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Chuck Palahniuk recommended Knockemstiff in Books (curated)

Donald Ray Pollack | 2010 | Contemporary, Fiction & Poetry
(0 Ratings)
Book Favorite

"Every decade, we get a stunning collection of dynamic, heartbreaking short stories. In the past, those collections came from Barry Hannah, Mark Richard, and Thom Jones. For the next 10 years, Pollock’s work will be tough for any writer to beat."


Naz Musa (2 KP) rated I Am Legend in Books

Jul 1, 2018  
I Am Legend
I Am Legend
Richard Matheson | 2017 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.5 (20 Ratings)
Book Rating
The character building in this and emotional connection. (0 more)
The movie...just the ending, they changed it, it was bad. (0 more)
The ending though!
My first Richard Matheson book. It was a quick read not just because it was short but also because it was gripping.
Richard Jewell (2019)
Richard Jewell (2019)
2019 | Drama
Richard Jewell is a mixed bag of timeliness and a victim of the country's short-time memory. It was 23 years ago that a security guard in Olympic Park at the Atlanta Olympics discovered a bomb. Hailed as a national hero until he became the prime suspect, Richard Jewell's simple world was torn asunder. Sam Rockwell and Kathy Bates give great performances as Richard's friend/lawyer who tried his best to keep Richard from constantly signing his death confession and Richard's mother respectively. (Imagine if the two had played the other's role!) Richard fought every day to protest his innocence against the two most powerful forces in the world, the American government and the American press. Eventually, the real culprit was found, but not before a man's life was nearly destroyed in pursuit for being "right."

Ross (3284 KP) rated Starve Acre in Books

Nov 1, 2019  
Starve Acre
Starve Acre
Andrew Michael Hurley | 2019 | Contemporary, Fiction & Poetry, Horror
9.3 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
A very unusual book
Starve Acre is first and foremost a book about loss. Richard and Juliette Willoughby have recently lost their 5 year old son, and both are struggling to come to terms with their loss and grief in their different ways. Richard has taken to digging up a nearby field, looking for evidence of an ancient oak tree that once stood there. Juliette has just gone into herself and refuses to let Ewan go, convinced she heard him at night.
The interactions between the two, and the lack of interactions, beautifully tell a story of shared yet so personal loss. Neither can truly help or understand the other's loss.
Throughout the story, which is told without chapter breaks, we get a picture of Ewan's short life and the beginnings of odd behaviour, as well as some odd findings while Richard is digging in the field.
There are some very odd, creepy moments in this book, and some very touching moments. However, I felt slightly let down by the ending. There was a good amount of exposition in the last couple of pages (which may sound like a cop-out rushed ending but is well delivered) but the very final scene felt like a missed trick to me. I was expecting a very horror ending, but while what I got was unsettling, there was an element of ridiculousness to it that spoiled it.
A very enjoyable short read.

Matthew Krueger (10051 KP) rated the Xbox 360 version of Rogue Warrior in Video Games

Dec 24, 2020  
Rogue Warrior
Rogue Warrior
Micky Rourke (0 more)
Micky Rourke (0 more)
Does Anyone Remember This Game
This game was published by Bethesda. Yes Bethesa, you know Skyrim, Doom and Fallout.

This game is bad, like awful.

Enough said.

In Rogue Warrior, the United States has sent in Richard Marcinko, a veteran U.S. Navy SEAL, on a mission into North Korea to disrupt ballistic missile launchers. The plot is not based on the autobiography by the game's protagonist, Richard Marcinko. Marcinko is voiced by actor Mickey Rourke.

Rogue Warrior is primarily a first-person shooter with tactical elements.

The focus of gameplay is Marcinko's over-the-top methods and signature execution moves used in war situations.

Rogue Warrior was universally panned by critics, who cited it as one of the worst games of all time. Criticism of the game included its poor controls, multiple glitches, outdated graphics, frequent profanity, rushed production, uninteresting gameplay, short length, very limited multiplayer, and broken and exploited combat techniques.

Their is hilarious lines, and a funny rap end credit song.

Dont play this game.
Sharpe's Assassin
Sharpe's Assassin
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
It's been 15 years or so since Bernard Cornwell last returned to perhaps his most famous creation Richard Sharpe, in Sharpe's Fury.

In chronological order, that was then, novel # 11 of 23 (including short stories in that count).

While Cornwell continued on with his 'Saxon Stories / Last Kingdom' series starring Uhtred of Bebbanburg (read those. Enjoyed those), I've always held a soft spot for the soldier-up-from-the-ranks of Richard Sharpe, so I was quite happy to hear that he would be returning to that character.

This is that return, chronologically novel # 23 of 24, taking place almost immediately after the Battle of Waterloo (worth reading Sharpe's Waterloo again - you don't need to, but it gives context). There's no historical battle (for the setting) this time around; instead we have Sharpe getting caught up in/foil an a plot to assassinate the Duke of Wellington - who, here, seems to have mellowed somewhat towards Sharpe - and the returning King Louis XVIII, with a large portion of the novel set in and around the environs of Paris (in particular The Louvre).

Good to have Sharpe and Harper back together!
Richard Jewell (2019)
Richard Jewell (2019)
2019 | Drama
An interesting watch
Richard Jewell follows the story of a security guard at the 1996 Olympics who saves many lives after discovering a bomb, yet later finds himself as the main suspect in the ensuing FBI investigation.

This is yet another true story I know nothing about, so for me I found this to be quite an interesting watch to discover what happened. To be honest I was almost in disbelief at times to see how Richard was treated by law enforcement and whilst I know some artistic license is always used, it’s still crazy what they did to him! The story is fascinating, although I do think the film drags this out a bit at a run time of well over 2 hours.

That said, there are some good performances in this namely from Paul Walter Hauser (who was great in I, Tonya too), Sam Rockwell and Kathy Bates. The relationship between Richard and Rockwell’s character Watson is particularly heartwarming and provides a lot of the funnier aspects of the film and actually proves to be the best thing about this. Sadly there are some who have fared less well - Jon Hamm and Olivia Wilde’s seem like your typical cliched FBI and reported characters respectively, and while they both put in good performances, the characters let them down.

What confused me the most about this film was the tone. It felt like it should be a rather tense suspense filled drama (similar to say Patriots Day) but instead it felt too happy or lighthearted to be serious, which considering the subject matter is rather odd. And I think this impacted on how much I liked this. It also didn’t help that they completely gloss over who the real bomber actually was right at the end, and this felt rather abrupt and frustrating considering the length of time the film spends showing them investigating Richard! Overall this is an enjoyable interesting film but falls short of being anything spectacular.
This is only a fairly short book with a limited focus, but nevertheless I found it very interesting. It's odd really, because opinion on the subject tends to be so polarised that it's easy to lose sight of a few simple facts and some of what Ashdown-Hill presents here should really be so obvious! For starters, for all the association of Bosworth with Richard III he didn't know it was going to happen and obviously didn't go in 'knowing' that he was going to be defeated - hindsight may be a great thing, but not if you want to look at historical events in context!

The Portuguese marriage proposals was something that I did know about, but here it's presented so logically it makes absolute sense. The chosen bride was a princes of Portugal, with a Spanish Infanta also in the playing as a reserve option. Both of these princesses were descended from the legitimate and senior branch of the House of Lancaster! Furthermore, it seems that a Portuguese marriage was also in the offing for Elizabeth of York. That being so, the letter supposedly written by her (reported by Buck, but now seemingly lost) makes more sense as does the confusion over Richard II wanting to marry Elizabeth, his niece, which never made any real sort of sense as, if we accept the truth of the Eleanor Butler pre-contract, then the children of Edward IV by Elizabeth Woodville were undoubtedly illegitimate, so there would be absolutely no point in Richard marrying her. On the other hand, Elizabeth and her sisters were the closest things available to Royal Princesses to be traded on the dynastic marriage market.
The Most Dangerous Game (1932)
The Most Dangerous Game (1932)
1932 | Classics, Drama, Horror

"Made on the wonderful jungle sets of King Kong while that epic’s special effects were being finished, this is one of the great action-horror films and has provided a template for many “rich sicko” melodramas—the entire “torture porn” subgenre springs from the obsessions of its villain, Count Zaroff (Leslie Banks). Adapted from a short story by Richard Connell and codirected by Kong’s Ernest B. Schoedsack and character actor Irving Pichel, it has one of the most perfect plots in horror: a big-game hunter (Joel McCrea) changes his mind about how much fun his preferred sport is when he’s shipwrecked on an island where a mad Russian who’s grown tired of lesser game has opted to hunt human beings. Fay Wray, another Kong holdover, screams on the sidelines, and a pack of baying hounds provides additional menace."


Vegas (725 KP) rated The Husband in Books

Jul 12, 2019  
The Husband
The Husband
Dean Koontz | 2006 | Thriller
8.1 (9 Ratings)
Book Rating
Easy reading (2 more)
The action
The characters
A thrill a minute
I have only read one Koontz book before and that was a very early one, so didn't know what I was going to get. The blurb on the cover grabbed me which is why I had to try it and I am glad I did... I found the story well written and composed and the short paragraph blocks made it an easy read, if an unusual style... It reminded me of Richard Laymons style of writing which I really enjoy...

The plot although far fetched is enjoyable and makes you think what you would do if you were put in the same position. It is suspenseful, action packed and violent in places but you do find yourself drawn in to the situation and feel for the characters involved.

For a quick and easy read it is worth giving a go.

AJaneClark (3975 KP) Jul 13, 2019

Thank you, I will add this to my holiday reading


Vegas (725 KP) Jul 13, 2019

Look forward to hearing what you think… Hopefully it won't disappoint