASAP. I need her and Wolf to be besties (and in a relationship forever because, yeah). Wolf needs to be happy, in general.

Now, I'm giving Kai his own paragraph because he is actually doing things in this book. Yay for active King!! Yes, he makes some stupid mistakes. And yes, he got misinformation about Princess Selene, but holy crap he got close to the truth! I am just happy he is taking action, but especially that he and Cinder are in the same space again. (get I crack myself up). No, but really, the laws he is trying to impose are sound and I stand by them. He is acknowledging the wrongs that have been put into place and is trying to change them for the better, all while sacrificing his own happiness for his country, and inevitably, the world. Go Kai!

I cannot wait to read the next book (but I have to buy it first!!)!!

Louise (64 KP) rated A Court of Thorns and Roses in Books

Jul 2, 2018 (Updated Oct 16, 2018)  
A Court of Thorns and Roses
A Court of Thorns and Roses
Sarah J. Maas | 2015 | Young Adult (YA)
8.7 (107 Ratings)
Book Rating
Contains spoilers, click to show
Feyre is the sole breadwinner for her family,with two sisters and her father to feed she trains herself to hunt. When out hunting on one of the coldest days in winter, she finds she has competition in the form of a wolf, hungry and knowing that she won’t get her chance again for a while she kills the wolf and her prey. She manages to sell the pelt from the wolf she killed and gets a pretty penny too but days later a beast/lion crashes through her door demanding to know who killed the wolf and that the killer must live in the immortal lands by the Fae law or die. When Feyre is taken to land of immortals (Prythian) she is shocked to see how beautiful everything is and also that her captor is not a beast but a handsome High Fae that is known as Tamlin. As Feyre grows to be more accustomed with her surroundings and finds a mutual interest with Tamlin, their companionship evolves into something more… A LOT MORE! There is a sickness that is spreading causing the fae to become weak, Feyre wants to help to stop this sickness but first she has to find….HER!

Why oh why have I waited so long to read this? I am always the last one on the hype train, but this didn’t disappoint me and is worth all the hype.

This is the first Sarah J Maas book that I have read and now I have a thirst for more. I don’t read a lot of retellings as I have this feeling that they are going to be totally different from the original. This really did feel like beauty and the beast with a twist and faeries. I have not read a lot of books involving fae, so I didn’t know what to expect but with Maas’ descriptive writing I was able to gather a good idea of what they looked like.

I had a hard time getting into this book, I don’t read a lot of fantasy and where I am so new to the genre I was a little worried that I wasn’t going to know what was going on. There are a lot of characters in this book and different types of Fae and creatures which was definitely interesting. I needn’t have worried as after reading this book I really wanted to delve into more fantasy, where anything can happen, where you have all types of creatures and just let your imagination go wild.

Feyre is a huntress, she is fearless, courageous, stubborn and a pretty good protagonist, however saying that some of the things she did, just made me shake my head and shout WHY? at my book. She would do some pretty stupid stuff and get herself into trouble even when she was warned by Tamlin that she shouldn’t do something or stay away.

Tamlin is the lord/high fae of the spring court and is able to shape shift into the lion/beast that Feyre encountered back in the mortal lands. He’s brooding, secretive, stubborn like Feyre and handsome obviously. I am100% team Tamlin, you grow to love him and the interactions between him and Feyre

Lucien, I was not sure about him, he was funny in parts but then he did things that put Feyre in jeopardy, however he had more of a back story to him which was interesting but I wasn’t a massive fan of his.

Rhysand he is good looking and he knows it, but he is devious and you are left wondering whose side he is really on. He is definitely a likeable character and seen as a contender for Feyre’s affections

Aramantha! What a bitch! What a badass! She is a great villain, she is pure evil and I loved it. She has everyone wrapped around her finger, she was cunning and sly.

I loved the romance in this book, it is verging on new adult with some scenes that are quite steamy between Feyre and Tamlin. There is a build up to the romance and so much tension between the two its palpable. Feyre despises Tamlin at first and then they find mutual interests(art) and become closer.

And for people who have read the book if you were like me. I was shouting at Feyre, at my book…..JUST SAY IT! SAY IT! And then afterwards WHY OH WHY DIDN’T YOU SAY IT!(Hopefully you know what I am on about)

I will definitely be continuing on with the sequel I need more Tamlin and the world. Sarah J Maas you legend!

If you are looking for a YA retelling that has a twist and makes it its own then you should definitely pick this up. If you love romance with tension then pick this book,it’s definitely an all the feels kinda book.

I rated this 4.25 out of 5 stars
Fairest of All: A Tale of the Wicked Queen (Villains #1)
Fairest of All: A Tale of the Wicked Queen (Villains #1)
Serena Valentino | 2009 | Young Adult (YA)
8.0 (10 Ratings)
Book Rating
Review by Disney Bookworm
This is my first foray into the villain’s series so I thought I should read them in order. The collection has been on my “to read” list forever but the twisted tales series kept multiplying and skipping the queue! As I am a good girl and never break the rules, I started with book one: Fairest of All.

I will say that this series of books are quite thin and are an easy read. This may be due to them falling into the Young Adult category but I can safely add them into the “busy working mum” category too. (P.S. Booksirens, NetGalley and Goodreads: this should definitely become a category!)

Personally, I didn’t have high hopes for these books due to some of the reviews that I read beforehand, particularly those that refer to the series as “fan fiction”. However, in these cases, I believe the reviewers in question have missed the point of these novels: these are not to be compared with twisted tales as they are not retellings. These novels provide a backstory to our villains: a different perspective that explores the circumstances around their evil actions.

Fairest of All tells the tale of the Wicked Queen from Snow White before she became wicked. The reader is introduced to a new bride who loves her husband, the king, and adores her new stepdaughter Snow White. Snow returns her stepmother’s love, referring to her as “momma”, and the little family are perfectly happy and content, attending celebrations in the kingdom and having cosy dinners in the castle. Their life truly is idyllic, that is, until the call of battle draws the king away.

Initially little is said of the Queen’s life before she met the king. We know her father was a renowned mirror maker and her mother was considered extraordinarily beautiful before her untimely death.
However, the Queen’s former life is slowly revealed: a heartbreaking tale that exposes the vulnerability of the monarch and endears her to the reader. Suddenly, it seems almost natural that a person so deprived of love could possess such vanity and unthinkable that this character could descend into madness: committing the evil deeds that we know lie in the upcoming pages.

Despite her flaws, I found I never identified with the Queen fully as a human character. I suspect this is because the Queen is only referred to by her title throughout the novel; a curious method by Valentino. Is Valentino keeping us focused on her fate as the Wicked Queen? Perhaps she is suggesting that the Queen has never been her own woman: merely a tortured mirror maker’s daughter who became a figurehead and a mother in one fell swoop?

The Queen is such a complex character that all the other characters in the book seem quite flat in comparison. Again, I suspect this is intentional: the tale is from the Queen’s perspective after all. Nevertheless, the reader is reunited with old characters such as Snow, the huntsman and the mirror as well as being introduced to new characters, the most notable of which are the three cousins of the King.
The Odd Sisters are described as such from the beginning: a titbit I greatly enjoyed as their novel has recently been released. They are fascinating characters, always keeping the reader on their toes and causing us to never quite know whether they are pure evil or simply insane. Their transparent disappointment that the Queen is not an evil stepmother and their candid conversations about magic cause worry for characters and readers alike: it is clear that they have more than a passing impact on the Queen’s demise.

The names of the characters within this novel possess a clear imagery of light and darkness. Snow and Verona (Latin for a true/honest image) bring out a side to the Queen that is the polar opposite of that of the odd sisters and the magic mirror; who is often referred to as “the Slave”. I’m sure this is how the Queen sees the relationship but the reader sees this from an entirely different perspective. Although the face appears to do her bidding, it becomes more apparent that the power within the relationship does not lie with the Queen.

Overall, I really enjoyed this novel. In my opinion it stayed true to the fairytale without purely repeating the story. Valentino humanised the Queen for the reader before promptly showing how hiding your vulnerabilities and not accepting help can lead you down a dangerous path. The Queen is not evil from the beginning: in fact, she shows her capacity for love throughout, but her depression, grief and madness gradually consume her.
For me, the twist in the final few pages make this book a must read. I still can’t decide whether Valentino has made the docile, simple character of Snow into a strong heroine or whether she has upturned all of our childhoods and is hinting at a darker side. Needless to say, I can’t wait to see what comes next.
Fractured Dream (The Dreamer Saga, #1)
4.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
In all honesty, Fractured Dream felt as though I was dragging a big sack of potatoes around and trying to find a place to put them... yet finding nowhere. And it's just bad when I take a chunk out of veggie chips during 2-3 hours of complete peace and quiet when I should have taken more chunk out of the book. Apparently, the veggie chips were more interesting, because I normally have no problems reading a 400-500+ paged book.

The book had an interesting take on Fairy tales and dreams, but the execution was poor. And there were LOTS of awkwardness.

<b>Dislikes – aka Awkward101</b>
~ A few people watching two lovebirds having sex in the prologue. I mean, it wasn't exactly obvious at first, but when the words "I need to see that it's done. I need to know they've conceived" pops up, it's just creepy! If you don't think so, then imagine someone walking into your bedroom at the wrong time. Yep... it's awkward. Really awkward. Sorry might not even cut it.
~ Story – yes, it's the main character's name. I'm not going to call her Bob so it makes sense – seems to be carefree. She laughs a lot. But while she's carefree, she's sort of knowing as well. At least, that's how it is at the beginning. Later on Story seems all depressed and not confident that she could save the world from Brink.
~ Snow White and Sleep Beauty. These days, I'm done with these two being vampires in all those retellings I'm coming across. -_- Although what's different is an interesting thought: "What if the Real World’s tastes in literature were somehow affecting the way Fairytales translated here?"
~ The romance between Story and Nicholas is completely unrealistic. They're staring at each other from the moment they meet in Tressla. First kiss? They pretty much make out. And nearly have sex. Haven't you guys heard me complain before about this already?

YA books are definitely growing up.

What's worse is there is a sex scene later. Not exactly graphic thankfully, but no thank you? *cringes away* When I said I was fine with romance, I seriously didn't mean go all out and do THAT.
~ The awkwardness doesn't end: a woman giving birth. Yeah... I'm <s>watching</s> reading about a woman giving birth. Goodness! Where am I? I think I need to change that review policy to middle grade and young adult crossovers only now! This is so not a manual about giving birth in the olden days.
~ Story has some sort of an attitude or aura I don't really like later on in the book. She basically expects all of her followers to listen to her as though she knows best. What kind of leader is that? That makes her as bad as the villain! Yes, everyone respects the leader. But shouldn't a leader listen to opinions as well, even when it's not a democracy? Don't monarchs listen to peasants complaining? Monarchy certainly isn't a democracy. Maybe one of her followers have a better idea.
<blockquote>“I am the leader here. Does no one respect that position?” Her eyes were lit with a golden fire. “This is not a democracy.”</blockquote>
~ Little Red Riding Hood isn't singular. She's a plural! One in each generation! Ever seen that in a fairy tale before?
<blockquote>But Grandma Red isn’t the Little Red Riding Hood she’s a Little Red Riding Hood. Each generation of their family has one—a woman destined to fight her Wolf at some point in her lifetime.</blockquote>
~ Thumbelina makes an appearance, and they're usually in plants. So far, there's two types – Red Rose and Morning Glory. The Red Rose Thumbelina makes a big appearance as she's Story's Thumbelina.
    Speaking of Thumbelinas... I do enjoy Bliss' snark and attitude. Isn't she just adorable? She's tiny yet mighty!
<blockquote>“Don’t you dare make me look like a Briar Rose, all dramatic and sappy and full of themselves because Shakespeare wrote about them. I am a Red Rose, you hear me? I have a rep to protect. Do not make me run off with some damned prince. I really don’t think I could stomach it.”</blockquote>
~ The cover! So pretty... it's so magical and enchanting! Definitely fits the aspect of the book in a way.

Fractured Dream would probably be considered more of a happy read – lots of reunions with Story and some of the Tresslans. But it has a lot of awkwardness I'd rather not read about... unless I'm reading Adult romance. Obviously, this is not an adult romance novel, because if it were, I wouldn't have requested it on Netgalley in the first place.

I'll be looking into the sequel though.
Review copy provided by the publisher for review
Original Rating: 2.5 out of 5
Original Review posted at <a href="">Bookwyrming Thoughts</a>
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