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Little Shop of Horrors (1986)
Little Shop of Horrors (1986)
1986 | Comedy, Horror, Musical
Rick Moranis at his very best. (0 more)
Heightened my fear of dentists!!!! ? (0 more)
Great musical

Kevin Phillipson (9955 KP) rated Spaceballs (1987) in Movies

Sep 30, 2018 (Updated Sep 30, 2018)  
Spaceballs (1987)
Spaceballs (1987)
1987 | Comedy, Sci-Fi
Mel Brooks (0 more)
Classic Mel Brooks spoofing star wars perfect even the alien scene laugh out loud. Rick moranis as dark helmet is brillant. probably my favorite Brooks spoof thumbs up
Little Giants (1994)
Little Giants (1994)
1994 | Comedy, Family
7.3 (3 Ratings)
Movie Rating
When Rick Moranis was a force
My daughter asked to watch this as we watched it together when she was younger. A simple and enjoyable tale of sibling rivalry and the classic underdog story. The misfits and their tomboy leader take on the slick and polished team. Some classic stereotypes and geek tropes make for some fun viewing. The films climax shows the unlikely victory for the underdogs and a lesson learned by everyone.

Kids will love it and grown up can also find some entertaining parts. A good rainy day film from the 1990s
Little Shop of Horrors (1986)
Little Shop of Horrors (1986)
1986 | Comedy, Horror, Musical
Music, comedy & horror made a fantastic mix
To me this film will never get old. It's a fantastic mix of dark comedy and horror, with some brilliant musical numbers thrown in. The casting is spot on, Rick Moranis is perfect as Seymour and the cameos from John Candy, Bill Murray etc are all great. Best by far though has to be Steve Martin as Orin Scrivello. And Levi Stubbs brings so much to Audrey II.

The songs are ridiculously catchy, even the slower ballads. And the animatronics are really good, but would you expect any less from Frank Oz? One of my all time favourite musicals and a must see at the theatre too.
Ghostbusters (1984)
Ghostbusters (1984)
1984 | Comedy, Sci-Fi
A Comedy Classic
My daughter was flipping channels the other day and ran across the great 1984 Supernatural comedy GHOSTBUSTERS and stopped to watch for awhile. As happens with her generation, she eventually got more interested in her phone and friends and wandered away. Me? I was drawn back into this film so much so that I went downstairs, grabbed the DVD (yes, kids, I still own DVDs) and popped the film into my Home Theater System to give it a proper viewing.

I gotta say...I was so inspired by how terrific this film is that I changed course and devoted the 23rd BankofMarquis Movies podcast to this film.

Starring the comedic trio of Bill Murray, Dan Aykroyd and Harold Ramis and featuring Sigourney Weaver, Ernie Hudson and the great Rick Moranis, GHOSTBUSTERS tells the tale of supernatural exterminators called to save NYC when paranormal experiences start escalating in the Big Apple.

But it's not the destination, it's the journey that makes this film so much fun. Told in a standard 2 Act arc - Origin Story followed by a 2nd Act of battling the "Big Bad" - it is the comedic timing and chemistry of the 3 leads that makes this film work (aided by a wonderful "straight man" turn by Sigourney Weaver and a brilliant "side-kick" comedic turn by Rick Moranis).

Credit for keeping this film together, moving and more than just a "series of jokes" is Director Ivan Reitman (STRIPES, MEATBALLS), he had the comedic "cred" to appeal to these 3 big time comedians, but has a Producers sense of efficiency and a Director's command of subject and tone.

This film was Aykroyd's idea and he shines as, Ray Stantz, the heart of the Ghostbusters. He truly believes in what he is doing and has a child-like sense of wonder in his actions. Harold Ramis (more noted as a Writer and a Director) was brought in to co-write Aykroyd's idea, steering it more towards Reitman's idea of humor and writing in a way that would make Murray shine - but he is also wonderfully deadpan as techno-geek Egon Spengler. The serious nerd who never smiles.

But...make no mistake...this film revolves around the antics of con-man Dr. Peter Venkman, a scientist who doesn't believe any of this, but is willing to go along as long as it achieves his goals. And...what are his goals? Well...womanizing and getting through life with as little work as possible. Murray is at the top of his comedic game in this film and most of his scenes are improvised - but, to be fair to the writers, Murrya's riffs are what Ramos and Aykroyd put down on paper. He is the mouth of this film and his energy drives this movie throughout.

Sigourney Weaver proved that she could do more than Sci-Fi action (like ALIEN) when she plays the straightman to these 3 wild-men. She stated that she was channeling her inner Margaret Dumont (straightman to the Marx Brothers) and she does an admirable, charming job in a role that could have easily come off as annoying.

Rick Moranis, of course, almost steals the film as the nerdy accountant neighbor of Weaver's. His improvised riff as he goes around the room at his own party is the stuff of comedic gold.

Ernie Hudson comes along as the 4th Ghostbuster. Many folks thinks that he is the "unnecessary" GhostBuster, but I would argue that he comes along at a time (right after the origin story is complete) to be the audience surrogate - to ask the questions that need to be asked and to get necessary expository passages out.

And...finallly...there is William Atherton as EPA Agent Walter Peck. I kind of feel sorry for this actor, for he had a decent career going up to Ghostbusters, but he was so good as the annoying, buzzkill "anti-Ghostbuster" that serves as the foil for their antics, that he wasn't really accepted in any other kind of role the rest of his career (he would play a version of this character in the first 2 DIE HARD films).

The special effects hold up, just enough to make them passable. Keep in mind that this film was made over 35 years ago and the effects were state of the art back in the day, so I would recommend you cut that some slack.

And...if you'll be rewarded with a rollicking fun time at the movies.

Letter Grade: A

9 stars (out of 10) and you can that to the Bank(OfMarquis)