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I Spit on Your Grave (1978)
I Spit on Your Grave (1978)
1978 | Horror, Thriller
6.9 (14 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Expected more
Finally, after hearing about this movie from many websites & many online lists & such, I was able to see it for the first time, tonight. I was expecting a lot of blood & gore & a great revenge move. There was some gore, but not much & the revenge was just meh. It did not live up to the hype. A girl gets brutally raped by 4 men & then gets revenge on them. Yes, we've seen it before & better in films like "The Last House on the Left" & such. The rapists in this movie are very stupid & are easily fooled by the woman and they get there's. But I never felt they got it bad enough for their crime. The movie is very low budget looking, yet cost $650,000 somehow. The make-up effects were terrible. The supposed bruises on the actor's faces look like some rubbed some charcoal on them. The acting is not bad & may be better than "Last House", but it doesn't make up for the lackluster plot. I'm glad I finally saw this, knowing I won't have to see it again.

Madbatdan82 (341 KP) Mar 30, 2019

It's amazing how many of the 'video nasties' are completely awful and are fairly tame compared to modern standards. I saw this about 18 years ago and I just remember feeling a bit 'uncomfortable' during the 45 min rape scene and the winced at the bath tub scene but other than that couldn't agree with your review more - terribly average!!


Eleanor (1463 KP) rated Foul Is Fair in Books

Nov 26, 2019 (Updated Nov 26, 2019)  
Foul Is Fair
Foul Is Fair
Hannah Capin | 2020 | Contemporary, Young Adult (YA)
9.0 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
Sweet Revenge Tale for the Modern Era
Loved how this book didn’t mess about and just got into the action. Straight off the bat, it gave me a whole Cruel Intentions vibe and added a touch of The Craft for good measure - all teen girl kick ass. In a world that gave us the Brock Turner farse, we deserve this over the top revenge book.

When a group of prep boys choose the wrong girl to target at a party we are taken along for an all-consuming journey of revenge and it’s a delightfully dark ride. For such a disturbing tale it’s beautifully written. I don’t tend to like things with any sort of retelling of Shakespeare hints Macbeth in this case) or girly teen YA but this is in its own league of powerful storytelling that sets it apart. I had a strong feeling of where it was going but I wouldn’t have missed the ride for anything.

My thanks to the author, publisher and NetGalley for the ARC of this book in exchange for an honest review.
The Mask of Zorro (1998)
The Mask of Zorro (1998)
1998 | Action, Romance
7.7 (10 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Late 90's action comedy movie that acts as a sort of sequel to the old Zorro movies of old; with 'that mysterious masked man dressed all in black' who is here played by two different actors: by Sir Anthony Hopkins (the elder Zorro), and by a pre Puss In Boots Antonio Banderas (lets face it, Puss In Boots pretty much is a feline Zorro ...) as his younger protege.

It's also slightly surprising that this got a PG rating, with a strong vein of revenge running throughout it (the elder Zorro's quest to avenge the death of his wife, and to get his revenge on the man who stole his daughter and raised her as his own) alongside his younger protege's quest for revenge on the soldier who killed his brother.

Taking in horse chases, stunts, lots of swordplay, romance and even El Dorado, this is a genuinely enjoyable throwback to the less serious, less po faced movies of old than seems to be the current trend. (It's also better than the sequel)