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ArecRain (8 KP) rated Evan And Darcy in Books

Jan 18, 2018  
Evan And Darcy
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I was on a Jane Austen kick when this popped up on Net Galley. I was delightfully surprised that this novel wasn’t horrible. Jane Austen retellings/rip offs are a dime a dozen, especially modern versions. However, I felt that this was a lovely retelling. I felt is held true to its inspirations and I likes Evan and Darcy almost as much as Elizabeth and Darcy. The side characters were just as meddling and frustrating too!

Bottom line, if you want a cute modern retelling that doesn’t butcher the feel of the original, I highly recommend this novel.
The Muppet Christmas Carol (1992)
The Muppet Christmas Carol (1992)
1992 | Family, Sci-Fi
I love the Muppets.
This film is the best of many retellings of Dickens classic ghost tale.
Gonzo is my favourite as Charles Dickens, his narration along with Rizzlo the rat is humorous and fun.
Kermit as Bob Crachit as the lead book keeper is amusing and his team of rats are hilarious.
Michael Caine plays Scrooge who's path of redemption is believable as he is visted by three ghosts who show Scrooge the errors of his ways.
Also, the songs are catchy.
Disney tried other versions but none can top this one. A true Christmas classic to watch every year.
Unmarriageable: A Novel
Unmarriageable: A Novel
Soniah Kamal | 2019 | Fiction & Poetry, Romance
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
One of these days I really need to read Austen. I enjoy so many retellings - Pride and Prejudice and Zombies, The Lizzie Bennet Diaries, Bridget Jones' Diary, and I know I have a copy of Mr. Darcy, Vampyre around here somewhere! (And now that I pulled up The Lizzie Bennet Diaries to link it here, I'm sorely tempted to sit down and watch the whole thing again but I have books to read!)

Anyway. Austen. I've read a bunch of retellings but believe it or not, I haven't read the original. I really need to get on that, but instead, I read Unmarriageable, which is Pride and Prejudice set in modern-day Pakistan! It's SO GOOD. The themes of family honor, class structure, and rumors damaging reputations translates incredibly easily into Pakistani society, which is why Soniah Kamal wrote it. In her Afterword, she writes:

"Was there any worry more Pakistani than the concern about what might bring a family honor or dishonor? .... Was there anything more Pakistani than [Charlotte's] calculated, 'arranged' marriage? ... Was there anything more apropos to Pakistan than class issues, snootiness, and double standards?"

She goes on to say she was already reading the book as if it was set in Pakistan, so why not write it that way for other Pakistanis? Kamal explains that Pakistan is very much a mix of Pakistan and English culture, and that the emphasis on learning English and English culture comes at the expense of their own indigenous culture, something forced upon them by colonizers. Unmarriageable is her way of melding the two cultures.

I really enjoyed this version of the classic, and it has me even more interested in other versions, such as Ibi Zoboi's Pride and Sonali Dev's Pride, Prejudice, and Other Flavors. Book Riot actually ran a short list recently on diverse Austen retellings, and I've added every one of them to my To-Read list!

You can find all my reviews (and links to the things mentioned above) on my blog,
Goddess of Legend
Goddess of Legend
P.C. Cast | 2019
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
The characters (0 more)
This was the 2nd book that I read in the Goddess series and it was just as good as the first one I read. I love how strong and thought out the female characters are, how they tend to be more mature women that are still finding themselves rather than the clichéd teen dramas, and the attention to detail that Cast puts into the world building.

This is a retelling of a sorts of the Legend of King Arthur and is simply brilliant. If you enjoy retellings of fairytales and myths then you really must read this series, please note that it isn't for younger readers as it has explicit content.
The Shadow Queen (Ravenspire, #1)
The Shadow Queen (Ravenspire, #1)
C.J. Redwine | 2016 | Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
7.5 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
I've always strongly disliked Snow White, but Shadow Queen I like a lot - it's so much better than Snow White!

Also I love C.J. Redwine’s books - they're awesome! I love The Traitor Prince - it might be my favorite of her books so far. I'm reading The Wish Granter now after this book.

I love Lorelai, she's so much more relatable and awesome and Irina is even more understandable even though she is detestable and disgusting with her evil wickedness.

And I love Kol and his little group of friends and Kol and Lorelai together complement each other.

I am gaining a new level of appreciation and interest in the fairy tales because of these great retellings.

If you haven't checked this book out or any of these by C.J. Red wine, you should.
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I absolutely love Rosamund Hodge's writing. She somehow manages to balance beauty and darkness perfectly. It reminds me a lot of the Grimm fairy tales, but in a way, more romantic.

This is a retelling of Cinderella and has become one of my favorites. It keeps the darkness, but keeps it in some sort of fantastical world that makes it even more beautiful.

This was just a short story, but that doesn't mean I didn't absolutely love it. I need to get my hands on Crimson Bound soon. Even in this short story, Rosamund was able to fully flesh out the characters and make them completely believable. I didn't feel like the story was rushed or too drawn out. It was just right.

I would highly recommend this to people who love dark stories, fairy tale retellings, or just a good short story.
I had high hopes for this book. I really love retellings of Peter Pan and the idea that society is using magic to progress was interesting.
Instead I found myself saddened by the book, the story idea was amazing but I just got bored half way through the book. The premise of Peter Pan stealing kids away from families was only breifly mentioned and the parents/officers were mentioned only in beginning. I wanted more from each side, why did they think their kids were stolen, did most kids return home. Did they lose their memories once home as parents thought they were being kidnapped?
I did enjoy the magic and the thought provoking parts. Do you want to grow up, do you have to grow up? It really makes you think about your life and if growing up is a thought process or just a frame of mind.
Depravity (Beastly Tales, #1)
Depravity (Beastly Tales, #1)
M.J. Haag | 2015 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
7.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
First off, let me say how furious I am that this is a three part series with each novel ending in a cliff hanger. Each novel has enough meat to it to count as individual novel, but they all end in maddening cliffhangers. I loathe cliff hangers more than I loathe serials.

That being said, this series had me from page one and I couldn’t put it down until the very last one. I missed a lot of sleep for it… I am a huge fan of fairy tale retellings, especially if there erotica involved. This is definitely one of the better retellings of Beauty and the Beast, albeit a very dark one. The female lead is almost raped more times than I can count, abused by her obnoxious sisters, manipulated by an arrogant sorceress, and subjected to dealing with a short tempered man child stuck in a beast’s body. Through it all, Benella stays determined and loved her grit.

There are some themes that may not sit well with some people, especially with the Beast’s treatment of Benella in the second novel. I think they are missing the point of this story, however. The premise is not just about looking beyond aesthetic value, it is about personal growth. While it is the Beauty’s purpose to look beyond outer appearances to appreciate what people have on the inside; it is the Beast’s role to develop from …well a beast to a better person. I feel that most people look past that.

This is a great series for those looking for an adult retelling of Beauty and the Beast and can handle the dark themes and cliff hangers that come with it. If you can accept an anti-hero with faults who falls for a strong woman who can hold her own in a hateful sexist world, then this is definitely the series for you.
A Werewolf in Riverdale (Archie Horror #1)
A Werewolf in Riverdale (Archie Horror #1)
Caleb Roehrig | 2020 | Young Adult (YA)
7.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating

Just, wow!

A Werewolf In Riverdale did not disappoint.

The book is split into three parts:

In Sheep's Clothing.

The Beast Must Die!

New Moon.

For me, this book was outside my normal fare of sweet YA and fairy Tale retellings but genre-hopping is okay now and then. Truthfully the only reason I wanted to read this one so badly is the fact that I'm a rabid Riverdale fan and with the book's darker, broody atmosphere I said “Why Not?”

Like I said before, I wasn't disappointed! Despite its monstrous villain, this book wasn't all blood and gore.

Though, it did have its moments I won't lie.

It was more like, “I know I should do this but it could be someone I know and I don't want to do it”. That was Betty and Archie's constant struggle while Jughead had to fight his instincts.

In all I totally would recommend it!
Promises and Pixie Dust
Promises and Pixie Dust
Elle Madison, Robin Mahle | 2021 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Thank you to the gorgeously talented Elle and Robin for granting me the opportunity to read their beautiful book in exchange for an honest review.

Promises and Pixie Dust is the first Thumbelina retelling I have seen in the current MASSIVE trend of retellings.
Initially this magical tale featured within the Enchanted Kingdoms collection of retellings but Elle and Robin have now released Lina upon the world as the debut novel in “The Unfabled Series”.
Naturally, a Thumbelina story by Elle and Robin is never going to be your average retelling and, when the story opens on "Lina" drinking pints in 'The Poisoned Apple', it is safe to say that this novel will be just as brilliant as their other works.
At a whole 12 cm tall, Lina has never entirely fit in with the world around her. Everything she owns is adapted to fit her size and she has never met anyone similar to herself. After the death of her mother Lina is determined to find someone else of her kind and, along with her childhood friend Edrich, journeys into the Enchanted forest in search of answers.
Edrich is an unwilling companion to put it mildly and the relationship between him and Lina is very intriguing for the reader. Elle and Robin purposefully drip feed us information regarding the friends and the challenges they have faced up to this point but the undercurrent of tension between the pair make it clear that there is more than friendship and obligation at play here.
This doesn't mean that the reader is not entirely unsympathetic to Edrich's frustration with Lina though. She is often sickeningly chirpy and optimistic with no sense of danger. At the end of the day though, a tiny woman whose mood shows on her skin and rides a hedgehog is a winner in any story.
Promises and Pixie Dust also hints heavily at a recent backstory involving Edrich as he experiences flashbacks and guilt linked to his current line of work. I really hope Edrich gets the chance to tell his own story as I know Piper and Neira will.
I really appreciated the little changes between the Enchanted Kingdoms story and The Unfabled series version. Poor Edrich was very difficult to love in the previous version but has definitely been hit with the empathy stick in recent months! Once his circumstances are (forcibly) changed Edrich almost has a newfound respect for Lina and even before this he isn’t as condescending as his Enchanted Kingdoms counterpart was – I no longer want to punch him in the face anyway so that’s a bonus!
Elle and Robin also developed the world of the fairies a little more, providing more of an insight into their dependence on woodland creatures and even inventing a new sport! The imagery here was so beautiful that I was desperate for illustrations to accompany it.
If you are a fan of retellings, Once Upon a Time, fairies and friends to lovers storylines then this is the tale for you. Promises and Pixie Dust has a freshly manicured hedgehog, a villain with a heart and the best curse words ever imagined.
Frolicking centaurs it's a good read!