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Nowhere to Go and All Day to Get There
Nowhere to Go and All Day to Get There
Gar Anthony Haywood | 2014 | Mystery
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Short Trips with the Loudermilks
This is a collection of two short stories featuring retirees and full time RVers Joe and Dottie Loudermilk. In “A Mother Always Knows,” a quick trip into a convenience store results in the couple being on the scene of an armed robbery. “Better Dead Than Wed” find them getting involved in an abusive relationship during a late-night rest stop.

Both of these stories are fast reads – I finished the collection in about half an hour. But both stories are fun and held my interest the entire way through. I was caught off guard by some of the twists along the way. I laughed along the way, sometimes at Joe and Dottie’s reactions to each other and sometimes at the situations they found themselves in. The characters also appeared in two full length novels. Whether you already know them or are just meeting them here for the first time, you’ll enjoy these two quick road trips.
Winchester (2018)
Winchester (2018)
2018 | Mystery
6.4 (17 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Ensconced in her sprawling California mansion, eccentric firearm heiress Sarah Winchester believes she is haunted by the souls of people killed by the Winchester repeating rifle.

I find this house really interesting, it's on my list of things to do on a road trip of America. It's bizarre, and I love bizarre. Throw in Helen Mirren and I was going to be all over this film.

I did discover one thing from going to see this though... I really can't watch horror films in the cinema. I generally don't find them to be very good films, but that being said I do easily jump at things even if I know they're coming.

I love the idea behind it, and I thought the story was a good way of doing it, but the end result felt a little lacking to me. It does get some kudos for not being as predictable as some horror movies though.

Lee (2222 KP) rated Supernova (2020) in Movies

Oct 12, 2020  
Supernova (2020)
Supernova (2020)
2020 | Drama
8.0 (3 Ratings)
Movie Rating
When I first saw the trailer for Supernova, I could tell that we were in for a fairly intense depiction of dementia and its effect on loved ones, delivered by a couple of veteran actors at the top of their game. Consequently, it was one of the movies I was most looking forward to as part of this years London Film Festival, and while it wasn’t quite as full-on or emotional for me as I was expecting, that’s certainly not the fault of Colin Firth or Stanley Tucci, who are both outstanding.

“We’re not going back, you know,” Sam (Firth) says to husband Tusker (Tucci) as they head off in their campervan for a road trip. He’s referring to any items they might have needed for the trip which are left behind, but those words will prove to hold a much deeper meaning as their journey progresses. Tusker, a best-selling author, has deliberately left his medication at home, having decided that it is having no effect in his battle with dementia. When Sam leaves Tusker in the van to head into a supermarket for supplies, he returns to find Tusker missing - a frantic drive down nearby country lanes finds him standing alone, lost and confused. His mind is clearly beginning to fail him.

As they put the incident behind them and continue their journey, we get a real sense of the love and commitment they both share. As they travel through the beautiful scenery of the Lake District, they bicker and joke with each other, like a gay version of Steve Coogan and Rob Brydon series, The Trip. “It isn’t even satisfying half the time,” Tusker admits after teasing Sam. When asked why he bothers anymore, he just smiles and replies “Because of the other half.”

Tusker continues to work on a new novel, but is finding it increasingly difficult to write anymore and has instead become preoccupied with gazing at the night sky, fascinated with astronomy. Sam, a semi-retired concert pianist, has taken a break to join Tusker on one last road-trip, revisiting locations from their lives together. They stop off at the home of Sam’s sister and her family, where a surprise birthday party brings together old friends and distant family. A chance to reminisce and take stock of what the future holds as Tusker continues to deteriorate. But a discovery during the party leads to some more serious discussions between Sam and Tusker, forcing them to acknowledge and attempt to come to terms with what lies ahead for them both.

Supernova didn’t head in the direction I expected it to, or deliver it in the way I envisioned from the trailer. For the most part, it’s just simple conversations between two lovers, sometimes playful, sometimes deadly serious. But it is delivered by two incredible actors, on peak-form and with such wonderful chemistry. And while it didn’t quite leave me feeling as emotional as it did for many others who watched it as part of the festival, it certainly managed to make a lasting impact.
The Dead Lands
The Dead Lands
Benjamin Percy | 2015 | Fiction & Poetry
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
***NOTE: I received a free copy of this book from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review***

The Dead Lands is at its core a story of survival in the face of apparently insurmountable obstacles - survival not just of a few individuals, but of humanity itself.

The story starts out in Sanctuary, and then hops back and forth between there and the group of escapees who have set off in the hopes of discovering something better. Each member of the scouting party has his or her own personal reason for fleeing Sanctuary. For some, the struggle with their decision to leave causes them almost as much grief as the monsters, inhospitable climates, and other people they meet along the way.

This book had both the horror-road-trip feel of The Talisman, by Stephen King and Peter Straub, and the find-other-survivors-and-keep-the-human-race-going vibe of The Passage, by Justin Cronin. (Both of which I highly recommend if you have not already read them!) It was a suspenseful, thought-provoking tale and I really enjoyed it.
Disclaimer: I received a copy from author in exchange for an honest review.

This is a very interesting memoir following the attacks of 9/11. However, it's NOT about a survivor of the attacks, or a family member who lost someone, which I think is refreshing. Rather, the protagonist is a woman who, like the rest of the country, was affected by the events of that day, and this spurs her to reflect on her life and do some deep thinking about where she stands in relation to everything around her. So she decides to go on an extended road trip around the country, and she learns quite a lot about herself along the way, while meeting some interesting people and catching up with old friends, which may or may not be such a good thing.

I would recommend this to anyone who's ever done some "soul searching" or who likes to live vicariously through others who have done so. It makes you contemplate your own life choices and relationships, and it's a very nice story, as well.

4 stars
A Love Of Two Halves
A Love Of Two Halves
P. J. Whitely | 2019 | Contemporary, Fiction & Poetry, Romance
8.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
This is a sweet romcom, telling the story of George and Karen. Karen is a single mum with two children, struggling to make ends meet, working a dead end, minimum wage job in Leeds. George owns a very successful business, lives and works in London and is a Leeds United fan. He decides after a particularly bad trip north to buy a terraced house near Elland Road - which coincidentally is right next door to Karen. They fall in love, and fun and games ensue.

It’s a bit of a predictable love story if I’m honest, but I liked it well enough. There were times when I would have happily knocked some sense in to George, but I’m sure that there are plenty of readers who would find his lack of experience and emotional clumsiness endearing (I did on the odd occasion!).

All in all, a pleasant read, perfect for a summer holiday lying on the beach, I should think!
Thanks to The Pigeonhole for the reading experience, yet again!
Midsommar (2019)
Midsommar (2019)
2019 | Drama, Horror, Mystery
The Wicker Man 2.0
Contains spoilers, click to show
Grieving over the Murder/Suicide of her mentally ill Sister and Parents, Dani decides to get away for a while to Hårga, in Hälsingland, the Swedish community that her and her Boyfriend Christian's mutual friend Pele lives in. Christian and Dani's relationship is at breaking point (unbeknownst to Dani) and the other 2 friends of Christian are encouraging him to finally split with Dani. However, feeling bad about what happened to her Family, Christian and Pele ask Dani to take the trip with them and on to Hälsingland the group of 5 friends go. On the first leg of the road to Hälsinglang, where it is their time to have a special festival called Midsommar, they hang out in a field where they are prompted to partake in some Magic Mushrooms, to which they all have a nice trip before moving on to the "Community". Hälsinglang is a beautiful and seemingly gentle and friendly community, however small cracks start to appear... and Dani's friends start to go missing. Is this community, in fact, a Cult? Or will Dani find the salvation she so desperately needs...

I have to admit, Ari Aster hasn't had me from the jump. Hereditary in my opinion is a bit beige and "meh", but the Culty look of Midsommar attracted my attention straight away and did not disappoint! It's visually beautiful and the story is actually very tragic and gives you a realistic look as to why and how some people actually do join cults. It's an absolutely mind blowing watch and a Movie that I see myself watching many more times in the future. Well done, Ari Aster!
Tammy (2014)
Tammy (2014)
2014 | Comedy
4.3 (3 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Life for Tammy (Melissa McCarthy) is a struggle in frustration. She is an outspoken individual who is not shy about speaking her mind and acting out which is often as trouble seems to follow her everywhere.

Following one particularly bad morning, Tammy decides to move away from Illinois once and for all and when her mother offers her no real encouragement, Tammy takes to the road with her grandmother (Susan Sarandon).

Despite her health issues and love for the bottle, Tammy is happy to have the company as she admires the free spirit of her grandmother who wants to have an adventure and live life to the fullest at all times.

Of course trouble seems to find Tammy and before long she has to deal with a slew of problems as well as the increasingly self destructive behavior of her grandmother.

Complications arise when a farmer named Bobby (Mark Duplass), and his father Earl (Gary Cole), enter into the picture to provide distractions to the ladies and to make them start to see the consequences of their action.

Throw in short but solid supporting work from Kathy Bates and Dan Aykroyd, and this film should have been a laugh filled riot. Instead it stays in the bittersweet range far more than it does comedy, as many of the best jokes in the film were shown in the trailer.

I credit McCarthy, who along with Ben Falcone wrote the film, for trying to move beyond the manic comedies that she has done prior. The film is marketed as more of the same but it is not. The film drags in places as you keep waiting for the laughs to come and when they do it is very sporadic. Instead the focus in on emotions, life, and being accountable as well as other heady topics it is just a shame that McCarthy keeps having to play the lovable loser parts as to be honest they are starting to get old. I joked to my wife that a prison in the film looked much like the one in “Identity Thief”.

The film attempts to combine a buddy road trip with some deeper human issues but this is not “Thelma and Louise”, and it does seem that despite the best efforts of all involved, we have seen this trip many times before and it is one that did not need to be taken again.
Kiss of Death (The Morganville Vampires, #8)
Kiss of Death (The Morganville Vampires, #8)
Rachel Caine | 2010 | Fiction & Poetry
8.3 (7 Ratings)
Book Rating
I think Rachel Caine could make a trip to the grocery store intoxicating, as long as it took place in Morganville. Kiss of Death introduced a wide variety of variables to play with by allowing the residents of Glass House a road trip outside of town, in the company of the less-than-companionable Oliver. Little did they know that they would not be truly leaving Morganville's craziness behind. From a near-death experience at a late-night truck stop to the destruction of Eve's beloved vehicle, from the surprising usefulness of Eve's brother Jason to the after-effects of Bishop's passage through Texas, Claire, Eve, Shane, and Michael were forced to fight for their lives and freedom from cover to cover, with barely enough time to throw out a few Buffy-esque quips to keep me laughing as I read as fast as I could.
The progression of the various relationships of the main characters were quite interesting. Eve and Michael's relationship is filled with angst and stress over their biological differences, but ironically still makes for typical young love issues. Shane and Claire's relationship lacks the drama of Eve and Michael's, but provides a solid foundation for the two in the midst of the chaos of their lives without becoming sickly sweet. Eve's brother Jason also seems to be in pursuit of redemption with the relationship he has with Eve, even despite his ignoble views about life in Morganville. The reader even gets a broader view of Oliver that shows he may actually have some concern for the lowly humans.
The town of Blacke and its inhabitants could possibly add a new dimension to the series that I hope to see in the next book, Ghost Town (Morganville Vampires, Book 9).
Kingpin (1996)
Kingpin (1996)
1996 | Comedy
Familiar Farrelly fare to a fault (I swear to God that repetition was unintentional) - it's got every single hallmark of their films all rolled into one: extremely juvenile peepee/caca/sex jokes, USA heartland road trip, lovable doofus + straight man lead pairing plus the underdeveloped woman who puts them at odds with each other, runtime that's about 15 or so minutes too heavy, unpointed misogyny, and heaping helpings of sentimentality. For better or worse, this is the quintessential Farrelly film. On the whole though, it's okay. Comedy is hit or miss here but this can be damn funny, specifically Bill Murray - who easily runs away with this entire film (the film's biggest flaw? that there isn't more of him). Randy Quaid is a riot too, though this is oddly a better sports movie than it is an outright comedy. All these (still fair) gross-out comedy trappings are infused into your model sports film formula but it's oddly really engaging as that, and the comedy is just a bonus. I like how this movie portrays skill, and it's also one of the Farrellys' best looking ones, too. All of this is still rather simple but it's fun.