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Night School (2018)
Night School (2018)
2018 | Comedy
Teddy Walker (Kevin Hart) appears to be living a great life. He is successful BBQ grill salesman, he has a Porsche, a nice apartment and a loving and successful girlfriend, Lisa (Megalyn Echikunwoke). Appearances can be deceiving however. The between the Porsche and rent payments he is barely getting by pay check to pay check. Plus he refuses to let his girlfriend pay for any of their dates. Teddy thinks he is turning a corner when his boss tells him that the BBQ grill store will be turned over to him once he retires. Finally he feels like he will have some stability and decides to propose Lisa. During the proposal, at the store that will one day will be his, there is an explosion and the entire store is destroyed. Now Teddy finds himself is out of a job and with no diploma there is little hope of him getting one. Teddy’s friend Marvin (Ben Schwartz) tells him that he can get him a job as a financial assistant but only if he can get his GED. So he heads back to his old high school to take a GED prep course at night school. Thinking he can use his salesman skill to talk his way into cruising to getting his diploma. Unfortunately for him two things stand in his way. One is the principle is his high school nemesis, Stewart (Taran Killam). The second, the night school teacher, Carrie (Tiffany Haddish), will only help those who put in the work and his smooth talk won’t work on this teacher. Now for the first time in his life, Teddy can’t talk his way out of a tough situation and must put in the work to stay with Lisa.

This film surprised me in that not only does it bring the laughs but also has a really positive message. It has a recurring theme of second chances throughout the film. It also tackles learning disabilities in a really interesting and thoughtful way. I thought that yes at times it was cheesy but really stuck to the message of it’s never too late to realize your potential.

This Malcolm D Lee (Girls Trip, The Best Man) directed film definitely has it funny moments. Kevin Hart and Tiffany Haddish really know how to play off each other, even though I think the back and forth gets a little old by the end. To me the supporting cast (Al Madrigal, Rob Riggle, Romany Malco, Mary Lynn Rajskub, Anne Winters, to name a few) really do a good job and all have really funny moments. The best parts of the movie are when the Hart, Haddish and company are in school playing off each other. The film does repeat some jokes a little too much for me but overall laughed and like the positive message. I liked the originality of the story, even if its themes felt familiar. This may not win any awards but it was an enjoyable and entertaining comedy.
Dog Soldiers (2002)
Dog Soldiers (2002)
2002 | Action, Horror
8.2 (26 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Great British cast (3 more)
Black/dark humour throughout
Great one liners
One of the last films I remember to use makeup, costumes, and what looks like actual sausages for special effects and gore.
There is no Spoon
Contains spoilers, click to show
This is just one of those films from my youth that will never look back on with anything but pure joy.

The plot has already been laid out here, the reasons to watch this movie aren't really based around storyline. It's more that a group of "everyman" type British soldiers are thrust into a bat sh*t crazy situation, fighting off seven foot werewolves inside an abandoned farmhouse in the Scottish highlands. Comedy is of course going to come with that.

If the premise doesn't grab you, come for Liam Cunningham (AKA Ser Davos Seaworth) playing a bad guy, it's such a brilliant thing to see his range. If that doesn't do it, come to hear Sean Pertwee say "We are now up against live, hostile targets. So, if Little Red Riding Hood should show up with a bazooka and a bad attitude, I expect you to chin the bitch."

The jokes and quotables are thick and fast, the makeup and costumes of the werewolves is still analogue, and the work put into them must have been immense. They are genuinely menacing, and it's nice to remind yourself that not everything needs to be computer generated to have impact.

As a last point, Id like to point out that besides the great cast, the comedy, and the quotes, this isn't really jump scare, or torture p*rn, it's just an old fashioned run and gun, action comedy horror. It also ends in a way I just haven't seen before, with the use of photographs in a particular "action shot" kind of way, set up during the movie. Excellent.

- Rob
Logan Lucky (2017)
Logan Lucky (2017)
2017 | Comedy, Crime, Drama
Jimmy Logan (Channing Tatum) just got fired from his job and found out that his ex-wife is moving his daughter to another state. He lives for his daughter and needs to get money fast to pay for a lawyer to fight the move. He decides that the best way to get this fast cash is to rob his previous employer, the Charlotte Motor Speedway. He enlist the help of his brother Clyde Logan (Adam Driver), his fast driving sister Millie Logan (Riley Keough), and explosives expert Joe Bang (Daniel Craig). Together they hatch a plan to rob the cash vault under the NASCAR track during the biggest race of the year. It won’t be easy for the crew as they must overcome many obstacles along the way. For one they only one of them who can blow the massive safe, Bang, is currently in prison. Bang also insists that his two inept brothers be included in the heist. There is also the matter of a large private police force patrolling the track. But the biggest hurdle may be the Logan family curse. Something bad is seemingly always happening to the family. Jimmy was destine to go to the NFL before a freak accident ruined his knee and ended his football career. Clyde was on his way back home from deployment in the Army and was hit by a roadside bomb and lost his arm. If they can overcome all of this they can walk away with a fortune.

This Steven Soderbergh (Ocean’s 11, Ocean’s 12, Ocean’s 13) directed film is a fun and fast paced heist film. It definitely fits into the Ocean’s film model, with a large cast, twists that keep the audience guessing and well thought out ending. This films stands apart from those by being more hillbilly than the sleek well put together Ocean’s crew. The film dialog is well done and written expertly by Rebecca Blunt, this is the first screen writing credit for Rebecca. There are plenty of cameos by West Virginia Natives, NASCAR drivers and commentators, and others. I had heard beforehand that there were several cameos and made for a fun exercise in spotting the NASCAR drivers in various roles. The ensemble cast is stellar led by Tatum, Driver and Craig. The cast includes fun performances by a barely recognizable Seth MacFarlane along with Dwight Yoakam, Katie Holmes, and Hilary Swank. There were times thought that the various accents that the cast were attempting to use felt forced and/or missing from particular scenes. The pace of the film is good but does get a little slow during the heist set up and the two hour run time was a tad too long for me.

Overall this is a fun film that fits the heist movie genre perfectly. One news report in the film characterized the robbery as Ocean’s 7/11 and that pretty well sums up the film. The characters are original and if you are a fan of these types of movies you will not be disappointed.
Fast & Furious (2009)
Fast & Furious (2009)
2009 | Action, Mystery
Back on track
The best way to describe Fast & Furious would be as a guilty pleasure. There's nothing to lend weight to this film as a great work, an Oscar contender or a movie worthy of critical acclaim, but there something about this, as there was with the first, The Fast And The Furious, back in 2001.

Rob Cohen has never been known for subtlety and his 2001 film was far from it, but even even though he had nothing to do with this, his stamp is well and truly on it. Fast & Furious is the fourth in this surprising successful franchise, and besides the fact that I liked the original in spite of the fact that I'm NOT a motor-head, I've avoided the intervening sequels, 2 fast, 2 Furious and Tokyo Drift, for one simple reason, besides the fact that just didn't fancy them.

No Vin Diesel. I'm not suggesting that Vin is the greatest actor in the Hollywood, nor should be treading the boards of the Royal Shakespeare Company anytime soon, but his blockhead with a heart of gold persona works for me. He's likable and suits this role down to a tee, as does his dimwitted surfer dude sidekick, Paul Walker.

Walker offers nothing significant to the film except for his relationship with Diesel. The pairing is enjoyable but little more, but isn't that the point of adrenalin films like this? This is about cars, women, cops and robbers, and great fun to boot. The tone of this movie is on par with Cohen's original and though I can't justifiably compare this to the sequels which I have never seen, I don't want too either. This is the sequel that 2 Fast should have been and I only hope that now they're back on track, that Fast & Furious 5 could be another romp worthy of a watch.

It's nice to see a franchise go off track and find its feet again after so many years and it is a testament to the original cast who, though only have a limited range, have clearly breathed life back into the franchise.
Disclaimer: I won this book through a FirstReads giveaway (and I'm really glad I did).

Most everybody, at some point in their lives, has been picked on, bullied, pushed around, whether literally or just emotionally. What happened to Sophie Lancaster and Rob Maltby in August 2007 shows the result of that being taken to the unfortunate extreme.

To say that I enjoyed this book would seem a little inappropriate, considering its subject matter. However, I found it extremely enlightening, as I do not recall ever hearing about this case when it occurred 5 years ago. Reading about how news of it and the resulting foundation spread worldwide made me pause and try to remember back to that time, and I think I remember seeing the "S.O.P.H.I.E." logo before, here in Virginia, USA. That just goes to show how much this meant, and still means, to so many people around the world.

I found this book to be very tactful in its approach to the case, from start to finish, as well as the coverage of the fundraising events for the Sophie Lancaster Foundation and Sylvia Lancaster's work to change the laws regarding the definition of hate crimes. Having just received a Master's Degree in Forensic Psychology, and as someone who has worked with people who have committed Domestic Violence, the sections describing the defendants' actions during the assault, interviews, court appearances (as well as their parents') was extremely unsettling, but very helpful in understanding just how they could be so abusive.

I would recommend this book to anyone who works with youths, especially those considered "troubled," as they could see and share what could happen if they continue down the road they're on. However, those who might benefit most are those who can relate to the title, having been called a "weirdo" or a "freak" by their peers. They need to know that there are people all over the world just like them, and that there is no reason to take the abuse, whether verbal or physical. As Sylvia Lancaster was quoted in the book, "prejudice and intolerance is the new racism," and it can't get any better until those who promote it are held accountable.

"Hate is easy--love takes courage."