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Romancing the Stone (1984)
Romancing the Stone (1984)
1984 | Action
All About The Stone
Romancing The Stone- is a classic action-adventure film. It has a great cast and director.

The plot: A dowdy romantic-adventure writer is hurled into a real-life adventure in the Colombian jungle in order to save her sister, who will be killed if a treasure map is not delivered to her captors. She is helped out by a brash mercenary, and together they search for the priceless gem located in the map.

Micheal Douglas and Danny DeVito are the best parts of this film. Also Robert Zemeckis directed it. Its a good film.

Benny Sadfie recommended Milestones (1975) in Movies (curated)

Milestones (1975)
Milestones (1975)
1975 | Drama
(0 Ratings)
Movie Favorite

"Anyway, the next one I have to say is Milestones, and that’s just because of the massive impact it had on me in general and by Robert Kramer and John Douglas. Basically, this movie put within me emotions and memories that I never had, and I was feeling them in the theater as if I had them. There’s a scene where John Douglas is playing – I think he’s playing the saxophone, and the other guy is doing some ceramics, and it’s just such a happy moment, and it’s so small. But in that moment, I’m just with them 100%, and then there’s a birth in the movie, and the birth, you’re feeling elated. Not because it’s a beautiful thing in the world, but because you’re feeling the kind of coming in of a new life as these parents. And there’s just something about the cinematography, the people, and the characters, and the colors of it all. It’s an amazing movie. And I remember watching it being like, “OK, you can do this to an audience.” That was mind-blowing."


Rachel Lambert recommended Wonder Boys (2000) in Movies (curated)

Wonder Boys (2000)
Wonder Boys (2000)
2000 | Comedy, Drama

"It’s dramatically different [from The Godfather] in terms of this town and the world of it. It’s a good movie, tremendously. I’m a writer, so obviously I enjoy the content because it’s about writer things and writer dramas and writer people. It’s just one of the funniest things I’ve ever seen. I can watch that movie over and over again. Robert Downey Jr. gives one of his best performances ever. And very funny. And I love Michael Douglas in it; he’s great. But it also has this wonderful capacity for pathos in this very earned way. It doesn’t feel kitsch. It feels really earned and honest, so it can play those lines really well."
