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Sarah (7798 KP) rated Stargate SG-1 in TV

Dec 5, 2017  
Stargate SG-1
Stargate SG-1
1997 | Action, Adventure, Sci-Fi
7.9 (87 Ratings)
TV Show Rating
Sci-fi tv at its best
I’m finding it hard to believe that this show has been over since 2007. You’d find it hard to believe that a fairly good but not brilliant film could provide the basis for a fantastic series, but Stargate has done just that.

It’s an action packed sci-fi adventure, full of humour and intrigue with some surprisingly good special effects for the time it was made. The cast and characters are well written and loveable, with Richard Dean Anderson as Jack O’Neill being by far my favourite, full of razor sharp wit and sarcasm. Better played by far than Kurt Russell in the film. The rest of the characters too though are hard not to like despite their differing personalities, and they all make for such a fun and endearing dynamic. Personally I think the characters are what kept this going for so long.

It isn’t without its faults, as sadly i think towards the end it went slightly downhill with some of the main characters disappearing and it’s probably good that it ended when it did.

Still, I have a very fond nostalgic memory of this show as it used to be on Channel 4 on Sunday evenings and I’d sit down to watch it every week without fail with my dad. Fantastic show.

Suswatibasu (1701 KP) rated Call Me by Your Name (2017) in Movies

Jan 7, 2018 (Updated Jan 7, 2018)  
Call Me by Your Name (2017)
Call Me by Your Name (2017)
2017 | Drama, Romance
Slow first-half, heartbreaking in the second
For fans of Richard Linklater's Before Sunrise/Sunset series, Call Me By Your Name definitely has the same tone and visual style. Focusing on an unknown northern Italian landscape, the audience is taken on a journey in this coming of age film, in which 17-year-old Elio welcomes an American houseguest for the summer, and it is apparent that he begins to develop feelings for him.

From denial and hatred, to jealousy and love, Elio is portrayed as a clearly complex teenager in the sense that he is more withdrawn than his peers, infatuated with his music. But it is soon obvious why he feels like an outsider and misunderstood. On the other hand, Oliver, a charming and confident archaeologist, appears to be playing games at first only to reveal his mutual love in return. The last scene is heartbreaking when the reality dawns on them both.

The first half is definitely slow-paced, the build-up may have taken a little too long, because by the time the relationship develops, most of the film has passed. But in the meanwhile, we explore the sights and sounds of rural Italy, which is utterly glorious. The language and cultural exchange is exquisite and Elio's parents are to be hailed as truly inspiring. It is bittersweet, yet realistic.
The Cotton Club (1984)
The Cotton Club (1984)
1984 | Drama, Musical
Richard Gere has made a lot of forgettable movies
Really. Seriously. If you think about it. The guy has been acting since the early 70s and he is mostly remembered for Chicago and Pretty Woman. Honorable mentions maybe to Officer and a Gentleman, Primal Fear or American Gigolo.

Director Francis Ford Coppola I'm sure was hoping to recreate the magic of the 1920s/1930s jazz club gangster era as he did with The Godfather in this film and it just didn't work. It seemed I just didn't care about the characters nearly as much and the case just wasn't up to it. Any time you have James Remar is your main bad guy in a film you are in trouble.

The highlight of the film for me was all the great jazz music, large vaudeville song and dance numbers and great tap dancing scenes with the great Gregory Hines. It was cool to see a very young "Larry" Fishburne and lots of other people you know from other movies, but it just wasn't enough. Nicolas Cage overacting (I know what a shocker) and over the top violence just to have over the top violence.

You won't find the caliber of Marlon Brando, Al Pacino, Robert Duvall or James Caan here.

I really wanted to love this film as it has been on my "to watch" list for a long time; however, I was ultimately disappointed.

Black Rose
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
4.5 stars

A story about an abduction, a crazy rapist who enjoys torturing young girls and one couples fight to be with each other again, Black Rose is so much more than what is advertised on the summary. Incorporating all aspects of human emotion, Thompson pulls you into her story from the beginning and leaves you holding your breath for the happy ever after you so desperately want, but fear will never arrive.

I was hooked from the very beginning of this story. I am the first to admit IÕve not read a thriller like this in a long while, but I fell easily back into the genre and loved ThompsonÕs way of telling the story. The dual perspectives of both Richard and Lee were incredibly well written and enabled you to see the story from all sides, meaning your mind was free to ponder what ÔHeÕ was going to do next. This also makes for really compelling reading because the moment you finish hearing about Lee, youÕre on tenterhooks as to what is happening to her whilst youÕre following Richard and vice versa. So many times whilst reading this I ended up with a kindle falling on my face because I just simply couldnÕt put it down.

ThereÕs a great deal of sisterhood between the girls that are trapped, and this could have easily come across as cheesy or overdone, but Thompson had an excellent range of characters, all adding to the dynamic of what must have been a terrible experience for them. The fact they developed the bond in such hardship is remarkable, but to see the sisterhood continue through the many trials and tribulations they experience is fantastic. I canÕt say itÕs a pleasure to read, because their circumstances are grim to say the least, but there was comfort in knowing they had found friendship and a way to survive.

I touched on it, but the characters are phenomenally well written and developed. Lee as the lead character is a true inspiration and her very soul is laid bare so many times that the reader really does empathise with her and want to know every little detail I possibly can. Anna, Kandace, Ruth and the other girls are equally as well written, but Lee really does steal the show. Richard is enjoyable to read, if not a little over dependent on Lee at times, but his devotion to her is a different angle to read and his determination to find her is well written.

Without providing too many spoilers, it was a pleasure to read a story and actually have it conclude in a way you get to see the characters ÔwholeÕ again is definitely very much to my liking! I feel like we got to see a natural conclusion to the story, and that made me feel much calmer and fulfilled at the end of reading. My own niggle was that I would have perhaps liked it to last a bit longer and feel it could have potentially been two books with a lovely little cliff hanger in the middle.

With all that said, I thoroughly enjoyed Black Rose, found it captivating, dark, thrilling and very well written. Congratulations to Thompson on a good story well told.

*This book was first reviewed on Lily Loves Indie as part of a blog tour, for which an ARC was received in return for an honest review*

Luke (12 KP) rated Castlevania in TV

Oct 2, 2017  
2017 | Action, Animation, Horror
Great Animation (2 more)
A-list voice cast.
Faithful to the lore of the video games
Really short (1 more)
Enemy design is a little boring
Castlevania (Netflix) is a 2017 animation series based on the video games of the same name. Based on Castlevania 3: Dracula's Curse, with some elements of Symphony of the Night included, the series follows Trevor Belmont, voiced by Richard Armitage, as he investigates the incident in Wallachia after the townsfolk murdered the wife of Dracula. It's very clear that the Belmont family has had a history with the local church and that Trevor is clearly an outcast in this sleepy little town. Normally with these types of shows, Dracula is usually seen as the villain. However, the first episode shows that he might have just a little bit of humanity left in him, as shown by the voice work done by Graham McTavish. The animation here is abosulutely beautiful. Some of the action scenes are really well done, especially one in particular in the fourth episode. If I had any gripes with this series, I would say that the design of the gargoyle like creatures is a little uninspired. And right now, the series is only four episodes long. But they are currently working on a second season which will be much longer, so that is definitely something to look forward to. Overall, I would say that Castlevania on Netflix is a great series for both fans of the games and of vampire fiction in general. And this might be the best video game adaptation to date. This is definitely a great night to have a curse.
The Wife Between Us
The Wife Between Us
Greer Hendricks, Sarah Pekkanen | 2018 | Mystery, Thriller
8.1 (37 Ratings)
Book Rating
Dear Reader,

They think I’m crazy, that I’m unstable and unreliable. I promise I’m not. I have been paranoid, yes. I have put on an act before, for sure. I have been involved in more than one scandal, it’s true. But I am not crazy, regardless of what my ex-husband would have you believe. He is an expert manipulator, a master of deceit, a specialist in the art of charisma. Read my story and you’ll see. There have been plenty of us, the women in Richard’s life. It all starts out the same each time; he’ll sweep you off your feet and shower you with love and lavish gifts. Eventually, though, you will do something wrong…something he doesn’t like. Then the mind games begin. The surveillance emerges. The attacks come out of nowhere. Love gives way to entrapment as he pulls the noose tighter and tighter. Just as it all starts the same, it always ends the same too. But I got away. Now, I need to make sure he can never hurt anyone again. So, read my story and stay away. Stay away from men like Richard.

Take extra care,

Vanessa Thompson

P.S. Don’t let this new psychological thriller slip you by. Read it now, before the buzz of its upcoming movie adaptation hits hard and makes the waitlist a mile long. It’s got so many layers that you’ll get to peel back as you rush through the storyline. Some will surprise you by how subtle they are and others will slap you in the face and make you question what you just read.
Nightmare Alley (2021)
Nightmare Alley (2021)
2021 | Action, Crime, Drama
7.4 (7 Ratings)
Movie Rating
In short, Nightmare Alley is a sometimes plodding and bloated piece that gets by thanks to a hugely pleasing aesthetic, and a great cast.

Firstly, there is no reason for NA to be 150 minutes long. One could argue that it gives us more time with the many characters introduced, but it feels gratuitous. The first hour and a half has its moments for sure, but it sometimes feels a little direction-less before the last hour hits, and things kick off a bit. It's an issue that certainly impacts proceedings, and I feel it could have lost 30 minutes and been a tighter final product.
Thankfully, the assembled cast is stacked with royalty. Willem Dafoe and Toni Collette are two of my favourite working actors, so having them both involved is a treat. Bradley Cooper, Cate Blanchett, and Rooney Mara are great as the main leads, and the rest of the ensemble is rounded out by some fantastic character actors - Richard Jenkins, Ron Perlman, Mary Steenburgen, David Strathairn - good stuff all round.
The overall visual style is wonderfully Del Toro, from the gloomy and misty carnival sights pierced by neon lights, to the snowy city scape of Buffalo, New York. A lot of the cinematography is gorgeous as well, hats off to Dan Laustsen, and is truly bought to life by a beautifully haunting music score from Nathan Johnson.

All in all, Nightmare Alley ultimately suffers from its pacing, and feels like a slog here and there. However, there are enough positives to carry it over the finish line. I look forward to checking out the black and white version in the near future.
Jurassic Park (1993)
Jurassic Park (1993)
1993 | Adventure, Sci-Fi
The music!!! (3 more)
Incredible cast
The dinosaurs look incredible
The writing
Are there any flaws to this movie? I think not!
Wow what can I say about this? A classic. A masterpiece. The greatest dinosaur movie of all time by fact 1 of the greatest movies in general of all time.

The soundtrack is iconic. John Williams is a genius. You hear that song anywhere and you immediately know what movie it is.

Sam neills greatest role, shirtless Jeff goldblum, a young(er) Samuel l Jackson and a great Richard attenborough. The cast is great with fantastic writing. In a film about dinosaurs the acting is believable, I love the relationships between the characters.

We can't forget the other main cast member.....the dinosaurs. The looked incredible. The use of animatronics were genius mixed with some visual effects. They looked believable, they were scary and there were many different types to keep you interested. The sounds were perfect along with the intense feeling of seeing water shake letting you know something big is coming.

Spielburgs directing is on top form for this movie and is easily 1 of his best and that is saying a lot. Only he can present a scene to you that invokes both awe and fear at the same time.

It does make you think too even now about where technology is going and Jeff goldblum says it best in 1 seen. "Your scientists were so preoccupied with whether or not they could that didn't stop to think if they should" this line has stuck with me for a long time because it's true even today.

Fantastic movie that belongs in anyone's top 10. It is the only Dino movie worth watching. Nothing else comes close.
Soul (2020)
Soul (2020)
2020 | Adventure, Animation, Comedy
The latest digital feature film from PIXAR has arrived and “SOUL” is another triumph for the studio. The story centers around a teacher named Joe (Jamie Foxx), who toils away teaching music to students at a Middle School while dreaming of getting a meaningful gig as a Jazz Pianist.

When the school offers Joe a permanent full time position with benefits he is depressed as while this is the stability his mother wants for him; Joe sees it as an end to his dreams if he accepts the position.

Fate steps in and Joe manages to land a gig with Dorthea Williams (Angela Bassett) which will give him his long sought shot.

Unfortunately for Joe he suffers and accident and ends up as a Soul on his way to the afterlife. Not willing to accept his fate; Joe escapes to a realm where new souls are assigned traits before being sent to Earth to start their lives. Joe is mistaken for a mentor and assigned 22 (Tina Fey); a longstanding resident who has resisted many mentors over the ages and has refused to complete the needed step to begin life.

Joe and 22 must work with one another to set things right and this results in several funny and charming incidents both on Earth and in the Afterlife which are both filled with some great supporting characters that provide laughs and wisdom along the way.

“Soul” is in many way much like the music that inspires it as it is not as linear as one might expect. It tends to at times branch off into new directions while staying along a central theme before the parts reassemble.

The animation is simply amazing as audiences have come to expect and Richard Ayoade, Graham Norton, and Alice Braga lead a strong cast of supporting players which makes “Soul” another winning entry for PIXAR.
This Shining Life
This Shining Life
Harriet Kline | 2021 | Contemporary
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Ollie's Dad died. Richard had an incurable brain tumour, and before he passed away, he sent everyone a special present. He also told Ollie that "being alive was like a puzzle and it was all falling into place." Ollie is autistic. He thinks his father left him a puzzle to solve. Could it involve the gifts? Why won't anyone help him solve the puzzle?

This Shining Life by Harriet Kline is a heartbreaking tale about a family coming to terms with death. Told from several people's point of view, Kline explores different portrayals of grief. Ollie's mum wants to stay in bed; his aunt wants life to carry on; his maternal grandmother tries to exert control; his paternal grandmother wishes she could understand her grandson; and his grandfather has no idea what is going on. No one has time for Ollie and his obsession with his puzzle.

Before Richard's death, Ollie dominated family life. Ollie had a strict routine, always had a few spare pairs of socks with him because he hated dirty ones, and had meltdowns if his parents used the "wrong" tone of voice. Without his familiar habits, Ollie's life was a mass of confusion - an apt metaphor for the grief the rest of the family experienced.

With a contemporary novel such as This Shining Life, there is no "happy ever after". People do not come back from the dead. There is no answer to the meaning of life. Grief is a long process and different for everyone. It causes depression, anger and confusion, but hidden under all these negative feelings is love.

Harriet Kline takes death and grief seriously but adds a touch of humour to the narrative for the reader's benefit. It is not a light read, nor is it markedly profound. Instead, This Shining Life is painfully honest, and for that reason, it is beautiful.