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The Night Falling
2.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I received this book for free through Goodreads First Reads

The Night Falling by Katherine Webb is a historical novel with a romantic theme. The story is told from the perspective of two people: Clare, a middle class wife from England, and Ettore, a poor Italian "peasant". Set in Puglia in the summer of 1921, the two characters meet when Clare and her step-son, Pip, are forced to accompany Boyd to Italy where he is going to be working for Leandro, Ettore's uncle.

Clare and Ettore's relationship become more involved as they try to avoid their complicated feelings surrounding their other family members. Not only do they have their personal issues, there is antagonism between the rich and the poor. The so called "peasants" with their lack of food and jobs are fed up with the way they are treated by the rich authorities. Strikes have been unsuccessful so their only other plan is an uprising.

As well as the hostile environment story line there are many secrets that begin to be uncovered. Obviously Clare is keeping Ettore secret from her husband but she is unaware of the secrets and dangers he harbours.

It was interesting to see the contrast between the two classes of characters. Unlike England where the lines are slightly blurred between upper, middle and lower classes, Italy in the 1920s the differences were very clear cut.

In all honesty I did not think much of this book. I found it hard to get into and it did not get any easier as it progressed. Although I understand the storyline I found it a little bit boring and took me a while to get through.
The Lincoln Lawyer (2011)
The Lincoln Lawyer (2011)
2011 | Drama, Mystery
7.3 (9 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Matthew McConaughey, in usual fashion, is alright, alright, alright (0 more)
The plot was a little predictable. But it still held my attention (0 more)
Lawyer Jokes Optional
William H. Macy is one of the most underrated actors in film history. And he's in this one! And then there are the Oscar winners Marisa Tomei and Matthew McCounaghey. But who cares about them? Just kidding. Every member of the all-star cast bring this slightly predictable tale to life.

Mick Haller is a slick lawyer. He's always quick with a quip and knows which palms to grease. When he comes to represent rich-kid Louis Roulet, it seems he is in for a sweet payday. Cha-ching! Anyhow, the case becomes more complicated than he originally anticipated. This movie becomes dark and suspenseful quite quickly after that.

I would say more, but I want to avoid spoilers. I was pleased to see John Leguizamo and Michael Pena in supporting roles as well. My mom liked it and my mom doesn't like just any movie. As she advised me, pop some popcorn, sit back, and enjoy.

themaxdog (14 KP) rated Aidan in Books

Jul 17, 2019  
Elizabeth Rose | 2018 | Fiction & Poetry, Romance
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
History and Cultural References (0 more)
Characters (0 more)
I have mixed feelings about Aidan, the last book in the collection. Starting with the positives, I loved the history and rich cultural significance behind the concept, with the Stone of Destiny featuring so prominently. All throughout this collection, I have enjoyed the fact that the writing is so heavily informed by the author’s historical research, and even though the characters and plots are fictitious, it’s nice that their world is grounded in reality and historical events that (to a degree) actually did take place.

On the flipside, I found the characters in this book a little lacklustre. Aidan and Effie are the main characters, yet they lacked any real depth and emotion which was a real shame. Similarly, the whole concept of Effie being Aidan’s ‘Dream Angel’ was overwhelmingly cliché and sickeningly sweet. I’m all for romance, but this just took it a step too far!

All in all, the positives and negatives add up to create an enjoyable, light-hearted, historical read – in fact, providing the perfect way to sum up this collection.
Claire's Knee (Le genou de Claire) (1971)
Claire's Knee (Le genou de Claire) (1971)
1971 | International, Comedy, Drama
(0 Ratings)
Movie Favorite

"What is it about horny rich people misbehaving in the countryside that is just an endless source of cinematic gold? I love the way this film, whether wittingly or unwittingly, portrays the abjection of the desire and romantic practice of a man who seemingly has it all figured out. He’s in his last summer of freedom before marrying himself off, and he’s misbehaving with these teenage girls—but you don’t for a second disbelieve the subjectivity of these girls. In fact, you end up getting sucked into their relationships with him. This film gets under the skin and into the nooks and crannies of what we do when our passions are high and we’re very bored. It’s a little pervy, and we can question the age differences and the ethics of what’s going on sexually and romantically, but I think the film questions them as well, and we’re able to see strange desire from multiple angles. It just washes over you and you understand it. It’s very French in that way."

The Ghost of Mavis
The Ghost of Mavis
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
The Ghost of Mavis had me intuited by wanting to know what it was about. Was it a mother that died with a young girl. There a mystery to it that you are pondering from the minute you start reading.

Mavis shows up at the Pearly gates in a wedding dress. Why and what reason. Mary Lynn Plaisance write the story well. This is her first book, that I have read. She leaves you guessing and pondering about a little girl. Who is this little girl and what is she waiting for? All we know at the beginning Mavis as died and is at the age of 88. What her angels tell her is, that she miss her lick and was to marry again.

Mavis is confused but are we as well? She also wonders why she wears a wedding dress. She wants to go back to earth to be born into a rich family. When she goes to ask, her angels she's going back to earth on a mission. To do that she will go back as a ghost and her angel Anna will help her until she finds this James Windsor.

You start to wonder what life is after death. Where do we go? Is it a belief that we reincarnate back to our family or do we stay in haven. That you will have to decide. Mary does a splendid job with this and talking about the afterlife. I would suggest if you enjoy paranormal fan or even a little mystery fan this is a good book to read. I recommend it to read.

The book is well written and few mistakes. I believe a may have caught one mistake in the entire book. It was probably one that got the word misplaced not even spell wrong when editing, it wonderful. I hope to read more by Mary Lynn Plaisance.
10 of 230
One Enchanted Evening ( The Buckingham Hotel book 1)
By Anton DuBeke

London, 1936.

Inside the spectacular Grand Ballroom of the exclusive Buckingham Hotel the rich and powerful, politicians, film stars, even royalty, rub shoulders with Raymond de Guise and his troupe of talented dancers from all around the world, who must enchant them, captivate them, and sweep away their cares. Accustomed to waltzing with the highest of society, Raymond knows a secret from his past could threaten all he holds dear.

Nancy Nettleton, new chambermaid at the Buckingham, finds hotel life a struggle after leaving her small hometown. She dreams of joining the dancers on the ballroom floor as she watches, unseen, from behind plush curtains and hidden doorways. She soon discovers everyone at the Buckingham - guests and staff alike - has something to hide . . .

The storm clouds of war are gathering, and beneath the glitz and glamour of the ballroom lurks an irresistible world of scandal and secrets.

Let's dance . . .

Well I was not expecting that! I loved this book the only reason I put it down was to sleep! I never in a million years would have picked this book up as I’m not a huge fan of the author but it came to me through a surprise subscription and I’m so glad I decided to read it! Set in an era I adore with all the glitz and glamour as well as little dark little secrets of the characters that make them human. I really recommend this to anyone who likes 1930s drama settings.
Tuesday Mooney Wore Black
Tuesday Mooney Wore Black
Kate Racculia | 2019 | Contemporary, Fiction & Poetry, Mystery
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I loved this book, which is packed with genuinely likeable characters and a mystery to solve. Tuesday Mooney is a bit of an enigma - at least to her gay best friend, Dex. She gives little away about herself, and tries to live apart from other people when she isn’t at work researching rich people who can make charitable donations to the hospital she works at. She loves all things gothic and horror. At a fundraising event, she meets Archie, a rich, possible-contributor to the hospital, and witnesses the death of the eccentric billionaire Vincent Pryce (not to be confused with Vincent Price!). Mr Pryce then sets in motion a treasure hunt across Boston, for anyone to take part in and potentially win a fortune. The clues are inspired by Edgar Allan Poe - something that Tuesday very much appreciates. She starts up a team with Archie (who is not at all who he seems to be), Dex and her teenaged Tuesday-wannabe next door neighbour, Dorry.

Tuesday’s backstory is fascinating and sad in equal measure, and it’s fortunate that she meets Dorry, a girl who misses her dead mother terribly. Tuesday misses her best friend Abby, who went missing without a trace as a 16/17 year old.

On the front cover, this looks as though it will be a YA paranormal/ horror novel. It’s not. There’s a smattering of the paranormal perhaps, but it’s certainly not a main theme. This is a mystery, where we also learn that to be yourself is the most important thing in life - as is friendship. I loved this book, and practically inhaled it on a long train journey. It’s a bit quirky, but it has a lot of heart (and hey, I like quirky!). Highly recommended.

Many thanks to NetGalley and Harper Collins for my copy of this book to read and review!
QUEST: First Snow Book 1
QUEST: First Snow Book 1
4.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
DNF @ 25%

This starts with Jemma at school, disappointed that her friend is sick and isn't there to keep her company through the day. Instead the rich (mean) girls of her school take notice of her and ask her to join them at lunch. Jemma is wary but goes with them. Fast forward a week or so and she's at the Darkening Ball (I think that's its name anyway) where the rich farmer families get together to celebrate the days getting shorter (or something like that) and is bullied into wearing a ring by the bitchy Veronika, which ends up transporting her to another dimension/world.

This book was almost 400 pages on my kindle. As I've mentioned in previous reviews, long books are not my favourite unless I get pulled into the story. And I really didn't with this one. It was very... slow. I get the world building and getting to know some of the characters but I'll be brutally honest: I was bored. The description made it sound rather intriguing but the pace of it all was dragging along at it's own sweet pace. It was taking way too long for anything to happen and in the end, I just gave up at 25%.

Up to that point, there had been very little romance in the story. Jemma had a crush on Aaron - and had done for a while - but Aaron hadn't really shown any particular feelings for Jemma (yet). As a romance reader, I did feel like it was lacking in that respect.

One thing I feel I should be cheering was that it was set in Yorkshire. Woo! Think this is the first book I've read that's been set in my lovely county.

ClareR (5589 KP) rated The Snakes in Books

Jun 19, 2021  
The Snakes
The Snakes
Sadie Jones | 2019 | Contemporary, Fiction & Poetry, Philosophy, Psychology & Social Sciences, Thriller
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Firstly, I’d like to make it clear that I really enjoyed The Snakes. A lot.
Secondly, I’m sorry for being so predictable, but I pretty much hated every single character in this novel, apart from Alex and Dan. Bea had moments where I felt that I could like her, but then she just didn’t seem to help herself or anyone else.

So, short summary of the plot: Bea and Dan live in a tiny flat in London and decide to drive through Europe on a shoestring budget, financed by renting their flat out. Their first stop is at Bea’s brothers hotel in Burgundy. Alex runs the hotel, which was bought for him by their ridiculously rich parents. I think they’re hoping that the responsibility will keep him busy and off drugs.

Shortly after Bea and Daniel’s arrival, Bea’s parents turn up, and they realise that the hotel is basically a dump. This is the point at which Dan learns that his in-laws are rich enough to own a private jet, and his and Bea’s financial struggles could easily be solved if they would just take their offered money. But Bea has her reasons and principles. And they’re good ones.

Some pretty awful things happen in this book. It’s a stark example of the “haves” and “have nots”, and how those with money (and I’m talking about Griff here) have no comprehension what living in poverty or with little money is like. I could understand Dan’s wish to take Griff’s money, but at the same time, I could understand Bea’s motivation for NOT taking it.
And the ending is a real kick in the guts, let me tell you!!

This is a firm five star read from me - it’s well worth the read (or the listen, in my case!)
Wicked Nobles (Nocturnal Academy #1)
Wicked Nobles (Nocturnal Academy #1)
Holly Hook, Margo Ryerkerk | 2020 | Fiction & Poetry, Young Adult (YA)
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Wicked Nobles ( Nocturnal Academy book 1)
By Margo Ryerkerk and Holly Hook

In a world ruled by vamps, being half fae and magicless sucks.
You know what’s even worse? Being sold into slavery by your own mother.

I am Onyx Logan, and my mother condemned me when she sent me to Nocturnal Academy. If I get lucky, the academy will mold me into a servant for rich vampires. If I’m not, I’ll become a courtesan.

But if the vamps think I’ll take this lying down like a good little bitch, they’re wrong. I don’t have the means to escape Nocturnal Academy, but I have my eyes set on someone who does.

Prince Preston Kallan, a handsome, pureblood fae teacher from the Summer Court, doesn’t know who I am yet, but he will soon. At least that was the plan. Because as it turns out, nothing goes the way I expect.

This is wasn’t bad at all! Written well and shows so much promise! I was torn between 3 and 4 stars. It’s an interesting story and a take on vampires and far I’ve not seen before. Quite a short books so im looking forward to reading more.