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A Simple Favor (2018)
A Simple Favor (2018)
2018 | Crime, Mystery, Thriller
Blake Lively (0 more)
Everything else (0 more)
Confused and dull
Having read other Smashbombers reviews, I did at least go into this film knowing it wasn't an out an out thriller, but that still didn't prepare me for what followed.

This film really can't decide what it is; dark comedy, thriller? It seems to seesaw between the two for the entire 2 hour run time, with very little success in either genre. There are a few funny-ish (I smiled a bit) parts but most of the humour is a little bit cheesy or niche. The thriller side too is very predictable, and most of the twists you can see coming a mile off - this almost feels like a second rate comedy rip off of Gone Girl. And then the final act just goes completely bonkers and ridiculous.

Anna Kendrick plays the same character she always does, and I've finally had enough as shes starting to grate on me. Some of the supporting actors like Andrew Rannells aren't given anywhere near enough screen time (loved him in Girls). The only one to come out of this film unscathed is Blake Lively. She's very charismatic and surprisingly endearing, despite her characters reputation and actions. I have to admit, I have a bit of a girl crush on her - id love to be able to dress like that at work!

For the most part, this film was pretty dull and predictable, and was only entertaining whenever Lively is on screen, which wasn't nearly often enough.

Sarah (7798 KP) rated R.I.P.D. (2013) in Movies

Oct 24, 2018  
R.I.P.D. (2013)
R.I.P.D. (2013)
2013 | Action, Comedy
So bad it’s actually vaguely enjoyable
I remember watching this when it first came out at the cinema and I wasn’t particularly impressed, however on watching it again recently I can admit that this is definitely one of those films that’s so bad it’s actually quite entertaining. Mostly due to Jeff Bridges.

Let’s start with this obvious: I know this is based on a comic, but this is such a blatant rip off of Men in Black, it’s just a shame it comes off as a much poorer relation. Everything about this from the plot progression to the deados just echoes MIB, and that’s high expectations to live up to.
The main humour from this film comes from how the characters look normally versus how they appear in the real world, which admittedly is pretty hilarious but this is the only decent attempt at humour. The plot is completely dull and the Kevin Bacon as the villain is uninteresting too. The special effects are surprisingly good in parts, but then ruined by the downright terrible effects used on the deados. The true saviours of this film are Jeff Bridges and Ryan Reynolds. The relationship and communication between their characters is the most entertaining thing about this film and Jeff Bridges is in fine form hamming it up to the max as Roy. He may be going a little over the top, but it’s damn funny to watch. Just a shame they couldn’t have put more effort into the rest of the story.
Lake Placid (1999)
Lake Placid (1999)
1999 | Action, Comedy, Horror
Betty White Steals This Film
I have to admit, I actually saw LAKE PLACID in the movie theaters when it came out in 1999. I am a huge JAWS fan and am a sucker for any film that takes the elements of Jaws (or some of them, anyway) and tries to rip-off that classic film.

And, that is what Lake Placid does (is). It’s “Jaws with a Crocodile”. The residents of Black Lake are being picked off one-by-one by a killer croc and a ragtag group of heroes put aside their differences to save the day.

The “ragtag group” features an a few “B-Listers” (at the time) and one “up-and-comer”. Bill Pullman (fresh off INDEPENDENCE DAY) scores a lead role while Bridget Fonda (beginning to fade from view) is the “femme-fatale” and character actor Oliver Platt (currently on CHICAGO MED) eats the screen as the “eccentric, philanthropist Croc hunter” (I can’t think of a philanthropist croc hunter that isn’t eccentric). It also features a then unknown Brendan Gleeson (a few years before his turn as Mad-Eye Moody in the Harry Potter series) as the Sherriff of the town - the Roy Scheider/Sherriff Brody role from Jaws.

But the character that steals this film is, of course, Betty White as a foul-mouthed resident of the community. Flipping the coin on her wholesome image garnered from her turns on THE GOLDEN GIRLS and THE MARY TYLER MOORE show, Ms. White is - as should be expected - hilarious in her raunchiness.

While this movie is the very definition of “B-Movie” (maybe even “C” flick), it’s worth watching just for Betty White’s turn.

Rest in Peace, Ms. White. And THANKS FOR THE MEMORIES.

Letter Grade on Lake Placid: B (and I’m being generous)

Letter Grade on Betty White: A+

And you can take that to the Bank(ofMarquis)

Fred (860 KP) rated Bumblebee (2018) in Movies

Mar 16, 2019  
Bumblebee (2018)
Bumblebee (2018)
2018 | Action, Adventure, Sci-Fi
G1 Transformers (2 more)
The opening scene on Cybertron
You got the touch!
The stupid "Bumblebee has no voice" crap (1 more)
John Cena is a horrible actor
Robot in disguise
I love the Transformers. I've been a fan since the original cartoon in 1984 & the original comic book run from Marvel. I've loved just about every show & every movie. Yes, they have had their faults, but for pure enjoyment, I loved them too. But now that I've seen Bumblebee, I know that they could have been a lot better.

Yes, this is easily the best of the live-action films. Let's just start by saying G1 versions. That should be enough, but even the story is better than the others. Sure, it's not very original & in one scene there's even a homage (rip off) of the Iron Giant. But it's great entertainment. The action is great, it's funny, but not silly like the others. I like John Cena, when I can see him, but he's terrible in this.But I can overlook it. The Rock has nothing to worry about. My main complaint is they make Bumblebee mute again. So stupid & annoying. Why? What's it bring to the story? Absolutely nothing.

I actually can't wait for the next installment & hope it continues this line instead of the last one.

LeftSideCut (3778 KP) rated The First Purge (2018) in Movies

Jun 11, 2019 (Updated Jun 11, 2019)  
The First Purge (2018)
The First Purge (2018)
2018 | Action, Horror, Sci-Fi
Definitely killed a few brain cells
The concept behind The Purge films is kind of good I guess? (If you don't think about it too hard), but none of them have really delivered much to the horror genre, and this prequel somehow delivers less to the point where it actually takes away from the horror genre!

I found myself disinterested in any of the characters after just a few minutes. So much so, that when the first 'Purge' actually begins, I just found myself thinking 'why?' Why are these characters even taking part, why are so many people taking part (surely they can't all have weird murder boners), why did this film even get passed a storyboard phase, why am I still watching!?

It's just dumb, and not even in a slightly so-dumb-its-good way.
Any scares or horror are completely absent, to the point where the film devolves into a low quality action B-movie rip off of The Raid.

The whole sorry affair just seemed like an excuse for some people to whack some contact lenses in and roam about with 'sinister' grins on their faces, like a pack of 14 year olds who have had one too many cans of Monster Energy.

Won't be watching this one again! ?

Dean (6925 KP) Jun 11, 2019

I agree, so bad compared to the original Purge film.


LeftSideCut (3778 KP) Jun 11, 2019

I haven't watched the Amazon Prime series yet - maybe that fairs a bit better?

Rites of Spring (2012)
Rites of Spring (2012)
2012 | Horror, Mystery
3.0 (1 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Meh (0 more)
Jeepers Creepers 4??? (0 more)
Kind of like... Well... A pile of shit, actually
Well... Once again I delved into the world of the WalMart bargain bin and came out with another masterpiece of shite. Thankfully you only pay 2-5 bucks for these... So Im only out the price of a pack of ZigZag's.. No biggie.
Rip-offs come and go... Most of the time I can sniff them out from the poster or cover art.
This film was misleading by art standards. And I had no idea what to expect.
Bad people rob a bank... Bad people need a place to hide... Bad people pick an old slaughterhouse type place not realizing that they have landed in the middle of feeding time for some ancient evil who keeps a farmers crops plentiful and his cows full of... Well... Cow stuff...
This year he caught a wiff of the bad folks and went asshole hunting... What follows is your basic JEEPERS CREEPERS type shit that left me unsatisfied and... Well, not wanting more.
To quote the paperboy in Better Off Dead...
"I want my 2 dollars!!!!"
Try it if you must... But, be warned... It will tear your anticipation apart....
Lol... See what i did there :)

Caribou recommended Silver Apples by Silver Apples in Music (curated)

Silver Apples by Silver Apples
Silver Apples by Silver Apples
1968 | Electronic, Psychedelic
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"People who know my albums from ten years ago will have heard me trying to rip off Silver Apples. I think it was Kieran Hebden [Four Tet] who introduced me to their music. It's so remarkable - it doesn't sound like anything else that was happening at the time. This record was made before Can started recording - it was actually a toss-up between this or something from Can or NEU!, or something along these lines. If this record came out today people would still be flipping out over it. It still sounds like the sound of tomorrow to me, but it has those amazing folk melodies over the top of it. I guess most of my favourite music is both strange and familiar at the same time, and has some kind of melodic content you can hum along to and gets stuck in your head. The production and the musical ideas around it are totally otherworldly on this record. We booked Simeon for the ATP shows we curated a few years back, but I've never really read any interviews with him to try and find out how this happened - how they made a record that sounded like this in 1968. It didn't sound like anything else."
