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Neil Gaiman | 2003 | Fiction & Poetry
8.8 (25 Ratings)
Book Rating
Setting (4 more)
World building
Gaiman's writing.
Richard Mayhew (0 more)
wonderland-esque and oh so good.
This was my first real venture in to the Urban Fantasy genre and I was so surprised I'd never really read anything from it before.

Neverwhere was an amazing book that had my imagination going on a rampage just trying to visualize London below, Gaiman did a wonderful job with combining a wonderland-esque world with modern London and living up to the old saying "No good deed goes unpunished."

The characters from London Below were all so detailed and took on a life of their own even as well as the magic of London Below it all just came off as being so real. My favorite characters hands down was Marquis De Carabas he was just so crafty and I really did not know if he was to be trusted or not, and Mr. Croup and Mr. Vandemar were some of the best villains I've seen in awhile.

The only thing I had a problem with and the reason even though I loved this book couldn't give it a full five star rating was I just didn't care for Richard Mayhew at all through out the whole book I made no attachment to him in the least bit, I know he was supposed to be this average every man type of person that got thrown into this crazy world but he either really annoyed me or was just kind of forgettable and fell into the background...I honestly forgot he was suppose to be the Protagonist.
His and Hers
His and Hers
Alice Feeney | 2020 | Crime
8.7 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
Will keep you guessing until the big reveal
I was provided with a complimentary copy of this book so I could give an honest review. The opinions are entirely my own, and any quotes are taken from the ARC and may be different in the final published copy.

There are three sides to every story, his, hers, and the truth. In Alice Feeney's latest, His & Hers, there is his, hers, and a killer out for vengeance.

Narrators Richard Armitage and Stephanie Racine skillfully bring Feeney's thriller to life as a detective and his news journalist ex-wife who are separately trying to solve/report the murders of people from their past while trying to stay out of the crosshairs of a serial killer on a mission. The chapters alternate between DCI Jack Harper and Anna Andrews, which allows us to see the story from both sides as it unfolds. The killer, using a voice disguiser, breaks the fourth wall to explain his/her reasons.

Because of Feeney's clever writing, I was unable to figure out the killer until the big reveal. I switched suspects with each suspenseful chapter I read. Her red herrings were flawless.

Richard Armitage is an actor and audio-book narrator known for his role as Thorin in The Hobbit trilogy. Stephanie Racine narrated numerous novels, including Feeney's three best-sellers, Sometimes I Lie, I Know Who You Are, and His & Hers.

Goodreads lists Feeney's next novel, as of yet untitled, to be released in 2021.

This 200-word review was published on on 7/28/20.
Poseidon (2006)
Poseidon (2006)
2006 | Action, Drama
The summer movie season has arrived in grand style with the first thrill ride of the season In Poseidon, viewers are taking to the very edge and beyond in one of the better adventure films in recent memory.

Based on the 1972 original, the film once again follows a ship in peril and a group of survivors attempting to save themselves from certain doom. Onboard the Poseidon, the guests are a mixed bag of society, but fate is about to bring them all together when their transatlantic crossing hits a rather unexpected snag in the form of a massive tidal wave which capsizes the boat leaving the survivors to deal with an upside down ship and the constant threat of drowning.

Wasting little time on character backgrounds and motivations, the film gets right to the action as within 10 minutes, the action is underway, and rarely lets up over the roughly 99 minutes of the films run time.

After the disaster has hit and the survivors survey the carnage caused by the wave, Robert Ramsey (Kurt Russell), decides to ignore the advice of the ships captain and follow a maverick named Dylan (Josh Lucas), out of the ballroom in an effort not only to find his daughter, but a way out of the ship. Joining the duo are a young mother named Maggie (Jacinda Barrett), and her son, as well as business man Richard Nelson (Richard Dreyfuss). As the group ventures to find a way out, they do in time meet up with Roberts’s daughter and her finance as well as a few other survivors.

As the group is forced to work with one another for survival, conflicts arise as Dylan and Robert clash over the best course of action. It is learned that Robert was a former fireman who after a heroic act was able to become Mayor of New York, but for reasons unknown was not able to deal with his success which had caused his wife to leave him. Now Michael spends his days in luxury being an overprotective father to his daughter Jennifer (Emmy Rossum).

While much of Michael’s past is uncovered in a few lines tossed at him in a moment of anger, even less is known about Dylan. Prior to the accident, he revealed to Maggie that he takes money from people who like to get into arguments and play cards. Only Richard Nelsons character is given a bit more background as we learn that he is a Gay business man whose lover has left him for another in London, leaving Richard alone, and suicidal. The fact that Richard is preparing to jump overboard and is stopped only by the site of the closing wave allows his character to show some diversity as in the face of disaster, he finds new meaning and purpose.

The remainder of the film is packed with narrow escapes, danger, death, and the ever constant menace of the water which like an unrelenting killer is never far away from the group and stalks them without mercy at every turn.

While some of the situations are beyond reason, the film has some impressive sets and visuals, and Director Wolfgang Peterson keeps the pacing of the film fresh as it never stops long enough to loose its momentum.

The leads do the best they can with their stock characters, yet this is compensated for by the thrills of the film and the physicality of the rolls. Josh Lucas reportedly broke his arm while filming the movie underscoring just how much the actors put themselves into the film.

While Poseidon is not likely to be a cinematic classic, it is an enjoyable if flawed summer film that provides enough thrills to keep you entertained.
Tapestry of Treason
Tapestry of Treason
Anne O'Brien | 2019 | Fiction & Poetry
10.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Intrigue in Henry Vs Court.
A Tapestry of Treason follows the life and intrigues of Constance of York, Lady Despenser from 1399 through to the early 1400s. And she was an absolutely fascinating woman. Hers was a totally dysfunctional family - but you do wonder how anyone could have a ‘normal’ family when mothers gave birth, handed their baby over to a wet nurse and went back to the Royal Court as soon as they were Churched. And the fathers didn’t seem to be there either. But this did make for some pretty interesting family dynamics. I’m surprised that there weren’t more illegitimate children, what with all the arranged, loveless marriages that seemed to be going on (although there were probably loads, and plenty of loving marriages too!).

Anyway, Constance was involved with her family in two plots against Henry V. York had been big supporters and cousins of Richard II, and were luckily also relatives of Henry V. So when Henry ousted Richard and imprisoned him, the Yorks were relatively safe. That was until they tried to reinstate Richard. Constance was fully a part of this plot: she’s portrayed as a strong-minded, confident woman who made her own mind up, and was loyal to her family. I do like female characters like this, and I like that Anne O’Brien didn’t make her into a caricature of a strident, bossy woman, as often happens in these cases.

I thought that the whole book was sensitively done. Henry isn’t made out to be a villain, in fact he’s always fair, and in some instances he may well have been thought of as too soft towards his York cousins (they were certainly dangerous to know).

I loved this book, actually. My mum has been pointing out Anne O’Brien books to me for ages, but I’ve avoided them because I knew I’d want to read everything once I started. Ah well, looks like I’ve started then (and always listen to your mum!).

Many thanks to The Pigeonhole for choosing yet another fabulous book, and to Anne O’Brien for reading along with the serialisation and answering questions. I had the best time!

Sarah (7798 KP) rated Bodyguard in TV

Sep 24, 2018  
2018 | Drama, Thriller
Best British drama in a long time
I don't really do British tv dramas, mainly because most of them are all very similar or just not my cup of tea, however after the hype surrounding this, I decided to give it a chance.

This is by far the best British drama I've seen in a long time (albeit I may not have seen many recently). Richard Madden is superb as David Budd and I really hope he goes far with his career. There's Bond rumours flying about (although to be fair those same rumours are fixed to every British actor within a certain age range) and i honestly think he would make a great Bond as long as he doesn't go with his native Scottish. The story itself is interesting and there are some fantastic twists and turns. Some of it may be a tad predictable, over the top and cliched - I almost stopped watching after episode 2 when the bodyguard slept with his ward - and you have to suspend your disbelief in parts. If only real police work in the UK was this dramatic! However I was particularly impressed with the final episode. Never before have I felt so tense and terrified watching a British drama, the tension and suspense in this episode alone was marvellous. The final scene itself was a tad disappointing as I'd expected a little more action, but the rest of the episode and series more than made up for it.

Lee (2222 KP) Sep 24, 2018

I'm the same - not usually a fan of British dramas. This was very good though. A few unresolved plot points in the final episode but I read today that they're looking to do at least another series, possibly another three!


Sarah (7798 KP) Sep 24, 2018

Really? Whilst I know there was a few unresolved things, I’m of the opinion that less is more when it comes to more series ?

The Mythology of Richard III
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
As usual, Ashdown-Hill has given us a well-written and accessible book with an extensive index and bibliography and reasoning well backed up with factual evidence; I find his books are always worth reading an a refreshing change from a lot of the nonsense there is out there. In this particular book he looks at myths and legends, both old and rather worryingly modern, that surround one or our best known monarchs.

Early chapters deal with the mythology perpetuated by Tudor propagandists and blinkered 'traditionalists' despite lack of evidence in many cases and even explicit evidence to the contrary in others! He looks at how some stories, such as the 'body in the river' became perpetuated over time so that they eventually become accepted as 'truth' by the uninformed. Even I had taken rather at face value the story of the White/Blue Boar Inn, but as Ashdown-Hill points out, it would be much more logical for Richard III to have stayed at Leicester Castle, as he had on a previous occasion, and also there is no evidence that an inn with a boar in its name existed at all in Leicester at this time!

The latter part of the book deals with more modern myths and I was really rather saddened and disappointed that it was necessary to have to set the record straight on many aspect of the rediscovery of the king's grave. I completely understand Ashdown-Hill's need to do so. After reading his earlier book 'The Last Days of Richard III' I was thoroughly convinced by his well reasoned arguments and never for a moment did I seriously doubt that that is where Richard III's resting place was. I was almost ready to go and dig the car park up myself! Whatever the rights and wrongs of it, I did find all the arguments over a final resting place to be somewhat distasteful, with some people sinking very low in voicing their opinions. It is disheartening that a British University PR department is less interested in truth than in trying to keep all the kudos for itself and I hope that people will read this and know the truth. With all its apparent misinformation I doubt I will be bothering with the visitor centre in Leicester any more than I have bothered to visit the putative site of Bosworth.
Fortitude  - Season 2
Fortitude - Season 2
2016 | Drama
Not as good as the first
The problem with the second series of Fortitude is that it seems to want to outdo the first, and in many respects it does. Its even weirder (which I didn't think possible), a lot gorier and seems to have a lot more going on. The issue is that it appears to be too much, and although it's still a good series, it doesn't quite reach the standards of the original.

There are some great additions to the cast - notably Dennis Quaid and Robert Sheehan - but then there's also some not so great. For some reason I couldn't quite stand Ken Stott's Erling Munk and there are others that seem to be thrown in just to kill off. There's also a few surviving characters from the first series that have disappeared without a single mention.

The plot itself is a little convoluted, but on watching this series again recently I have appreciated the plot line more and it is quite entertaining, although the shaman aspect is possibly a little too much. There is a lot of dry humour in this though, especially with Petra which is absolutely hilarious at times.

My main issue is that there's just not enough Dan in this. He's by far the best character and although he's more present towards the end of the series, it's not quite enough. Richard Dormer plays this version of Dan brilliantly though and he's still the best thing when he's on screen.

Intrigued to see how they wrap this up now in series 3.
The Second Best Exotic Marigold Hotel (2015)
The Second Best Exotic Marigold Hotel (2015)
2015 | Comedy
6.5 (2 Ratings)
Movie Rating
The Second Best Exotic Marigold Hotel has a cast including Judi Dench (Evelyn), Maggie Smith (Muriel), Bill Nighy (Douglas), Dev Patel (Sonny), and Richard Gere (Guy Chambers).

It is a sequel to the 2011 film ‘The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel’, which I never saw, nor even knew existed.

The idea is that a hotel in India becomes a permanent residence for elderly retirees at their last stopping point before their journey to ‘the great beyond’.

We follow their relationships and interactions, all wrapped up in the hotel proprietors (Sonny) desire to expand his hotel into another additional location, and his pitch to the (supposedly) undercover Hotel evaluator (Guy Chambers).

Sonny is willing to go to almost any length, up to and including sending his mother as an ‘offering’ to Chambers, in an attempt to secure the financing for the expansion.

In the meantime Sonny sacrifices a bit of his relationship with his fiancé,
Sunaina (played by Tena Desae), because she is wanting him to focus more on their upcoming wedding, than his business plans.

I thought the movie was ok, it had some funny parts. My husband almost fell asleep twice during it because it moved along pretty slowly.

It wouldn’t have been my pick to see ‘on the big screen’, to me, it just doesn’t need a movie screen to tell its story.

My guess is folks in the older generation will appreciate it and enjoy it much more than we did.
It certainly wasn’t ‘horrible’, it was just slow and rambling, without enough funny parts to hold our interest.
Elle (2016)
Elle (2016)
2016 | International, Drama, Mystery
6.5 (4 Ratings)
Movie Rating
The end of 2016 is just a few short weeks away. That being said, studios and filmmakers across the world are rolling out the few remaining big budget blockbusters and potential breakout independent masterpieces before year’s end. Among them is today’s film for your consideration. A film that has already received international acclaim when it premiered in competition for the Palme d’Or at the 2016 Cannes Film Festival as well as several awards including the Gotham Independent Film Award For Best Actress, the Los Angeles Film Critics Association Award for Best Actress, a New York Film Critics Association Award for Best Actress, and a Golden Globe Award Nomination for Best Actress for the film’s star, celebrated French film and stage actress Isabelle Huppert. The film would later go on to be selected as the French entry for Best Foreign Language Film at the 89th Academy Awards.

‘Elle’ ( meaning ‘her’ or ‘she’ in French) is an internationally co-produced psychological thriller directed by Paul Verhoeven. Yes, THAT Paul Verhoeven of ‘RoboCop’ , ‘Basic Instinct’, ‘Starship Troopers’, ‘Showgirls’, and ‘Total Recall’ fame. Hold on a second. Before you take his track record of recent works into account just hear me out. The film is based on the 2012 novel “Oh …. ” by French/Armenian author Philippe Djian which won the prix Interallie literary award for a novel written by journalist. ‘Elle’ is Verhoeven’s first French language film and his first film since 2006’s ‘Black Book’.

The film stars Isabelle Huppert as business woman Michele Leblanc. Mother, divorce, and head of a video game company who is viciously attacked and raped in her home late one night by an unknown assailant wearing a ski mask. Rather than report this to the police, she quickly ‘cleans up the mess’ and carries on with life as usual. The film also features several subplots that intricately weave into the film’s main storyline. Michele has a son Vincent (Jonas Bloquet) who is engaged to his unfaithful and domineering girlfriend Josie (Alice Isaac). Their relationship is strained due to Vincent’s lack of direction and his refusal to break off the relationship with Josie who is pregnant by the man she cheated on Vincent with. Michele’s relationship with her mother is also strained due to her mother’s narcissism and preference for younger men. A point of increasing animosity between Michelle and her mother is the fact that Michelle refuses her mother’s request to visit Michelle’s father, a convicted cereal killer, in prison. Meanwhile, Michele is carrying on an affair with Robert (Christian Berkele). The husband of her business partner and best friend Anna (Anne Consigny) while at the same time developing a fixation with Patrick (Laurent Lafitte). A banker and husband of Michele’s religiously devout neighbor Rebecca (Virginie Efira). All this, combined with the turmoil going on within Michele’s company make her reluctant to involve the police in anyway.

Soon Michele grows suspicious of all the men in her life and begins to ‘stalk in reverse’ those in particular might have the strongest motivation to do her harm. At first she suspects Kurt (Lucas Prisor). A particularly resentful employee of her company and even her ex-husband Richard (Charles Berling) who Michele inadvertently pepper-sprays while he was hiding outside her home checking on her safety. Despite pleas from Richard, her friends, and fearing another media frenzy similar to the one that occurred during her childhood when her father was arrested Michele continues with life as usual on the surface. In secret though, Michele is arming herself and using her company’s resources in an attempt to find her attacker and exact her own vision of retribution in this twisted cat and mouse game.

This film is by far one of the best thrillers I’ve seen in the last few years. In my opinion, we here in America don’t partake in enough of the films our neighbors in other countries have to offer. This film doesn’t ‘play it safe’. The story plays out in a realistic and believable manner. This is another one of those rare stories where there are really no ‘happy endings’ in the situation such as depicted in the film. It’s harsh, it’s in your face, it’s plausible, the innocent unfortunately suffer along with the guilty. Punishing the guilty is never enough and sometimes harms the victim(s) even more over the course of time. The film is rated R for depictions of physical and sexual violence and clocks in just past 2 hours. If you’re searching for a well written, well directed, and even better acted film. This psychological thriller is definitely for you. I expect this film will continue to garner more acclaim and even more awards. I’m giving this one 4 out of 5 stars.
Jurassic Park (1993)
Jurassic Park (1993)
1993 | Adventure, Sci-Fi
The music!!! (3 more)
Incredible cast
The dinosaurs look incredible
The writing
Are there any flaws to this movie? I think not!
Wow what can I say about this? A classic. A masterpiece. The greatest dinosaur movie of all time by fact 1 of the greatest movies in general of all time.

The soundtrack is iconic. John Williams is a genius. You hear that song anywhere and you immediately know what movie it is.

Sam neills greatest role, shirtless Jeff goldblum, a young(er) Samuel l Jackson and a great Richard attenborough. The cast is great with fantastic writing. In a film about dinosaurs the acting is believable, I love the relationships between the characters.

We can't forget the other main cast member.....the dinosaurs. The looked incredible. The use of animatronics were genius mixed with some visual effects. They looked believable, they were scary and there were many different types to keep you interested. The sounds were perfect along with the intense feeling of seeing water shake letting you know something big is coming.

Spielburgs directing is on top form for this movie and is easily 1 of his best and that is saying a lot. Only he can present a scene to you that invokes both awe and fear at the same time.

It does make you think too even now about where technology is going and Jeff goldblum says it best in 1 seen. "Your scientists were so preoccupied with whether or not they could that didn't stop to think if they should" this line has stuck with me for a long time because it's true even today.

Fantastic movie that belongs in anyone's top 10. It is the only Dino movie worth watching. Nothing else comes close.