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Iron Man 2 (2010)
Iron Man 2 (2010)
2010 | Action, Sci-Fi
RDJ as Tony Stark/Iron Man The cast Some cool action sequences "if you could make god bleed people would cease to believe in him" I'm not going to lie that is an awesome line (0 more)
Poor story Too busy setting up the greater MCU Whiplash is a poor villain Lacking a satisfying conclusion Mediocre score (0 more)
"if you could make god bleed people would cease to believe in him"
What made Iron Man so great was its original story, exciting action, and stellar performances. But beneath all the spectacle was a heart, characters we cared about and a coherent story in which we watched a narsasistic asshole become a good guy. All of that has vanished in the rushed, noisy, but enjoyable sequel.

Tony Stark is now living the life of a rockstar, a superhero that everyone knows the identity of, enjoying a celebrity lifestyle. Meanwhile, a villain connected to Tony's past recreates his technology and seeks revenge. Tony also deals with the mystery of his dead parents, his relationship with Pepper, wards off government attempts to control his technology, rebuffs his corporate rival, and has to rework his technology that is slowly killing him. Oh, and The Avengers show up.

If that sounds like an overcrowded movie to you, that's because it is. Iron Man 2 acts as an Iron Man sequel and an Avengers prequel. The clashing of these two stories is due to an unfocused narrative trying to cram in ten different storylines. Half the stories don't conclude in a satisfying way, and we're left with a pretty looking movie.

Luckily the performances are still great, Robert Downey Jr. is again a delight to watch, Sam Rockwell is fun as his counterpart rival, and Don Cheadle replaces Terrence Howard as best friend Rhodes, a worthy replacement. Scarlett Johansson joins the cast as an Avengers refenerence, with very little to do other than look good and kick ass.

Jon Favreau seems much less interested in the project this time around, as he falls under the weight of the studio pushing for a sequel in two years as opposed to three. The script has a couple of witty highlights, mostly with Same Rockwell as Tony's business rival.

The action is thrilling and everything you'd want when it comes, but it doesn't show up often. The visual effects are improved, and the sound design is top notch. The score is mediocre, with a few notable exceptions.

There is too much going on for one movie, but by the end of the movie you're left wanting more. Not enough time was devoted to the different characters and plot lines, which results in a highly uneven movie with short bursts of excitement and a solid cast. Worth one watch.

Dana (24 KP) rated Heartless in Books

Mar 23, 2018  
Marissa Meyer | 2017 | Children
8.3 (33 Ratings)
Book Rating
Let me start off by saying that I love Marissa Meyer's writing so much, but this book wasn't as good for me as The Lunar Chronicles.

This was a really cute and quirky book with so many puns! I loved all of the puns about baking, they gave me life. Especially since I love puns and I love baking, so putting those two things together made me so happy!

This had a very interesting story, one we all know the end of, just not how the story will get to that point. If you have read or even know of Alice in Wonderland, you know that the Queen of Hearts is a villain, so it was interesting to see how she got to be that way. I am always a little hesitant to read the villain backstories because a lot of times, authors will make them out to be the heroes and completely go against what the audiences know about these beloved villains. While Meyer does have some instances of this, she also is able to build up the story enough to the point where it may be believable.

So there are going to be some plot spoilers in this paragraph, so if you do not want to read them, skip to the next paragraph! Okay, so the plot goes like this: Catherine doesn't want to be queen, she wants to bake, but the King of Hearts, as well as her parents, want her to be the queen. Cue the Joker, Jest, who is the wrong guy to fall for, but she does it anyway which eventually gets him killed and will make Cath want revenge and become the killer we know her as. There were a lot of moments throughout the plot that I was not as engaged with because they felt like they had been too much. Of course Cath would fall for Jest and of course a man would be her turning point. I was not the biggest fan of those aspects of the story. I wanted her to have more agency in why she becomes the Queen of Hearts, not just that she wants to use her power to avenge her lost love.

There was a prophecy in this book, I won't say what it was, but I will say that it wasn't my favorite because it takes any and all tension out of the story.

I loved the play on names from Meyer. Hatta being the Mad Hatter and Haigher being the March Hair, loved it!

The characters were pretty interesting, but they weren't as gripping or memorable as I would have like them to be.

I usually adore Marissa Meyer's books, but this one fell a little flat for me. Overall, it was enjoyable, but I am not sure if I would read it again.
Two Days Gone (Ryan DeMarco Mystery #1)
Two Days Gone (Ryan DeMarco Mystery #1)
Randall Silvis | 2017 | Crime, Mystery, Thriller
6.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Also read my review here:


<i><b>But doesn’t every guilty man hide his deeds behind his words and hide his thoughts behind his smile?</i></b>

This was perfectly set up to be a great novel, but unfortunately, like so many novel nowadays, it instead failed to excite and thrill me, and in the end, turned into an extremely mediocre read.

It wasn’t until around 70% of the way through this book that I realised how dislikable DeMarco, our supposed hero, was. His anger and grief was completely understandable after the loss of his wife and child, but I felt he was unnecessarily unkind to his peers and overly passive aggressive in general. <spoiler>Plus can we talk about how much of a shitty cop he was? Getting into a car with a bleeding out dead body to chase an armed, highly fragile man and not alerting anyone? <b>Murdering</b> the main suspect on a case just because he could? Only in fiction.</spoiler>However, out of our two main characters, I was happy to read more about DeMarco than Thomas. I found Thomas’ PoV to be slow and a little pointless. Again, I understood his anguish and shame etc, but I guess I just couldn’t connect to his character and summon up the right emotions to care about his story that much.

This was a slow read for me, but I kept pushing through it because: 1) it wasn’t <i>that</i> bad and 2) I was led to believe, by some other reviews, that an amazing twist was going to be revealed. <i>Unfortunately,</i> we got the ‘amazing twist’ and my reaction was more of an “oh” than a “whoa!!” <spoiler>I guess I wanted to the book to feel more realistic, I wanted some innate human darkness to be the cause of the murders, I didn’t want a book about revenge.</spoiler> The plot, overall, wasn’t too bad, there were some exciting moments, but for the most part this could only just hold my interest.

<i>Two Days Gone</i> didn’t grab my attention well enough for me to rate it anything higher than 3 stars. It was an average story, with average characters and an average plot twist. It’s a shame because had high hopes for this one, but nevermind, you win some, you lose some. I see Amazon have specified this as a “Ryan DeMarco novel” so I’m assuming we may be seeing a series come out from Silvis, but I won’t be keeping up with it.

Thanks to Netgalley and Sourcebooks Landmark for giving me the opportunity to read this in exchange for an honest review.
The Wicked Deep
The Wicked Deep
Shea Ernshaw | 2018 | Paranormal, Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
The Wicked Deep
By Shea Ernshaw
Review: Christina Haynes

Two centuries ago, three sisters, Marguerite, Aurora and Hazel Swan arrived on the coast of a town called Sparrow. There they made their new home, in the back of a perfumery shop which they owned and would create and sell beautifully smelly perfumes. However, this isn't the only thing that they did so well. They made men fall in love with them instantly, it didn't matter if they were older than them, if they were betrothed or married, they all fell in love with the sisters. Some people from the town claimed they were witches, others knew it. But the truth was the sisters were not witches, yet.

In June they were drowned for witchcraft, they had stones tied to their feet and pushed into the sea and died. But every year after that on June 1st the day they were all born - one year apart. They come back from the sea for revenge on the town that killed them. They take control of three girls and each murder a boy, by making the boy fall in love with them. They then call the boy into the sea and he drowns like they did weeks after their birthday. These weeks are called 'The Swan Season'

The girl's whose bodies they possess have no idea that they have become a Swan Sister and no one else knows either. Only the Swan Sisters know. Even the boys are unable to tell they are being drawn to their deaths. You see the sisters weren't witches before their deaths, but in a way, they were after them. By being drowned into the sea, they live their deaths under the waves at the bottom of the Pacific. They then reprise on to land in the month of June like magic.

Penny Talbot can see the sisters, she is the only person who can. Year after year for three years she has been able to see them underneath the girls whom they possess. Like many locals she as accepted the towns fate, that is until a boy names Bo arrives in town looking for work and a place to stay does she soon start to fall for him and realise that he is not safe, because the sisters don't just kill the boys who are from this town they take any boy who arrives. Tourist for the Swan Season, local or even just a visitor it doesn't matter, as long as they cannot resist the call of the sisters, and no one is unable too.

Penny must decide if she will save Bo from the Swan Sisters and keep him safe, or save herself.

Love, Christina

Do This For Me
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Can I give a 5 star rating for PART of a book?!? I was ALL-IN from page one of this book. The beginning was so fast, so awesome, with such manic intensity - I was like, this chick is BAD ASS! I TORE through the first quarter of this book. And then... meh. I guess we needed a bit of a breather because the first quarter of this book is one serious wild ride. It got back to it's intense awesomeness almost mid-way through, but then I felt it just got sappy and fizzled.

I need a book about JUST the Raney Moore in the beginning. She is NO JOKE. High-powered attorney Raney Moore has it all. Shes partner at her law form, he husband is a famous bug guy, and shes got twin teenage girls who are the light of her life. She's wealthy, and can have anything she wants. But she already seems to have it all. Or so she thinks. When Raney finds out her life is not as perfect as she thought - in less than a split second she turns into a jilted-wife phsychopath - and goes balls-to-the-wall revenge-mode to destroy the cause of her pain. But may in fact destroy everything good in her life. You don't even see it coming. I was riveted by the endless access she has to everything you can imagine to carry out her plans. Money, researchers, cars, hackers.... you name it. Don't mess with Raney. You cross her and you will be in SERIOUS trouble.

I read a lot of reviews that people didn't like the book because they hated Raney. I think some of the best books are when you have intense feeling for a character. Good OR bad. Raney was a character I couldn't get enough of. There's another almost equally manic scene in the middle where she is in a dressing room, and the crazy, intense Raney (with yet again, resources aplenty) returns and I am once again enthralled with her.

But unfortunately, after about mid-way it just fell flat to me. A lot of the dialogue is hilarious. It's witty, fast and keeps your attention, but the rest of the story just wasn't what I wanted - what I craved. I wanted more Raney. I didn't want her to try to change herself, or be a better person. Eliza Kennedy shouldn't have written the old Raney as such an incredibly intense and off-kilter character because she made me fall for her - but then she took her away! (sad face)

I'd kill for a prequel. To see Raney as she emerges into the person she was in the beginning of this book: her start at the law firm, her rise to Partner. Give me that Raney All. Day. Long.
Hunted (The Gates Legacy, #1)
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Harrow Gates - vampire, diseased, hunted. Jordan - bereaved, determined, out for revenge. Pritchard Tack - entrepreneur, protector of the infected, searching for a cure. Altogether, they make a wonderful lead for a fantastic start to a series I know I will be watching closely for the foreseeable future!

My copy started with a glossary, which was a superb tease and left me rushing forward to find out what on earth could lead to all these ideas and words. Sure enough, within the first 5% I was completely hooked and didn't want to put my kindle down. I was totally drawn into the characters, drama and mystery, highlighting just how high the quality of writing was in this story. The way the perspective switches between the different characters is done with skill and is very clear to follow. This feeds into the mystery created by the glossary and the writing in general as you're ripped away from that character just as the next piece of information is about to be revealed! This makes it highly compulsive reading, with the 'one more chapter' syndrome being a real possibility when reading this book.

The characters are also fabulous, and we pick them apart just as carefully as the plot, slowly learning what makes each of them tick. Harrow, Tack and Jordan are wonderful to read, they engage you, pull you into your complicated life and leave you wanting to know more of them and their lives. Demetrius is a very odd character, driven by very different desires to the others, yet he is equally engaging to read about. It takes real skill to be able to pull a reader so completely into so many characters, and so I really must shower praise on Font for managing to do this.

The story is, at risk of repeating myself, fantastic. It thoroughly draws you in, instilling in you a need to keep reading and has you thinking about what is going to happen next. The momentum is excellently paced, particularly towards the end because even though you're expecting something big to happen, you're still shocked and hit just as hard as if it were a huge surprise! The deaths (not spoiling it though haha!) are quick and fast and really tug on your emotions, leaving you reeling as the end of the story arrives. I've got to warn you though, as these are the exact words a friend said to me, 'don't get too attached to anyone - you never know who is going to be next!' - and boy was she right! That said, I loved it, and I'm a convert to this series.

*This book was first reviewed on Lily Loves Indie as part of a blog tour, for which an ARC was received in return for an honest review*
10,000 Days (2014)
10,000 Days (2014)
2014 | Sci-Fi
5.0 (2 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Story: 10,000 Days starts as we enter the world 27-years after a comet struck Earth putting the survivors into a permanent ice age, we follow two groups of survivors, once together now at war, William Beck (Schneider) on one side, Remy Farnwell (Wingfield) on the other.

As the Beck’s discover moments of truth about the disaster and a potential cure, Remy is playing his attack to take their base, the race against time for human survival is on.


Thoughts on 10,000 Days


Characters – William Beck runs one of the clans in the frozen land, he has kept his people safe, always searching for the next way to survive, hopefully peacefully even against his enemy, he knew the world before the disaster and now he wants to return to it. Remy Farnwell leads the rival clan, living on the ice he fell out with the Beck’s wanting revenge for the betrayal as he sees it. He doesn’t mind killing people in the battle which he has made too personal. We do have a lot of characters in this film, William has three sons that all look exactly the same, we have the scientist figures which seems to be three different female characters, a pilot who failed to stop the comet who still lives with the nightmare. We get so many characters it truly is hard to keep up or invest in any of them.

Performances – The performances, well this is difficult because nearly all the actors and characters look the same, it is difficult to figure out who the lead is, nobody has any sort of emotional factor or strong moments to stand out.

Story – The story is the end of the world happened, we are now in an ice age which could be coming to an end, but two war driven clans want control of the best location. This sounds interesting enough, you would be wrong, we have moments of discovery, moments of war, though this just never knows which one is the most important. Sadly, this only ends feeling boring, we don’t get invested in the characters and for some reason the film kind of just ends with a massive cliff hanger.

Sci-Fi – The world has ended and now an ice-age has hit, well that is the sci-fi side of the film.

Settings – The film give us generic location which include ice area or cold looking warehouse.

Special Effects – The effects here are just terrible and look completely fake.

Scene of the Movie – The concept should work.

That Moment That Annoyed Me – The Effects.

Final Thoughts – This is a poor sci-fi movie that just doesn’t become interesting at any point in the film.


Overall: Boring throughout.
A Million Ways to Die in the West (2014)
A Million Ways to Die in the West (2014)
2014 | Comedy, Western
Story: Poking fun at the old west is fine, it should work and some of the jokes are acceptable. The endless toilet jokes make it feel like an Adam Sandler film and the poorly written sex jokes get boring quickly. You have the old storyline of trying to impress someone only to fall for the one helping you. It is advertised incorrectly as it makes out from the trailer that he is training to beat Clinch while in actual fact the training is for another dual all together. After watching and enjoying Ted I was expecting a lot better than this lazy comedy for someone with a good comic mind. (3/10)


Actor Reviews


Seth MacFarlane: Albert the cowardly sheep farmer from the Frontier who gets upset when his girlfriend dumps him and puts his life in danger because he is depressed only to discover he is brave deep down. Seth really doesn’t suit being a lead actor at all. (2/10)


Charlize Theron: Anna the beautiful mysterious woman who comes to town and ends up becoming friends with Albert while training him to shot. Good performance from someone not known for comedy. (7/10)


Amanda Seyfried: Louise the girl who dumps Albert and moves on, but looks like she could have changed her mind too late. Standard performance really, never gets given anything to do. (5/10)


Liam Neeson: Clinch the deadly gunslinger who wants revenge after Albert kisses his wife. We see what he is capable of and that he will cheat but we hardly see him considering he is meant to be the villain. (5/10)


Giovanni Ribisi: Edward Albert’s best friend who is very religious while his girlfriend is being a prostitute. Gets to have fun with the role and would be fair to say get most laughs.(6/10)


Director Review: Seth MacFarlane – With his history for good quality comedy I would expect to see a lot better than this from him. (3/10)


Comedy: Poor jokes throughout that get boring quickly but the few cameos will get most laughs. (4/10)

Settings: Good authentic western town created. (8/10)

Suggestion: Don’t bother, I think even the most diehard Seth MacFarlane fans will be disappointed. (Avoid)


Best Part: Cameos

Worst Part: The Jokes

Funniest Scene: Doc Brown

Kill Of The Film: The Ice Block

Believability: No just a spoof (0/10)

Chances of Tears: No (0/10)

Chances of Sequel: No

Post Credits Scene: Yes


Oscar Chances: No

Box Office: $35 Million (So Far)

Budget: N/A

Runtime: 1 Hour 50 Minutes

Tagline: Bring Protection


Overall: Lazy Comedy
The Bourne Ultimatum (2007)
The Bourne Ultimatum (2007)
2007 | Action, Drama, Mystery
When last audiences left Jason Bourne (Matt Damon), he had just exposed a coverup and in doing so, extacted revenge upon those who killed his girlfriend and hunted him. In the new thriller “The Bourne Ultimatum”, Bourne is back in a big way, as he becomes unwittingly entangled in a international manhunt, when a reporter gets to close to the truth of a top secret program.

With most of his memory still missing, Boune travels to London to seek out the reporter, in an effort to learn what he knows, hoping it will lead him to the answers he seeks. Things take a turn for the worse when Bourne is discovered, by the powers that created him who are convinced that he is a danger to the program, and may expose everything he knows to the media. Unwilling to take that chance, Bourne is targeted for elimination which sets into motion a frantic series of events that spans seven cities around the world.

Tasked with locating Bourne is Pamela Landy (Joan Allen), who while dedicated to her task, is convinced that Bourne is simply caught up in the mix, and wants nothing more than to get on with his life.

Bourne in the course of tracking the source of the leak eventually meets up with Nicky Parsons (Julia Stiles), who not only gets Bourne up to speed, but helps him attempt to locate her boss, as he may very well be the source of the information leak and the key to unlocking Bourne’s missing memories.

Between daring action scenes, intrigue, and solid Drama, Bourne begins to unravel the puzzle as he attempts to solve the mystery and stay alive from the myriad of threats that target his every move.

This Bourne is solid and fits very well into the framework of the past two films. Damon has never been stronger his signature role and is able to convincingly transition from action sequences to the dramatic elements the story requires adroitly while never losing his connection with the audience. Bourne while dangerous is in many ways a victim, who simply wants to know the truth, and is easy for the audience to support.

There are numerous action and chase sequences that combine brutality and fluidity in a amazing combination. This is not a CGI fest, this is flesh and bone, metal and glass combining to create one of the best action dramas ever to grace the screen.

The film is well paced and never overstays its welcome thanks to a plot that is intelligent yet not overly complicated.

In a summer of sequels that have mainly not lived up to expectations, Bourne is a film that delivers.

Kristy H (1252 KP) rated Only Ever Her in Books

Jun 21, 2019  
Only Ever Her
Only Ever Her
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Annie Taft is 26, ready to marry Scott Hanson, and move somewhere fresh. Away from the town of Ludlow, where she is known as the daughter of the murdered woman. Cordell Lewis was sentenced to life without parole for the murder of Annie's mother, Lydia Taft--largely on the word of Annie, who was only three. But his lawyer is advocating for a new trial--and Cordell's release. It's now four days before Annie's wedding; Cordell is out of jail, and Annie has disappeared. At first, Annie's aunt, Faye, who has raised her niece since the age of three, thinks she has hidden away due to nerves. But as the wedding date inches closer, Faye and her daughter, Clary, realize something is amiss. Was it Cordell, seeking revenge after all this time? Or someone who knows Annie well?

"Some people hear their mother's voices in their heads, but Annie hears her aunt's, the closest thing she has to a mother."

This book wasn't anything like what I was expecting, and honestly, it was a rather strange tale, but it was still rather interesting. It's a character-driven read, not a suspense novel, but wow, I got really attached to some of these characters. I picked this one up based solely on the strength of the last Marybeth Mayhew Whalen novel I read, WHEN WE WERE WORTHY. She has a real knack for capturing her characters: they jump off they page and stick with you. In particular, I fell hard for Faye and Clary in this one. And, of course, there was Annie, who was always there, motivating nearly every character:

"She has to make the town happy, like she always has. It is her act of service, her offering on behalf of the greater good. When you're the only survivor of the town's darkest moment, you do whatever you can to bring light."

There are a lot of narrators in the novel, but together they expertly show the web and ties of a small town, where it seems everyone has a secret of some sorts. I thought the beginning of the book was a bit slow, but it picked up in the second half, becoming rather dramatic and suspenseful. It's also an emotional read, as you become more and more invested in the characters. I expected more with Annie's storyline and disappearance--the ending sort of fizzled there for me. The more compelling piece is truly her mother's murder and its aftermath, especially on Faye.

Still, this was an interesting and poignant read featuring some excellent characters. While it was a bit slow to start, I found myself quite immersed in the second half. I really enjoy what Whalen can do with her small town personalities. 3.5 stars.