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Death of a Ladies' Man by Leonard Cohen
Death of a Ladies' Man by Leonard Cohen
1977 | Pop
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"Time gets flattened out, because now we’re into the digital age. Usually, I’m quite a retro person, but my manager was one of the first people to buy an iPod, so I got one. But then I thought, When am I ever going to use that? It took me ages to take it out of the box—maybe four or five years—and then I just couldn’t see the point of carrying it around. The first song that I ever downloaded was Leonard Cohen’s “Death of a Ladies’ Man.” Leonard Cohen and Scott Walker are the two real touchstones in terms of people I’ve listened to consistently throughout my whole life. If you listen to that first Pulp record, it is just a direct rip off of his first album—though I’m not saying it was as good as that. I was very lucky to [meet Cohen] when his album Old Ideas came out. I hosted the playback of that in London, and then I interviewed him about it. I was nervous about doing that, but I’m really glad that I did. I didn’t get to know him so much, but at least I got to meet him, and I was able to tell him how much his work had meant to me."

Pacific Rim: Uprising (2018)
Pacific Rim: Uprising (2018)
2018 | Action, Sci-Fi
Jake Pentecost, son of Stacker Pentecost, reunites with Mako Mori to lead a new generation of Jaeger pilots, including rival Lambert and 15-year-old hacker Amara, against a new Kaiju threat.

After having rewatched the first offering from this franchise I was fully up to date with my rip off Transformers. For those of you who don’t remember the first one, they’re man operated robots that think they’re a combination of your favourite superheroes with almost power poses, and almost hero landings.

You don’t have to worry about not having seen the first one. It's very accommodating to show you what you missed... World was bad. World had a war. World won! There are bits that would benefit from the original knowledge, but you can glean what happened from what's going on.

There's certainly entertaining action, and a few moments where they seem to have a little laugh at themselves. It will pass the time relatively easily... as long as you ignore the very out of place montage in the middle.

I'm glad they brought new elements in and it didn't end up just being a resurgence of the Kaiju and "oh no, let's get the band back together".
An Elephant Sitting Still (2018)
An Elephant Sitting Still (2018)
2018 | Drama, International
RIP - Hu Bo

Misery porn with gigantism, the most contagiously bleak movie I've ever seen to the point where my mind went to some very dark places of isolation during viewing - and I nearly had to shut it off. The uncomfortable closeness of the shots, the pitch-black subject matter, the merciless length consisting of sparse cuts and only extremely sporadic uses of any sort of music... it all adds into such a memorably unsparing experience. And yes, of course Hu Bo tragically committing suicide before the film was released does cast an unshakeably morbid shadow over the film as well - but there's so much more to it than just that. Still not convinced much of this works though, a lot of the melodrama on display is pretty basic and cloying which initially turned me off from it. But as a technical feat the thing is simply astounding: the long takes are beyond impressive, the performances are all a true feat of acting, the visuals are grim without sucking the beauty out of them, and every song from the score adds into some of the most evocative pieces of music ever used in a film. I can't imagine the kind of discipline it would take to make a film like this, let alone the intelligence. The masterful way in which it never gives up its deep feeling of savage cruelty for almost four whole hours actually even makes the beginning stuff - which at first rang pretty regressive/simplistic (even suffocating at times) for me - retroactively pretty good in my mind. It's rare you see a swing this fuckin' wide and *this* fuckin' confident out of the film industry, a work only capable of a real artist - kills me that we won't get to see anymore films from Bo, a genius with a crystal clear vision.
Bubble Boy (2001)
Bubble Boy (2001)
2001 | Comedy
8.5 (2 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Jake Gyllenhaal (3 more)
Vulgaraties (0 more)
Bubble Boy is Hilarious
When I first saw the trailers for Bubble Boy I thought it looked horrible. But I decided to go see it on opening night anyway (I was bored!) and I was blown away by how funny it was.

Like in an episode of South Park, nothing is sacred or too taboo to laugh at in this movie. It follows Jimmy, a boy born without immunity cells in his body, as he builds a portable bubble (to protect him from germs) and sets off on a road trip to Niagara Falls. Why? Because the woman he loves is getting married and he has to stop the wedding.

I wouldn't want to spoil any of the jokes in this movie, because 95% of them land perfectly and made me laugh. But I'll say this: Zach Galifianakis shows up in one of his first movie appearances and is hilarious. Verne Troyer (RIP) aka Mini Me shows up. There's a bus full of cult members, a biker gang, a train car full of circus freaks, Fabio, an Indian man who runs an "ice cream and curry" truck, and a bunch of crazy situations that constantly surprise.

I've seen this movie at least 6 times and it never stops being funny. Highly recommended.

Rebecca Billcliff (2409 KP) rated The Simpsons in TV

Nov 26, 2019 (Updated Nov 26, 2019)  
The Simpsons
The Simpsons
1989 | Animation, Comedy, Family
The early seasons (0 more)
The layer seasons (0 more)
Going down hill
When I was a child, I loved the Simpsons. Even now, as an adult, I re-watch episodes and find subtle and adult jokes I missed entirely as a child. Those fist 8 or so seasons were very good. Full of little details, great humour, and plenty of theme variety. After that, things started to go down hill.
My new sustain of the more modern show, culminated in an episode involving a screaming caterpillar.... after that, I lost all hope they would produce a good episode again.
The characters have now become very one dimensional, with personalities in the extremes. For example, homer is no longer just quite dim, with a fair few moments of total stupidity, but with a good heart; now he is mentally defective, and to dumb to realy feel love. This is seen right across the board, with each story now being a rip off of either a film, tv series or book, or some crazy nonsense that seems to fizzle out by the third act.
All in all, the original seasons, up to 10, are either great or at least worth a watch, after that, I would not bother.
How sad the fall from greatness, if only they had quite while they were ahead, instead of milking this yellow cow dry.
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Young Frankenstein (1974)
Young Frankenstein (1974)
1974 | Classics, Comedy, Horror

"After that would be Young Frankenstein. I think that, laugh for laugh… I mean, if you’re going to go for more laughs, I think Blazing Saddles. But Young Frankenstein‘s just a better movie. More solid. And it’s Gene Wilder. I was such a huge fan of Gene Wilder when I was growing up that I even used to try to do… He used to do something; he would say nonsensical… He would make noise in movies without words. He would say things like: [mumbles incoherently], like that, and it made me laugh so hard when he would do that, that I would try to put it in movies when I started acting. I did a movie called 28 Days, and I’m in rehab, and we’re in a circle talking about our feelings, and the script said, “She calls on Gerhardt, but he’s crying and he can’t respond,” and she says, “Okay, we’ll come back to you.” And so it came out. “Gerhardt, would you like to say something?” [bawls incoherently] And I just make noise. [laughs] And then I snuck it into A Knight’s Tale when I’m trying to threaten Chaucer for the first time. I’m like, [frustrated mumbling]. I would just rip [Gene Wilder] off, totally try to mimic him. So, Gene Wilder, huge fan. That’s number two."


Frank Black recommended New Values by Iggy Pop in Music (curated)

New Values by Iggy Pop
New Values by Iggy Pop
1979 | Punk
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"This is not the sexy sounding Iggy like on Lust For Life. It’s not blown out and swinging all over the place. It’s real dry and angular and square to an almost suffocating degree. It’s strong and Iggy’s poetry is strong. It feels authentic. Once you get over that, it doesn’t sound like it was recorded at the most hip studio and that it’s smaller sounding, you can appreciate the production that is there and the performances that are there. It’s not trying to rip your head off. Lust For Life had a certain vibe as did The Idiot. They weren’t hi-fi but they packed a wallop. New Values is tight and restrained. It’s not going to fucking cum all over you. There’s no orgasm there. It’s slow methodical masturbation, coming from Iggy who is very Little Richard in his sexuality. [Black impersonates Iggy singing: “I’m not going to go any more, any more, any more.""] There’s honest admission of frailties and the human condition. It is saying, “I am the lamest, I am the shortest."" It’s still bravado and fuck you, get out of my way, it’s not just saying I want to fuck you either. He’s trying to say some stuff. It’s not diary rock. When Iggy gets poetic, he’s the best Iggy."
