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  • Gwyneira Blythe

    Gwyneira Blythe


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    Jordan (0 KP)

    Book worm

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    Alex Hanson


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    Essie Suter


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    Author, horsewoman, sustainable farming advocate

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    Last Active: Aug 8, 2018

Merissa (11721 KP) created a post

Jan 20, 2022  
"I don't get the full force of this book, the reverse harem, YET."

Tour & #Giveaway: For the Strange and Surprising (Where They Are #1) by M.F. Adele - @Archaeolibrary, @XpressoTours, #Adult, #ReverseHarem, #ScienceFiction, #Romance, 4 out of 5 (very good)

In not sure about this one. The first one was good, I gave it five stars, but this one was really drawn out and is turning into a reverse harem style series. I struggled from early one and it didn't really get any better for me.

I don't think I'll be continuing the series.